josemon ago

I don't like him either.

ilikeskittles ago


heygeorge ago

Thanks, Theo! Please do.

Thunder is pretty much banned at this point, if I'm not mistaken. (Not to say he won't be back as an alt/is already back)

heygeorge ago

I'm not entirely sure, outside of squatting in a tiny CCP farming sub, then providing silent up and downvotes.

It truly makes sense that Sane thinks he's being brigaded in an organized fashion, because that's clearly what he was up to.

Brandon's link should be rather helpful.

Glad to hear you're 50% through writing your book! I'm looking forward to reading the advance manuscript. Or at least a teaser chapter or two.

brandon816 ago

Another bot farm that he created for himself. Best explanation I could find:

heygeorge ago

Goatku was SaneGoat.

Donbuster ago

Or, and this is just me spitballing here, you aren't being brigaded in an organized fashion where large groups of accounts all downvoat you at once, instead, plenty of users simply downvoat you on site at this point, or really dislike your "content." I also note you left yourself out of that title there, and your points seem to have gone down a touch...

TychoVoats ago

kills amalek

heygeorge ago

Amalek (presumably) still has a ton of alts leftover, just not the blatant upvote farming type.