FakeNewzIsFake ago

If you are a goat, nobody will agree with you on reddit either.

Koyote210 ago

I like to get into arguments here, especially about mexicans.... it gives me a chance to say my point of view and for you to say yours... No fancy big learned words or pulling out a thesaurus, just plain ol' niggerkikecuntfaggot

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Pretty tough to do now that they took voat down...

Koyote210 ago


Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Are you on the boat app too?

Haych ago

The main problem with Voat is the numbers are much lower. I do like the controversial conversations on here though.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oy but but this is an echo chamber of misfit racist jew haters oy vey!!

bob3333 ago

Yep. Voat has its own hivemind just like Reddit. They downvoat facts they don't like, just like Reddit. BUT, they don't stop me from saying it.

TurdLord5000 ago

Yeah. Like the pizzagaters and Christians here have invented some undefined and nebulous concept of "Satanism" and "Luciferianism" and apply it to every political whackjob that needs to go to prison for crimes against humanity. When I point out that they don't seem to understand what those concepts actually mean, and are not applicable to the parties they are being ascribed to, I get downvoated to oblivion.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Proving yourself a fool as always you put words in my mouth. I am agnostic. I lost faith in christianity at a young age because of the people at church and the pastors abuses of power at each church. Plus the assumed moral superiority from religious people to non or of different faiths is disturbing. You should be a decent moral person because you have respect for your fellow humans not because of fear of retribution.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

No. Your jewish mockery of a religion sickens me. All you hypocritical sunday christians who have zero sense of actual morality just fear of divine punishment at the end are repulsive.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

If you were the representative of the Christian faith people would abandon it in droves. None of your jewish gods business kike worshipper.

varialus ago

Stay awhile; you might just get the best of both worlds. (Spending time around people gradually makes you more like them, at least to a limited degree.)

TurdLord5000 ago

My stances on abortion, race, and religion are still at odds with the majority if Voaters. But what alterations I've made to my opinions on those subjects since coming here have mostly been influenced by my favorite youtubers.

varialus ago

Voat is pretty balanced when it comes to religion. Seems like there are lots of Christians, disciples of the Old Gods, and non believers. There aren't many people of other faiths, but my guess based on demographics is that you're one of the three I mentioned, but you simply disagree regarding how well represented that group is here on Voat, is that correct?

TurdLord5000 ago

I just run into more Christians because I'm more likely to try to troll them. I'm banned from /v/christfollowers :( I do wish there were more pagans and occultists on voat.... so I could troll them too.

varialus ago

There are a decent amount of people who favor the Old Gods, but they're not occultists and while they technically are pagans, the connotation of that word doesn't really fit. They're more ancestral traditionalists. They like the Old Gods not out of superstition, but rather out of respect to the culture of their ancestors which culture was largely erased by Christianity.

TurdLord5000 ago

Oh, I respect Asatru. I just wish I had more folks of the fluff bunny variety to offend in this space

pby1000 ago

I disagree with you.

TurdLord5000 ago

That means you agree with half the people on the thread. Catch-22.

pby1000 ago

I agree with you.

TurdLord5000 ago

My brain exploded.

pby1000 ago


Karl_Von_Dibble ago

I completely disagree with this horse shit.

TurdLord5000 ago

Goooooood! Gooooood....

SexMachine ago

One of my lowest rated comments was regarding that Somali cop who shot a white lady. Before all the facts came out, I took the stance that maybe he was top of his class, the woman came up running to his car, and with the adrenaline pumping he just reacted....

Personally, I like to wait until all of the facts come out before I pass judgment.

In this case I was totally wrong. He was a diversity hire, and if he was white, he wouldn't have made it through the police academy. Their attempt to be politically correct and social justice literally got someone killed.

My feelings aren't hurt about it. Fuck, if that were reddit everyone replying to me would have been banned.

On hugbox echo chambers bad ideas go unchallenged. There's no one willing to speak up or they're banned. I want my ideas challenged. I want to be told I'm wrong and why I'm wrong so that I can correct myself and come back with a better understanding and argument.

I'm not going to lie either, voat gets a little echo chambery at times too. Almost everyone is in agreement on certain topics, and I have to go on other sites to find someone to disagree with me.

TurdLord5000 ago

Curious about what the other sites are. I love Voat, but do want to branch out a bit.

heretolearn ago

let me know of any other sites you find, please

BakedMofoBread ago

This is exactly why I'm here. Nobody gains anything in an echo chamber.

Also, I can be disagreeable without fear of unjustified reprisal. Just someone being a little salty at me.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

I drink in the downvoats when I post comments ruining safe spaces here about the cool side of abortion (I'm not pushing a living thing outta my fun hole!) Or how Christianity is for hypocrites - gotta love free speech! :)

Rellik88 ago

I'm not pushing a living thing outta my fun hole!

So instead of slutting around and killing babies why not just get sterilized? Or not be a whore, but whats the fun in the am I right?

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Go suck off your jewish god.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

No one shares your retarded world view. You are a literal retard.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Jews are great!

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I strongly disagree

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Good point. OK, you win this one.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Same. I'm currently getting downvoted (and regularly getting called a shill) every time I try to talk about the Gulf Cooperation Council in the Middle East, and how they're leading the way in taking down corrupt dictators like Assad and the Iranian mullahs (to learn more, I suggest that you follow ThomasWictor and HNIJohnMiller {among others} over on Twitter) but I don't care how often people attack me here. I'm still not treated account-wide like a spammer, I still have the same ability to post comments here, and I still have the ability to post evidence backing up my claims or ask for evidence from people I disagree with.

Far better than than the shadow-banning norm on other forum/social-media sites.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Can you DM me your info on the GCC?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Sure, once I'm on my computer rather than my cell phone.

CowWithBeef ago

I love how Wictor figures out the truth from combat photos and videos.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Glad to see that I'm not the only Voat "goat" who has been following Wictor's threads.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Ok fine, give me the rundown

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

At work now, will give rundown after I get back home.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Still waiting for that rundown

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Sorry, I didn't get back home until the site went kablooey a few days ago. I'll post something first thing in the morning.

niggerfaggot1488 ago

I agree op is a faggot

12529473? ago

all the same fuck you

barraccuda ago

faggots and niggers think you are a faggot and a nigger.

You can stay.

mynewaccountagain ago

Obviously you're wrong.

TurdLord5000 ago

no u

ninjajunkie ago

No you wouldn't.

Goathole ago

Don't kid yourself, voat is full of little angsty reddit fucktards telling themselves they're trolling us but in reality they just aren't being stimulated by by that other fucktard site. The joke is on them.

mrfetus ago

Found the Jew.

Goathole ago

Lol, I don't know what's dumber, you or a box of rocks.

voat is full of little angsty reddit fucktards

I guess I hit a little too close to home for ya and it huwert. Just because you post gas the bikes race war now doesn't make you a fucking voater redditard.

mrfetus ago

gas the bikes race war now

God, I love that.

iswallow ago

I also prefer to jerk myself off over circlejerking

TurdLord5000 ago

An apt metaphor.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Tell that to the users who get harassed for it. I'm sure they have loved it.

gentronseven ago

That's their fault, it's clear we will not cater to their feefees with newspeak. Leftism doesn't survive light being shown on it.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Theres a user here now who doesn't bash the jews and argues against it in his sub and is being witch hunted. I don't want to hear your hypocritical bullshit. This place is the inverse of screaming liberals. Either you are with the narrative or you keep your mouth shut. I happen to agree and share the same values as most here so it's not a problem but I'm not blind enough to not see what happens to those who don't.

rbuchanan ago

I'm not blind enough to not see what happens to those who don't.

Are they banned, shadowbanned or suspended?

I_Would_Gas_You ago

As long as it's a group of users brigading and harassing people its fine right?

rbuchanan ago

So long as they can be blocked, yes. It doesn't resemble a serious problem.

Thick skins preclude trouble and obviate authoritarian intervention. Not all of my earliest posts have been warmly received; I either recognized and rectified my errors accordingly, or shrugged off unwarranted reprehension.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

I'm right there with you - most of this site acts tough until you hurt their feefees. It's fun to watch them go from "safe spaces make for weak minds" to a full on REEEEEE attack...

Dismal_Swamp ago

Who is this user you speak of? You can use any of three account names if my guess is right...

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Joe_McCarthy. @Crensch and @Kosherhivekicker are character smearing him lately. I don't agree with joe but I don't agree with them either. You are probably implying freshmeat and his tiff with SBBH though. SBBH is the hiv infected anal wart of this sight and a whole different animal though.

Crensch ago

You mean the guy that writes shit like this? Or posted this and blustered about how he would definitely respond and keep it stickied, and in over half a year, has not done so?

There's no character smearing going on. The guy makes enough mistakes that I don't have to do anything but highlight them.

@Dismal_Swamp - I don't follow Joe around with tiki torches. He shows up on /new with some stupidity and I respond. I even upvote his bullshit so more can see it.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I wasn’t talking about you in general. I haven’t even seen any comments between you and Joe. I was being sarcastic with the tiki torches.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Yeah, that doesn't look like a witch hunt to me. People saying things, stupid or not, and getting called out or facing contradictory ideas doesn't really constitute harassment. It doesn't look like he gets constant flaming or trolling or posts organizing attacks on him, mostly just criticism.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Not who I was thinking of but anyway, yes you're right. The talk about Jews and what side you take on the subject will either get you upvoats or chased around voat by an angry mob with tiki torches.

gentronseven ago

I have often stated that I'm not sure there is a Jewish conspiracy and that I can't see exactly how Jews could be motivated to replace whites with Muslims who will kill them all.

You may be down voted but you can definitely hold that view if you're not a moron. Most leftists can't handle any level of disagreement at all.

Ashra ago

everyday jews=/=zionists. Zs hide behind the Js.

syntaxaxe ago

Usually one implies the other.

gabara ago

I'd rather have vaginal sex with my wife while browsing Voat, than have everyone fuck me up the ass on reddit.

TurdLord5000 ago

Damn. Crazy high upvoat turnout to a post I concocted whilst fucking your wife in the shower.

middle_path ago

I'm going to make your ass look like someone threw a cup of vanilla yogurt at the Japanese flag.

gabara ago

Sorry, I'm not on reddit.

middle_path ago

You tease!

gabara ago

We have an agreement with SRSWomen, we keep (the real) SBBH contained on Voat, and they stay on Reddit.

middle_path ago

super secret cabal handshake intensifies

12529485? ago

I'd rather have vaginal sex with your wife too

Tacodeuce ago


Skyrock ago

Can confirm from experience, vaginal sex with @gabara's wife is much better than vaginal sex with @gabara's mom.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I cannot confirm that as @gabara's mom gives the bes gummer on earth. Once those dentures come out the cock goes in.

gabara ago

your dad's ass is cash

mrfetus ago

Crap, there's a line.

GutterTrash ago

Remember, a blue line confirms parenthood.

mrfetus ago

We'll give her a plaque, "2018 voat gangbang"

gabara ago

A lot of people would. But they have to get past me.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

By means of ass rape?

gabara ago

Good luck, my glutes are solid as fuck. So are my wifes, thus the vaginal sex.

0rion ago

I disagree, faggot.


TurdLord5000 ago

Being called a faggot on Voat is like a little kiss of concentrated love.

fuckingmockies ago

That special kind of love that's made stronger by virtue of our hatred for everything else.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

3 months

Only faggots use the word "hate" liberally. You just exposed yourself, shill faggot. We don't hate here. We just don't lie down and get fucked by whoever happens to pass by, and we don't ignore patterns. You have the mentality of a faggot leftist, because you are one, and anyone here with and IQ above 85 can see that. I hope your miserable existence is met with a swift and merciful end.

fuckingmockies ago

I've been here almost three years now. I was here for all the fun stuff: CoonTown getting banned, @she, MH101, FatPeopleHate getting banned etc.

Yes, we certainly do hate things here. I've never understood why users like you submit to the assumed moral authority of the Left. "We don't hate." "I'm not racist - they have to come legally!" Etc. For fucks sake, man, there is a worldwide anti-white pogrom and only a cuck wouldn't hate those responsible.

mrfetus ago

Nah, brah. There's love here.

fuckingmockies ago

Of course there is love. But there is hate, also. As is only natural.

TurdLord5000 ago

Confirmed. I hate everything else.

Skyrock ago

I agree, but only because you disgusting niggerfaggotkikedykeshlomomudslime said you didn't want me to.

ScreaminMime ago

We ALL agree which is.... confusing.

mrfetus ago

Confusing that you don't act like the cucks we're surrounded with.