25658778? ago

The sound when they get up: SPLORP!

26785630? ago

I think it should still be peaceful and can be peaceful. https://voat.co/v/whatever/4158328/26784504 I wouldn't trust a Scientologist judge or cop for example or Masons should not work in public service or positions of office. Start with the whole Dual citizenship thing and freedom of religion thing, for example islam is a political subversive movement, it is also a cult, stop giving it religion 'protection' also both kikes and kebabs mutilate the genitals of babies.

26786626? ago

You are so low IQ it's just fucking sad

26797803? ago

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25657422? ago

more like fag walk

25784137? ago


25782855? ago

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25656233? ago

Some Masonry symbols make use of ancient Egypt, Christianity, the Jihad prayers of Islam and the Jewish Occult. . In March 2005, a 14-year-old girl came forward and claimed Jeffrey Epstein molested her at his mansion at El Brillo Way in Palm Beach, Florida. Also take note of the bizarre blue-striped building on Jeffrey Epstein's private island ...Freemasons, 'Illuminati', Khazar, Zion Israel, Egypt, Babylon, Annunaki....what are they really praying to? Angra Mainyu, (Avestan: “Destructive Spirit”)Middle Persian Ahriman, the evil, destructive spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism. According to the earliest version of the myth, he is the twin brother of Spenta Mainyu, the Holy Spirit, and both were the sons of Ahura Mazdā (Ormizd or Ormazd), the Wise Lord and supreme deity of Zoroastrianism.


Despite the chaos and suffering effected in the world by his onslaught, believers expect Angra Mainyu to be defeated in the end of time by Ahura Mazdā. Confined to their own realm, his demons will devour each other, and his own existence will be quenched. In a later dualism, Ahura Mazdā, still the creator god, is himself the force of good, Angra Mainyu is his evil, destructive counterpart, and both exist from eternity

25656386? ago

After 911 groups like 'The Grotto' and Shriners became less popular, the surviving ones seem to do their satanic shit in secret these days.

25655842? ago

Why are they dressed as imperial turks?

25656279? ago

https://66.media.tumblr.com/8f064c693c06102f51a11bc84bb1220e/tumblr_mqqft1bca71s1fgejo1_500.jpg a Newer derivation of the same old faggot cancerous shit. baphomet, lucifer, saturn, baal, etc, etc https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/243493114/ , Go look into the Anti Mason party from the early 19th century. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3971971/25147287

25656177? ago

Mohamed himself had sex with his dead aunt, raped animals, behaved like a terrorist and took a child as war booty, this mohamed was dry humping a 6 year old girl, wasn't he? Their book? ? https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko

25656295? ago

The fez is way older than the desert rape apes.

25657017? ago

how old is it then?

25657415? ago

It's old maybe Babylon, Greek or Egyptian but the Shriners use the muslim terrorist version of the Fez from a place where Christians were murdered.

25656084? ago

They wear the Fez, it celebrates the murder of Christians, streets were covered in blood and the Mohammedans diped their hats in it so they would turn red blood in color. Named after a town in Morocco, where in 980 AD, 50,000 Christians, including women and children, were brutally murdered by the Muslims.

25656315? ago

Shriners started in 1870 as an offshoot of Freemasonry. It was a fun group of men that started one of the most charitable burn hospitals in the world. The Fez hat started in the city Fez, Morocco. The color derived from a berry that gave the dye a reddish color. I know of no gay rituals performed in any lodge. How do you know this other than you have performed gay rituals yourself. Down vote all you want, you are wrong.

25656473? ago

Jesters, even as Shriners and Master Masons, are all sworn to protect each other, especially those in law enforcement, the judiciary and other positions of authority, though it didn’t work out too well for those Jesters busted in that FBI human trafficking sting


Shriners and pedophiles, two Jesters caught by the FBI in a human trafficking sting out of Buffalo, NY.


Article examines some Shriner imagery and makes the claim they symbolize ritual sodomy.


Another way they conceal and reveal is through the cryptic imagery associated with their order

The heart is really the backside they love. The red fez with black tassel you see on the Shriner's head relates to the red root chakra and is positioned inside the butt-heart as the anus. This is where the blood bond is made

In this Steps of Freemasonry image I've circled the Shriner, who has been positioned to stand on the top of a kind of altar inside the Royal Arse portal. These pedophiles are exalted

Shriners Circus of Abominations


'Perverse rituals, hookers, molestations, dark Masonic foundations – SHRINERS hide the terrifying abuses of a secretive organization behind smiling clowns, candy and tear-jerking, sentimental ads for children’s hospitals while soliciting millions from an unsuspecting uninformed public.

The former Orlando leader of the Bahia Shrine in Central Florida was found guilty of one count of distributing child pornography under a plea agreement.

William Trey Rapp, 49, is the former potentate, or top leader, of Bahia Shriners. He'll be sentenced January 2 in a federal courtroom in Orlando and faces up to 20 years in federal prison.


25656127? ago

The fez is older than that.

25657361? ago

It could be as old as Babylon or Greece or Egypt, probably one time people put grains into bags and herbs into leather buckets and one time someone put a bucket on some balding guys head and it became a 'hat' or a fez. For whatever reason masonic Shriners are saying a lot of prayers with islamist rituals, they seem to use a Fez in reference to a Christian massacre, these Freemason Shriners are also involved in blackmail and other weird shit.

25655832? ago

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