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theoldones ago

@GothamGirl for the record sent me her face and body pics because [??? fucked if i know]

she is ugly, and looks like a sundried potato

Crensch ago

You can tell she's never once in her life been attractive, too.

Gothamgirl ago

I was a model for car shows in my 20's I was offered many jobs as a stripper, and in my mid thirties after I had kids, was also approached to appear in porn 🤣 never did the last 2 things, but definitely could have..

Crensch ago

No you weren't. You have the facial structure of a prehistoric man.

And you're ashamed of your kids and wouldn't have any more like them.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I was. See you don't seem to understand that I was a mind control victim myself. In the end he

they got $36k in assets instead of what they were aiming for. He couldn't fully control me because I wasn't on drugs but he almost had me there, his techniques were very powerful.

Crensch ago

And you're ashamed of your kids and wouldn't have any more like them.

Gothamgirl ago

My kids are my world, and face it Crensch, you are wrong 99.9999% of the time. Cause you are a brain damaged doofus.

Crensch ago

You knew Zyklon was a pedophile, and you tried to cover it up.

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck no, and fuck no.

Crensch ago

Gothamgirl ago

I don't recall that and it doesn't look removed to me.

Crensch ago

The comment archiving it. Showing it to you.

You removed it from BTA.

Gothamgirl ago

Where is the link from BTA then? You gave an archived sbbh link.

Crensch ago

... in your removed log that I linked, cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't recall doing that, maybe Beatle did, he used my account sometimes.

Crensch ago

I don't believe you.

It's logged.

You did it.

Get used to the idea that you're a horrible person that tries to sweep your lover's pedophilia under the rug.

Gothamgirl ago

Seek help.

Crensch ago

I don't believe you.

It's logged.

You did it.

Get used to the idea that you're a horrible person that tries to sweep your lover's pedophilia under the rug.


Gothamgirl ago

My lover 🤣 stop it. He is better known as Kat's lover, remember the whole engagement post and how professed his love and dedication to her?? She actually admits to sharing cp, like it was no big deal. Go attack killer...

I don't care what you believe..

You get used to knowing you have brain damage and refuse to see professional help and you have no Woman, because you PREFER NECROPHILIA

You're a bully, you seem gay, and definitely dumb.

KatTheHun ago

That was a lie. Like you I lied for his benefit (like your fake marriage to him). The moment he told he is a victim and isn't responsible for his actions was when I dropped him like a hot sad potato. I got that CP from your cellphone. You sent it to me. (Lol maybe another lie like how you lied about having CP suddenly magically appear on your cellphone. Yea well got it from you, sister duuuuh).

@crensch doesn't believe I doxxed her. He thinks kevdude did it. I don't care enough to screenshot my PM to him giving the information over to him to use for fun and in YOUR honor. I mean why else did me and Beatle and the gang go after her if not in your name? Boredom? Nope. Poor lonely man was doing everything to get you back and attacked her for you. Yet you still abandoned him in another state and helped him fall off the wagon again.

Also Crensch is scared of me. He knows I hate dead people. He does seem gay a little, doesn't he?

Gothamgirl ago

You didn't get any cp from me. I never spoke to you using any of my phones -only Beetles. I couldn't get services here at that time, and we didn't have any internet, try harder dingbat.

I didn't abandon him, it was a mutual breakup, and in the end I called him 3 or 4 times to ask him to come with me, and he didn't answer the phone. That was his choice.

No one is scared of you, you are the weakest person on here, and not very bright either.

Youre a dyke should know what gay is.

KatTheHun ago

Lol. You're dull and fun to string along but in the end we both know I don't need to prop myself up like you do in order to feel good about myself. Now go, puppet, and tell us how much better you are than me and how great your life is.

Women who need validation on the Internet are pathetic, yea?

Gothamgirl ago

You didn't string anyone along, I knew he could never be with you 😆

and neither does anyone on this site, I can pick out everyone's alts, I see people clearly playing both sides in all of the drama.

I don't need validation on the internet or from anyone ever at all. The person who is pathetic is you, trying to project what you think you know about me, which is ziltch, you dumb bitch.

KatTheHun ago

Lol. Ok. You truly are dull. This is fun.

Gothamgirl ago

Who is we? You didn't do shit.

Secondly, you can't chase me off this site 🤣 the only one who can is the owner.

For the last time you don't know me at all. Go get some help you delusional dildo fucker, maybe you banged yourself to hard and scrambled your brains.

KatTheHun ago

Oh my rofl!

So tell me. What worth do women have that all you think about is sex and aesthetics? I love that you believed that Line joke xD. You are wrong though I didn't talk about it I showed them!!!! Beatle really enjoyed it.

Gothamgirl ago

I know, I saw he showed me and all of his friends and told them how disgusting you were. Why do you like I know so much about your busted face? Everyone laughed you're gross and will probably catch cancer someday for putting things in your body that don't belong ..

All I think about is sex? I think about alot of things that is one of them. Is that not normal?

What worth do women have that all you think about is sex and aesthetics?


You are wrong though I didn't talk about it I showed them!!!! Beatle really enjoyed it.

You really have to be the dumbest person on the internet right now, no wonder you can't move out of your parents house....

KatTheHun ago

You're fun. Have a good day telling voat how you were almost a stripper and porm star and beautiful you are. We know. You need the attention. Poor thing.

Gothamgirl ago

I never once said I was beautiful 🤔 I posted pics so others can judge for themselves and I know I am no quite as busted as Srayzie.

You've talked about my children, you are fair game.

KatTheHun ago

Wow. My redneck lowlife ma had 4 kids. None of us are defective.... ok except me but whatever. Better score than you! Lol

Also yea you are right. I am pretty stupid.... at least I never was stupid enough to fall for "mind control" though I wish I was that stupid so I can use it as an excuse for my shitty personality.

I haven't talked about your dead kid. I only know of the two. The young one and the other who doesn't leave his room.... at least I leave my room and help my aging parents with their day to day lives. Too bad I ain't ashamed of living at home. My grandparents all died when I was young so yes I appreciate having my parents around.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have a kid that doesn't leave his room. What kinda drugs are you on, that you are making post after post of made up shit?

KatTheHun ago

I got it from the whore's.... I mean the horses mouth. Here lemme show you

You are a victim and you are not responsible for your actions. Just like your husband.

Gothamgirl ago

I was a victim, everyone pretty much is mind controlled to so extent these days, why do you think you became gay?

I am an adult who is responsible for all of my actions, and always have been..

If I had a husband he wouldn't messaging a whore with a dildo, or on the internet pretending to be engaged to a dyke, he would be in our home being faithful to me. I will find one shortly I can promise you that...

KatTheHun ago

Good luck actually finding a man that ain't a brain damaged drug addict cuz shit even after throwing money and bribing him into loving you... he just could not stand to be around you...

I mean, ma'am, if you were to actually have a lasting and healthy relationship with a man... wouldn't you have found one already? Would God not provide you one? Did He not provide you with many already who just could not stand being around ya?

Also nice projection about mind control. Lol. Everyone has been mind conttolled reeeeee we all are victims reee.

Also I love how you shame rape victims. Yes it was my fault I know. That is why I can't have a healthy relationship with men so I find it with the few women in the same boat as me. Yea yea. It must also be my fault why my ex husband beat me, too and forced a miscarriage eh? Jesus fucking christ I hope you get to learn what it feels like to have absolutely no control.

Gothamgirl ago

You are stupid I don't date drug users, and I don't pay for anybodies anything.

I was dating someone till Beatle left a note on his car. So I broke it off with the guy. We stayed friends though. Thanksgiving he proposed to me. He spent $8,500 on a ring. I said no though, but we still remain friends.

These Arkansas guys are really kind, but weird. They say I love you by the 2nd date, and talk about marriage by the third.

I have not shamed or made fun of any rape victim. You are really whacky and make alot of fake accusations towards me. Makes me wonder if you ever tell the truth.

No person should be beat.i hope he is in prison for murdering the baby. Sounds like you should get some counseling though, the loss of a child is traumatic and not easy to overcome alone, plus you sound way off and not normal in the head.

KatTheHun ago

No u.

Gothamgirl ago

It's funny you claim I am attacking you about being a victim, but are making fun of me for being a victim. You are loser..

No you Kys cunt

Crensch ago

Y'all claimed you were married, you claim to still love him, and you defend him when I call him a pedophile.

Get used to the idea that you're a horrible person that tries to sweep your lover's pedophilia under the rug.

Gothamgirl ago

So? We did claim that and I felt we both wanted to.

I love everyone Crensch we are God's children. Except Pedos they must be executed.

You call him a pedo, and even though he wrote some horrible things, which I can not defend, I don't feel he is one and I never will.

Say what ever the fuck you want to say I don't care anymore and I am done with this bs.

Crensch ago

Except Pedos they must be executed.

You defend and cover for one. You deleted his shame from BTA - the only place it was posted that you could try to sweep it under the rug.

Gothamgirl ago

You are a delusional dickhead. Fuck off back to your fantasyland where your wacky self, pretends to be a racist who wants to kill invader kids, while being a mod for the WWG1WGA movement of Q!

He is not a pedo. Stop talking to me if you can't handle the truth. He took his shit posting to far and that is all...

I absolutely will never believe he is one. NEVER. GOT IT?

Crensch ago

You defend and cover for one. You deleted his shame from BTA - the only place it was posted that you could try to sweep it under the rug.

Gothamgirl ago

Really you defend pedo lapdog all the time and try to sweep it under the rug.

Then here is Srayzie telling someone to make child porn.

And I told Srayzie way before that happened zyklon was using my account occasionally.

But Most importantly ZYKLON is NOT and will NEVER be a pedo. I don't care how much you say it or try to prove it, they were just bad taste, shit posts.

Crensch ago

Then here is Srayzie telling someone to make child porn.

Missing link being a retard, again. Srayzie was correcting him, not telling him to literally go make child porn.


But Most importantly ZYKLON is NOT and will NEVER be a pedo.

Defending a guy that admits to fantasizing about little boys getting sodomized by their bicycle frame. The comments you deleted from BTA showed that as an archive.

You can't change that fact.

Gothamgirl ago

Your right, I defend his right to say what he and everyone wants to, on the internet. I definitely don't like what he said.

Wtf is it you want me to do about it?

I don't see where everyone on this site jumped on him for what was said on that day, so are all the other goats as guilty as me to?

Crensch ago

Your right, I defend his right to say what he and everyone else wants to on the internet.

I never mentioned rights. This is not a legal issue.

You defend a pedophile. That's a fact.

Gothamgirl ago

If that's what you want to believe go ahead but this is fiction.

I don't want to talk with you anymore you're to mentally damaged, to hold a conversation with me.

Crensch ago

I proved it. You defended a proven pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

I have a dinner date bye.

Crensch ago

You defend a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

You defend a pedophile.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

Gothamgirl ago

Ex fiance is better terminology

Keep dishing it, but your beginning to bore me, honestly it was fun at first, but you keep repeating yourself like a parrot, and I have better things to do then to listen someone trying to brain wash, and mind control me.

You have been a dick since our first conversation, which is sad because things didn't have to be this way, and I honestly think in your twisted mind you do mean well. I would've paid more attention if you would've acted ethical, instead I just show up to troll.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.


Gothamgirl ago

He is your lover now. You certainly talk about him more then I ever have.

To weak lmao, no I am Gothamgirl.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.


Gothamgirl ago

You didnt prove anything at all, he had a disclaimer that said all is satire and performance art. End of story.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been handling everything you dished quite fine.


Go drink some coffee its to early to be cranky on the internet.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

Gothamgirl ago

Well if he is pedo like you say. Then so is shizy, plus you are a Necrophiliac. Which leaves me still squiky clean. Thanks for teaching me a lesson big guy.

Just think of all that typing and time wasted...

I can handle anything, I lost a child and that is the worst pain anyone could ever feel. You are some piss- on internet loser with mental problems.

You bother me ziltch.

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

Gothamgirl ago

You've been handled though. You're ineffective and butthurt 🤣

Crensch ago

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

And you continue to find my comments and defend your pedophile lover, despite it being proved over and over that he's a pedophile, and you likely are, too.

Gothamgirl ago

I can handle anything Spammy, just bring it on..

Crensch ago

Why did you send Kat CP from your phone? Are you a pedophile, too?

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

And you continue to find my comments and defend your pedophile lover, despite it being proved over and over that he's a pedophile, and you likely are, too.

Gothamgirl ago

Why the fuck do keep refering to him as my lover?

Plus he is on here, so go get him tigger @R3BIRTH

You can do it put your back into it 🤣

Crensch ago

Why did you send Kat CP from your phone? Are you a pedophile, too?

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

And you continue to find my comments and defend your pedophile lover, despite it being proved over and over that he's a pedophile, and you likely are, too. Kek.

Gothamgirl ago

Spammy McSpam face...

You may want to refresh your memory on Voat's rules NO SPAM ALLOWED

Crensch ago

Why did you send Kat CP from your phone? Are you a pedophile, too?

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

And you continue to find my comments and defend your pedophile lover, despite it being proved over and over that he's a pedophile, and you likely are, too. Kek

Gothamgirl ago

Your very disturbed and over opinionated today. 🤣

Crensch ago

Why did you send Kat CP from your phone? Are you a pedophile, too?

I proved your lover is a pedophile. He threatened to RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN. He did that for over a month.

And you're too weak to handle someone dishing at you what you happily allowed your lover to dish at her for over a month.

If you're a dick, and someone returns fire, that doesn't make that someone a dick.

You cant handle one of your pedophile lover's victims saying to you EXACTLY what he said to her multiple times. You're weak and hypocritical.

You couldn't handle one angry backlash comment. Weak.

And you continue to find my comments and defend your pedophile lover, despite it being proved over and over that he's a pedophile, and you likely are, too.

Kek <----

