26785898? ago

What is this shitted culture and politics of Xenophilie??? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4158243/26783693

26394966? ago

26637920? ago

26637941? ago

Brood Parasites? Wasn't that in Starcraft? WTF are you pinging me for?

26638049? ago

? voat.co/v/science/3854011

26029636? ago

Old timers see the Anti-Americanism on tv and in scifi video games the kids are hit with propaganda perhaps with an agenda. The world played like a political game. A Neo democratic party, the Neo Liberal Left of which globalist, leftist communist, Jewish donors make up around 70% lastchecked is officially the coalition of the fringes, the anti-Christian, anti-White party anti-American to be a Christian or White or American loving person given hatred within its ranks will continue to imply deep ethnomasochism, some apologize for looters and make excuses for islamists, it is a politik as seen by the likes of the elite Bolsevik or by the way of useful Marxist idiot or sheer stupidity.

https://www.seniorforums.com/threads/word-of-the-day-xenophilia.50308/ ,

https://www.goldismoney2.com/threads/ethnomasochism.29182/ , https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Ethnomasochism , https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3403991/pg1 , https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/24890749 , https://galliawatch.blogspot.com/2009/03/ethnomasochism.html , https://historum.com/threads/xenophilia.99140/ , https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/xenophilia-anyone.174538/

26744922? ago

broken voat shill bots https://voat.co/v/QRV/4140963

26029542? ago

I 'member in the olden days when ethnicity meant the European country or region of your ancestors and not merely 'white'

26029752? ago

See the Creative Artists Agency Symbolism CAA ... the hollyweirdo porno producer Jewish Al Goldstein sold smut and said We're random. We're the flea on the butt of the dog." Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography

Every person has their kryptonite... porn, weed, booze, reality TV, Marvel movies, the mind control drug of video gamers. The level of degeneracy doesn't matter as much as the distraction and getting people into debts. Don't forget sportsball the mind control of a man following a ball like a dog getting distracted by a toy or a cat distracted by a ball of wool. Ask (((the Pornography Industry))) Why is there such a vested interest in keeping the public saturated in porn and masturbation? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/238243985/

Pornographic star Ron Jeremy?


most important word: KIKE

How do Q Anons feel about the porn industry?


Thanks to who? That's right...... the Jews.

A Black Patriot speaks against the culture of demons. https://streamable.com/och79m Awesome shit..this needs to be told


The Jewish Role In The Porn Industry


Among Some Hate Groups, Porn Is Viewed as a Conspiracy


Israeli Porn Is Booming, and the Industry Insists It's About More Than Just Sex

7 Jews Who Made It Big In Porn


The islamic propaganda Al-Jazeera claims Jews created, control porn industry, hate Jesus Christ....even a broken clock is right twice a day?

Why Are There So Many Jews In Porn?


Incest Is the Fastest Growing Trend in Porn. Wait, What?


There was a porno meme...now Where’s that rap music one. Turning a decent society into wanna be thugs? https://files.catbox.moe/754jem.jpg

(((Nickelodeon's))) "Bella & the bulldogs".


How a (Canadian-founded) company .... https://nationalpost.com/news/how-a-canadian-founded-company-youve-never-heard-of-took-control-of-the-porn-industry Mind Geek Did 4Chan's Advertisements Just Expose A Secret http://shoebat.com/2018/10/04/did-4chans-advertisements-just-expose-a-secret-as-to-who-funds-her/ Jews in the American porn industry - David Irving http://www.fpp.co.uk/BoD/origins/porn_industry.html

They wreck peoples lives, get girls hooked on drugs, film them and use blackmail, they are human traffickers and drug runners.



26029524? ago

Very bad in the States and hollyweird but worst of it now is from Frogistan, the BBC news and British tv entertainment & Canadian media