25662754? ago

Dresden too. Another atrocity we participated in.

25655863? ago

Shriners often a feature of the pizzagate forums ... maybe satanic not sure... btw Ask why so many feature around Hollyweird and other places like politics https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/4017982/25569960

25655906? ago

Truman Nuked Kids, not a military target? and Christian Children btw @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS @gamepwn ? @Sir_Ebral ? @darkknight111 @Nosferatjew

25656983? ago

"I am become death destroyer of worlds" Jack Parsons (Originally from the Bav. Gita) after the bombs were dropped. Jack was a friend of Alester Crowley a well known satanist who took part in the Babylon Working at Devils Gate in Pasadena CA.

Stories tell of Jack receiving the nuclear technology and know how- from a ritual in which he spoke to a demonic realm.

25655311? ago

Likely the masons were behind Truman desegregating the armed forces, which pretty much started the unravelling of the US.

25655696? ago

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25655752? ago


^ Still you.


Fuck your god, fuck their god, fuck all of the excuses you troglodytes use to justify your violence and bigotry.

25655798? ago

What did he do to pass the Mason test?? Did he grind his dick into another dudes ass? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4027531

25655833? ago

Provide irrefutable sources.

25655275? ago

You seemed to overlook one minor detail.... we were engaged in a very costly war with Japan....a little thing called World War II, you might have missed that in our wretched "education" system. I'm certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Truman was WAY more concerned with beating Japan into total submission, and your Freemason theory is negligible to the point of being irrelevant. Look it up, it was really a THING.... World War II. I'm sure Wikipedia has an entry on it. Might even find it on YouTube. It's pretty obscure, I know, but it really was a thing back then.

25655436? ago

He could have fucked over any city, instead his choice was THE MOST CHRISTIAN CITY IN JAPAN, he didnt even hit the shipyards or production factories or ports instead nukes the churches. Not a Buddhist city, not a Pagan City, not a Jewish City, not a Shinto City, he nukes the most Christian site in Japan. You might make excuses for the First Bomb but a Second One seems something of a War Crime, not that a Masonic piece of shit would care, didnt they order US soliders to run into clouds of atomic ash doing their stupid tests? https://www.naav.com/ , https://www.stripes.com/news/special-reports/conspiracy-of-silence-veterans-exposed-to-atomic-tests-wage-final-fight-1.585789

25655362? ago

You seemed to overlook one minor detail....

OP and many respondents are overlooking a plethora of details in order to feed the overlapping "Blame the Jews/Satanists/Freemasons" biases they hold so very dear.

25655184? ago

They didn't kick out the Jesuits. So somehow they missed that memo.

25655213? ago

If he was Christian then why would he bomb a Jesuit Church, Protestant and Catholic Church?

25655230? ago

Some people don't even think the bomb was dropped, they think Jesuits (or someone) smuggled it into Nagasaki and set it off, while the Jesuits hid in their bunker. Very convenient.

25655972? ago

it was an airburst

25655139? ago

"Truman was a Satanic Mason?"

Satanists and Freemasons are directly opposed in their beliefs.

All Satanist are atheists. Freemasony demands a belief in "a higher power", therefore no Satanist can ever be a Freemason.

25655199? ago

One heathen sect fighting another sect of demon worshippers, one fights another...Why do so many Jesters get arrested for criminality and pedo shit and what are Shriners really praying to? Why did the Bush Jnr allow the Saudi to fly out after 911, Why did Philippines' Duterte call Obama 'son of a whore' Three families combined form the NWO (Black oil blood from House of Saud, Jew Rothschild bankers and the pedo asset managers the old Blackmail Royals). 'Can not Serve 2 Masters'? What Really Happened When the House Stenographer Was Pulled Off the Floor?.... Do Masons have lots of symbolism Triangles, Orbs, All-Seeing-eye? https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko

25655233? ago


^ That's you.

25655198? ago

Atheists supposedly don't worship any god. Satanists worship Satan. They are not atheists.

25655820? ago

The Freemasons seem to have a lot of strange homosexual rituals. Why are they obsessed with soddomy, faggotry, baphomet and people's anus? Was it Blackmail or some other weird shit? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/4027547

25655315? ago

demiurge worship, Luciferian crap, Satanic stuff

Wrong on every conceivable level.

Try talking with not only Satanists, but Freemasons also.

I have conversed with both, and you could not be more wrong.

25655834? ago

Lots of ex-Freemasons have spoken out, documents have been posted and crimes are now exposed.

25655924? ago

Lots of opprunitists have parroted claims they know will gian traction among biased communities*

25655227? ago

Satanists worship Satan. They are not atheists.

Wrong. You're fucking retarded. Talk to a Satanist.

25655274? ago

I figured I was talking to a Satanist. You worship nature is that it?

25655289? ago

I'm technically not a Satanist. You're still retarded though. Try talking to them.

25655400? ago

Technically you're a dumbass.

25655414? ago

Oh do go ahead and dazzle the crowd with your non-religion-inspired/biased reasoning, and evidence, faggot.

25655858? ago

No need, your case is self evident.

25655932? ago

Bottom-tier retort.

25655194? ago

You are a new kind of dumb.

Satanists are atheists? What? Atheists are atheists. Satanists are satanists.

25655359? ago

Seems to link some old cults. Old rituals from Arabia, before moslims the moslims took part in paganism, there is also Egyptian stuff mixed in and the Jewish Occult rituals. They pray to some tentacle creature, more Satanism, they pray to Lucifer as some kind of weird fallen angel, The God of Freemasonry Exposed – Worship of the Fake Light. https://thefreedomarticles.com/god-of-freemasonry-exposed/ , https://gnosticwarrior.com/yaldabaoth.html , https://gnosticwarrior.com/yaldabaoth.html A form of Maltheism, the Frankists also followed their greeds and lusts, ethian Gnostics are semi-Maltheistic, Baal Hammon, properly Baʿal or Ḥamon, was the chief god of Ancient Carthage. The Cainites once were attacked themselves and the Cain culture driven away, an older Gnostic sect, held that the God of the Old Testament is essentially the Devils or some kind of Demon, Baʿal Ḥammon's female cult partner was Tanit, the gods might relate to the Greek Horse Feet Pan creature and the Saturn, Cronus, Moloch god?

25655441? ago


^ Still you.

25655280? ago

Satanists are atheists? What? Atheists are atheists. Satanists are satanists.

You're fucking retarded.

All Satanists are atheists. Not all atheists are Satanists.

Devil Worshipers are heretical Christians (they believe in characters from Christian mythology); they are not Satanists. Talk to Satanists, I dare you, shit-tier faggot.

25655358? ago

Go back to the meth and talking to yourself in the mirror.

25655375? ago

Except I fucking hate both meth and mirrors. Why, it's as if every strawman you can come up with does not apply to me. Care to try again you bottom-tier faggot?

25655409? ago

Its not my fault you're ugly inside and out.

25655421? ago

That's the best you've got? An ad hominem to back up your strawman? Weak as piss like every christian faggot before you.

25655129? ago


25655142? ago

He was a Shriner, he would pray to Jaa-bal-on and a Moongod called Al Lah. https://jagahost.proboards.com/thread/13880 Kolbe's link to Japan

Between 1930 and 1936, Maximilian Kolbe took a series of missions to Japan, where he founded a monastery at the outskirts of Nagasaki, a Japanese paper, and a seminary. The monastery he founded remains prominent in the Roman Catholic Church in Japan. Kolbe decided to build the monastery on a mountainside that, according to Shinto beliefs, was not the side best suited to be in harmony with nature. When the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Kolbe's monastery was saved because the other side of the mountain took the main force of the blast.

25655206? ago


Nothing says "legitimate trustworthy source" like a faggot who pays $20/mth for a proboards domain and 1gb web space...

Numbers substituted of course, but point withstanding.