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26768172? ago

Or to promote promiscuity, the way in which their parasites spread.

26770479? ago

The Kikes and Kebabs both have similar goals, moslims attack, trafficking and subvert but they tend to avoid pornography business because of the islamic taboo

Islam is however not without its degeneracy, boys made to dress like girls in Afghanistan, both promoting the humiliation of the mentally unfit and dont see that sexual violence isn't good for society? The founder of islam was also a terrorist pedo who married a 6 yr old girl named Aisha, all there inside that shit book called the Quran, islam was founded by a degenerate criminal.

Owners of MindGeek: CEO Feras Antoon (Residence in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) COO David Marmorstein Tassillo Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us?...Hollywood and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. watch tv/porn you are watching gays & support open borders agenda. Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.

So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.

Pornography is a JEWISH WEAPON of Mass Control, zombification ?

This porn actually causes a chemical to be released as the persons view it. This chemical causes a person to become addicted just as if it were an illicit drug like crack cocaine.

Sportsball and (((the Pornography Industry))) Why is there such a vested interest in keeping the public saturated in porn and masturbation?

Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography.

Degenerate Canadian Jews like Tassillo, Fabian, Lansky, Ouissam Youssef,

Are Proud of Their Pornography?? MindGeek formerly Manwi a Jewish-Canadian company links to human trafficking & drug abuse?