25710145? ago

Long overdue indeed.

The Anchor-baby industry is proof to that.

25702748? ago

We need about 100 million foreigners to leave and go home. Any brain dead commies that are left, we can donate to the CCP for their forced labor camps. Its called a hands on educational experience.

25701577? ago

It is never safe to use one’s baby as an anchor. Most can’t hold their breath very long, and they have ability to hold you in place anyways. Useless for that purpose.

25701046? ago

You should be at least 3 generation American to run for president raised until 18 years old in america. Studied in the "best schools". Married have (american) kids.

25701228? ago

Agreed in principle. However ... our wonderful POTUS would not be eligible under that standard! He was 2nd generation on his father's side (his paternal grandfather immigrated from Germany and 1st generation on his mother's side. She was a naturalized U.S. citizen from Scotland at the time of his birth.

And all of his children except Tiffany have a mother born in a foreign country - though they are 3rd generation on their father's (POTUS') side.

25698695? ago

My niece is an anchor baby. My sister in law visited my brother in the US during his studies. Popped out a child then fucked off back home with her. Ridiculous to think she’s an American citizen and now enjoys all the rights that 5th, 6th, 10th generation American families do.

We’re Anglo-Celtic, before anyone jumps down my throat.

25697956? ago


25697512? ago


25696766? ago

Gotta have the supreme court constitution based instead of activist based first. Get rid of Roberts, and now we are talking.

25696669? ago

After we take the house and keep the senate, let’s pass a bill clarifying what a “natural born citizen” is. It would be being born of two parents who are US citizens. Then update presidential voting to require proof of citizenship.

25696598? ago

Trump won't do it. He wants to bring in moar browns than ever. He said so.

25696583? ago


25696114? ago

This incorrect. The 14th amendment does not apply to foreign nationals.

The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, also known as the Snyder Act, (43 Stat. 253, enacted June 2, 1924) was an Act of the United States Congress that granted US citizenship to the indigenous peoples of the United States, called "Indians" in the Act. While the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution defines as citizens any persons born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, the amendment had been interpreted by the courts to not apply to Native peoples.


25696834? ago

Your lead in is not accurate. Sauce is not applicable nor authoritative on the issue.

25699356? ago

If you understand the context, you would understand that if the 14th Amendment would have applied to Native Americans if it was birthright citizenship. Its not. Birthright citizenship is a policy, not a law.

25699745? ago

Ahhh. I see. Excellent point.

25695649? ago

Are babies delivered by cesarean birth natural born?

25700813? ago

Doesn't necessarily make them citizens.

25696590? ago


25695418? ago

I would rather that Trump loses the election than doesn't pick a 3rd SCOTUS Justice, the 14th has never been ruled on by the Court and when it does it will change the face of the country. The ruling will be retroactive by definition.

OTH, it would be best if Trump gets a pick and then wins in November as well. Either way, Trump getting a 2nd term is peanuts compared to re-shaping the Court for decades to come.

25702140? ago

The Reshaping of the minds of 2 generation to find ethnic replacement acceptable is Genocide.

25694947? ago

who thinks this is a good thing? Dropping a turd here makes them citizens? Question should be brought up as to why this is important, obviously the politico's think we need them. Like Zero's DACA scheme

25694465? ago

Just ban all spics from the US

25694592? ago

Division shill.

25696105? ago

He is correct, the spics need to leave. They have their own homelands. The US would be more peaceful and thriving without them.

25695910? ago

OP is a jew.

25694427? ago

Need to go back and verify anchor babies here and abroad and remove their citizenship

25694607? ago

Yes I completely agree it shouldn't be hard to figure out I know of at least 3 that came to California just to have a baby and went right back to Mexico City so now they are free to roam all US and not worry about being reported. He don't even speak the language 23 years old.

25694257? ago

Thought SOMEBODY was supposed to get this done FOUR YEARS AGO.

25694529? ago

VoTe RePuBliCaN... Well get it right next time!

25694510? ago

Said no one ever.

25694214? ago


-send them all back

25694475? ago

Be nice. Send them all in the same van back across the border and kick them all out of the van at the same time in the same spot. The humane way.

25694169? ago

The left is worried about abortion, this is what will devastate them with Notorious D.E.A.D replaced

25694062? ago

Yes, let's make that retroactive as well.

25694036? ago

(((The constitution is a living document, meant to be interpreted by fashionable jews)))

25699092? ago

Of all the things the left has said this has got to be the most ridiculous. It is a legal document. How can the meaning of a binding legal agreement be altered solely by the passage of time? Especially one that says "if you want to change this document, this is how you do it."

25693924? ago

And deport all the Beaners already here.

We need an "Operation Wetback 2.0"

25693641? ago

No anchor baby is a citizen. Nor are their children. All are illegals.

25696782? ago

Exactly, it clearly states - "in the jurisdiction of" - illegals are still under foreign jurisdiction so their children are too.

25700259? ago

The preamble also makes very clear to whom it applies. You're not a citizen? No beuno.

25695273? ago

Ginsburg Preferred South Africa’s Constitution To The US Constitution? http://barelyablog.com/justice-ginsburg-preferred-south-africas-constitution-to-the-us-constitution/

25695557? ago

Well, ya. Jews "helped" write that and it's already subverted to achieve their goals.

25695261? ago

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25693583? ago

LBJ signed off on white genocide in 1965.

Soil citizenship was made policy by judicial slight of hand, like corporate personhood. It's never been law, legislated by elected officials.

And yet both policies are essential to the present American crisis.