25637553? ago

This post is more bullshit. You hypocritically tell others to stop bullshitting and focus on Q...

And your post does not do that.

Fucking shills

25636038? ago

Why is there no mickey mouse hands post?! Jesus

25635627? ago

I don’t care anymore.

Nothing will come of any of the Q shit.

LaRp or not, Trump is doing good things and I hope he wins. He needs to win again but they’re literally plotting to overthrow the next election while the coup plotters still walk free.

25635203? ago

If you want actual q post related content go to gab, all you'll find here mean spirited jerks who think they smarter than you.

25644768? ago

Kek. Yes. Lots of that. Still a few good people here though.

25634791? ago

But we got a picture of a mickey watch, how exciting is that? It could mean anything, or it could be another stupid watch picture. At least it wasn't another damn comic book punisher picture. None of which can be used for any sort of research purpose.

25633969? ago

But muh 1000th Holocaust copypasta ...

25633652? ago

10 to 2


Reception Good

Are we paying attention? Because it's not even Friday yet. What's happened this week so far? Lmfao

Edit: Q 104

14.5995° N, 120.9842° E




Edit2: Manila, Philippines.

Philippians Bible

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

[2:]10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father

25644792? ago


25633304? ago

Droppings, foo. They’re called Q droppings. If you wanna know why just give me a holler.

25633128? ago

I'm sure the shills will stop now that you've asked nicely.

25632675? ago

All due respect but :


25632186? ago

You mean the same, repetitive, repost garbage that Q continues to post? Who the fuck cares, we already know it all. But totally soon, much justice, such pain, omg for realz.

25632016? ago

The drops suck. It's more of the same that we've seen for how many years now?
Yawn. When you shovel the same shit for so long, what do you expect?

I've been at this since JFK and have no more youthful exuberance or naivete to give or promote.

Don't like it? Too fuckin' bad for you.

25635229? ago

Lol, ok boomer. You're jaded and need a break maybe. The stage is being set and it's quite obvious to most qanon supporters that everything seems to be hinging on this election. I've been saying nothing will happen till early 2021 since qanon started his drops a few years back. That's the only logical conclusion that exists.

25631960? ago

Its call "slide threads" and its well known CONTELPRO technique to disrupt useful dialog on "enemy" forums. Its means the "Glowies" and shills are here trying to disrupt us. A sure sign we are over the target.

25631888? ago

disclaimer, not a shill not a concernfag.

It's a chicken and egg thing. The MSM narrative and official story in mainstream political discourse is that Q is unfounded conspiracy theory. I can observe how that has FIRMLY taken hold in people's minds on what to think about all that entails. Of course in the menatime over the past few years, Future has proven past in many important ways. But there has been nothing that would shake the main of the public out of their hypnotized state has taken place beyond Much Talk, Insinuation, Suspicion, Low Level Arrests, and Grounds for Recommending Investigation.

But the MSM is still almost completely in control of how to direct the public to think about the world we see, and social media tech giants have justifications in place for censoring and suspending counter-narratives.

Now we could do our part to wake up others to the above state of affairs, but that still does not translate to some timely plan of airtight Actions of justice that make a fundamental difference in the direction of this nation, especially prior to the coming elections. This is a very compressed timeline and I don't know what twist of events can occur in the next 6 weeks that will turn the tide. A plausible twist of events.

So compared to 1 or 2 years ago, I personally don't have much to say anymore about the Q plan, except that it makes sense but I don't know how or when it will play out. I'm no match for the MSM psy op. So I just sit on the bench and wait things out. Posting memes is warfare, I agree, but that's not going to be efficacious for DoJ actions happening sooner than later against the DS.

25633936? ago

“But the MSM is still almost completely in control of how to direct the public to think about the world we see, and social media tech giants have justifications in place for censoring and suspending counter-narratives.”

This has been a seeming insurmountable problem for years. To watch so many innocent lives lost or destroyed because of their social engineering is so disturbing. And they are so damn smug about it to. They all need to hang for treason as far as I’m concerned.

25631628? ago

Well go create your own sub faggot OP. Morale will continue.

25631608? ago

Make a thread about them specifically instead of whining numbnuts

25631550? ago

whats the difference?

25631539? ago

Per Q's link to the Tucker Interview with Darren Beattie, he exposes

((( Norm Eisen ))) Is engineering the color revolution coup against the President.


25631699? ago


25631711? ago


25636096? ago

Oops, had the words swapped and some race cars showed up. So here's the correct search; all pill bottles:


(And very interesting, that in the URL after the "formula+109" it appeared to me to say "liar" for a moment! The & even looks like a capital L from a distance, or when blurry. Wild; but then again, "makes the coincidence make sense" kek.)

To tie together with the other comment: it's a formula that has worked 109 times; use a preparation which includes garlic, to ward off those who are harmful to one's blood.

25636075? ago

Look up "109 formula"

It's something that helps with blood issues.

It contains garlic.

Fucking vampires.

25631535? ago


25631485? ago

Its time for a story about Disney.

25631447? ago

What could be meant by the Mickey Mouse clock showing 10:10 with the first 8 minute marks colored red?

25632830? ago

Just more bullshit that never amounts to everything. Q is basically JJ Abrams.

25631709? ago

Was it showing 10:10 or was it indicating 10:08? 10,8, JH?

25631852? ago

I don't know. I just know the first 8 minute marks were red, and no one else has mentioned them. I've been looking at 8kun to see if there are any interesting followups to the Q post.

25631415? ago

Directed Energy Weapons have been around for a while.

Full PDF of Dr Judy Wood's 'Where Did The Towers Go?'


25631335? ago

DISNEY. is there any significance to the position of the rodent's hands? 10:10? a date? October 10?

haven't got much on Disney survivor accounts. though this Dad Not Thrilled With Response When Child Goes Missing On Disney Cruise suggests there's a culture that looks the other way.

decent report about 2017 CA fires evidence of DEW weapons

25635436? ago


Wtf looks like his little mouse is dangling to 6:00??

25641397? ago

OMG. disgusting. now that I see it I can't unsee it. these people are SICK.

25636044? ago

10:09:08, see https://voat.co/v/QRV/4024678/25636036 for how I got there :)

25631778? ago

Some of the replies to that drop mentioned that 10:10 is a standard time setting for clock displays. A couple other replies mentioned a connection to Amazon Echo, which makes me wonder if Echo has been used to collect evidence on some of the bad guys.

25631748? ago

10:10 is the default analog watch advertisement.

Google analog watch ad, the majority are 10:10. Supposed to look happy.

So its probably just a standard ad Q took, i would doubt the 10:10 is necessarily significant.

Perhaps the 8 seconds though, that could be something

25636036? ago

Perhaps the 8 seconds though, that could be something


I saw someone else mention "8 red marks" in another thread.

But I didn't realize it was seconds. Otherwise it might have clued me in earlier. But your mention recalled that, and then I remembered that what I had seen wasn't exactly "10 minutes after", so went to get a better look; here it is for reduced clicking:


Now, look at his index finger -- it's drawing a line just clockwise of the white line that goes to the "9 minute" position.

So, it's less than 10:10, which I had "registered" earlier but hadn't really taken note of. So cool to let the "Internet hive mind" do its thing; even cooler to be a part of it!

And then, you mentioned that it was 8 seconds, even after someone else said "8 red marks". Sometimes I'm slow; but, I haven't seen this particular analysis of it, either; so here we go:

Thus -- on closer inspection, it appears to be 10:09:08.

That really sounds like a countdown!!!

And if it's going 3 ticks per day? I refuse to speculate, yet again, Lucy. :)

Thanks for showing me this. All glory to God.

God bless.

25636941? ago

May God always be rightly praised and worshipped.

25641888? ago

Thank you; I don't always remember, but whether I do or not, I always try. :)

25636089? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

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25635237? ago

October 10th James Comey arrest. Let's hope anyway...

25632039? ago

Hmmm...if 10:10 is the standard watch position for ads...

Then the fact its micky mouse is the real message here.

25631583? ago

Whatever it means, it's guaranteed to be misinformation :^)

25631228? ago

Chatter is part of the plan. Trust the plan!

25631141? ago

Says the wet pantied nun; with a ruler
COMPLY or else... and wear your mask

Only one way to think, according to some of the 'patriots'


25631133? ago

October 10th is going to be Biblical!

25635992? ago

11 33

double dub confirmation!

25631126? ago


25637204? ago

He is. You're here. That's a result.

Q's job is information dissemination. People communicating is the desired action.

All claiming otherwise are out of touch with what is going on.

25630974? ago


This guy is the next guy to be arrested

25630925? ago

Q's a LARP?

25630811? ago

A little something happening that is actually real would go a long way towards this. The posts are about as good as the actual actions taken. Most Q ppl I know keep their mouth shut. Embarrassed too many times already when DOJ only presses charges on a repub civilian for calling out Schiff, but not Schiff himself for what he was called out that nobody questioned. I wonder if an Anon. We'll come out of the basement and redpill ppl when we know this is not just a crock passification psyop. We'll see. Hopeful but keeping mouth shut for now.

25633243? ago

Well this is because Q is fake, foo. Thus it does behoove one to maintain silence under such circumstances.

25632997? ago

Now that he has posted obvious 10/9 datefag-bait, he's free to disappear for a couple weeks. Octobers are traditionally HOT, lol.

25631144? ago

Everyone should have been keeping their mouths shut the whole time other than "hey have you looked into xyz?"

25630785? ago

How about some arrests?

25634548? ago

brennan + obama is my betting.

Brennan's c_a was guccifer 2.0 accordig to bill binney oday - that supposedly was a (((russian hack))) when it was in fact obama calling the shots and brennan set it up to frame everyone... clapper probably gets a mention too.. Comey and the rest were just the minions carrying out orders (which is no defence of course)

25630769? ago

There's a heavy infusion of bullshit posters, I think a lot of newbies but mostly shills (for example, muh joo-ing every post)

25633985? ago


25631984? ago

Yah getting called a kike constantly because I won't say all jews are bad.

25631612? ago

Shills and their sock puppets.

They have been attacking QRV in full force this week.

Stand strong patriots!

25633320? ago


25631143? ago

So the fact that 20 percent of congress has dual-citizenship with Israel and The 12 Federal Reserve branches that own the Fed Res are mostly owned by jews... despite them being 2 percent of the population... isn't troubling?

25632003? ago

No, its the "all jews are bad always, all jews are working against America always" posters.

Just because some jews are progressive globalists and massively subversive traitors never means all of them are.

25639310? ago

lol Clintons/Gates/Fauci/Bush are ALL jews

25632250? ago

They that call themselves Jews but worship at the synagogue of Satan.

25632616? ago

Acts 7

25631380? ago

There's a heavy infusion of bullshit posters, I think a lot of newbies but mostly shills (for example, muh joo-ing every post)

No sauce. A shill poster on another thread declared someone a Jew with no sauce as their only argument against the post.

25630827? ago

The JQ is never bullshit.

25630920? ago

It is when someone declares muh joo on a post with no sauce

25636757? ago

Who the fuck says "muh joo"??? You sound like such a little kike faggot saying that. Call them Jews or STFU.

25631618? ago

U mean like nazitards do?

25631703? ago

found the jews

25632710? ago

found the shill

25631878? ago

Anyone who isn't white or disagrees with a nazitard is a jew. LOL

25630759? ago

Sometimes I talk with real people about Q

25631416? ago

By real people do you mean those who are mostly clueless but think they're the smartest people in the room because, well, just because?

25632253? ago

Yeah exactly that. You're so smart

25630743? ago

DS = Demonic Semites

25630734? ago

Totally agree. I think its a shill tactic to dilute the high quality posts.

25630696? ago

Physician, heal thyself. Lead by example.

25630689? ago

Dont care anymore

25631597? ago

Yet here you are.


25633987? ago


25631938? ago

How's this for a reconcile? Fuck you, faggot newbie. I go where the fuck we want and you can shut the fuck up about it. Reconciled.

25635182? ago

Waste your time better shill.

25633995? ago

For real.

25631956? ago

Got it. So there's a team of shills

25630544? ago

QMAP is down. What other sites are there?

25631594? ago


25630554? ago

