26218327? ago

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25875979? ago

Kangz n Queenz and Sheeeeitz https://voat.co/v/videos/4050444/25851099

25706052? ago

Basically he doesn't fit the agenda. They even admitted it.

25705154? ago

Like Neil deGrasse Tyson is going to discover DNA

25706858? ago

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a dumb nigger who thinks the Egyptians were nubian kings.

25704813? ago

Everyone knows it's true, but everyone also knows that they're not allowed to say it.

2 + 2 = 4

25704692? ago

I got called an incel on reddit recently for suggesting we are not the samr

25704645? ago

The most intelligent people are also generally the most racially conscious.

25706571? ago

Bobby Fishcer (from Wikipedia)

Although Fischer's mother was Jewish, Fischer rejected attempts to label him as Jewish...

Fischer made numerous antisemitic statements and professed a general hatred for Jews since at least the early 1960s... He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards".

25704837? ago

Anthropologists understand genetics and races.

25704639? ago

It's not science if it points out differences between races/species.

25704627? ago

Notice how the laboratory's response is that the statements are "incompatible with their mission, values, policies etc. " ...


25704445? ago

Said his comments were incompatible with their "mission, values and policies" but not incompatible with truth. I usually love watching atheists eat each other, but this is just tragically sad.

25755937? ago

an Empire then filled with invading negroids, sold as slave work the Jews and Arab would castrate but why were they not castrated, so where is the Negroe? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4038679/25753781

25704636? ago

Right? That quote alone proves without a doubt the truth isn't valuable to them at all. They have an agenda, plain and simple.

25704337? ago

you mission and values are to lie and subvert.

25704181? ago

The left is all about science and appeals to authority when it (appears to) suit them.

But what do they do if it doesn't?

Simple. Just remove the authority from whoever is saying it. Can't be proven wrong by a scientific authority if you annihilate all of the ones who disagree with you.

25706316? ago

Just remove the authority from whoever is saying it. Can't be proven wrong by a scientific authority if you annihilate all of the ones who disagree with you.

That is jewish communism

25704825? ago

The meteorologist that founded the Weather Channel said that climate change is bs. Same thing happened to him.

25704590? ago

You've hit on the truth. The left do not respect or value science or the scientific process AT ALL. They respect and value Authority.

I mean, this has to be obvious since they hold Equality up above all other values, which science has shown is clearly a horseshit pipe dream.

25704497? ago

Yeah, they say they revere science but they don't. Climate "science" proves that. They start at the end and tune out anyone and anything that doesn't go along with the narrative. They were caught, red handed, fixing data - and still deny it. Wait until people find out about the holes in evolutionary theory. Could drive a moving truck through them.

25715865? ago

Lol, the evidence for evolution is beyond abundant. I'm sure you're trying to forum slide by pushing nonsense and turning this board into a bunch of retarded flat Earth creationist idiots but someone has to call out the disinformation operative on the board.

25786509? ago

but they are almost as dumb as rocks? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/4042231/25786359

25790709? ago

They’re underevolved

25707945? ago

Care to enlighten us

25711769? ago

I'd like to hear them too. I'm unironically sure there's tons of holes in evolution but it can't be as bad as the Bible.

25712437? ago

Ann Coulter actually did a fantastic job explaining it in one of her earlier books. As I understand it, even Darwin said if his theory is correct (and it’s still just a theory right ?) there should be in Many more in between species if I understand right. I don’t think there is actually a Skelton or fossil record that bridges apes and man ... and shouldn’t we see species in the middle of “adapting” how evolution says we do ?

25713857? ago

Yeah don't get me wrong, I am open to new information about any topic - I tend to stay skeptical about what people say when it's nothing more than "haha the people that believe in x are dumb because y" with no source or literature to share with anyone that might disagree or want to learn more.

25704246? ago

Modern problems require modern solutions.

25704011? ago


I think you inspired somebody.

25703654? ago

The secular saints of life science Darwin and Watson agreed with us not the SJWs.

25704131? ago

Watson and Crick were atheists when they made their discoveries. Has any of that changed since?

25704159? ago

sjw ism, pcism is a religion so I bet they're even more convince now that religion is fake and used to control low IQ people.

25704505? ago

Criticult race theory