Finally got power back after Florence knocked it out, and I got to shower and started thinking about Jews (as you do when you take a shower). 2 seemingly contradicting thoughts popped into my head:
- The Holocaust was a lie and the evidence seems to support this theory. Hitler never gassed the Jews.
- But seriously, we need to gas all the Jews.
Isn't it a little interesting that we deny the Holocaust, but call for a Holocaust at the same time? To be fair, I've seen The Greatest Story Never Told, and it makes a compelling argument for how the Nazis were demonized for opposing the NWO (very similar to how the Confederacy is demonized for supporting slavery despite Slavery existing in the modern age, both literally and in roundabout means), but calling for a Holocaust seems to just reinforce the concept that the Nazis were trying to Kill all the Jews.
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KosherHiveKicker ago
There is a reason the Kikes feared what Whites began building in 1930-1945 Germany, and still recoil in fear of it over 73 years later.
FrozenFire74 ago
Does this mean that all Jews need to die, or just the ones that are trying to take over the world?
Morbo ago
When we set out to cure a viral disease do we choose to let the virus live in hosts that it has not affected yet? Do we only eradicate it where it is actively causing infection and spread? No we don't. We vaccinate healthy people against it and treat those who have it no matter what the disease has done to them. Now how do you apply it to your question?
FrozenFire74 ago
Seeing as how Hitler protected high ranking Jews in the Third Reich, I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. Not to mention there are Jews who deny the holocaust existed. Even some of the survivors of the Camps have reported that the camps weren't as bad as they've been portrayed. And seeing as how some of the proponents of the NWO aren't Jewish in name or lineage, I wonder how effective killing all Jews will be at stopping a global domination.
Morbo ago
Well there's only one way to find out for sure...
KosherHiveKicker ago
How do you correctly distinguish between the two?
Even AFTER all the efforts to identify Jews in Germany, expel them, and internment those left in work/concentration camps there were still Jews working to sabotage The Reich from inside.
FrozenFire74 ago
I guess it's an Egalitarian vs Utilitarian argument then. Do we kill some innocents to save more innocents, or is it just as bad to sacrifice one innocent even if it means saving many innocents. Do the Jews need to suffer for the sins of their fathers as ancestors of slaveholders do in the US?
KosherHiveKicker ago
The Z.O.G. Controlled United States, and Zio-Kike Israel are killing MILLIONS of innocents as we speak in multiple wars across The Middle East-Eurasia-Africa .... even as we speak.
Why can't White Europeans play by the same rules?
FrozenFire74 ago
We could use the enemie's tactics against them, but where would we draw the line? Are suicide bombers on the table, or baby bombs like in Vietnam? Do you have a problem with stooping to their level? An egalitarian would say no, but a utilitarian would say maybe. Utilitarians were the ones who ultimately implemented Socialistic practices in society because their philosophy allowed it, so I have concerns about that slippery slope personally. Doesn't mean I'm 100% opposed, but I would be concerned about opening that door.
KosherHiveKicker ago
Since World War II the Zio-Kikes of Israel and in "Host Nations" have intentionally lead the world in Political Assassinations world wide, including it's "Allies".
It is long past time for the Jews to reap exactly what they have sown over the last 73+ years.
Goathole ago
One drop. It's genetic and that means ALL OF THEM.
FrozenFire74 ago
So then what about the people who have Jewish ancestry, but also believe that the Holocaust was a lie?
Goathole ago
You mean the shape shifters? The snake that whispers in your ear, "go ahead, eat the apple, it's alright"?
FrozenFire74 ago
So then do you know for a fact that you have absolutely no Jewish blood in your ancestry?
Goathole ago
FrozenFire74 ago
Lucky you, I'm a mutt in my lineage for the most part, although I have no reason to believe I'm Jewish. Regardless, I wouldnt put it past our Creator to play some dramatic irony on me in that regard.
enormousatom ago
What the people of voat are upset about is that simply attempting to create the kind of society that Germany began building, they literally declared war on them as a people.
N3DM ago
That's a good question. I don't know how we would justify killing people for the sins of their relatives.
The future will thank us
N3DM ago
Apparently my unwillingness to kill people is not popular around here...?!?
The future will be like, "no, you can't kill everyone with a genetic or religious similarity to some super bad people."