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26115201? ago

disgusting kikes.

26132381? ago

They wreck peoples lives, get girls hooked on drugs, film them and use blackmail, they are human traffickers and drug runners.

26132552? ago

Degenerate crime mafia


I think at the top, there are some super rich scum bags. They're definitely Jews. Globalists? You could make the arguments using the content of their own sites easily. The nuclear family is incredibly important throughout history and all this brother/sister/father/mother fucking is the most successful assault on that social dynamic in recent memory.

Is it some crazy organized cabal? I doubt it.

Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.

Hollywood and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. watch tv/porn you are watching gays & support open borders agenda...QUOTE

So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.


The jewish porn industry is just a antisemitic conspiracy theo... , How Genghis khan syndrome due to PMO will destroy your life

what happens when you PMO Sexually explicit material triggers mirror neurons in the male brain. These neurons, which are involved with the process for how to mimic a behavior, contain a motor system that correlates to the planning out of a behavior. In the case of pornography, this mirror neuron system triggers the arousal, which leads to sexual tension and a need for an outlet. "The unfortunate reality is that when he acts out (often by masturbating), this leads to hormonal and neurological consequences, which are designed to bind him to the object he is focusing on," says Struthers . "In God's plan, this would be his wife, but for many men it is an image on a screen. Pornography thus enslaves the viewer to an image, hijacking the biological response intended to bond a man to his real partner.

now as you come across hundreds of attractive nude girls on the internet which your scumbag brain thinks are potential real mates , who need to be fertilized, it assumes you must be Genghis khan or a alpha male demi god who gets quality mating opportunity at his slightest whim provided by the pixelated harem of beautiful models.

consequences As your brain believes it has already achieved its very ultimate purpose in life, it chooses to let go and deteriorate as furthwr improvement is not necessary as you are getting mates at your slightest whims anyway.

results this makes you socially akward , forever alone and a looser in real life while everytime your Fap to PMO , your scumbag brain assumes you are indeed the greatest conqueror and womanizer , Genghis khan himself...further spiralling you to a pathetic looser in life

source - , quote ' I'm less inclined to believe that there is a jewish conspiracy to contaminate white sexual-psychology than I am to note the obvious fact that jews are simply unscrupulous shysters willing to engage in any depraved and exploitative endeavor if they know it will make them some $hekel$. '