26781381? ago

Yeah I’m sick of seeing and hearing about those mentally ill freaks.

26780652? ago

There's good evidence to suggest that some people do feel they have been born into the wrong body since birth. Some people are born with a sexual attraction to the same sex. These are tiny deviations from the norm. Unfortunately as if these situations weren't hard enough for the poor souls involved, the Jews have seen fit to weaponize their circumstance against everyone else. Once again the problem isn't the minority, it's the Jews leveraging that minority's circumstance to extract value and create chaos wherever they can as part of their agenda. They are fucking Orcs and that's the Truth.

26780882? ago

Many kids nowadays are larping as these degenerates. It's a lot worse than you think.

26781833? ago

It's a fashion accessory to have a child who is "trans". Like a "vegan cat", we all know who is behind a "trans child"...

26780622? ago

Transgenderism is tranny on the human race.

26780325? ago

Everything is frightening!!!!

26780224? ago

Why we gotta accept their identity when they didn't even accept themselves?

26782143? ago

26779418? ago

Tricky Jews

26779293? ago

actually, and more accurately?
It's just an ideology of self extinction,
as neither trannies, gays, nor lesbians can reproduce themselves.
Relax, it'll die the death of damned foolishness in a single generation.
They can't replenish their ranks by procreating.

26781823? ago

They reproduce by molesting children, who grow up to molest children, in a viscous cycle.

They reproduce by indoctrinating children into their sick and twisted ways, con them into thinking they are the "wrong gender" and mutilate their bodies.

That's how the rainbow flag coalition reproduces...

26779462? ago

You are wrong. It will NOT die the death of damned foolishness in a single generation.

They are RAISING UP new generations. That's the point.

They are ABUSING children by filling their minds with lies and distortion, making these children question their own core identity.

What's foolish is to think that this is not as serious of a threat as it truly is.

26779476? ago

they only recruit by conversion, not by procreating.

26779521? ago

Again, the whole point is, they don't NEED procreation in order to multiply.

This is why they are "grooming" the next generation.

This is why they are in the schools. In the libraries. In mainstream entertainment.

Even if a parent tries their best, it's still out there.

26779544? ago

they aren't multiplying, they're dying, in droves.

26779550? ago

You really don't get it. At all.

26779558? ago

hopefully, none of mine ever will be the least bit interested.... in "it."

26779590? ago

Train up a child in the way he should go....