I walked through the front door like a Mac. I never thought I would see the day when NOT wearing a mask made me a rebel, but that's what I was. Everyone was looking at me. Every man I walked past I looked them in the eye and whistled like Doc Holiday because I know these sheep can't whistle behind that mask. It was how I demoralized them. I was Doc Holiday and they were all Johnny Ringo. I was free and they were all in prison. As I made my way to the sporting goods section I asked the man there where an item was. He mumbled some shit and I told him I couldn't hear nor understand him. I said "take your mask off and talk to me like a man". He looked around like we were making a drug deal and pulled his mask down and gave me the information I was seeking. I grabbed my item and walked like a boss through the store to the check-out counter. Women and children stared at me as though I was The Lone Ranger, except, ironically, I wasn't wearing a mask. I was clean-shaven and reeked of Aramis. I whistled loudly all the way. I think at this point I was whistling the song that Seth sang in the van in the movie American History X. I was a rebel. Then out of nowhere came an older man and he wasn't wearing a mask. I immediately stopped whistling. He made eye contact with me and I with him. We nodded to each other knowing we were the only two men in this sheepocalypse.
I made it to the self-check-out. Everyone was watching me. I whistled loudly as I scanned my it and bagged it. I said "Isn't it crazy how Walmart has the population working for them for free when we don't even get a discount for it?" The sheep glared at me with hazed eyes for what I was speaking was as foreign to them as Chinese language. As I made my way to the door I noticed the door greeter told the person in front of to have a great day but failed to wish me one. I stopped and asked if she was told not to greet those without masks but she wouldn't answer me. I said "if so, that is kind of pathetic, isn't it? But I expect nothing less from Bolshevik commies". I pimped across the parking lot and passed many who where wearing masks outside. I looked at them, laughing and whistling loudly. Who was that unmasked mad man? I am a rebel, people. Welcome to 2020.
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26786602? ago
I personally do not shop much at chinamart. There are, however, a very few things that can only be purchased there locally. So I do go in about 2 or 3 times a year. Even that is changing now, since mine closes at 10 pm. I prefer to shop at midnight or later, so can't do that now. Anyway, get what you need where you can find it, even if it is a dreaded chinamart.
I heard a rumor the other day (can't verify this, so I say it is rumor) that a customer at the local outlet was wearing the face diaper underneath the nose, and when the employee requested that the customer pull the mask up over the nose, the customer became quite irate and much shouting ensued. Then, the customer spat on the employee which led to the boys in blue being called in. I asked my source if the local chinamart was really enforcing the face diaper, and the answer was affirmative. I have seen an uptick in the diapered lately, but I still refuse to comply and go to local stores that do not get aggressive with me over seeing my lovely face. Looks like it will be awhile till I need to go to chinamart, glad I got stocked up!
26786679? ago
I'm with you. I and my fam cut our business back with Walmart dramatically over 5 years ago. I go to the smaller chain like Food Lion, Kroger and a couple others. I;d rather pay a little more then go to Walmart. I may go to WM 3-4 times a year like you.
26786732? ago
I shop a lot at Kroger, too. They have a greeter who asks if I need a mask. I smile and say, Nope, I'm good! and walk on in. There is also a really small local grocer a couple blocks from the house which I go to frequently too. They've never said a word about covering my face, either.
26786745? ago
Kroger is the only place I can find Mezetta red hot chili peppers, so I have to go there because I eat those with everything!