Gothamgirl ago

I would do worse to her.

Crensch ago

I love it when you shills do all the work for me.

Crensch ago

Remember when you panicked so much you commented at least 8 times in that thread?

Argosciv brought up a relevant point.

You don't have to be the same person to belong to the same shill outfit.

argosciv ago

Crensch ago

The Jews are scared of what you will say

Vindicator ago

I was banned by him from SBBH right after I posted the link about hojuruku putting the bounty out. He didn't want me responding to his lies, either.

argosciv ago

Truly hilarious how much RB resembles ZB today.

Crensch ago

Remember when an avid poster in the pedophile support group SBBH seemed to have a specific knowledge of ESOTERICshade, DanglingGoatBalls, rarepeeks, and NOMOCHOMO?

I remember.

Crensch ago

I love it when you shills do all the work for me.

I can tell you're panicking.

Enjoy the edits.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to be revealed as a leftist?

Crensch ago

Leftist playbook. That's what you have.

Crensch ago


You can't answer a simple question. No concern there. Just found it interesting.

Crensch ago

Why is your playbook familiar?

Crensch ago

"I'm not going to actually debate, just say that I'm right!"

That's not what I said at all. Try again.

Do you even realize how stupid this sounds?

Yes, because it's your strawman of my words.

Gothamgirl ago

Connected to beat 😭💔 i need a break from all this for a few, plus I am feeling sick kinda ttys.

Gothamgirl ago

You lump me with SBBH, say I am a pedo, and I support the President.

Crensch ago

You support a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

You support a pedophile.

Crensch ago

You support a literal pedophile. Your ex lover, whom you stayed with during, and tried to cover up for after.

Shizy threw back at him what he'd been dishing for over a month. In no way does that make her a pedophile, that makes you a sick fuck that sends CP to @katharzso and hides your lovers' propensity to daydream about others' children.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude get out of my busines cause your not even close. Go back to drooling at the window over someone else's wife hoping she comes back.

Crensch ago

You're ashamed of your kids and wouldn't make any more like them. I bet they would get their feelings hurt if they knew that.

Gothamgirl ago

Hell no I raised warriors not butt hurt soyboy Sancho's like you.

They want me to enjoy my retirement and I have grandchildren Fucktard. Something you will never have, if you keep jacking off to an ugly married women's pictures. Guess no one told you, you will never make babies that way..

Crensch ago

You raised mocha mistakes, and they should know how you really feel about them.

Gothamgirl ago

My kids were not mistakes they are the best thing that ever happened to me. So eat shit niggerfaggotkike

Crensch ago

They were mistakes from their CP-having mother.

Gothamgirl ago

You have nerve since you probably cost your parents all of their happiness, by sitting in a wheelchair.

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it.

One day they'll know you think that, too.

Gothamgirl ago

Hey, did you ever get the clue I left you with coo coo clock? It was Black Forest in Germany. The hunt and rape kids there research it, do something useful, and stop wasting my time.

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it.

One day they'll know you think that, too.


Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie's kids to right?

How do feel about President Trump's grandchildren?

You're such a faker/poser you don't know wtf is you stand for.

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it.

One day they'll know you think that, too. Kek.

Gothamgirl ago

Are you pretending to be a bot now?

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

F Tard

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it.

One day they'll know you think that, too. Kek

Gothamgirl ago

Did I ever tell you 2 of my kids got hand written letters from Presidents?

My oldest child won his school spelling bee in 3rd grade. Had 3 years with no missed days of school. The military started trying to recruit him as soon as he got to high school because he was the fastest runner 5 years straight and was very active in sports.

My middle kid pretty much the same. Except the airforce starting sending him letter for recruitment in the 5th grade. He was once banned from microsoft because he built his own xbox which was actually better then their version.

My youngest son is a hacker since kindergarden he hacked his schools lunch system and gave a million of credits towards food to his friends. He hacked youtube in his 2nd grade classroom and shutdown their media player for 35 minutes. He is the one with autism.

My kids make me proud 😊

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it. That's why you dmitted wouldn't have more children like them; you wouldn't breed with another taconigger.

One day they'll know you think that, too. Kek

Gothamgirl ago

I had all the children I wanted do you think I was born just to keep popping babies out?

You want a taconiggers wife, you should give it a rest hypocrite. I have better things today. Better sip that coffee slow.

Crensch ago

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it. That's why you dmitted wouldn't have more children like them; you wouldn't breed with another taconigger.

One day they'll know you think that, too. Kek.­

Gothamgirl ago

When all else fails Crensch becomes a spam bot 🤣🤣🤣

Crensch ago

Why did you send another user child porn from your phone? She admitted you did that, and thought you were a sick fuck for doing so. Are you a pedophile? Is that why you accused YET ANOTHER user of "putting CP on my phone" when you got spooked?

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it. That's why you admitted you wouldn't have more children like them; you wouldn't breed with another taconigger.

One day they'll know you think that, too. Kek.­

Gothamgirl ago

Why dont you ask her out?

Why dont you ever ANSWER the question Crensch?

Crensch ago

Why did you send another user child porn from your phone? She admitted you did that, and thought you were a sick fuck for doing so. Are you a pedophile? Is that why you accused YET ANOTHER user of "putting CP on my phone" when you got spooked?

Your children were failures from inception, and you know it. That's why you admitted you wouldn't have more children like them; you wouldn't breed with another taconigger.

One day they'll know you think that, too.

Gothamgirl ago


Gothamgirl ago

I don't, you do RATFACE.

Crensch ago

You admitted you don't want more like your children. They're failures. You even killed one of them with your fat.

Crensch ago

Trump is literally in the title, its politics.

The subject is about how you have fuck-all for useful alternatives.

The ONLY paths forward that I see are:

1) Q is correct, Trump isn't a bad guy, we win.

2) We're fucking dead and exterminated no matter what.

Got any alternatives? Disconnect yourself to go where? Somewhere 5g can't find you? Somewhere satellite surveillance can't find you? Somewhere RoundUp isn't in your water and food?

And I've been pinging you in trumpowitz redpills lately in an attempt to piss you off. It's obviously been very effective, enough so that you addressed zero of my points and returned to the usual zyklon drama.

I'm not interested in arguing the merits of the surface-level of Trump's words and actions. If you don't understand what he's doing to that degree, you're not likely to have any common ground with which to have a productive conversation.

Cope harder, Mr. Rensch

It's funny how hard you faggots try to derail people that think differently than you. Reminds me of certain leftists and kikes.

BushChuck ago

You are such a fucking retard fanboi.

I guess that makes me a paedophile, eh?

Corona-chan's gonna fuck up your year, cripple.

Crensch ago

When nothing happens, I'm going to laugh at you.

BushChuck ago

You're a cheerleader for the ZOG sock puppet. I'm already laughing at you.

Crensch ago

Just thought you'd like to know. Enjoy the show.

Gabara_rapes_kidz ago

@gabara justs wants to rape kids. Gabara does not care who overlord is.

Crensch ago

Namely accepting this is a circus and exiting the kike consumer hamster wheel.

To where?

Do you have a space ship?

If pointing out the fact that trump has granted the first lands to Israel since the 6 day war makes me labelled a pedo by s cripple, then so be it.

You get lumped in because you're a 2 month old moderator username of SBBH. If you don't like that, you have the ability to change it. Nothing about your opinions on Trump caused you to be lumped in there.

If you stand with the pedophiles in front of the firing squad, well...

In short, go fuck yourself Collin. I like your music, but your fucking politics suck.

None of this has anything to do with politics. You're injecting your politics here.

Zyklon is a pedophile. SBBH is a hive of support for him and @hojuruku, who is also a pedophile. SBBH is a hive of support for those that shit all over PG early on. If you don't want to feel like I'm talking about you when I mention SBBH, you have options.

If you choose to continue as you are, all attempts to find my careface will come up empty.

Gothamgirl ago

Firing squad, that's funny it's just you and everyone knows you have brain damage.

Crensch ago

ShitGothamgirl says:

Firing squad, 🤣 that's funny it's just you and everyone knows you have brain damage, and can't fire a riffle from a wheelchair..

"can't fire a riffle from a wheelchair"

Can't even spell rifle, and thinks a wheelchair will cause one to not be able to fire a fucking gun.

Missing Link retard.