26774219? ago

Why live a boring Christian life when heaven is going to be that boring anyway. Rather have some dirty fun while your time is limited and ask for forgiveness just before you die and go be bored in heaven for eternity.

Damn can you imagine eternity in a place filled with fundamentalists preaching... that seems like hell....

26771432? ago

It should be illegal. Same with strip clubs and anything else that is degenerate or unnatural.

26770900? ago

So definitely not Muslims, Spics, chinks....just jews...amirite?

You are one dumb faggot op.

26770520? ago

And the weakness of Christians permitted it. The jews are just little goblins, we have but to say No and we win...and yet...

26779863? ago

Yes and no.

Jews also own our mainstream news media, Hollywood and the porn industry and they all work together to poison our minds.

Jews are capable of slowly corrupting a Christian culture by normalizing degeneracy. Most Christians don't fight back because they fail to comprehend how Satanic the Jews are and how the Jews are all working together to kill us.

26780169? ago

Alright , can't argue with any of that, well put.

That be said, if Christian faith is to survive, it MUST be stronger than it continues to be...I heard a famous Russian writer say once, that Communism only became possible because the Orthodox faith was no long strong...our Sins catch up with us.

26770135? ago

And millions of Christian women spread their legs for the camera along with millions of the black who help the business. So you stupid shill shit head what's you point. Oh yea, your head.

26770502? ago

Stop being offended on behalf of Jews. They’re not God’s people, they worship at the synagogue of Satan - that is a direct quote from the Bible, btw.. so let’s go back into the Bible… Remember the northern and southern kingdoms? Israel was the northern kingdom, Judah was the southern kingdom. Israelites Are God’s people. They are very few of them left (actual genetic Israelites), and to be considered God’s people at this point you must believe in Jesus Christ, so they are actually Christians.

Modern day “Jews“ come from either the southern territory of Judah, who which God said worship at the synagogue of Satan, or they are Ashkenazis from the eastern European, Turkish area. Ashkenazi are not Jews. They are a bunch of Luciferians pretending to be God’s people and they dominate the world currently. They have no Jewish DNA, and never worshiped the Lord.

26770131? ago

Whn I moved to Alabama in the early 1990s it was a crime to share pornography. A BBS sysop was sent to Prison for operatinfg a dial up BBS.

Now , if you do a google search and are flooded with porn! Read up on Weimar Germany; they are doing the same BS to the USA!
End PC speech codes. 1A all the way. We have to be able to call a spade a spade, and ...

26769756? ago

Kenites, not Jews.

26770046? ago

haven't heard of kenite before, where are they from?

26778081? ago

mentioned as a tribe in Bible, (eg parazites, canaanites, moadites, etc), but used as a collective term to describe (john 8:44? and revelation Ch3, etc) "those who profess to be of the synagogue of Judah, but DO LIE, and are of the synagogue of Satan"...CHILDREN of Satan (eg fallen angels) and CAIN (Cain = Ken...ites). the FIRST murderer.

26779058? ago

I was raised catholic, so we didn't 'study' the Bible, thankful that you guys know what's going on and take the time to share details.

26780657? ago

Yeah THAT is WHY you worship STATUES and stuff. BAD IDEA. Also why you think you can PAY your way out of sin (Mafia banking), and why your priests think they can schtoop little boys I imagine. There some other GLARING issues I can't remember right now. Martin Luther figured that much out and formed the protestant reformation. The Catholic church has a LOT to ANSWER for. Forgiveness isn't a chit or token that is AUTOMATICALLY forgiven or bought. Repentance isn't simply saying your sorry to AVOID punishment. DAMAGES are done. RECOMPENSE MUST be made, EVEN IF, you ultimately get forgiven. Catholics (even some protestants I think) think they have a LICENSE to sin. Just have to have their "card" ready.

26773988? ago

He’s a shill trying to cover up his lust for baby foreskins

26769605? ago

It was only Jews involved? You sure?

26775569? ago

Jews started it and run it to this day. They brag about it in the israeli press. Read, maybe you will learn something.

26770800? ago

French, Americans, British names but lots and LOTS of JEWISH names.

26770455? ago

Welp, pretty sure it wasn't the Amish or Pentecostals.

26769553? ago

It's an easy lure indeed. In the past mostly men, but now they have the younger generation of women coming on board. What a mess.

26769397? ago

ALL Jew haters are ignorant buffoons.

26769386? ago

I love to bust a big nut on some wife getting her shithole fucked in by a fat dick

26773523? ago

ok coomer

26769444? ago

Noice 😎

26769305? ago

Jews have said openly that the reason they make porn is to spite Jesus Christ.

26770328? ago

Extreme global Jews push one side of degenerate whore Babylon while the jihads push the other Sharia Law neo-Babylon side. Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite 'Don't be fooled.' A Black Patriot speaks against the culture of demons. https://streamable.com/och79m Awesome shit..this needs to be told ... a certain (((media))) dealing in smut while importing a flood of 3rd world ignorant dregs ? https://www.bitchute.com/video/tnUdm7YiDaRd/ The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

26773210? ago

Again blaming shortcomings on Jews instead of taking responsibility for your own actions.

Porn is bad and we can all agree it's a negative force but satanist Jews aren't FORCING people to watch it, people are choosing to watch it.

The sin is with them. Not the Jews.

"Booo hooo I can't control my porn addiction!"

Next, retards will be blaming Jews for their cig and alcohol addiction.

(wait for it)

26775481? ago

So the drug dealer who gets a 10 year old boy addicted to crack, in your sick mind he has no responsibility whatsoever. Boo-Hoo kid you shouldn't have taken that shit I gave you. Its not my fault. Completely overlooking the fact that NO one had a drug problem before the drug dealer showed up. You have the moral compass of well - a jew.

26768540? ago

Jews created the christian religion to poison the masses minds and will to resist tyranny

26769836? ago

Why would they create something that goes against their beliefs, or have the man they hate the most (even to this day) be the center of it? If by "create" you mean being so evil that God himself had to intervene, then yes, they are the reason.

26768698? ago

You couldn't be more of a glownigger or more wrong.

Jews are so deceitful that God was forced to intervene, to sacrifice His only Son to invalidate the Jew's lies.

This is why the (((Sons of Satan))) hate Jesus Christ so much and why they had Him tortured and crucified almost 2000 years ago.

26770098? ago

so is 'death' one of (((their))) lies?

I've been reading the Q source, and Jesus laughs at the ones who believe in death...."let the dead bury the dead"....

I was raised catholic, so not well versed in the Bible, still learning.

26769959? ago

He should've never "chose" them in the first place.

Satan deserves no blame for the actions of the jew.

26779904? ago

Jesus didn't "choose" the Jews.

Jesus is not King of the Jews - that's misinformation. Jesus is King of Judea.

And just because Jews claim to be God's chosen master race, doesn't mean it's true.

26770286? ago

That "chosen BS' is just a Joo claim. No basis, they just said so. The idiots believe it; they need put down like a rabid dog.

26768721? ago

Your butthurt over the truth pleases me.

26768172? ago

Or to promote promiscuity, the way in which their parasites spread.

26770479? ago

The Kikes and Kebabs both have similar goals, moslims attack, trafficking and subvert but they tend to avoid pornography business because of the islamic taboo

Islam is however not without its degeneracy, boys made to dress like girls in Afghanistan, both promoting the humiliation of the mentally unfit and dont see that sexual violence isn't good for society? The founder of islam was also a terrorist pedo who married a 6 yr old girl named Aisha, all there inside that shit book called the Quran, islam was founded by a degenerate criminal.

Owners of MindGeek: CEO Feras Antoon (Residence in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) COO David Marmorstein Tassillo Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us?...Hollywood and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. watch tv/porn you are watching gays & support open borders agenda. Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.

So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.

Pornography is a JEWISH WEAPON of Mass Control, zombification ?

This porn actually causes a chemical to be released as the persons view it. This chemical causes a person to become addicted just as if it were an illicit drug like crack cocaine.

Sportsball and (((the Pornography Industry))) Why is there such a vested interest in keeping the public saturated in porn and masturbation?


Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography.


Degenerate Canadian Jews like Tassillo, Fabian, Lansky, Ouissam Youssef,


Are Proud of Their Pornography?? MindGeek formerly Manwi a Jewish-Canadian company links to human trafficking & drug abuse?

26768113? ago

Yeah. Kids get into it as young as 10 ans by the time the are ready to get baptized and live for God they have this snarling addiction to overcome.

26773579? ago

Keep them away from the interwebs and phones until 16

26768011? ago

All part of their satanic NWO agenda. They hate God and people who love God. They seek to destroy the family, the country and our way of life.

26767975? ago

The jew mocks white christian society at every turn.

26770121? ago

Why jews in general so perverted and miserable? 50% of them are atheist who hate God, Bill Maher but they still identify themselves as Jewish. Even in the "Holy Land" only 30 % of jews say their religion is important in their life according to pew research! Far less than Muslims and Christians and Druze in Israel.

Jews do not have the holy spirit given to us by Jesus Christ. Those who are in Christ ARE ISRAEL and the fruit of the spirit testifies to that fact.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

26769616? ago

Even the ones that intermarry with non-Jews?

26770303? ago

Joos don't consider that marriage 'legitimate!'

26769884? ago

The intermarriage is itself an act of mockery.

26769296? ago

And the white christian savages the jew at every other turn.

26775509? ago

So Leave...

26767929? ago

If only Jesus had admonished his female followers to put out more. Make blowjobs part of daily worship rituals. Men have got to bust a nut.

26769566? ago

Bro jobs just don't cut it.

26768124? ago

^^^^^ either a kike or a kike's golem here to mock us.

26768552? ago

Tinfoil buttplug fan eh?

26768147? ago

^^^ I found the faggot

26768808? ago

You looked in the mirror?

Good for you!