twistedmac11 ago

Great work! I went to look at the reviews for Oakwood Homes, and I noticed something in one of them:

The finance company is crooked to the core, Vanderbilt Mortgage, and there is a list of problems with this place from day one.

Seeing the name "Vanderbilt" immediately got me thinking, as the Vanderbilt family is/was super rich and considered one of the global elites.

According to their website, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. is a Berkshire Hathaway company.

Berkshire Hathaway is owned by Warren Buffet, who is linked to Boys Town in this Voat post. Berkshire Hathaway owns many different companies according to Wikipedia.

I don't think this is merely a coincidence; I think you may have stumbled onto something here! We just have to figure out what.

Good work OP!

Silverlining ago

Any chance of a three line story at the head of the OP to bring it all together - Like news articles have headline, nutshell to pull in interest and then if you're interested you can dive into all the data. It strikes me as significant, but can't quite put my finger on it, unless it is a node in the trafficking network. And if we've found one, we know what to look for.

pby1000 ago

Cathy O'Brian mentioned mackinac island, which is in northern Michigan a lot. Does this help at all? It is in Trance Formation of America, which is available as a free .pdf.

Silverlining ago

Apart from being an island, why do you throw this in? What did you see?

pby1000 ago

I mention it because Cathy O'Brian talked about it extensively. It is on of the retreats used by TPTB to molest children. Politicians from Canada and the US would go there.

Silverlining ago

Was this on v/sethrich by mistake - Ecrehous looks like a v/pizzagate tell.

Littleredcorvette ago

It could have been. Hell I can't keep up anymore! So much information to process.

Silverlining ago

Don't I know it!!

Silverlining ago There is a picture of an old fisherman on a beach. Could he be the King of the Ecrehous? [possible pedo link with him - hero to pedos?] There is more on the twitter feed - must archive! - done. Someone else had already done it too.

User has only been on that twitter a/c since Apr 14 Confession - I don't really understand twitter - it looks like no-one has twitter back to Winchester. Can you tell if any of his stuff has been retweeted? Has he responded to anyone else's tweets?

Littleredcorvette ago

Same twitter experience level here. I was going to save a bunch of teeets and even had a list of what I wanted to save. But my skill level did not allow me to get it done in time. 😞

Silverlining ago

The transport looked interesting - FBIAnon suggested looking for the trafficking network and there was a map connecting the major population centers - could someone be trafficking kids thru here?

Also, Winchester has loads more coded messages on his twitter

Silverlining ago

What did the code on the tweet translate as?

Silverlining ago

The note on yellow was from a frame in one of those weird videos? - links to which video? 404'd

Littleredcorvette ago

I fixed the link problem. I also found the source. A cryptic twitter account. Post updated.

jstrotha0975 ago

Where was the cypher found and what is it's significance? It doesn't appear to be coded at all, just looks like plain old directions to me. Please explain.

Silverlining ago lots of code here! and original yellow note [with code]

Littleredcorvette ago

Finding the location in the clue. Nobody had found the location for which the directions were written. There was also some letter codes that somebody else deciphered in the post. But I only screencapped the handwritten directions. It just caught my fancy so I played with it. I couldn't tell you where it originated; Just a link somebody posted. Reddit? 4chan? 8chan?