TabascoTabasco ago


So there you go.

Jew speak for someone who thinks you might be a bit of a twat. "Haters" "You Hate me" I can assure you, it is not hate.

Honestly. Do you really think you rank up to "hate"?

I would more go for "tosser".

Crensch ago

What else do you call people that want to shut down the speech of others?

Oh, right, Jews.

SuckaFree ago

The Satanic pedo child eating is bad enough, but talking about the Secret Space Program, hidden tech, DUMBs, the alien/ET/reptilian connections, Project Looking Glass? Yeah, I'm right there with you. We do sound like a bunch of nutters when put up against the history we've been taught. The greatest govt lie ever told was when the Clowns coined the term, "conspiracy 'theory.'"

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

Very true. I never followed conspiracy theories. Although, always a conservative, I didn't even like to listen to Rush or read Drudge; felt I could interpret the "news" better myself. I didn't even bother to take a good look at Q until a year or so after he began. I can never go back to the old me now. May God bless us all, even if you don't currently believe in Him.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I got some honest feedback from a loved one, not a hater. I was sharing what I thought was funny, that another person said to me: "so if this goes sideways you get hanged for treason, I will pray for you". What I thought was a laugh, my loved one found disturbing. The feedback was clear: "You sound like it is all going to get bad. It all sounds doom and gloom." Here is my takeaway on this: let them know about the hope. Even if they are brain-washed, emphasize the hope. Some stuff we know we need not freak them out about, tell them the HOPE. not Hussein hope, but REAL hope.

369693936 ago

“Only small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by the public’s incredulity.”

— Marshall McLuhan

Retired_Warrior ago

We hold an annual "Tin Foil Hat" party where everyone is required to wear a tin foil hat and share a conspiracy theory. There's a prize for best tin foil hat and best conspiracy theory. Maybe the others believe what I share and maybe they don't but they're far more open to hearing anything when it is appears to be harmless fun. Now when I say things outside the party atmosphere my friends and family holds their hands over their head in a triangle, but they don't shut me down, especially if it is related to what I already told them and they share their own updates with me.

DickTick ago

The main problem is that the actual crazies among us, of which there are many unfortunately, really do make us sound like fucking lunatics and, unfortunately, it's the loud minority that gets the most attention.....

MagicalMan ago

I have always been too skeptical for my own good, and this lead me from naive surface-level communist ten years ago to a traditional, natural law loving conservative. I've been following the Q stuff loosely and do read a bunch of the stuff just for the hell of it just to see if there is a glimmer of hope. You're right with the over-the-top numbers and coincidences that have people writing massive conjectures. Stuff turns me off. Maybe it's wrong, maybe it's right. It seems to fanatical to me. Maybe the disinformation from EVERYWHERE got to me. I read a lot of everything to see what people whom have my values and those who don't are thinking, analyzing current events, or seemingly often, trying to mislead their audience with. Part of me believes Qanon is a disinformation campaign meant to satiate anxious citizens, but I can't help but remember that during the course of this whole thing, many people are now aware of insane corruption. Corruption so bizzare and under-the-rug that no one would believe it or even hear about it before. Frankly, I am an strict empiricist and need results to believe the method. I personally really dislike the method of communication Q uses, but you'll say it is necessary. Fair enough. I understand that. It is also a big reason why so many other people outright hate Q, because it seems no different than the loose tongue of leftists wordsmiths and sleazy politicians. I understand their frustration. So I am waiting in limbo trying to keep tabs on which way the world will turn and how this will turn out. Stoicism is important in such a wild world. I'm rooting for the end of the massive network of kingmakers and kings to uproot and I want the government and media out of our life telling us how we should behave, when to love, when to hate. Fuck. It's unnatural and sickening. May our potentials not be wasted. God help us.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Uh yeah, you sound retarded, "Q says..." Q doesn't say shit, unless you're Bond. Q is at best a military pysop designed to placate you. Nothing is getting done to stop the (((Satanic Pedophile Cult))), nothing at all. Julian Assange is dead, unlike Epstein, his trial is to give you hope that there is any semblance of a justice system.

Sorry for being blunt.

Crensch ago

Nothing is getting done to stop the (((Satanic Pedophile Cult)))

Just a worldwide awakening of this kind of thing happening.

Nahh... completely useless to us.

Oh yea, this is totally normal, too. Not a bunch of pedos going down at all.

Julian Assange is dead, unlike Epstein

I don't believe either are dead.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

It's been extremely obvious who the pedos have been, it has been extremely obvious the government is corrupt, nothing has changed. If Ruby Ridge didn't get people doing stuff, nothing will.

Oh wow, those multimillionaire pedophiles retired early, instead of being lynched. That sure solved the problem.

Well Assange is dead, sorry to be a wet blanket but someone like that wouldn't be allowed to live by the powers that be, like Gary Webb.

Crensch ago

Those are very nice opinions you have.

Let me know when you have something tangible to support them.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

The Jewish religion literally supports pedophilia, their texts have been available since the printing press came around.

Are the CEOs you listed being lynched? No? Hmm.

Gary Webb was shot twice in the back of the head after exposing CIA involvement in drug trafficking, the courts ruled it a suicide. Assange could receive a 175 year sentence, a sentence longer than life that isn't life is a joke sentence used in many false flags.

Of course I didn't need to say any of this, it's unlikely you care for evidence.

Crensch ago

The Jewish religion literally supports pedophilia, their texts have been available since the printing press came around.


Are the CEOs you listed being lynched? No? Hmm.


Gary Webb was shot twice in the back of the head after exposing CIA involvement in drug trafficking, the courts ruled it a suicide. Assange could receive a 175 year sentence, a sentence longer than life that isn't life is a joke sentence used in many false flags.


Of course I didn't need to say any of this, it's unlikely you care for evidence.

None of that is evidence of anything you've claimed that I've disagreed with. Do you know what evidence is?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

It quite literally is evidence.

The pedos proclaim themselves and the government flaunts is corruption. Their biggest punishments are a slap on the wrist. Assange is dead.

You worship Q, I'm suprised you even know of the word "evidence."

Crensch ago

I not only recognize the word, I understand its meaning. Something you should look into.

ZombiClown ago

well , i dont lead off with the baby eating part no more. kek

Retired_Warrior ago

That made me laugh out loud. Now my dog is looking at me funny. key

Crensch ago

Hard-earned lessons.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

What's even more kektastic is that haters think their tactics will ever work here, on reddit, on 8kun..on any comment section..anywhere. They never understood the meaning of Where We Go ONE We Go All. We are EVERYWHERE.

Crensch ago

They fundamentally don't understand WHY we believe as we do. They think they can change our minds with nothing but mockery.

And that's all they have.

369693936 ago

They think they can change our minds with nothing but mockery.

Judeo-Bolshevik ridicule only works on people who don't know how to march to their own drummer. They didn't count on so many of our minds not being colonized by Jews after all that effort of the past century+.

Retired_Warrior ago

It hasn't been all that long since I realized what you're saying. I mean, I knew it, but I didn't really KNOW it, if that makes sense. I also realized I've been being prepared for this fight my entire life.

Buzzsaw ago


PGLiterati2 ago

Yeah, no doubt. Of course, I have been very careful about who I tell what to for the last 30 years. People started calling me a conspiracy theorist in the 1990s when I was telling them basic facts about American history--things that the CIA had done, for example, like assassinating Arbenz because of UFCO, or that Reagan deregulated the FCC which lead to informericals and more fear based news because the news departments could make a profit for the first time in TV history. So, um, not exactly surprising that they are not more open to uh more distressing information....

Retired_Warrior ago

You're just a bit ahead of me. I started noticing the things reported on the news about what Clinton said didn't ever match what I was seeing on the ground overseas. Later I had a job inspecting military contracts to ensure they were providing the services they were contracted to provide. You can well imagine how eye opening that was.

letouejil ago

Well thank you, because it's people like you who were dropping the red pills early on to help the rest of us!

Crensch ago

Soon enough you'll be able to talk about these things in the open without others thinking you're a nutcase.

The programming runs deep.

FogLight_Q ago

Theres a change in the air. People in suburban Texas are curious and receptive when it comes to small doses. Its like everyone is looking for firm ground to stand on now that big media is sinking in sand.

Millenials like myself on the other hand are so arrogant in their disinfo they wont believe any of this until its burning before their very eyes.

grace8 ago

Its more believable now then 3 years ago. You can see the day when it will be fact. But yeah, the haters really think they know it all and we are wingnuts. They get angry and hateful and then you know they dont know what they are talking about really. If they had an educated argument they would put it out there. Nope just the CNN hyperbole and when you ask them what that phrase really means, can they give a factual example of that or can they see how that doesnt really represent any facts they really blow up!

Oh the other good one is when you present them with a source and they say, oh factchecker says that source is fake news, so I wont read that. And then you say, Wow, are you concerned about your own ability to discern facts from fiction that you have given away your right to determine real news from fake to factchecker? Do you know anything about who factchecker is that you have given them control over what you read? Can you see how if an enemy of the US wanted to limit the spread of real info that creating a site like factchecker would be a great way to do it? Do you believe in a democracy that we each have a responsibility to evaluate what is real and what isn't for ourselves, that is all of us who trust ourselves to use good logic and reality testing.

Yeah, they usually dont like that answer. BUT I DO!!!

IYeah, they are so sure of themselves and I like creating doubt in their sources.

Crensch ago

Not a bad way to go, for sure.

Hadn't thought of it, myself. I used to have a canned response about SNOPES in particular about how it's an unqualified dude, his ex-wife, a hooker, and a cat.

grace8 ago

Those were the days, my friend!!! LOL! Well now its factchecker. So we gotta find out if that guy has a hooker. Honestly. What are they thinking! Sheeple.

derram ago :

Julian's Rum 🥃 on Twitter: "Haters think Q supporters are totally unaware of how we sound to them.

But we know how it sounds. If 2016 Julian met 2020 Julian he’d think I lost my fucking mind.

A cult of Satanic pedophiles running the world sounds insane. But that’s how they got away with it.

Enter Q+."

This has been an automated message.

rickki6 ago

must be shill witching hour...downvotes. On the brighter side Julians Rum!