26029766? ago

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25762023? ago

They wreck peoples lives, get girks hooked on drugs, film them and use blackmail, they are human traffickers and drug runners.

26132382? ago

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25808041? ago

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25757654? ago

Satan and his children.

25757796? ago

A Black Patriot speaks against the culture of demons. https://streamable.com/och79m Awesome shit..this needs to be told

25757828? ago

25757609? ago


25757615? ago

The Woman can be saved, hopefully it does not go too extreme or else it could be miserable for those too far gone? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/4039095

25757384? ago

Wiki says they are sick twisted fuckers? https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Pornography_as_a_secret_weapon The Jewish Christ Killer Cult get gold stars for masturbation promotion. ADL National Director, Abraham H Foxman, agrees with the "liberal" idea that pornography is a good thing

25757517? ago

Porno filth is mobile, it is now blasted over cell phones. Some Jews are handing our nation's children graphic pornographic material over the internet for free 24/7 365. Porn should be banned for the same reason you don't allow companies to dump toxic filth into the water supply, they are linked to drug running and human trafficking. The driving force of moral decay is sexual immorality. Why does everything cost money, but porn is free like a drug dealer giving out samples to get people hooked? Seems like a LOT of women are exploited and die young...the red pill has forced anons to open their eyes, to see porn as another form of control; like hollyweird or drugs or fake news. Greco-Roman culture was one time filled with good elements, was pure and decent....minus the tyrannic brutality and grotesque perversions Nero, Caligula, Elagabalus, the repulsive sex rites and ritual blood sacrifices of the mystery cults that prospered throughout Rome, the cult of Bacchus so reviled even the Emperors outlawed it. Their mind controls and products of lusts and addictions and debt keeps you a slave, you're not making a new generation of patriots, and the list goes on. Every person has their kryptonite... porn, weed, booze, reality TV, Marvel movies, the mind control drug of video gamers. The level of degeneracy doesn't matter as much as the distraction and getting people into debts. Don't forget sportsball the mind control of a man following a ball like a dog getting distracted by a toy or a cat distracted by a ball of wool. Ask (((the Pornography Industry))) Why is there such a vested interest in keeping the public saturated in porn and masturbation? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/238243985/

Pornographic star Ron Jeremy?


most important word: KIKE

How do Q Anons feel about the porn industry?


Thanks to who? That's right...... the Jews.

25757374? ago

NWO agenda "WHO sex-ed program for kids under 4: Homosexuality, pornography, masturbation with others" https://www.wnd.com/2020/06/sex-ed-program-kids-4-homosexuality-pornography-masturbation-others/

25757324? ago

Why Are There So Many Jews In Porn?


If ‘the traditional family is under siege’ in America, it is largely because of the influence of what Dresner calls ‘the Hollywood crowd,’ a group of people who praise ‘rebellion, self-fulfillment, and promiscuity’ and a ‘debased view of the human body and spirit’ which finds acceptance by ‘none of the great religions of the world – and certainly not Judaism.’ The Hollywood film, according to Dresner, has become a ‘school from which one neither graduates nor needs to leave home to attend.’ That school had a profound effect on American attitudes and behavior in the second half of the 20th century. According to Dresner, any study of the films which got produced from 1945 to 1985 would reveal ‘a radical shift in values,’ one which turned the world upside down. ‘Hollywood came to adopt a permissive, value-free attitude in the course of a few decades,’ and when it went down the drain, it dragged the rest of America with it.




Dr Karl Wiehe, in his Germany and the Jewish Question, is painstaking in the details he provides:

Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….

The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.

It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany,

Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/08/jews-are-proud-of-their-pornography/ A STORY LITTLE TOLD OF is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.

Smut Peddlers

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin. According to Jay A. Gertzman, author of Bookleggers and Smuthounds:The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), ‘Jews were prominent in the distribution of gallantiana [fiction on erotic themes and books of dirty jokes and ballads], avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and flagitious materials’.

In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books, he moved exclusively into porn, eventually producing his own titles and setting up retail stores. By the end of the 1960s, Sturman ranked at the top of adult magazine distributors and by the mid-70s he owned over 200 adult bookstores. Sturman also introduced updated versions of the traditional peepshow booth (typically a dark room with a small colour TV on which the viewer can view X-rated videos). It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. Eventually he was convicted of tax evasion and other crimes and died, disgraced, prison in 1997. His son, David, continued running the family business.

The contemporary incarnation of Sturman is 43-year-old Jewish Clevelander Steven Hirsch, who has been described as ‘the Donald Trump of porno’. The link between the two is Steve’s father, Fred, who was a stockbroker-cum-lieutenant to Sturman. Today Hirsch runs the Vivid Entertainment Group, which has been called the Microsoft of the porn world, the top producer of ‘adult’ films in the US. His specialty was to import mainstream marketing techniques into the porn business. Indeed, Vivid parallels the Hollywood studio system of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly in its exclusive contracts to porn stars who are hired and moulded by Hirsch. Vivid was the subject of a behind-the-scenes reality TV show recently broadcast on Channel 4.

Nice Jewish Girls and Boys

Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers as well as a sizeable number of female stars in porn movies of the 1970s and ‘80s. The doyen of the Hebrew studs is Ron Jeremy. Known in the trade as ‘the Hedgehog’, Jeremy is one of America’s biggest porn stars. The 51-year-old Jeremy was raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in Flushing, Queens, and has since appeared in more than 1,600 adult movies, as well as directing over 100. Jeremy has achieved iconic status in America, a hero to males of all ages, Jewish and gentile alike — he’s the nebbischy, fat, hairy, ugly guy who gets to bed dozens of beautiful women. He presents an image of a modern-day King David, a Jewish superstud who supersedes the traditional heroes of Jewish lore. No sallow Talmud scholar he. His stature was recently cemented with the release of a pornomentary about his life, Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy. As probably the most famous Jewish male porn star, Jeremy has done wonders for the psyche of Jewish men in America. Jeremy has also just released a compilation CD, Bang-A-Long-With Ron Jeremy. For £7.99 (including delivery), the lucky listener gets to enjoy Jeremy’s hand-picked favourite porno grooves along with narration by ‘the legend’ himself. As the publicity blurb gushes, ‘Out of the brown paper wrappings and into the mainstream’.

25757331? ago

The Jewish War on White Europe

The Jews are deliberately destroying America and Europe. They have always wanted to destroy Whites.

The Roman Empire has left us dark haired and brown eyed Italians, who bear little resemblance to the Romans. Rome had many, many Jews, and doubtless they deliberately miscegenated with Romans to remove the Roman from existence. The same has happened to the golden-haired Greeks.

The Jews now want to flood Europe with Muslims. This is already, and predictably, happening in Italy with a planned flood of Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans. The planned Union of the Mediterranean will exponentially increase the Muslimization and browning out of Europe.

Whites in America are being encouraged to adopt and marry Asians, and to mix with Mexicans and Blacks. It will only be few generations more of this before Whites will disappear.

But the Jews have no love of the mutts they are making. The Jews believe that by mixing different races, they remove both the guardian angels of the human organism and their gods, leaving them defenseless against Jewish genocidal aggression, as I explained here:


“As Above, So Below!” The Jews Are Out to Destroy the Guardian Angels of the Goyim, the Animals and the Plants. . . to Destroy All of Creation, July 23, 2009

The Jews want to destroy all life with genetically corrupted and mixed organisms so as to also destroy all gods other than the Jewish god, and all guardian angels. The Jews also want to steal all the gold in the World and place it in the Temple of Hell they plan to build where the Dome of the Rock now stands.

The jewish Propaganda Machine


The jews have an incredibly nefarious and regimented system for saturating all forms of communication with their propaganda. For those taken unaware by the jewish lies and their White genocide agenda, the Hebraic propaganda is devastatingly effective. Combined with the jewish control of most conventional media and ed-jew-cational institutions, the poisonous rabbinical propaganda efforts produce brainwashing that the victims will reflexively cling to despite being presented with easily observable contrary evidence. The brainwashing of otherwise sane and healthy White people is relentlessly reinforced at every opportunity by the fork-tongued jews. The strategy of jewish propaganda is always the same: to promote “g*d’s chosen people” as the eternal, unimpeachable victims, to unabashedly keep the moribund and completely debunked holohoax lie viable as a tool, and to keep the White race uniformly ignorant, cowed, and shackled by undeserved guilt.

The themes are equally predictable, as one would expect from a race of con-artists who are devoid of any creative capacity outside of promoting depravity, hedonism, and misery. All the tired and clichéd jewish themes are being prepared for the unsuspecting goyim yet again in 2018: an endless supply of holohoax survivors, rootless internationalism, nihilism, dysfunctional families with the members pitted against each other, and obsessive hyper-sexualization. The only thing missing from the upcoming jewish propaganda book releases is the heavy-handed glorification of miscegenation (perhaps (((Hollywood))) will be the chosen tool for promoting race-treason and the extinction of White genetic heritage through ill-advised rutting with living fossils).

25757403? ago

maybe the way to look at the Jew is to call it a race mixed degenerate bolsevik that thinks it a chosen person. Joe Mc im not sure if he was a jew but he was a degenerate weirdo, he used to spam his crap all over the Q-anon subs, flood filth all across voat @CognitiveDissident5 @KosherHiveKicker @clamhurt_legbeard @Splooge

25757260? ago

Arabs and Jihads also attack the West but they dont reallycontrol the sexual degeneracy industries.

Sexual Bolshevism (also known as Sexual Perversion) encompasses a pattern of degenerate sexual behaviour in a few human beings. The category includes homosexualism, [sic] pedophilia, miscegenation, transsexualism and bestiality. [...] Along with third-world miscegenation and abortion, homosexuality is a primary [perversion] promoted in society, under the guise of "tolerance", "equality" and "diversity" as part of a rival Jewish supremacist [strategy] to attack ethnic European demographics.

Particularly after the failure of state-communism and working-class ethnic Europeans largely rejecting the attempt by the Judeo-Bolsheviks to enslave and destroy gentile society, radical Jewish supremacists began to mould Sexual Bolsheviks into a new proletariat. They feature as tools alongside other manipulated participants in identity politics currents, such as third-world immigrants and radical feminists. In the area of the homosexual agenda; inspired by the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, a group of US-based Jews developed a variation of critical theory which they call "Queer theory". Michael Warner,✡ Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick✡ and Judith Butler✡ are at the forefront of this.[


Sex Peddling Jews


JEWS ARE PEDDLING sex around the globe. The hub for the trafficking of Jewish-sponsored prostitution is the Zionist State of Israel which the Evangelicals say is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy!

“Israel has become a routine destination for the global trafficking of women and girls as young as 12 years old,” noted Leonard Fein in Jewish News Weekly Israel’s Prostitution Hub And See: JEWISH TRIBUNE’S Report On Jewish Sex Slavery

Amnesty International, in its 2005 Report on Discrimination Against Women in Israel says:

——- “In the wake of large scale immigration to Israel, links between prostitution traffickers in Israel and former Soviet republics. Some 3,000 to 5,000 women are brought annually into Israel and forced to work as sex workers.” ——-

When racialists think of the term miscegenation they usually envisage it to be between whites and blacks, as skin colour is the primary outward trait that many people distinguish the races by. The more educated and perecptive amongst us realise that skin colour is only one racial trait, and the one in my opinion that we should not be fixated on. Skull shape, body frame, and all the psychological and behavioural nuances determined by the genes are more significant. That doesn't mean to say that I agree with the mindless liberal slogan that skin colour doesn't matter. Skin colour is just the most easily identified physical trait, even for those with limited visio-spatial skills and superficial knowledge of ethnic differences.


Miscegenation between whites and Jews is more commonplace than whites and blacks. The only reason this truth has not been emphasised in the pro-white movement is simply because many whites, even racialists, don't know how to identity Jews properly. Moreover, if everyone who reads this accepts

the fact that Jews are not white, then it follows that miscegenation between them and us is bad news for white racial cohesion and integrity. Jews are far more ubiqiutous in western nations than officially declared or perceived. They spread wide and deep into every facet of life, which again is a unique genetic characteristic of them. Miscegenation between blacks and whites is causing concern to many whites, but is still not quite threatening our survival. For example, the half-caste children of black and white unions always favour their black parent in appearance, and this serves as highly visible warning to the white community of their genetic dispossesson.

Jews and Pornography

It is a well known fact that Jews produced pornography in the 1930s to demoralize “Christian” Germany, to promote Bolshevik communism in Europe, and to turn Berlin into the Red Whore of Babylon.

Because Hitler and the Nazis banned porn and dismantled communism in Berlin, international Jewry declared war on Germany crushing the nation by turning the nations against the German state. WWII was the tragic result, and Palestine was the booty.

Jews love the entertainment industry, and it was the Hollywood Jews that launched the adult film industry and control it today: Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, Mary Louise Hartman, Joanna Mostov, Michael Lucas, Naomi Russell, and more (The Telegraph).

No genuine Christian could ever promote sexual vice.

“Secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.” (Nathan Abrams).

“Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.” (Nathan Abrams).


Because Jews fear the authoritarian conservative right that believes in the Ten Commandments, Jews use pornography to demoralize and de-Christianize America.

The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany


The Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.

Barbara Lerner Spectre, jewess invader of Sweden, calls for “multiculturalism” and the destruction of European societies.


Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt claims jews and muslims are natural allies because they both like to mutilate the genitals of children and murder animals in the most grotesque way imaginable! Of course, they also both hate whites, and especially white Christians, and would love to see the white Christian civilization destroyed.

“…We see ourselves together with our Muslim brothers, our natural allies, fighting,” he continues, against the European whites who are such bigots they want to ban circumcision and kosher slaughtering of animals…”

Note – this video has been removed MANY times from jewtube


We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negros. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.


srael Cohen, General Secretary of The World Zionist Organization

The Truth Seeker - Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon


a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles

the Blackmail party boy Hugh Hefner was a connected Jew, another guy Larry Flynt a pornographer was a major contributor to the ADL, maybe not all of them are Jews, maybe some are so called Crhistains but Satanic, maybe some are Masons maybe some are Masons but there are lots of Jewish names in these industries, it seems the Maxwell and Epstein ran a pedo human trafficker blackmail club?

25757126? ago

The pornography "industry" is jewish-controlled, and is (admittedly) designed to destroy Christian/traditional morals, promote race-mixing, and destroy society.


I'm replying to the top comment so people see this-

I've Counted 114 comments: everyone is mostly agreeing with OP.

What I'd like to know is


This sub is so manipulated it's a joke.. they could at least try harder to conceal their efforts yknow..

Porn & Race

Andrew Hamilton

2,320 words

Pornography is a multibillion dollar industry, a mass medium that has had a very harmful effect upon our people. It emerged in its current unrestrained, ubiquitous form in the 1970s with the release of films like Deep Throat (1972), Behind the Green Door (1972), and The Devil in Miss Jones (1973).

At least two of the female stars of the films died relatively young, a fate that appears to be an occupational hazard.

Italian mob money funded a couple of the early films, and all three were produced and directed by seedy Gentiles (Italian American Gerard Damiano, and brothers Jim and Artie Mitchell).

The head of one of the largest contemporary studios (Evil Angel), John Stagliano, has an Italian-sounding surname. He is married to a former porn actress. Both Stagliano and his wife are HIV positive (Stagliano used to perform). He is reportedly a major benefactor of the Reason Foundation (publisher of Reason magazine) and the Cato Institute, two important libertarian think tanks.

Nevertheless, it is Jews who have long ruled the roost in this realm.

Former porn gossip columnist Luke Ford, an Australian-born convert to Judaism, wrote, “Secular Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn. Just like they’ve had a disproportionate role in the ‘white slave trade’ and other forms of sex commerce.”


Using an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures electrical activity in the brain, we recorded the brain waves of a predominately white sample of college students while they viewed 100 images of black-white interracial couples and an equal number of same-race couples (black and white).

We wanted to see what would happen in an area of the brain known as the insula, which has been shown to become activated when people feel disgust. In other words, would the insula of participants light up when viewing interracial couples?

We found exactly that: Overall, participants showed a heightened level of activation in the insula when looking at interracial couples relative to looking at same-race couples.

Although the insula is not exclusively linked to disgust, taken with the results of our first study these findings suggest that people do tend to be more likely to experience disgust when viewing interracial couples.


Glenn Beck Warns Against Banning Pornography

Turning Point USA SAS conference in West Palm Beach, FL. Glenn Beck warned the crowd that the next Teddy Roosevelt was in the audience


25757042? ago

I love prono!

25757113? ago


25757572? ago

Antifa and BLM is part of Psy wars? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4039173

25757073? ago

Open Borders for Saudi and Israel? The extreme cancerous Jews seem to typically attack by way of subversion, money lending, degeneracy infiltration, while the moslems do it by direct terror attack and jihad migration, the islamic are less involved in the smut ponography industries because of the taboos of islamic quran culture however moslems are degenerates and rapists, the prophet of islam something of a perverted pedophile terrorists. Jews may have less taboo about degeneracy due to their contacts with old Pagan Persians, the Greek weirdos and the times fo the Jewish mystics in Babylon, Israeli Zion Jewish mysticism praticed what might be called sexual dark arts, many of them still connect to trades of human smuggling, booking keeping for harlots or pimp men or hookers, the Jews involved with dirty 'art' and the sale of people / prostitutes etc

25757342? ago

Why Are There So Many Jews In Porn?


If ‘the traditional family is under siege’ in America, it is largely because of the influence of what Dresner calls ‘the Hollywood crowd,’ a group of people who praise ‘rebellion, self-fulfillment, and promiscuity’ and a ‘debased view of the human body and spirit’ which finds acceptance by ‘none of the great religions of the world – and certainly not Judaism.’ The Hollywood film, according to Dresner, has become a ‘school from which one neither graduates nor needs to leave home to attend.’ That school had a profound effect on American attitudes and behavior in the second half of the 20th century. According to Dresner, any study of the films which got produced from 1945 to 1985 would reveal ‘a radical shift in values,’ one which turned the world upside down. ‘Hollywood came to adopt a permissive, value-free attitude in the course of a few decades,’ and when it went down the drain, it dragged the rest of America with it.




Dr Karl Wiehe, in his Germany and the Jewish Question, is painstaking in the details he provides:

Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….

The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.

It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany,

Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/08/jews-are-proud-of-their-pornography/ A STORY LITTLE TOLD OF is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.

Smut Peddlers

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin. According to Jay A. Gertzman, author of Bookleggers and Smuthounds:The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), ‘Jews were prominent in the distribution of gallantiana [fiction on erotic themes and books of dirty jokes and ballads], avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and flagitious materials’.

In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books, he moved exclusively into porn, eventually producing his own titles and setting up retail stores. By the end of the 1960s, Sturman ranked at the top of adult magazine distributors and by the mid-70s he owned over 200 adult bookstores. Sturman also introduced updated versions of the traditional peepshow booth (typically a dark room with a small colour TV on which the viewer can view X-rated videos). It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. Eventually he was convicted of tax evasion and other crimes and died, disgraced, prison in 1997. His son, David, continued running the family business.

The contemporary incarnation of Sturman is 43-year-old Jewish Clevelander Steven Hirsch, who has been described as ‘the Donald Trump of porno’. The link between the two is Steve’s father, Fred, who was a stockbroker-cum-lieutenant to Sturman. Today Hirsch runs the Vivid Entertainment Group, which has been called the Microsoft of the porn world, the top producer of ‘adult’ films in the US. His specialty was to import mainstream marketing techniques into the porn business. Indeed, Vivid parallels the Hollywood studio system of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly in its exclusive contracts to porn stars who are hired and moulded by Hirsch. Vivid was the subject of a behind-the-scenes reality TV show recently broadcast on Channel 4.

Nice Jewish Girls and Boys

Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers as well as a sizeable number of female stars in porn movies of the 1970s and ‘80s. The doyen of the Hebrew studs is Ron Jeremy. Known in the trade as ‘the Hedgehog’, Jeremy is one of America’s biggest porn stars. The 51-year-old Jeremy was raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in Flushing, Queens, and has since appeared in more than 1,600 adult movies, as well as directing over 100. Jeremy has achieved iconic status in America, a hero to males of all ages, Jewish and gentile alike — he’s the nebbischy, fat, hairy, ugly guy who gets to bed dozens of beautiful women. He presents an image of a modern-day King David, a Jewish superstud who supersedes the traditional heroes of Jewish lore. No sallow Talmud scholar he. His stature was recently cemented with the release of a pornomentary about his life, Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy. As probably the most famous Jewish male porn star, Jeremy has done wonders for the psyche of Jewish men in America. Jeremy has also just released a compilation CD, Bang-A-Long-With Ron Jeremy. For £7.99 (including delivery), the lucky listener gets to enjoy Jeremy’s hand-picked favourite porno grooves along with narration by ‘the legend’ himself. As the publicity blurb gushes, ‘Out of the brown paper wrappings and into the mainstream’.

25757954? ago

The Senate and Congress sold out, bought and owned? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4039289/25757704