virge ago

Shit I forgot. @Trigglypuff is one of the @virge posters.

Our bad.

Crensch ago

Tough to find a place for people like that to congregate and talk about their propensities, isn't it?

virge ago

You've got it all wrong, it's the other way around.

When the whole pool is crazy, the sane ones can do far, far more effective work. It distracts all the peeping toms, if you catch my drift.

Ask @NotHereForPizza - he's slowly starting to understand, and it's only a matter of time before he joins us.

You, too, probably. WhiteRonin did. kevdude did. So many others are all enjoying this particular game.

NotHereForPizza ago

Who is this "us" and what is it, exactly, that you think I'm slowly starting to understand?

TheSmallPenisOfDial ago

I'd be very disappointed if that was true

NotHereForPizza ago

i'm just getting more confused now.

first, @virge acts like he knows things the other day and now you guys are talking about me "understanding" that @virge just keeps acting like an idiot and actually giving crench's dumbass attention.

i feel like you fuckers are all just trying to confuse me at this point...

virge ago

You will eventually accept that there are now dozens of people using this account.

NotHereForPizza ago

I guess the joke is on you, then.

virge ago

Quite the opposite.

NotHereForPizza ago

you don't remember when you first started posting here and i kept telling everyone you were X's alt then a few days later i said you were Y's alt, etc?


virge ago

The only problem is you haven't accurately identified any alts at all.

NotHereForPizza ago

here we arrive at the joke:

that's precisely what doesn't matter.

virge ago

It always amuses me how we end at the same destination at the same time while traveling at different speeds.

TheSmallPenisOfDial ago

Nah, they are just weirdos.

As long as you dont go to team "near child porn" of Matthew Guit, you are okay

Crensch ago

My message got to the ones it needed to get to.

virge ago

It certainly did. We enjoy how you see through the smoke so easily. You're so much easier to talk to.