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MadWorld ago

I bet they are more concerned about Voat's "inappropriate" use of language than the vagina ads that Youtube has shown to the kids under ten.

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Word2vec is a technique for natural language processing.The word2vec algorithm uses a neural network model to learn word associations from a large corpus of text. Once trained, such a model can detect synonymous words or suggest additional words for a partial

This model was trained on the Google News vocab, which you can import and play with. Contemplate, for a moment, that the Word2vec algorithm has never been taught a single rule of English syntax. It knows nothing about the world, and is unassociated with any rules-based symbolic logic or knowledge graph. And yet it learns more, in a flexible and automated fashion, than most knowledge graphs will learn after many years of human labor. It comes to the Google News documents as a blank slate, and by the end of training, it can compute complex analogies that mean something to humans.

You can also query a Word2vec model for other assocations. Not everything has to be two analogies that mirror each other.

Google’s Word2vec Patent

Word2vec is a method of computing vector representations of words introduced by a team of researchers at Google led by Tomas Mikolov. Google hosts an open-source version of Word2vec released under an Apache 2.0 license. In 2014, Mikolov left Google for Facebook, and in May 2015, Google was granted a patent for the method, which does not abrogate the Apache license under which it has been released.

MercurysBall2 ago

That paper is so flawed. They are just computing how many times particular 'hate speech' words are said in these forums. Not looking at the context or the user accounts .. They completely ignore the strong research community and describe voat as a news aggregator only. They don't look at the percentage of accounts that actually indulge in the practise, or look at what are the most used words or terms. It's just a hit piece and hardly a 'scientific' paper.


Generalizations. Over-simplification. Demarcating single interpretations for words which may have multiple meanings. Associating stereotypes. Misguided certainty. Dismissive of different opinions. Associating separate beliefs.

This is JUST how MAINSTREAM MEDIA manipulates people into not thinking for themselves.

A real researcher would understand that VOAT is just a microcosm of the rest of the world, and besides MOST being concerned with FREEDOM OF SPEECH and SEEKING THE TRUTH, we have all kinds. If we were to discriminate based off of the opinions and words that we disagree with or make us uncomfortable, we would ignore the fact that those ideas exist and never confront them in this relatively safe space. Censorship doesn't eliminate anything. It ignores an individuals concern until that individual feels so "unheard" that they must use a different "forum" to express it. This is the danger they are perpetuating with this thought control PC madness, IGNORANCE, and EXTREMES.

THANKS "SCIENTISTS". How about you put some effort into investigate this phenomena like a real human - like most of our users have - so you can see its not so BINARY?

MolochHunter ago

Oh noes, I must watch my languagez

Cornhole University iz monitering me for signs of paranoia

wait - are they the same niggerfaggots who constantly teach that huWYTW SOOPREMACY is behind our every word and deed and fart?

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Mil_Spec ago

MercurysBall2 ago

Here is the information that is being collected on user profiles:

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @shewhomustbeobeyed @think-

Crancsh ago

wasn't there someone here trying to warn everyone that all their information was already out there and told people where to find it?

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm not aware of that.

theoldonez ago

Well I'm too lazy to sift through the drama but some people claimed to have ip access and Gotham girl was just posting about it.

Moderators claimed @thewebofslime was collecting ips and banned him but he showed how everyone's passwords are already out on the Internet ip is irrelevant just need username or email address.

Then he proved it further by leaking passwords of wuhan institute of virology and the world health organization. The passwords were proven to be working and material was acquired from the accounts. There was a story in the Washington post about it.

As far as I know he proved @vindicator was a shill working for QinetiQ a British defense contractor and that was the real reason for the banning. Or somebody with the password goatfucker. One of the mods.

MercurysBall2 ago

So what do you think is the reason for an organisation like QinetiQ to set up a place like this? Honeytrap is the obvious answer. But what, in your opinion, is the long game?

Heebro ago

this sub is dead and it should be pumping out info and reporting to the authorities especially in the midst of the election. notice a lot of other places on the Internet are getting the word out about Pizzagate now. Not /v/Pizzagate though.

A list of places to report in the sidebar? Nope. A concise list of pedophiles and their crimes anywhere? Nope.

Meanwhile the guy who actually has an automated pedo hunter that anyone can use to report pedos all day long is considered a villain by /v/pizzagate? Look at the sticky at /v/thewebofslime. He started a discord to trade stocks where a lot of us have done quite well at making money. We just crushed it on WWR because of Trump's executive order.

You can also make money against human traffickers by submitting whistleblower forms against their businesses and non-profits.

This is the information that @vindicator is actively burying. In the meantime about a dozen of us are making a lot of money and actually reporting crimes. Last week we collectively reported over a hundred pedos on the discord.

@Vindicator, who claims to be pro pizzagate, has done nothing of the sort and is mostly focused on censoring people and insulting them. He has a lot less power and attention after his shill cohorts were exposed. This is why he hates "doxxers". Doxxing destroys pedophiles and shills.

So, you'll see stickied posts about reddit user accounts (spoiler alert NOT Ghislaine Maxwell) and bullshit about adrenochrome but you won't see how to put evil people in jail on /v/Pizzagate because the whole point of having a shill run the place is to protect them.

EricKaliberhall ago

You can also make money against human traffickers by submitting whistleblower forms against their businesses and non-profits. A number of law firms are in on this too. Whistleblower rewards are going out by the millions.

Take your shekels and your forms and slowly insert them up your anus, then piss off.

Vindicator ago

v/webofslime links to sites Slime controls, which he has admitted to using to dox v/pizzagate subscribers. Now you're hyping his shit with "Muh stock trades sky rocketing!"

Are you one of his sockpuppets, Heebro? Or are you just here to bash this sub for shits and giggles?

kestrel9 ago

are you just here to bash this sub for shits and giggles?

That would be my guess.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @MolochHunter @MadWorld @Kestrel9 @Argosciv -- have you seen this? Slime is using a get rich quick and bust pedos scheme to gather people's data, now.

argosciv ago

News to me. I've been largely distant from all of this the past month or two anyway.

Just found out a good friend passed back in July too, so probably not gonna be paying much attention for a while.

Vindicator ago

Sorry to hear about your friend, argo.

argosciv ago

You and I both, mate. Good bloke he was. Decked at least one pedo after he busted him filming underage teens in his apartment and storing the footage on a server likely providing said footage to pedo clientele.

Crensch ago

Hadn't seen it.

Vindicator ago

No one in v/pizzagate believes the Shareblue BS anymore TWoS. You lost, you stinkin' doxer.

theoldonez ago

great guess lol but meanwhile your sub is sucking Q dick and has yet to doxx a single pedophile

you align with obvious shills defend priests and enforce rules that were voted in by shareblue and you talk shit on web but he actually works with human trafficking oversight puts pedophiles in jail and isn't afraid to show his face

you've caught zero pedophiles and shut down lots of people serious about catching them

you are the enemy

Vindicator ago

You can't prove a single word of what you just said. You're just a cowardly shill hiding behind a sock puppet account sniping at people doing good things. If you cared about the kids, you'd be contributing research here instead of rhapsodizing about an asshole who was sent here to dox people from the very first week of this board's existence.

What a sorry life you lead.

theoldonez ago

But maybe I'm wrong why don't you hop on a podcast or a YouTube stream or something and prove me wrong or do you just Iinsult people to make an argument ike every other shill

kestrel9 ago

Studies using data from Voat.

Chandrasekharan et al. [9] set on detecting abusive content using data from 4chan, Reddit, Voat, and MetaFilter. The authors propose a novel approach towards detecting abusive content, namely, Bag of Communities (BoC). The proposed model performs with 75% accuracy without the need of training examples from the target community.

It is worth mentioning that part of the Voat data collected for their work originate from /v/CoonTown, /v/Nigger, and /v/fatpeoplehate: three communities focused on hate towards groups of individuals with specific body or race characteristics. These subverses were created in Voat after Reddit banned the original /r/CoonTown, /r/fatpeoplehate, and /r/nigger, subreddits in 2015 [45, 43, 40]. Similarly, Salim et al. [46] use Reddit comments to train a classifier that can accurately detect hateful speech. The authors use this classifier to detect such content on Voat’s /v/CoonTown, /v/fatpeoplehate, and /v/TheRedPill...

So when users who frequent those subs, and who also hate anything related to Q, come onto the Q subs for the purpose of haranguing those subscribers, and they use the so called 'hate' language, (but it's targeted at people who follow Q), then the study will reflect those Q subs as guilty of 'spreading hate'. Great /s. Same on PG when people use certain words, even typing in info of what the study itself is tracking in it's sample, those word counts will reflect on the sub PG, (if PG is in the sample as a target community).

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So when users who frequent those subs, and who also hate anything related to Q, come onto the Q subs for the purpose of haranguing those subscribers, and they use the so called 'hate' language, (but it's targeted at people who follow Q), then the study will reflect those Q subs as guilty of 'spreading hate'. Great /s. Same on PG when people use certain words, even typing in info of what the study itself is tracking in it's sample, those word counts will reflect on the sub PG, (if PG is in the sample as a target community).

What about the Qtards who subscribe to the subverses you've listed as being Hateful?

You also haven't taken into account people like crunchy, fagos, and mocockslutter. They are qbiciles who are almost always hateful in there speech. Or didn't you notice?

argosciv ago

It really should come as no shock that a media entity removes all context and merely labels a subsect of Voat as hateful based on the hateful rhetoric af another subsect of Voat which actively hates the first subsect...

If they included context, they would plainly see that it isn't QAnons who are the racists. Hateful though they are in some respects, the article blatantly ignores all context for the sake of pushing a narrative which is incidentally in favor of those who seek harm on QAnons. Again though, is anything else really to be expected from any media entity anywhere?

Score one for the 'shitposters' who shit up QRV for exactly the purpose of poisoning external opinion/perception.


Vindicator ago

So when users who frequent those subs, and who also hate anything related to Q, come onto the Q subs for the purpose of haranguing those subscribers, and they use the so called 'hate' language, (but it's targeted at people who follow Q), then the study will reflect those Q subs as guilty of 'spreading hate'.

Yes, this wing of the infowar anti-pizzagate operation has been obvious since the Reddit migration in November 2016. It's pretty obvious to me that the whole point of the Reddit shutdown was to force the migration to Voat so that our research could be discredited and dismissed as extremist hate speech. The very first mod team here attempted to ban it, which triggered the Voat immune system and got them all demodded.

Ironically, what ended up happening is that Voat's radical free-speech atmosphere ended up both truly invigorating research (waking up a lot of anti-child-trafficking normies to the role of Satanic Freemasons and Marxists in the Cabal) and toughening them to information warfare.

The academic researchers of this study make a giant error. They dismiss the hate speech subs as having no content worthy of consideration, when in fact they contain a lot of suppressed data and history from post-WWI and WWII which, when known, completely exposes the globalist Cabal and it's agenda.

Vindicator ago

Wow! We're the object of academic research, now. Well done, goats!

Archive of the pdf:

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darkknight111 ago

@vindicator The stuff in these links suggest a plot by “them” to try to get voat taken down.

May want to change your twitter handle if my instincts are correct about who they are linked to (ie people with no hesitations against doxxing people with intent to incite offline harm).

Vindicator ago

They've been trying to dox me for four years, now. I think if they could have, they would have.

They've also been trying to take Voat down. So far, that has also failed.

Heebro ago

lolololol nobody has tried to dox you tehre is a difference between leaving your breadcrumbs everywhere and someone caring enough to post those breadcrumbs publicly

Vindicator ago

I've had bounty's put on my head multiple times, here. I'm sure if they could dox me, they would have. But since I have no social media history, they failed.

You sound very bitter "Heebro".

EnemyOfTheDeepState ago

That is a compliment to you and this platform.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Alarmingly, we found that only one user authored about 30% of the total submissions posted in the most active subverse

Which user are they talking about? Do you know?

I knew this would happen. This is why Q worship doesn't belong here. I wonder why they didn't point out that the main (M)od on GA, is a OTO lovin', liberal foreigner. Who thinks he's a more Pay-triotic Amerikun than those of us who knew they would use Q to sully PG investigation. SMH @heygeorge @vindicator @MadWorld


"nigger" = negro, negroid

"jew" or "kike" = Canaanite, Babylonian, Non-Hebrew, Edomite, Sodomite, Non-Israelite, Godless, Bolshevik, Atheist, Shylock, Socialist, Communist, Feminists, THOT, LGBQTPedo, Foreign Spy, Pornographer, Real Nazis, etc...

"faggot" = sissy, homo, queer, - duh

"filthy" = unclean, dirty, black, brown, muddy, dingy

"masters" = owners, bosses

"puppet" = marionettes, muppets(ofc)

"deep state" = Babylonian Government, New Word Order, CatholicsInAction, wwg1wga - ALSO - DSNiggers, DSKikes, and DSFaggots.

darkknight111 ago

Read between the lines.

The articles are likely part of a bigger move to justify taking voat down.

They may use similar tactics to the ones used to deplatform 8chan last August.

Expect a potential false flag.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You really get off, hitting that Mod button, doncha?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You just stated the obvious. Maybe tell me something I don't know? Like, read between what lines?

darkknight111 ago

My point is the following:

Here and the QBoards are adjacent communities, especially in “their” eyes. I believe OP made the right call both from a moral and logical stand point when he shared the warning with us.

Looking at what’s been happening lately (banning the word Pedowood from Twitter searches and the banning of r/pedogate), the logical conclusion is that we are the next targets.

My hunch regarding who’s connected to the linked article just got proven right. Meaning that a likely end game is doxxing pizzagaters to bring about offline harm.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I believe OP made the right call both from a moral and logical stand point when he shared the warning with us.

So do I.

Looking at what’s been happening lately (banning the word Pedowood from Twitter searches and the banning of r/pedogate), the logical conclusion is that we are the next targets.

Voat has always been a target. We've always been next.

My hunch regarding who’s connected to the linked article just got proven right.

Who would that be?

Meaning that a likely end game is doxxing pizzagaters to bring about offline harm.

By whom?

darkknight111 ago

This article was written by someone beloved by The Atlantic.

The Atlantic -> Travis View (big anti pizzagate shill), Mike Rothschild and Fredrick Brennan (former owner of 8chan, pedophile, cyber criminal). The later one is very big into deplatforming and more importantly, doxxing people then inciting people to cause as much offline harm to them as possible.

Vindicator ago

When @alphabravo showed up here at the end of October 2017 and DMed me to find out how to make a non-rule-breaking submission about "Breadcrumbs anon" who later designated himself "Q Clearance Patriot" aka QAnon, (which was odd in itself, since most new people are oblivious to our submission rules), one of the strangest things he said was "Keep doing what you're doing. It's having a much bigger impact than you know. People at high levels watch this board."

There is zero doubt in my mind that the opposition to us is highly organized. Many good moderators here have been doxxed and run off Voat -- @PleadingtheYiff and @pizzathrowaway777, who were doxxed right after the Reddit migration, @abortionburger the following year, and of course @srayzie, who was first run off of v/pizzagate and went on to create the main target of this research, v/GreatAwakening and was then doxxed and forced off Voat entirely.

GA is still going strong, which makes this "research study" all the more gratifying.

As a longtime observer and researcher into the shills behind those doxxing efforts, I can tell you they all share two things in common: hatred of Trump and/or QAnon. Most of them also espoused "concern" for child victims to justify their actions. The operation to take down srayzie exposed the true nature of numerous well-camouflaged shills, including the most powerful account on Voat, @Kevdude. They didn't survive their efforts. :-)

None of the pizzagate mods, by the way, faced any real life trouble after they left Voat. It was all hot air.

The goal is intimidation. Don't fall for it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

None of the pizzagate mods, by the way, faced any real life trouble after they left Voat. It was all hot air.

Too bad the members of PG don't have the same experience as you mods do. I wonder why that is?

Vindicator ago

Too bad the members of PG don't have the same experience as you mods do. I wonder why that is?

What does that mean?

To my knowledge, only a few non-mod members of this board have been doxed. @PizzagateGear and @RebelSkum, and they were left alone as soon as they stopped researching and posting here, just like the mods who were doxed. Several others doxed themselves and switched accounts but faced no RL consequences.

Only two people have come to harm that I know of: Kappy, who was never a subscriber here to my knowledge, and Jenny Moore, whose RL identity was not known during her time on this board.

BTW: Innuendo smears don't work here anymore.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What does that mean?

Just checking to see if you were still paying attention, since you've placed me into persona non grata status. You are too easy.

To my knowledge, only a few non-mod members of this board have been doxed.

Mine too. But my list has more. Which you know of, since I told you few years ago.

BTW: Innuendo smears don't work here anymore.

BTW: You're the one who chose for me to discuss my concerns out in the open. Once I found out you were sharing my DMs with the rest of your crew. I tried to play your games, but they always made me feel dirty. scrazy, ES/DGB, GG, ZB, fagos, mocockslutter, t_o_o, and crunchy, ARE DIRTY. ALL OF THEM.

If you weren't too stubborn to answer my DMs, we wouldn't be having a public fight. You know this, right?

@heygeorge @madworld @kestrel9

Vindicator ago

I don't get DMs from you, because I blocked you quite a while back when it became clear you were not here for Good, but only to attack and tear down and demoralize people.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

attack and tear down and demoralize people.

Don't you think you should ban me? Since I'm so very good at using bad people's words against them.

Maybe if I publish some kiddie porn in PG, like @the_old_ones, or torment a mentally ill woman, like @crensch, with constant reminders of her dead child. You'd think kinder of me.

As a parent, doesn't those twos antics bother you at all? It makes me sick, physically. So yeah, I'm gonna scream about it.

You should stop hangin' w/ satanists, just sayin'.

good night

@heygeorge @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

Christ_In_Everyone ago

@Gothamgirl isn't mentally ill at all. He is.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This doesn't concern you. every person involved in scrazygate is a lying POS.


piss off, dumbshit

Christ_In_Everyone ago

You seem tormented seek PRAYER

When you are facing the anguish of spiritual battles the mind is often in torment. I understand. Right now, take 3 long deep breaths. Quiet your mind. Breathe in God’s love and peace, breathe out fear and anxiety. I encourage you to say this short prayer out loud on a daily basis. At any moment during the day if you feel that anxiety rising, pull out this prayer and say it again. Blessings.

“Dear Lord, I come to you broken, tired and dejected. I am weary of fighting these battles. I now relinquish control over my situation. I now give you control over my family, my work, my marriage and Goat interactions. In the name of Jesus I now command fear, worry, anxiety and every thought that is not of God to leave my mind. I now choose to walk in the perfect peace that God desires for my life. I now choose to trust that God is at work in my life and in all my situations. I submit my mind, will and emotions to the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s perfect love is a barrier around me and all that I have therefore I refuse to come under fear but choose to walk in faith. I remind myself that each day is a new beginning and I now choose to rejoice in God’s goodness. I command my emotions to be steady and stable all day long. Today I will walk by faith knowing that God loves me and has the best for me.    In Jesus name.    amen

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I pray continually, what's you're point?

Christ_In_Everyone ago

You judge others and you aren't being truthful.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My judgement of others is a natural, God given instinct. It keeps me alive.

But you're going to have to be more specific on the truthfulness thing.

Christ_In_Everyone ago

Your disrupting a sub meant for the research of abused children. Not your personal grievances. Take it elsewhere.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're trying to defend a whore.

Accusing me of lying, when you don't even have the decency to point out where you think my facts might be in error. Not only are you not a xtian, but you're stupid, too.

If you don't want the place shitted up, then stfu w/ your lies.

Christ_In_Everyone ago

No worries GOD will take care of you for the lies.

Why are tagging GG in a sub she cant possibly respond to?

Again, you are disrupting a sub not meant for drama. It is to discuss pizzagate research, which consists of child rape. You have no class! Take your own advice.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I gave you the courtesy of knowing you were being discussed, instead of doing it behind your back.

the lies.

You still haven't told me which part I got wrong. Have you? Maybe my opinion was formed by misinfo, it happens to us all. But without you telling me, how am i to know?

Again, you are disrupting a sub not meant for drama.

hey stupid, YOU started this shit, not me.

You have no class

says the classless whore. Never wanted any, hell is filled with 'classy' people. And Lots and Lots of WHORES.

Christ_In_Everyone ago

All I do on this site is post prayers. GG and I ran the pedo spamming guy off of here by reporting him to the FBI. While the rest of you did nothing. We are friends. You are NUTS!

Crensch ago

You're defending a pedophile by calling her a mentally ill woman?

She had child porn on her phone and knew exactly what zyklon was saying and wanting for over a month as he attacked pizzagate researchers.

it's pretty clear who and what you defend and who and what you side with.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Dear lord, you're still at it with that lame ass lie about that doxxing cunt scrazy getting her ass handed to her by the biggest troll on Voat.

I don't know what zb was saying, or wanting. Because I tried to stay as far out of it as I could. I think they're all insane......yep, pretty sure at this point.

I know you're always too busy looking at the fatty-boobs to pay attention to anything else, but if you look in the eyes of both, their madness isn't hidden. One has crazy eyes, the other has dead, soulless eyes. Both disgusting, both mentally ill, tatoos, layers of paint. Both look 10 yrs older than they are. Both whores. Both Doxxers. Who'd a thunk it? They could be twins, to anyone who doesn't have a dog in their fight.

it's pretty clear who and what you defend and who and what you side with.

I side with actual victims, not faux ones. Actual researchers, not fakes. And, actual men, not you.

@vindicator @madworld @heygeorge

Crensch ago

I don't know what zb was saying, or wanting.

Admission of lack of knowledge, yet you call him "the biggest troll on Voat". You went completely nuts over TOO reposting someone else's textual pornography but give Zyklon a pass for stating outright that he wanted to sodomize, cannibalize, and murder children.

but if you look in the eyes of both, their madness isn't hidden.

Pretending to be a doctor or something... diagnosing by simply looking at someone's eyes.

One has crazy eyes, the other has dead, soulless eyes.

Because Doctor SWMBO can tell these things.

Both look 10 yrs older.

10 years older than what?

They could be twins, to anyone who doesn't have a dog in their fight.

Doctor SWMBO strikes again.

I side with actual victims, not faux ones. Actual researchers, not fake.

Doesn't know one of them is an actual researcher.

And, actual men, not you.

Liked donkey long after he made pedophilic comments. Considers me to not be a man.


The rest of your comment is roughly the same level of drivel. I actually see you as closer to GG than any other user on this site, personality-wise. You both give zyklon a pass while you attack others for doing far less (or nothing at all) and call them pedophiles.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I've never given zb a pass. When he, sQuqirty/YOU and shizass/YOU brought the fight to a PG post he made, I asked him not to, and he didn't do it again, but squirty/you didn't have a problem w/ it. I am grateful for that, but he gets no pass from me. Scarzie/YOU just had to fuck with the bull and his cow. She earned the horns, all by herself. And no, I'm not going to read the disgusting details, i don't need to, with you and @gothamgirl spilling them all over the fucking place. You are BOTH VILE AND RETARDED.

10 years older than what?

Than their actual ages. dumbass. You look old. They/you could be twins, to anyone who doesn't have a dog in their fight.

Doesn't know one of them is an actual researcher.

Yeah, yeah. I know squirty/you does her due diligence, when researching dildos. EVERYBODY KNOWS BY NOW. But not much in the way of actual PG research (that she/you didn't steal).

Liked donkey long after he made pedophilic comments. Considers me to not be a man.

Show me where I ever said i thought @don-keyhote was a man. And you're still not a man.

Again, in case you missed it.


Crensch ago

Scarzie just had to fuck with the bull and his cow.

You mean how he continued to post porn and CP in the Q subs and didn't stop even after being asked to do so, then was banned, and he declared all-out war on her?

And no, I'm not going to read the disgusting details, i don't need to, with you and @gothamgirl spilling them all over the fucking place. You are BOTH VILE.

I'm not the one that had child porn on my phone, nor was I the one that was with a pedophile. You and GG both continued to pine after men that made pedophilic comments.

Than their actual ages. dumbass

Maybe saying that would help you not look like an idiot.

They could be twins, to anyone who doesn't have a dog in their fight.

Nobody would ever think this. They look nothing alike.

Yeah, yeah. I know squirty does her due diligence, when researching dildos. EVERYBODY KNOWS BY NOW.

Your REEEEEing doesn't change the fact that she put a lot of work into real research, unlike you and GG.

Show me where I ever said i thought @don-keyhote was a man. He knows i don't think that. And you're still not a man.

You continued pining after him, flirting with him, and being jealous over him long after he made those comments.


Coming from a lying whore trying to fence-sit with her loose snot pocket, that means SO much.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


I'm still butthurt that people won't believe MY lying whore, over that OTHER lying whore. so YOU'RE a lying whore.

fixed it for you

Crensch ago

Remember when you were never important to begin with. Not a researcher, and not pro-pizzagate, evidenced by your chasing Donkey after he made pedophilic comments?

I remember.

You also defended zyklon by calling him a troll when he was clearly a pedo, and consider a pedo anti-PG cave troll equal to an actual PG researcher that is not a pedo.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wow, so creepy

Crensch ago

Sick fucks like you gotta defend the (((tribe))), I guess.

Any way you can, even pretending to be against everyone when clearly likening the pedos you're defending to non-pedos you're really wanting to attack.

Good job, Moshe! .02 shekels deposited into your account.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You still don't quite understand my position, so I'll try again.


and leftists, a whole fucking metric ton of stinking, filthy, bullshitviktums

@gabara was right about you (golf clap!). You ARE a Menopausal Missy.

Responding to you, while keeping you blocked. is too tiring for me today. We'll play pattycakes, some other time. K?

Stay Stupid, @srayzie/@crensch. wouldn't have you, any other way.

Crensch ago

Yes, you've given your one-size-fits-all opinion plenty of times while ignoring the evidence showing the one side actually is a bunch of bad things that you list and one side is not.

One side is far less disgusting than you, yourself are. You continued to lust after donkey long after he wrote plenty of pedophilic comments.

Which makes you a whore. At best.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you've given your one-size-fits-all opinion plenty of times while ignoring the evidence showing the one side actually is a bunch of bad things that you list and one side is not.

My opinion is based of reading the complete doxx of both sQuirty/YOU, @gothamgirl, and their fams. The only thing that i can see proven about GG is she's a whore who got involved with a drunken, criminal, meth head, and she lies, a lot. Stupid Pet Dragons, tend to do that. Prolly drank too much Kool-aid.

But the description of my opinion is solely based on what we've all learned about sQuirty, or should have if we read everything first.



drug addict


jewess (still up in air, but her nose and behavior are exactly same)

married nigger

admitted whore

Edit: Forgot to add Fucking Doxxer.

So there it is, sQuirty/YOU did it, all on her own.

@heygeorge @MadWorld @gabara

Crensch ago

And your avoidance of the pedophile issue suggests that I was closer to the Target then you are comfortable with.

Remember that thing you have in common with GG & zyklon?

Where you lusted after a known pedophile?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If you're a man, which is doubtful at this point (it's @srayzie), you wouldn't keep doubling down on your mistakes. Men don't do that. donqi does, ZB does, tOO does, fagos and you. Not a man in the whole lot of you.

But this is your Goddess, you should run to her, I'm sure she'll still let you be the caboose on her freaky little train.



drug addict



married a nigger

admitted she's a whore, to everyone

doxxer of PG researchers

She's waiting for you.

Crensch ago

If you're a man, which is doubtful at this point, you wouldn't keep doubling down on your mistakes.

I made one, and I apologized and have since done what I could to atone for it. I was on the wrong side of the ProtectVoat/SBBH battles for years. You're not on the right side of that one, still.

Other mistakes? Unlikely you've been on the right side of any of those, either.

Men don't do that. donqi does, ZB does, tOO does, fagos and you.

Women don't talk back to men. Women don't pine after pedophiles. You did both.

Not a man in the whole lot of you.

Good thing nobody considers you a woman, but a value-free fronthole, at best.

But this is your Goddess, you should run to her, I'm sure she'll still let you be the caboose on her freaky little train.

Still avoiding the fact that you desperately wanted that pedo's attention.



drug addict



married a nigger

admitted she's a whore, to everyone

None of those are pedophilic in nature, and don't hold a candle to what the guy you wanted is.

Go on.

She's waiting for you.

You continued pursuing a pedophile. You have no room to talk about anyone or anything.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

BTW: We proved that jews are pedophiles, quite along time ago. Or did you miss that year?

Crensch ago

You haven't yet proved that she's Jewish. What you proved is that you Don't See pedophilia as a deal-breaker for the guys you are going after

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You know, I think we should do something nice for sQuirty./s I seem to recall her saying she's a victim of the pedos in her family.

Since she's already been doxxed, we should investigate her family./s We might be able to save some kids from her whorish fate. /s We should probably investigate her hubby's family, too./s Since victims tend to marry perpetrators.

I wonder if she ever turned anyone in? I guess we'll find out./s

Edit: Been forced to respond in edits, also adding in proper [/s] where needed, since vindicator has chosen to use my snark, and lack of typing skills against me. I knew he would. All because I truly believe that @srayzie/@grace8 is a honeytrap, because she acts like one. [no snark]

More edit:

Check out what crensch said:

PG researchers should know getting the state involved = stolen/raped kids

If the children are being victimized by the pedos that srayzie herself claimed are in her family. Why wouldn't we do an investigation? She wanted to be a public figure, she should be treated like one. Her IRL doxx reveled that she was a person of extremely low character, and came from criminals and 'she said' pedos. Was she lying, or telling the truth? The doxx didn't lie.

@Vindicator thinks it's a crime to read something posted about @srayzie, especially if it's truth.

And the cowardly bitch was too afraid of an autist, to ever confront me on my accusations. Because she and vin knew i was right. Right or wrong, I tried to tell truth as i saw it. It doesn't matter, PG will go on. Still doing archives if anyone wants help, and doesn't want to get involved w/ deceitful literal satanic power mods.

1st archive 2nd 3rd - yeah, they're not creepy, or anything.


That's nothing, you should see what they say about you all in DM. disgraceful.

Crensch ago

That's nothing, you should see what they say about you all in DM. disgraceful, truly.

Look at what people say about you out in the open.


Useless cunt finally gone. Couldn't be happier with the outcome here.

Crensch ago

Nobody will miss you.

Nobody will care about your archives.

Enjoy being forgotten.

Vindicator ago

Ah SWMBO. Your true colors finally show clearly.

Inciting harassment of people in RL is against Voat's User Agreement, which states:


These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Do Not Incite Harm:

You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Your public call to investigate the criminal family members of a survivor who was doxxed here, whose identity is easy to deduce from your Comment history and which could easily lead those individuals to harm the survivor in question, is a clear example of inciting harm. You should be ashamed.

Your personal animosity has finally won you a ban from this subverse. Congratulations.


MolochHunter ago


Blacksmith21 ago

And good riddance!

Crensch ago

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

PG researchers should know getting the state involved = stolen/raped kids

Do Not Incite Harm:

You agree not to encourage harm against people.


Imagine someone claiming to be pro-PG wanting to get the state involved with kids when it's not a literal pedophile like GG/zyklon or yourself, since that's not a dealbreaker for you.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, this was definitely a violation of Voat's User Agreement.

Crensch ago

What you proved is that you Don't See pedophilia as a deal-breaker for the guys you are going after

You went after a pedophile. Remember?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Tell me, what do you think of my idea? Shouldn't we help the children in sQuirty's family? I think we should./s

Crensch ago

Everyone watched you pining after him. The pedo.

Must hurt to have worse morals than the woman you hate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So, no thoughts on saving those poor children in her family, at all?/s

Edit: Everything about her screams pedo-implant, from the sex majik, right down to the stealing away of good PG researchers, and getting people banned for going against her. I watched it all happen. And no one cared.

Just the same broken record, over, and over. Poor pedo squirty, no one cares about her fam.

Hey remember when @vindicator had to tell you to ban a pedo, from your own sub, cuz you were too busy telling him how much you liked his work? And too stupid to identify his sickness.

the god of the bible would hate you.

Says the ATHEIST

all I saw of that username up to that point?

Yet still didn't recognize that the words were written CP. Retard.

Someone can appear to be one thing,

Like you pretending to defend against CP publishers, but so far NOT having a problem with them writing it.

then turn out to be another thing!

Yes, it's plain for all to see that you are sQuirty in crunchy's alt.

Crensch ago

Guessing you're not a christian. Makes sense; the god of the bible would hate you.

Oh, you mean the one that was attacking GG and that's all I saw of that username up to that point?

Good job! Someone can appear to be one thing, then turn out to be another thing!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did you report him? NO. Edit: Did you bother to doxx him? Pay to have him checked out? Call a contact for help?( Mr. "Me and sQuirty are whistleblowers" hurrdurr. You're both blow!) Did you check to see if the pedos in sQuirty's own family had been properly dealt with first? Or if she wasn't in fact just some useful, low-level, honeytrap?

But me trying to find out about @don-keyhote, is a mortal sin?

You are sick.

I have yet to talk back to any man on Voat. NOT ONCE. Soi boyz, faggots and cowards, sure. But not once, to any real men.

you are:



drug addict



married a nigger

admitted she's a whore, to everyone

Edit: Doxxer! Scum of the earth, really.

Crensch ago

Report him for what? Revealing that he's attracted to children? That was posted all over the website for you to see, but you continue pursuing him.

You continued pursuing a pedophile because that's not a deal-breaker for you.

gabara ago

@Crensch died in April

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. :'(

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh, I forgot. You don't need me to ping you, since you've been surveilling and archiving my comments, for the longest time.

So tell me, have I thrown a big enough fuss for you all to knock it off, yet? I asked you to stop, have you? Did you ask @MadWorld to stop, when I asked you to?

You never answered me. Are you willing to stop?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Would that be before or after I told you you'd have to go get all future info from your pet OTOdragon?

EricKaliberhall ago

Like, read between what lines?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That's the best you've got? I've done you no harm, ever. Why is it bad to think the enemy of my enemy, isn't my friend? Especially when they have labelled us 'pizzagate' to begin with. And now try to label us as qtards. "Just another bunch of right winged wackos." "Nothing to see here folks."

darkknight111 ago

So in short, keep watch for shills trying to false flag us.

Note: Anything foul I say tends to either be a joke amongst us or being pissed off at scumbags.

MercurysBall2 ago

So Gianluca Stringhini is in the Boston University Enginering Department. So is Stephen Grossberg

Grossberg is in Brockman's Edge magazine

Grossberg’s lecture series at MIT Lincoln Laboratory triggered the national DARPA Neural Network Study in 1987-88, which led to heightened government interest in neural network research. He was General Chairman of the first IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN) in 1987 and played a key role in organizing the first INNS annual meeting in 1988, whose fusion in 1989 led to the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), which remains the largest annual meeting devoted to neural network research. Grossberg has also organized and chaired the annual International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS) since 1997, as well as many other conferences in the neural networks field

Poor cyber geeks, forever tainted by the associations with the Epstein network.

MercurysBall2 ago

2nd Exploring Media Ecosystems Conference -

Samberg Conference Center at MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts

9:00 . Exploring Media Ecosystems - Ethan Zuckerman (MIT)

9:30 . Media Ecosystems Explorations

The structure of the French media ecosystem and the Yellow vest movement - Jean-Philippe Cointet (Sciences Po)

Exploring Media Ecosystems Through Partisan Media Attention: Lessons Learned from Two Elections in the European Laboratory of Social Media Populisms - Fabio Giglietto (Universita di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Computational Methods to Measure and Mitigate Weaponized Online Information - Jeremy Blackburn, Gianluca Stringhini (iDrama Lab)

11:30 . Disinformation Around the World

Social Media Manipulation: Algorithms, Bots, and Computational Propaganda - Samantha Bradshaw (Oxford Internet Institute)

How to design policies to address disinformation – a European perspective - Lutz Guellner (European External Action Service )

MercurysBall2 ago

I propose we watch them too. Following the authors of the paper leads to a number of cyber labs.. maybe they are not aware of the networks they are connected to.. because I can tell you now .. this leads back to characters like Nicole Junkermann, John Brockman and his Edge community of scientists.. Notice how these cyber geeks neve write about the cyber soldiers and propaganda units that we know fill these forums with their posts in order to set us up..

Okay, first up we have iDrama Lab - The International Data-driven Research for Advanced Modeling and Analysis (iDramaLab)

Their YTube channel:

They are very much connected to Gianluca String, Assistant Professor at BU, Boston:

Jeremy Blackburn Department of Computer Science at Binghamton University.

XAVIER BELLEKENS, Strathclyde University, Scotland

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will work with Innovate UK

Innovate UK is connected to iDrama Lab

and Innovate UK connected to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) where we find Matt Hancock and Nicole Junkerman

MolochHunter ago

you win the award for being UnCuckable

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you win the award for being UnCuckable

Says the #ForeignLiberalSatanicCrowleyLovingCuckedUpWitchcraftPracticingGAMod.

Congratulations, You've finally said something mildly amusing. GoodJob.

Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder, doncha know?

@heygeorge @madworld @vindicator

MolochHunter ago

you looking for a fight?

sorry, you have to go up about two belt sizes, then talk to my agent

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Fighting with foreign inferior life forms is beneath me. I SAID "CONGRATULATIONS", dumbass.

Still not funny, or hurting my feelings. You are incapable of both.

@heygeorge @vindicator ^ creepy mods from GA trying to run off xtian PG members, AGAIN.

MolochHunter ago

why are you angwy wiv me @shewhomustbeobeyed ?

dont be angwy

I wuv yoo

I wuv yoo SOOOO much

I wuv yoo the way that Jesus wuvved that whore Magdalen

now am I supposed to ping people for some reason who couldnt and shouldnt care less ?

@Vindicator there. did I do it right?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm not angry at you.

I wuv yoo the way that Jesus wuvved that whore Magdalen

Jew Lie. You know nothing of Mary Magdalene. She was a demoniac, just like you. And the Lord delivered her, unlike you.

Some woman hating atheist in RCC labeled her a whore. But it's just not true.

MolochHunter ago

i just wuv yoooo

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You lie too much to love anyone.

Shouldn't you be sacrificing a chicken to moloch, right about now? Do what thou wilt.

You are useless as tits on a boar.

@heygeorge @vindicator

MolochHunter ago

i wuv yooooo vewwwy vewwy much

you lunk-o-luvvin spunkmunchkin

lets have babies. You wanna post me some ovum ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@heygeorge @vindicator @MadWorld ^ check out the creep factor. Actin like ES

No wonder he can only do cybersex. sheeesh.

MolochHunter ago

you keep pinging people like theyre your friends or something

do you really want an audience for your pointless and childish display of intemperate, seething contempt

its very unladylike

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

There you go accusing me of being a lady. Ladies sit still while there country goes up in flames. Women don't. You wouldn't know about such things, being from a country that has no women.

Why you worried about who I give fyi pings to? They're more likely to downvote me than you, if they're your friends.

If any of them tells me to stop pinging them, I will. They haven't yet. maybe i'm entertaining them? idk.

You seem nervous. Would you like it better if I secret pinged them, instead? I'll do that, since you're so sensitive.

MolochHunter ago

i think you should secret ping them hundreds of times each, daily, for no apparent reason

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just because you're too dim witted to know why i ping them, doesn't mean they don't.

Don't you have some boomer urine to clean up in GA, mopboy? You should get on that. The stench is permeating the whole place. Slacker.


Looking ahead

This research is an early step toward understanding how disinformation campaigns use images. Our research provides a look at the past, but from what we have learned, we expect that information warriors will create more content themselves, and take advantage of material others create, to improve their strategies and effectiveness.

As the 2020 presidential election approaches, Americans should remain aware that Russians and others are continuing their increasingly sophisticated efforts to mislead, confuse and spread social discord in the public.

Gianluca Stringhini is an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Boston University. Savvas Zannettou is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. This was first published by The Conversation — “Political trolls adapt, create material to deceive and confuse the public”

Gianluca Stringhini:

Disturbed YouTube for Kids: Characterizing and Detecting Inappropriate Videos Targeting Young Children. ICWSM 2020: 522-533

Gianluca Stringhini:

PYTHIA: a Framework for the Automated Analysis of Web Hosting Environments. WWW 2019: 3072-3078

Gianluca Stringhini:

Disturbed YouTube for Kids: Characterizing and Detecting Disturbing Content on YouTube. CoRR abs/1901.07046 (2019)

Gianluca Stringhini:

Tiresias: Predicting Security Events Through Deep Learning. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2018: 592-605

Gianluca Stringhini:

Understanding Web Archiving Services and Their (Mis)Use on Social Media. CoRR abs/1801.10396 (2018)

Giovanni Vigna:

COMPA: Detecting Compromised Accounts on Social Networks. NDSS 2013

Likely another by the same name...

Gianluca Stringhini - Doctoral Student - CERN | LinkedIn


MercurysBall2 ago

That paper is so flawed and biased I don't know how anyone can take it seriously.

Mil_Spec ago

I propose we watch them too.

I second.

@Vindicator @Kingkongwaswrong @erickaliberhall @darkknight111 is a sticky in order?

Potential commenters and submitters should be made aware of the heightened, institutional surveillance we are under. For safety and redpill purposes.

Vindicator ago


Just a heads up...kingkongwaswrong has been AWOL for years, now. He popped his head in briefly once in 2017 and was never heard from again. :-)

Mil_Spec ago

Thank you. God bless him.

Keep fighting.

Vindicator ago

I propose we watch them too. Following the authors of the paper leads to a number of cyber labs..

LMAO. I love you guys :-)

darkknight111 ago

Can you connect these people to any of the following: The Atlantic, “Travis View”, Mike Rothschild, Fredrick Brennan.

If my sleuthing instincts are correct, then this hit piece is connected to people known to dox people to incite offline harm. They may be trying to take voat down and dox pizzagaters.

Crancsh ago

Amazon Mockingbird Complex

Heebro ago

Bezos now divorced wife bought the Atlantic ya?

MercurysBall2 ago

From the twitter account of one of the authors: Antonis Papasavva - Great Awakening gets a special mention

We find that the submissions in v/GreatAwakening tend to get approximately 57 upvotes and only 1.7 downvotes. On average, the /v/GreatAwakening submissions tend to be positively voted with the final vote (sum) being 59, and the median sum being ~32.

Alarmingly, the audience of /v/GreatAwakening consumes content from a handful of users. The top submitter is responsible for 31.47% (1.36K) submissions. Excluding the top 15 submitters, all other users only posted 31.14% (1.34K) submissions

kestrel9 ago

The top submitter is responsible for 31.47% (1.36K) submissions... A likely candidate

I would venture to say that the majority of those are links to articles.

Vindicator ago

Anyone figure out who that GA top submitter is? @MolochHunter probably knows off the top of his head.

MolochHunter ago

oh i misread you.

I dunno so much, maybe @Rikki6 ?

MolochHunter ago

and i do it all for pure vanity, patriotism is just a vehicle

Mil_Spec ago

Per PDF, data is only from May 28, to August 1 2020.

@searchvoat any way you can help?

SearchVoat ago

@rickki6 posted 2,628 (28%) of the total 9,380 v/GreatAwakening submissions between May 28 and August 1, 2020. For all time, that user posted 9,543 (9.5%) of 100,100 submissions.

Mil_Spec ago

MercurysBall2 ago

He's a PhD student at UCL.. where the secret Eugenics conferences were held..

I'm sure he's already run these posts through their DRAMA Lab

The British education system is being destroyed by members of the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile network. On London's eugenicists.

UCL to investigate eugenics conference secretly held on campus -

The dark history of how eugenics was developed in Britain

Most often associated with Nazi atrocities, eugenics was a theory developed by Victorian scientist and statistician Sir Francis Galton. ', "When he died in 1911, Galton endowed UCL with his personal collection of archives, and a bequest which funded the country's first professorial Chair of Eugenics."

'University College London (UCL) recently launched an urgent investigation into reports that a senior academic secretly ran a conference on eugenics at the institution for three years. '

Vindicator ago

Nice diggin'

Mil_Spec ago


Disturbed YouTube for Kids: Characterizing and Detecting Inappropriate Videos Targeting Young Children

Antonis Papasavva

Cyprus University of Technology