Datawych ago

You sound salty that your favorite pizza places are under investigation.

varialus ago

I'll stop lambasting my own the moment they stop elevating corrupt asses and stop their undemocratic shilling. #FuckThemAllToDeath

the-cats-nipples ago

How about these:

Shifting goalposts

Shifting goalposts implying that I'm playing the game unreasonably? I'm not trying to deceive you. I'm presenting indirect evidence. Yes, that doesn't prove guilt but it builds a case for investigation. You on the other hand are making the argument that implausibility means falsehood. Bear in mind all criminal investigations begin without evidence, just a lead or a possibility. That's what this is. Over time bits of evidence that build together to form a picture and a case. You can't say there's no need to investigate because there isn't any evidence. That's like saying there's no need to drink water until you've died of thirst. A lot of people don't want to investigate given all the muck slinging that's been done about people who are prepared to believe things but that's really just another way of saying "Nothing to see here folks!" That to me provides motivation along with all the crap going down in the world now. Definitely good to poke your nose in places people don't want you to see—or should that be smell :P

varialus ago

Skeptical criticism like being labeled deplorables en masse by the figurehead of the political party that's supposed to be for the masses? If she doesn't give enough of a fuck to address her very own diehard supporters on election night, than fuck all if I care whether she get's caught up by a few rumors. #kuru

wellfuckyoutoo ago

Why would someone wanting to compromise, modify, or fake emails include hints of pedophilia this way? To distract us from what? These emails only make Hillary look worse!

Things I think the Hillary camp consider worse than a global pedophile ring with thousands of child-victims of human trafficking tied to a non-vital staff member:

Regional wars with tens- and hundreds of thousands dead, billions of dollars in dissapeared money, millions of people displaced, tens of thousands childrens missing, industrialized corruption and pay-to-play realpolitic bastardization tied directly to the Clinton Fundation.

But that's just my 2 euro cents.

Definitely sounds like code to me.

As a person who habitually uses codewords in relation with illegal activity, I would say these are most certainly codes. I can also say that what they've chosen as topic is there to create plausible deniability. What ever the code words means, he still is a enthusiast cook who makes a lot of pasta. His brother still has a pizza oven on his patio.

It's set up to be unprovable.

That said, there just isn't any conclusive evidence at the end of it.

With all the digging that has been done the last few weeks I have to agree with you.

We're way beyond looking for evidence in the mails at this time; we're looking for circumstancial evidence on the wider net. It means that they found no smoking Pizza gun and it most likely will never be found amongst that batch of WikiLeaks.

As for motive? I'm trying not to guess. Red herring?

I can guess, and yes - It's a red herring.

After how things played out at the Equadorian embassy I see no point in considering Assange alive, unharmed or free until WikiLeaks give definite proof of life. That indicates a hostile takeover of WikiLeaks and thus having the opposition controling the intelligence flow.

Until Assange is proven alive I will consider the leaks after the 15th of October to be compromized. There have been very little of worth after that date, and what we do see is interpreted as pedo pointers.

If we were to look at the pedo chain in it self, I would say that Bill C. taking 20 publicly registered trips on the Lolita Express to a convicted pedo's private island where young girls have publicly claimed to be held captive is a better trail to follow.

But instead we dig further on sources we can't even verify anymore...

Back to your original statement;

There's no way you guys are this dumb. You guys don't really believe this pizzagate shit, right?

Belief doesn't matter, proof does. Unfortunately I think we're in a dead end when it comes to evidence so digging further on this trail is detrimental to anybody wanting to expose the Clinton's and CGI or expose a pedo network.

BigFatDaddy ago

Good point about Assange and Wikileaks.

Very suspicious. . .

varialus ago

It's rumor trolling. A very few emails are suspicious as fuck, so people are talking. If they want to stop people from spreading the rumors then they need to either offer more plausible explanations or outright prove their innocence. This ain't no courtroom, rules don't apply. But as far as substantiating rumors, yeah more concrete evidence or criminal convictions would be needed. What of it? Should the masses not be allowed to speculate about the dirty laundry of their elite rulling class? I'm not claiming that rumor mongering is noble or righteous, but for some of us miserable fucks, it's one of very few enjoyments we've got. Is that really so bad? If you don't like it, wave your wand to make everyone's lives exceedingly meaningful and rich and maybe we'll stop caring. Or maybe we won't, because if it turns out to be true, it's not just a little fucked up, and we ain't all uncaring sociopaths who'll sell our moral souls for a few perks from the powers than be.

Tancred ago

Concern troll somewhere else

srgmpdns ago

Everything by Adam Curtis is worth the time to watch and digest, but it'll take you days.

the-cats-nipples ago

There isnt any solid evidence. None. No smoking gun. Nobody on the record

False. There's loads of evidence. There was a post on voat just a few days ago with former chief of FBI investigating Satanism and showing their texts. You're right to say they use the absurdity of it to make others not believe it, that's part of the strategy. Do things that are so bad no-one will believe whistleblowers. You have to remember that the leaders of these groups are psychopaths. They have profoundly different psychology to normal people. They have completely distorted non-sensical views of the world. All they want is power and control. They get off on it.

You guys don't really believe this pizzagate shit, right?

Mainstream media in the UK reported slews of celebrity and political pedophiles: Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris to name a few. Why not more?

srgmpdns ago

No, but the entire thing has been discussed elsewhere:

Rb8623 ago

Thanks for posting this, I'm watching it now.

Lopsid ago

I believe it because I read the emails myself and they're quite unusual. Why would someone wanting to compromise, modify, or fake emails include hints of pedophilia this way? To distract us from what? These emails only make Hillary look worse!

greycloud ago

i read them, and there does seem to be code words involved. as to what those code words mean, that is far from clear. what you have done is you have imagined a demon and now you are looking so hard for that demon that you see the demon in the code. the code could be talking about rigged stocks, hey purchase this, sell that, insider stock information or the like. in fact it is spread across enough political insiders that this actually would be a more reasonable suspicion. but you are looking so hard for that demon, that you see it everywhere.

people project. what pizzagate tells me is that a lot of you out there are obsessed with pedophilia.

CrudOMatic ago

It was rampant throughout the British government and media, so don't pretend it's beyond the realm of possibility. Not to mention that the Clintons have been suspected of running a pedophile ring for a long time - what with them being chummy with a LOT of convicted pedophiles, and taking many trips to Epstein's pedo island - where children WERE HELD PRISONER and used for sex.

people project. what pizzagate tells me is that a lot of you out there are obsessed with pedophilia.

It's just projection, though. Don't believe your lying eyes. Fuck off, shill.

greycloud ago

i wish i got paid for being reasonable. you know what else is not out of the realm of possibility? that it is some type of code for selling guns in the middle east to keep the area destabilized. that is a little more likely than the pedophile thing, but you don't see huge conspiracies about that. could also be about running drugs, you know illegal drugs are a good way to dodge taxes. speaking about dodging taxes, it could be about shell corporations and money exchanges, that is MUCH more likely to be the case, but you don't see people talking about that.

nope people look for the things they want to find. that is just the nature of behavior. and when you have a bunch of people searching for children in sex rings, it is because they are interested in children in sex rings.

CrudOMatic ago

i wish i got paid for being reasonable.

It's completely reasonable to ignore the fact it has happened before, and completely reasonable to ignore all the connections between the Clintons and convicted pedophiles. Completely reasonable.

that it is some type of code for selling guns in the middle east to keep the area destabilized. that is a little more likely than the pedophile thing, but you don't see huge conspiracies about that. could also be about running drugs, you know illegal drugs are a good way to dodge taxes.

Why would they use code that is specific to pedophile rings then?

nope people look for the things they want to find. that is just the nature of behavior. and when you have a bunch of people searching for children in sex rings, it is because they are interested in children in sex rings.

Shill harder. You know what I've found? Shills will accuse people of projection to try to shut them down - same fucking thing happened around the British scandal - you had fuck tons of shills saying it's bogus and all projection.

greycloud ago

wait, what? code that is specific to pedophile rings? you mean like pictures and shit? or is every utterance of the word hot dogs now about little boys?

CrudOMatic ago

Then read the quotes from the emails - tell me that is normal conversation. It barely makes sense, so it's nothing other than code - unless you want to convince me that we have a government that is composed of t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m clones.

srgmpdns ago

The whole thing reminds me of The Crying of Lot 49.

Much Puzzling Evidence.

8_billion_eaters ago

ALL OF THEM WITCHES. ...nothing new. it's been going on for thousands of years.