25689672? ago

Am I racist for wanting to live in a community of people who are like me?

Get out immigrant! Go home! This was my community until you came along and fucked it up with your different ways! We didn't invite you here! You have your own place and you need to go back and live there where you belong with your own kind! You are not like us and you refuse to change!

25689635? ago

They will never act up when alone.

They need a group to feel strong.

25681538? ago

And for gods sake, don't eat their food or let them bring you food. Imagine the black version of this.

25681220? ago

Dude you need learn to see past skin color, look into people EYES, into their SOUL, if the racist part of your mind can stay calm you'll see there's a deeper way of knowing than looking at superficial things like skin color. But of course if you live in Baltimore or some other Dem controlled shithole then watch your back!!

25681580? ago

"look into people EYES". Not planning on getting within stabbing reach. ..... your days may be numbered.

25680863? ago

It is "open carry" here in Alabama and I do. I too keep space around blacks. Not out of fear but just enough to take "dead aim" and not hurt anyone else. 357 magnum was made to kill a "raging black man' since 38s would not stop a "cocaine powered raging black man".. this was in the 30s I believe. Long shore boat owners gave the nigs cocaine pills to get them racing and unload ships faster. Every now and again "one would rage up" ..and try and kill everything it its path.38s had no effect but a 357 only took one shot.

25680805? ago

I stand guard against all others who harbor, in their hearts and minds, racism against white people.

I stand guard to protect myself and my family from "all" others.

How are these different from each other.

Never trust anyone with your own "life" or that of your family.

25680716? ago

In God we trust, "all" others we monitor.

25680673? ago

What are you a pussy??? 'Be not afraid' if God is with you, who can be against you!' Man or woman, fear is of the devil himself and I for one, fear NO ONE! Black, White, Red, Yellow or Brown or Tan or Purple. Afraid you may have to take a stand? YOU are NOT a PATRIOT! GTFO of here. and I don't care if I get downvotes...you are a weak person, weak as a feather. I cannot tell you how I really feel about your post. This should do it tho.

25681044? ago

.......soon to be dead faggot, unable to learn

25681017? ago

yeah, that all really worked out for the 7 year old little white boy riding his bicycle and then maliciously shot in the head by a black

25680365? ago

These mouth breathing racist posts (or trolls pretending to be racists) do not represent the Q movement.

25680936? ago


Q is Hebrew. ✡

25683007? ago

Ok, groomer

25680297? ago

Playing the odds is a smart move. Self-preservation.

25680214? ago

When around blacks tuck your chin into your chest. They love the sucker punch KO from behind.

25680171? ago

I do the same thing with whities... the ones that are nazitards think up the weirdest shit.

25680187? ago

Found the soy-boy faggot. waaa

25680257? ago

Found the nazitard faggot. waaa

25680309? ago

Change your tampon. man. Sorry, your man-pon.

25680373? ago

Take the black cock outa your mouth. man. Sorry you are a scared pussy.

25680950? ago

outa yo moms you means ...: O----l

25680162? ago

It's been that way ever since we stopped lynching them.

25680067? ago

Smart man, OP.

I don't even like them walking by me in the grocery store. There are so many filthy niggers in my once great hometown that its almost impossible to avoid now. I hate it.

25680041? ago

I disagree. There are some lovely black people out there, and I refuse to relegate them all into the same bucket. We have a lot of them where I live and I'll just tell you the majority of my experiences have been surprisingly positive. I had one instance where the hate was palpable, so I understand what caused you to write this... But, we don't win this war by isolating/dividing ourselves. That is exactly what [THEY] want.

I personally think the white SJW types are equally as scary & unhinged. Am I going to avoid all liberals too? Because that would mean 90% of my family, LOL.

No. I will be the example to them that MAGA people are cool AF.

Be the light and stop feeding into the division tactics occurring (from both sides ;))


25680956? ago

No such thing as a lovely black.

25680176? ago

Fuck off, kike loser.

25680099? ago

fuck off kike

25680059? ago

There are some lovely black people out there


25681248? ago

Yup, I see it and knew it'd be coming at me as soon as I posted it.

I just didn't expect it to contain so much creativity! /s

(TY anon)

25679992? ago

Live in the country with nature. Black people hate the natural world.

25680079? ago

Black people hate the natural world.

I really hope you're joking, because that is the dumbest fucking shit I have ever heard in terms of anti-black sentiment.

25680153? ago

Yep, millions of Black Americans hunting ,fishing, boating, camping,stargazing, etc. on Planet Pop-Tart.LOL!

25680199? ago

Sooo "Black Americans" == "Black People"?

Does Africa suddenly not exist? (Where earthly practices are far more common than even among whites in the US)

25680224? ago

Not when I say Black Americans fucktard. Read much?

25680246? ago

[–] 25679992? 20 minutes ago

Live in the country with nature. Black people hate the natural world.

25680265? ago

Does it cross your tiny brain that I did not write the original comment, Genius?

25680288? ago

Oh it sure does, but you interjected with something that then therefore is not related to the exchange between myself and the original commenter. Sooo... chickenbutt.

25680330? ago


25679952? ago

that's a good policy

25679843? ago

Lol so many racists on this board

25680968? ago

How about a good cry?

25680011? ago

Common sense, like science, is racist.

25679560? ago

Never ever trust one They are victims of mental instability caused by their diet, constant barrage of entitlement, victim hood propaganda, and inbreeding. They unknowingly fuck their own half-sisters and half brothers because they have the same unknown father.

25679470? ago


25679405? ago


25679036? ago

Feral street apes are the most racist in the entire country. Definitely beware.

25679195? ago

I know about nigger head rock.

25678717? ago

True, unfortunately i live around them, so i cant avoid them

25678560? ago

"... when around blacks, never relax ..."

25679989? ago

You can never relax around anyone if you believe what we believe. Most people are still plugged into the matrix and they'll turn on you in an instant with their programming. Often I feel like the machine is talking to me through the face in front of me.

25678942? ago

Was taught at a very young age to never trust blacks. Great advice that has proven 100% true.

No hate involved, just do not trust them.

25680888? ago

Early on in my business career, I had several older men tell me to always watch out for the jews. Just be careful about doing business with jews, and try to avoid them if possible.

I laughed then.

Now, I understand. I have never had a good experience doing business with someone who I knew was a jew.

25680133? ago

Took a long time for me to learn that Jews aren't the same as Gypsies. Assumed they were as a child because they're all thieves that try to sell you something useless and shiney.

Always thought the people who bought the useless shiney things were magpies. They're the same people who stand in line for an iPhone, buy the $5,000 BBQ, etc. normally the same people who'll destroy their marriages because something shook it's ass at them.

25680666? ago

The attraction to shiny things is for primal minds. It's a trait left over from our constant search for water before we had figured out better means of water storage.

25678566? ago

I can relax because I'm not going around them.

25678516? ago

You're sort of describing life as it is in many towns and cities across America. We don't inherently carry racist attitudes around with us, but we just instinctively know the statistics and watch the news... so like you said, we avoid "those areas" of town or groups of them in large numbers. It's sort of like knowing that if you're in a gathering that has a large number of children and drunks, you know they're going to be unpredictable in their behavior. Same with one minority segment of our population... easily offended, irrational and unpredictable, less than average IQ that gets collectively dumber as the numbers increase, and indoctrinated to hate everyone not of their tribe. But life goes on, just practice a few sane behavior traits and you'll probably do fine.

25680368? ago

It's not racist to be white and feel uneasy at a gas station in a place like, say, Atlanta

25680380? ago

Ah, someone else who GETS IT!

25678559? ago

indoctrinated to hate everyone not of their tribe

"This totally doesn't apply to white people either, nevermind that many people at least on Voat hate – with a passion verging on obssession – anyone who isn't white"

Seriously, how much of a fucking hypocrite can you be?

25681333? ago

"easily offended, irrational "

25679986? ago

IKR! Many of the folks here literally feed on it, only exist because of it. Consumed by prejudice and hatred.

Believeing that 100% of any race (group etc) are bad or evil, is just ignorant and flat out wrong. Has really made me question "Q" at times, and I sure as hell would never direct anyone here.

25680021? ago

To be fair, and I have a laundry list of qualms with Q, Q has explicitly not condoned racism.

The racists have just taken to flooding QRV with their bullshit as a means of 'trolling' and poisoning external opinion/perceptions of the movement.

25680340? ago

I know, it's why I'm still here.

But I also would not send someone here that is interested in exploring who and what Q really is.

I'm thankful for the anon vids and other sources provided for redpilling. Swallowing that huge redpill can be tough enough without having to wade through bullshit too.

25678591? ago

Piss off. Since the 1950s, (they) have been actively taught that they are oppressed, that it's OUR fault, that they are entitled and special, and that violence is OK. Where else do you find that? Nowhere.

25678607? ago

So that justifies hating blacks simply for being black? Face it, a lot of people don't care about the distinction of whether a given black person has done anything wrong, they hate them for being black. That right there is no better than hating a white person just for being white.

25678616? ago

Who said anything about "hating" them? Just avoid them, that's what this thread is about. It's YOU who are trying to make this about hate. I don't hate anyone (except a few Communists I would like to see dead and buried). Look up the difference between "hate" and "avoid." You probably don't have a dictionary, but you can find it online.

25678641? ago

Just avoid them

Based on paranoid generalization, however statistically based it may or may not be? By that same measure, anti-white racists use statistics of their own to justify their anti-white racism.

It's YOU who are trying to make this about hate.

No, it isn't. OP makes it about hate from the jump, they're just spouting anything they can think of to justify said hate and normalize it. Again, the same applies to the cunts who spout anything they can to justify their hatred of whites.

I don't hate anyone (except a few Communists I would like to see dead and buried).

So you'd happily engage in conversation with, or otherwise not avoid, a black person?

25680989? ago

Dudette. You are a total triggered homo.

25678748? ago

Go away, you're becoming tiresome... and faster than the usual shill.

25678796? ago

Who am I shilling for?

Am I shilling for the anti-black crowd by pointing out that they're cunts?

Am I shilling for the anti-white crowd by pointing out that they too are cunts?

25678745? ago

you must be black and offended. sounds like the statistics don't lie. do you feel oppressed by the white man also?

25678786? ago

you must be black and offended.

Neither. I just don't kowtow to the "BLACKS AM BAD!" faggots.

do you feel oppressed by the white man also?

By "the white man"? Nope. Just governments of various countries who pit the masses against each other, not least of all over racial differences.