25705015? ago

One RICO roundup.

We are fighting organized enemies of the state.

25701090? ago

Moar hopium, eh?

25700738? ago

These DAs should serve cumulative time for repeat offenders they let off.

For instance if someone is charged with Arson(5 years) and then cut loose on bail and charges dropped, only to recommit Arson that afternoon. If tjey did rhis for 5 people....just go to jaul for 25 years.

25699956? ago

I think that the sedition charges that have been mentioned will only be used on people like DAs and mayors not the thugs on the street.

25699436? ago

start with Hillary. Been waiting for the bitch to go to jail since 2016

25699946? ago

Subtract 21 years and I'm with you!

25698759? ago

Maybe he could start now? I mean... four years in and no one has been popped for any of their heinous crimes against our nation.

25699479? ago

Honestly, I can wait until after the election at this point.

25698750? ago

They need to be thrown the fuck in prison.

25698345? ago

Chicken and waffles is good. Well you should try possum peckers and ghost peppers

25698334? ago

Fapped to pics of ops grandma last night. She has a hairy ass just as fine and tight as ops daddy

25698320? ago

Last night LeQuisha and meh had lesbian sex.

25698106? ago

Go after them now.

They have addresses, spouses, and children.

25698028? ago

I just read an article last week that George Soros is funding several campaigns for local District Attorneys in PA and other places. I think it was in Foxnews.con. Sorry I don’t have the link.

He needs to be stopped!!

25697905? ago

ALL niggers and liberal nigger lovers (eg feminists)

25697531? ago

They need replaced then prosecuted.

25697354? ago

They have addresses.

25697245? ago

Persecuted and prosecuted.

25697037? ago

Not going to have four years

25696991? ago

and all the Department of "Health" administrators dictating ECONOMY KILLING BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE WITH THEIR UNQUALIFIED POLITICAL MEDICAL OPINIONS~~~~!!!!!!!

25696822? ago

Why bother

Hang them now.

25696773? ago

No, we have to depower all the "Natural Bad Actors" and all the Soros Globalist funded Bad Actors.

We need to remove 90% of them.

25696595? ago

Why not over the last 4 years?

25696611? ago

And why hasn’t Trump mentioned this? Theres very little awareness on it

25696571? ago

Trump will be too busy helping israel expand their borders and steal land, sucker.

25696499? ago

I wish that were true but R's have done NOTHING for 4 years - except fight Trump on most issues.

25696454? ago

We ain't gonna do shit

25696417? ago

I doubt that will take 4 years.

25696386? ago

and celebs who donated. especially to bail

25696837? ago

Seize the assets of all organizations that donated to BLM.

We seized the assets of companies that funded other overseas terrorist organizations. No excuses.

25697348? ago

Start with Bank of America.

25696262? ago

Trump winning or losing has nothing to do with the corrupt DAs that I think your talking about - their all elected at the county level. Which means we have to look very hard at whose running for an important position that traditionally does not get a lot of coverage because we have always assumed Prosecutors would prosecute the bad guys.

25696019? ago

Why wait? Have to admit to little knowledge on the workings of the government other than a govt official has unlimited funds from tax revenues and agenda driven donors to prolong any court battle. So far, there's only been a handful of lawyers willing to take on govt officials. What steps can we take now to get the ball rolling?

25695963? ago

What makes you think that’s going to happen when people who tried to overthrow our government are still laughing at you, still laughing at Republicans, still laughing at the president? They feel no fear whatsoever, nor should they.

25695891? ago

Defending oneself is a human right.

25695766? ago

And all the news organizations that lied to everyone on covid. And the "doctors" who killed people by blocking medicines. And the judges that rule against the consititution. I just hope we don't forget all the people that have tried to destroy us.

25696041? ago

What is this? A list of people who will also get away with their crimes? Because that’s all anyone does. No one’s ever prosecuted for anything. I don’t think people understand what’s going on here: major, massive crimes. Crimes that would have warranted execution even just a decade ago. Completely unprosecuted. They didn’t even try. Do you understand? They clearly didn’t. Even. Try.

Stop coming up with these fantasy lists of people that are going to pay for their crimes. None of that’s going to happen. None of it. Knock it off it’s embarrassing.

If Republicans had tried to spy on Obama and destroy his presidency, do you think he would’ve let them live? Me neither. Republicans are pussies.

25696696? ago


25696530? ago

I think it should be pretty obvious now that most of the republicans are not going to "go after" the democrats. Yes, there are a few good ones but why not the others? Because they are dirty too. They're just not a willing part of the coup, so they keep quiet and do as they're told.

25695780? ago

Yes. That too.

25695676? ago

Nut uh, we need to do that over the next 4 WEEKS!

25700670? ago

If they don't hang together they will definitely hang separately - paraphrased form Ben Franklin (in reverse). Let's make sure it's the latter in their case.

25697518? ago

Good to know the pandemic/riots/ginsburg/Q are all about getting reelected.

25698783? ago

I was told that not cracking down on riots was all about reelection. Wonder when that story is going to change. All of the stories eventually change.

25697543? ago

Rounding up corrupt DAs isn't about the election, but the safety of taxpayers in those jurisdictions.

Thanks for admitting what your team is up to as you try to project it on to President Trump and his supporters.

25696550? ago

Post of the day?


It's darkest before the dawn. I actually see quite a bit of promise lately. People are catching on to the toxicity and corruption in media and government. Not everybody though - some are still "trapped in the matrix" (social medial filter bubble, consuming mainstream media).

The thing is, most people still think of "genetic diversity" as a good thing. It certainly sounds better than "mulatto", "mixed breed", "half breed", etc. They think this because biology classes teach recessive genes as being linked with defects. If you think about it, technically the opposite of incest/inbreeding is finding a diverse partner. There are no downsides taught.

Religion-wise, people are taught that there is a difference between brethren in the flesh and brethren in spirit. Cain and Abel being an example. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in his letter to Trump talk about the "children of light" and the "children of darkness". He is talking spiritually. With even a small amount of discernment you can often tell by their deeds and how they talk / conduct themselves.

Women have a submissive nature. And here we have: media, education, religion, and social norms that encourage (or don't at all discourage) diverse couples. Despite this, a lot of white women who are intending to start a family (spiritual) do not settle down outside their race. Women have a lot of men who hit on them, so they can be picky (and tend to be). On the other side, slutty white women seem to burn coal more (date other races, and sometimes get knocked up). They're making their judgement based on the guy's confidence, smooth talking, status, money, physique. They're not looking for someone to spend the rest of their life with - they're looking short-term as they try to climb their slimy cock ladder. And of course as they age, they tend to backslide more ("hit the wall"). The ones who get knocked up and left to raise the kid as a single mother - their children tend to be at risk of perpetuating the cycle of broken families, crime, spiritual wickedness, etc down the road.

Now, this is an unpopular opinion on Voat: most black people are not niggers. There are a lot of niggers out there, and video of those people tend to be what gets positive reinforcement on Voat. Conversely, blacks who are decent, hardworking, well-spoken, or in some other way going against the nigger stereotype - those are negatively reinforced (dismissed as "magic negros") on Voat. From what I've observed, two parent households (marriage) and church attendance goes a long way - for all races. "The family that prays together stays together." My (white) parents didn't and they divorced before I was an adult.

Yes, as a group, blacks commit crimes in significantly higher rates. Yes, nature plays a role in this - nurture isn't 100% to blame here. Yes, as a racial group, jews have a higher rate of subversive behavior. But goats can have a tendency to overlook the spiritual side of things.

I see nothing wrong with keeping stereotypes in mind when first encountering someone. But I think it is best to not completely close yourself off to the possibility of being friends with people of other races. Some of my closest friends are minorities (church-going, but not my church), and they know that I only intend to date white women (I want my children to look like me). They are married to members of their own race. The one who's black (I've known over 10 years) and his marriage is still fine - lasting much longer than my parents' did. We were mostly broke college students back then (receiving government assistance), now we're decently well off working taxpayers.

25695426? ago

Here's a quick starter, rundown the Soros list of DAs, and start 'X'ing them off one by one. (on paper, of course)

25698772? ago

My name is Oliver Queen...

25695869? ago

Yes, Let's do that. On paper.

25698302? ago

I'm firing up my minecraft server.

25695416? ago


Israel for last.

25698643? ago

All Jews.

25695933? ago

Said the shill

25698495? ago

Its hilarious. They are getting so freaked out by how badly they're losing that they are having difficulty in properly maintaining separation between the racist, bigoted muhJOO posts, the "nigger" posts and "obvious Democrat" posts.

"Genius" above with the pandemic/riots/ginsberg/Q post "obvious Democrat" switches right on over to "muhJOO" fagging when he gets called out. Really stupid. Unemployable, really....would fit right in on the streets, but doesn't have the balls.

25697371? ago

That doesn’t work anymore faggot. Everyone is getting JQed. It’s always been the jews. Jesus himself calls out the synagogue of Satan. Wake the fuck up.

25697650? ago

You’re part of a shill farm bro. Kill yourself

25695977? ago

Hahahahaha the Jew cries out in pain as HE strikes YOU.

The Jew will tell you he was beaten, but not WHY he was beaten

25695226? ago

Protest at their homes with open-carry. They need to understand there will be consequences for releasing arsonists and looters without bail.

25695626? ago

Fuck that. Precision strikes.