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Nightmare159 ago

We're just trying to reconcile written history with reality

FrozenFire74 ago

Well there are 6 million lives that haven't been accounted for in racial statistics...

FrozenFire74 ago

You're a little late to the party, but I've already been talking with @Kosherhivekicker. Good to see ya again!

Crensch ago

You the one with all the little Anne Franks that need to be gassed?

FrozenFire74 ago

Nah, just the one that knows how to trigger you it seems. Hopefully you dont feel compelled to call me one of (((them))), since we're both fighting the same enemy. Division is their ace in the hole, and we won't be able to stop them if we get into pissing contest before the fight really starts.

Crensch ago

Whites will exterminate all the Jews.

FrozenFire74 ago

Ooooooo you're hardcore. I take it you're one of those guys that thinks whites are the ultimate race and everyone else should be ruled by the whites huh?

Crensch ago

Yes. And you all should be grateful for the privilege. Whites are responsible for western civilization, and the only reason that you're even able to communicate on this website.

FrozenFire74 ago

See, you're even more hardcore than Hitler was, because he believed in the races having their own lands to live on and prosper in. What do you think of the race mixers that would support your cause?

Crensch ago

Run and hide. Traitors get treated the worst.

FrozenFire74 ago

No no I'm talking about their offspring, not the people who did the race mixing themselves. I'm talking like the half white half asians, or the ancestors of the conquistadors in the Americas who hate the cabal that's trying to kill everyone.

Crensch ago

Half-breeds go as well. Before their traitor parents.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Voat isn't a meritocracy, @Crensch only likes to say that lie' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @FrozenFire74:

Even the people who believe in a Jewish cabal don't believe this. I mean really, you think anyone believes the guy selling bagels tells the president what to do? Come on.

I don't think you speak for everyone who believes in the Jewish Cabal, And Crensh is in that same category

No, that word has a specific meaning which we all still agree on. Go walk around yelling it in Harlem if you don't believe me.

Any race can be a Nigger. It has roots and definition as meaning an ignorant and uneducated person. Whites called slaves niggers since they were not educated. The real "niggers" are the ones who think words that sound like it but have totally different meanings are the same or are offended (out of ignorance), such as niggardly, or those who say it's okay for one group of people to say it but not others (double-standard), or not knowing that other nationalities were considered niggers originally, not Africans exclusively. There are a lot of people who fall into the category of Niggers in this day and age, as we live among blue haired feminist, Black and white supremacists, etc.

"Well really my point was not every black guy wears his pants around his ankles and some white people do."

Don't put words in my mouth, that very uncouth of you.

Women already have more than equality. Preferential hiring, more pay for the same work (adjust for things like number of hours and all that), lower jail sentences if any for real crimes, the ability to destroy any male enemy with a lie... The goals of feminism were more than achieved long ago.

90% of that I agree with, but women in African and Muslim cultures still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. Unless you believe that any non-white collection of people need to suffer because of their wrong color skin... Like Crensh

Regardless of all that, my point was that this Good Man Crensh called me out to prove my points, and I gave him that response, and he never returned the favor. He did, however, take the time to make a submission to v/whatever to have people come and view what I wrote, which is a rather shitty move on his part. He can't be bothered to respond, but he can be bothered to call in people to downvoat.

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FrozenFire74 ago

Hmmm, I wonder how far you can trace your heritage back then, someone so devoted to putting all races under the rule of whites. Regardless, I think I know as much about you as I'd like to at this point. Good luck with your global conquest m8.