26049660? ago


26049028? ago

All this micro blocking they are doing is really changing the Overton window. McEnany seemed like a good dry run for jack.

26049012? ago

only because patriots are in control

26048927? ago

Mr. Reagan did a video last night. The Mainstream still has not divulged the Hunter Biden story. It's disgusting.

26048900? ago

They won't, that's a nuclear option and could cost the election on its own.

It's more likely they close his Twitter AFTER the election, to prevent all the anti-social media talk

26048768? ago

Plan is coming along AMAZINGLY WELL
SO much good happening
When will people focus on the good
When will they count their blessings

The Blessings are so many

26048635? ago

Gab.com won't shut down POTUS' account. Get on Gab!

26048547? ago

you know it

26048178? ago

I'm sure the boss will try to let this happen.

26047977? ago

post 64

Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)

"Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point."


3 year delta.

26049767? ago

fuck. Guess I need to get my groceries stocked up and Christmas shopping done early.

26055631? ago

Yeah, that's what we're trying to do. Because this line:

"We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack."

What was that about China trying to use NK to fire missiles?

26047164? ago

If so, chalk up another Q proof.

26047149? ago

I just signed up on Gab, just in case we go down at some point or POTUS gets censored or banned on twatter and fb.

26050584? ago

No need to sign up on censoring Gab...

GAB has a open public twin that in theory trump can post into:



See? No need to sign up.

Too bad Gab has deleted politicians in the past that annoy Jews or raise the JQ.

Gab deleted the politician Patrick Little, 11/20/2018, who spends his career naming jews.

Gab's (((Andrew Torbastein))) Banned California Candidate Patrick Little.

https://gab.com/gab/posts/41584631 [admin post DELETED BY JEW GAB recently]

Gab interfered with USA elections and deleted and censored and banned political speech by Patrick Little.

Patrick Little was a Senate candidate!

And (((Gab.io))) got caught deleting two posts by Patrick Little !!!

The posts were NOT ILLEGAL under US LAW!!!

Then Gab started saying Microsoft ordered them to ban that senate candidate !!!

Patrick Little had 18% polling in polls less than 2.2 years ago. His past interviews mentioning how xx % of government is fully run by jews, cost him though. Even Republican Party tried to stop him and Democrats did not want to try and partially advance him in jest, as they did with Trump (backfired).

The left (socialist) is the Nazi party, (refer to https://www.dineshdsouza.com/books/the-big-lie/) but they tried to brand this guy as a National Socialist when his polling hit 18% : https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/05/03/neo-nazi-california-senate/579612002/

look at the link format!!! It actually claims a RIGHT wing guy is a socialist ! Naughty MSM.

That's USA today that stated :

Patrick Little got more support than any other Republican candidate in an April 27 SurveyUSA poll. Little polled at 18%, compared with Feinstein's 39%. The next highest-performing GOP candidate came in at 8%.

18% to 1% ... Amazing what the deep state can achieve against a guy.

GAB.AI weeks after banning LIED! (25 DAYS later)

Patrick Little was banned for a false allegation. He was a Jew Namer. He was banned. When pressured Gab.io claimed he committed some form of crime. The fake crime was provable free speech and not a direct threat of any crime.

He or someone on his thread stated that he hoped someone would deface a jewish holocaust memorial in the next 365 days or less. But the 365 days is a special SCOTUS exception in free speech (not imminent), and the lack of subset is second 100% exclusion in SCOTUS for free speech and "imminent lawless action".

The US Supreme court ruled MANY MANY TIMES that to be illegal speech and a call to imminent violence or crime, an utterance needs TWO components :

1 > A SPECIFIC TARGET OR TARGETS not including a complete class of targets.

2 > AN IMMINENT TIME PERIOD LESS THAN 365 days from now.

NEITHER condition was met by gab.io preposterous post-ban claim, and the utterance is wholly free speech.


Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [must be less than 12 months] :


there are like 68 or more holohoax memorials in usa all over and not naming a subset or viable target also makes the speech into FREE SPEECH. he did not name a specific target.

He also did not name a specific time.



Gab banned a political candidate that at one time had 18% of poll number at peak.

Gab banned Patrick Little, a politician for merely naming Jews often.

Gab banned him for naming Jews

Gab is corrupt. Gab LIED and had no evidence of a valid reason to ban Patrick Little, and Gabs army of shills on vote gave -36 votes to posts revealing what Gab did to patrick! -36 votes ! (https://voat.co/v/technology/2864732/) Gab censors, and gab shills on voat downvote talk about gab censoring!!!!

gab shills DOWNVOTE these facts!

make no mistake..... Little was not DE-PLATFORMED ENTIRELY by Gab for Little's 25 day old post prior, that is clearly provably free speech, nor from fans of his discussing concept of doxxing someone...

Little was DE-PLATFORMED ENTIRELY by by Gab.ai because Little frequently Names the Jews.

Many people claim too many Jews control and manipulate Gab.ai and provide evidence of GAB.AI MOSSAD CLICKBAIT : read : https://archive.is/3gMhL

Also regarding Gab.ai :

A gabbai (Hebrew: גבאי‎‎), is a person who assists in the running of synagogue services.

Gabbai is also a jewish last name. The Gabbai (Gubbay, Gabbay) family of Baghdadi jews was literally in bed with the SASSOON family and they moved to India in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Little has a rarely used bitchute : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RR9JmTwsSe5H/

26048409? ago

Bookmark the 8kun site. Go to the first thread that is Q Research General.


Hover mouse over notables or open the links in new tab to see the main points

26048432? ago

Thanks. I have always had difficulty navigating 8kun, and 8chan before that. It also loads really slowly. Is there a way to re-order the posts so that the latest posts are the top?

26048487? ago

It's just messages. Can't reorder anything. Best to let it load, go to very bottom, and scroll upwards o.0

Once that page is loaded, it's quick to go between the messages.

Once 750 messages, it's full and the Baker makes a new thread (Bread).

Took me AGES to figure that out! Once I figured it out, piece of cake.

On Mobile, I would just click on the notables. Then click back to go back to the notables part. Its slow on mobile, and I dont use it much on mobile. Desktop is better for me.

26048491? ago

Sounds good.ty

26048239? ago

Parler is the alternative.

26047077? ago

And we won't know result for 10 days

26047128? ago

10 days.


Translation: 420 Electoral votes

26049758? ago

funny stoner

26049154? ago

That didn't say dankness, they said darnkess. Now what does darnkess mean?

26049290? ago

It likely refers to a book titled, "Three Days Of Darnkess" by Glen Aitken. I haven't read it, but Goodreads describes it as,

"John Staggar must fight his way through the city to save 5 year old Susan Riddle during three days where hell reigns on earth."

26046979? ago

Yes no shit

26046893? ago

Wouldn't surprise me too much but i don't think it would be a smart move.

26046846? ago

from: doglegwarrior

gab coming along yet? these are just fucking websites I dont understand how someone cant just make something similar but better! what the fuck!?

26047146? ago

Parler, bro.

26047987? ago

What about Rumble? Where Dan Bongino is?

26047020? ago

Really the time is now fo replace youtube, and liberate aggregate news by replacing reddit.

26046570? ago

GAB has a open public twin that in theory trump can post into:



Too bad Gab has deleted politicians in the past that annoy Jews or raise the JQ.

26047413? ago

A site called gabbai banned talk of jews? I did NOT see that coming!

26047175? ago

Found the division fag

26046824? ago

Too bad Gab has deleted politicians in the past that annoy Jews or raise the JQ.

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

If you choose to go on the road toward Evil behaviors I'll let you go there alone, sorry.

Patriot Orthodox Jews in New York Showing their Support for #Trump2020. Dancing October 7th, 2020.

20 seconds videos:

• Mirror 1 https://video.maga.host/videos/watch/3d79c057-6f71-44ec-8e53-09325cd13f7d

• Mirror 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/ffa816c3-59b2-445d-b147-3291ec572a61

• Mirror 3 https://libre.video/videos/watch/74671235-387d-462a-9822-d5579dd7f305

• Mirror 4 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/9207c78a-e0fc-4fb0-be4e-32f6fb8296fe

• Mirror 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20201008174359/https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238

• Mirror 6. Original at https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

26047091? ago

anyone who sides with demon jews is a piece of shit! Jews hate white people.




Q#4722- Meet Norman Eisen, the Dirty jew Behind the Color Revolution Against POTUS (QRV)


Q#4003 Meet Heinz Alfred Kissinger - The New World Order Plan...


Q#4748-"The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?" (QRV)


Q#4788- What are the odds? Coincidence? [H.Res. 1154: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.] (QRV)


Q#916"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"


Why are Two Former Department of Homeland Security Heads Working With An Israeli Intelligence Firm That Until Recently Was Led By Ehud Barak and Nicole Junkermann? (QRV)


Who's Been Pulling Your Strings? Meet The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (QRV)


(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.


Al Goldstein: "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks... Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture..." (QRV)


Was the Mainstream Media Directly Involved in 9/11?


UPDATED: Newt Gingrich Mentions George Soros and Fox Hosts Basically Say 'Das Ist Verboten'


What Is Gaslighting? "Sorry, America, You’re Wrong, the Jews Did Not Kill Jesus"


Henry Ford Wrote About the Deep State in 1920 (QRV)


Patton On Communism And The Khazar Jews- General Patton's Warning


"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton


109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?


The Zionist Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals


So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? KALERGI PLAN (QRV)


Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, is the Democrats’ newest Jewish star


Nancy Pelosi: 'My father was a Shabbos Goy'


Jewish Members of U.S. Congress | 116th Congress


Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)


Jewish Democrats- For nearly a century, one party has captured the vast majority of Jewish votes.


Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"


Are the Majority of Pedophiles Jews?


Are jews behind communism in China?


The Jews in pre-WW2 Germany were 2% of the population but 50% of the media, 70% of judges and tremendously overrepresented in banking, film, theater and literature. They tried to destroy Germany. (QRV)


AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)


Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.


Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police


Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)


Q#998 "Why Do They Persecute Me So?"


What is Jewish Bolshevism?


Bolshevik Lives Matter More- Professor James Tracy


Are They Wrong?: "Jewish Democratic Council compares Trump's America to 1930s Germany in new ad"


Who Started World War 2?


Jews Are Behind The Largest Mass Murders in the History of the World... (QRV)


Bolshevik jews Slaughtered Millions of Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, Many of Whom Were Christians, in the Years Leading Up to WWII


Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)


If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own? (QRV)


Did You Know the jews Piled Up 2 Tons of Hair At Auschwitz Museum to Convince Gullible Tourists the Holocaust Happened? (QRV)


jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.


Did You Know These People Have Been Receiving Reparations for Nearly Seven Decades? (QRV)


Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)


MANY References to "Six Million Jews" in Newspapers Before World War II


Why Are We Sending Billions in Aid to Israel Every Year?...


...When HALF of the World's jews Live in America and Are Trying to Destroy America?


What Is an Anti-Semite? (QRV)


Ever Wonder Why Q Sent Us HERE of All Places? (QRV)


Ever Wonder Who's Been Calling You a Nazifag?




How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?




Then said the Jews, Will He kill himself? because He saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. And He said unto them, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." ... Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."


26046907? ago

Anyone who helps us win is a friend.

26046665? ago

Sauce? I though they only crossed the line with porn.

Gab is at least built on the Fediverse, so just because you are banned from gab, you can still reach the rest of the network. Decentralized is awesome.

26046719? ago

Gab deleted the politician Patrick Little, who spends his carreer naming jews.

Then 20 days AFTER the outrage, (((Gab))) falsely claimed a tweet to ruin ALL THE JEW HOLOHOAX MEMORIALS in 365 days or less by a follower was the reason.

(((Gab))) was still in the wrong because TWO factors have to be present for a call for imminent lawless action, and well known by all law students :

1 > the illegal action has to be UNDER 365 days from now not INCLUDING cay 365,

2> the class of targets cannot be the entire class, it would have to be "gas xxx jews" not "gas all jews" nor "destroy ALL holohoax memorials"

Little has a rarely used bitchute : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RR9JmTwsSe5H/

26046839? ago

Stings the nostrils!

26046427? ago

Wouldn't surprise me.. Now why doesn't Trump just leave twatter? People will follow him. Him leaving would single-handedly destroy the platform.

26058225? ago

leaving means they win. stay and stand your ground until you're proven right

26048674? ago

Twitter IS the battleground. To leave it means surrender.

26051543? ago

Why would you go to battle on a rigged battleground? That doesn’t even make sense. They control 100%

26048191? ago

Why would he do that?

He has them where he wanted them to be. It's a Catch 22.

You shut down POTUS's account and you redpill a ton of normie on the censorship.

You don't shut down his account, and he will redpill the normies on the deep state.

It's a win win for POTUS.

26051531? ago

That’s like saying google censors and it shows all the normies. In reality they see exactly what they are shown and most don’t even know they are reading manipulated results.

26047836? ago

Twitter was a propaganda weapon from the beginning. It's all about narrative control.

26046678? ago

lol. You think Twitter would get destroyed if the president stopped using it? Twitter has never turned a profit, the only thing they would lose is the president. A very small percent would delete their twitter account if that happened.

26050578? ago

Deleted my Twit account years ago. They are irrelevant to me. Facebook, Linked In, etc...

26046758? ago

Twitter would become even more of a bot echo chamber if the President leaves. Let's see what happens to twitter after this election. It's never been a great site.

26046787? ago

it will die after the election

26046724? ago

How much of it is political now? If he leaves then more leave. It wouldn't be just him. Not only that how much of twitter is just bots.

26046589? ago

Trump should at least mention other less-kiked platforms :


but gab also deletes politicians they dislike that name the jews, and got caught once, and gab made up lies about why Gab deleted a leading politician

26046742? ago

That gab account isn't him, it just mirrors his tweets. Yeah, Gab has issues too but nothing like twitter. I can at least call out kikes and niggers over there. I do remember gab deleted someones messages when their hosting provider threatened them or something similar.

26046897? ago

Gab deleted Jew-naming politicians without justification : https://voat.co/v/QRV/4072896/26046719

26047422? ago

Oh ya.. Patrick Little. That is who I was trying to think of. Wonder what he's up to these days.

26046327? ago


Trump does nothing.

Q does nothing.

Both are huge, lying, COMPLICIT pieces of shit.

26046581? ago

Go cry REEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE all the way home to mommies basement.

26049254? ago

Oh my God. The moms basememt insult? Really? You cant do better than that? Go back to your stevie nicks records, you dumb boomer nigger.

26051742? ago

Fuck yourself ,...as usual you liberal mouthbreathing turd. Whiney little overprivelaged do nothing.

Your pathetic cries if reeee reeee reee are hysterical to actual adults.

Wrong on age.

Wrong on color.


26046532? ago

Why are you here?

26046600? ago

Because their only hope is to stop us.

26046417? ago

Gas the kikes faggot

26046376? ago

don't be gay bro

26046387? ago

Gay is the ass-pounding the Jews are handing out to white America right now.

26046426? ago

Agreed, but if Trump is a deceiver as well, and Q, and not what they say they are, then kiss yours and my ass goodbye.

26046585? ago

We have to have hope. Trump is our only and last hope. We must all pray that our optimism is not in vain.

26046596? ago


26046312? ago

Of course they will. You could take that to Vegas with your house deed in your hand.

26058543? ago

What if the crooked press and social ABC are NOT driven by IDEOLOGY, but by LIABILITY $$$$.

How long before the first outlet chooses survival while it's available?

26049029? ago

Might as well bet the house deed on it... because the Democrats (commies) will take it anyways.

26047451? ago

He's replicated on telegram and such. He should switch to another as primary before they do.

26051485? ago

No bueno. He needs to force their hand.

26047475? ago

POTUS Twitter is replicated on Telegram? If so, what do I look for?

26047572? ago

Much thanks.

26047813? ago

Telegram requires a phone # and permission to make calls on your phone.

26048402? ago

A mobile phone # is only required for creating an account. You can use a burner phone number. It doesn't even have to be the phone number of the device on which you install Telegram. You can install it on a device without a SIM card or even on a computer: https://telegram.org/?setln=en

26046579? ago

Then there'll be the emergency broadcast system text.

26046604? ago

Yes. For you. I am a north of the 49th - south of the Arctic Circle Anon. So pass those texts along to your brothers and sisters.

26046804? ago

Nope, I'm north too unfortunately. I do know Canucks south of the border and will pass along anything I hear to my network of Patriots north of the border.

Tried to be as prepared as I can for whatever happens lol. Can't miss the end of this movie.

26046925? ago

You know Trudeau keeping the border closed has nothing to do with the CCP Virus. Trudeau doesn’t want the border stormed with blm and antifa terrorists when they start getting their asses kicked after the election by Patriots.

Then it will be our turn brother to set matters straight here.

26047142? ago

I think our Military is already in control, because the Queen and Prince Charles both seem to be kowtowing to Trump.

The border is closed to prevent (((their))) cross border run.

26047003? ago

blm and antifa are the only Americans turdwater will be greenlighting.