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26046570? ago

GAB has a open public twin that in theory trump can post into:

Too bad Gab has deleted politicians in the past that annoy Jews or raise the JQ.

26046665? ago

Sauce? I though they only crossed the line with porn.

Gab is at least built on the Fediverse, so just because you are banned from gab, you can still reach the rest of the network. Decentralized is awesome.

26046719? ago

Gab deleted the politician Patrick Little, who spends his carreer naming jews.

Then 20 days AFTER the outrage, (((Gab))) falsely claimed a tweet to ruin ALL THE JEW HOLOHOAX MEMORIALS in 365 days or less by a follower was the reason.

(((Gab))) was still in the wrong because TWO factors have to be present for a call for imminent lawless action, and well known by all law students :

1 > the illegal action has to be UNDER 365 days from now not INCLUDING cay 365,

2> the class of targets cannot be the entire class, it would have to be "gas xxx jews" not "gas all jews" nor "destroy ALL holohoax memorials"

Little has a rarely used bitchute :

26046839? ago

Stings the nostrils!