25652553? ago


25641682? ago

10 = J


JB = John Brennan

25641839? ago

Nice! It can be far more than two things! :)

25641935? ago

Yes always works on many levels.

25641580? ago

Did anybody notice that Micky (in the photo you posted above) has a penis? It's hanging right out there!

25641448? ago

Everyone knows here that it is very common for pictures of watches to be set to 10:10, right?

25639884? ago

Countdown backwards on a clock image. Obviously time travel to the past. Obviously. Right?

25639589? ago

yeah, and that "the silent war continues" countdown has been stuck at two dots for months now. so who fucking cares about a new countdown?

25641832? ago

You, obviously!

Attention == love.

You're spending your attention, on our LARP.

How's it feel to be you? Not your bank account; YOU!

25638867? ago

If you look real close in the lower right section is says "Acme Printing Co. Chicago, Illinois."

25638117? ago

Mickey's dick hanging out... fuck disney... sick fucks.

25637943? ago

Maybe we're reading too much into this. I've seen people gravitate to an imaginary mickey penis (some of you guys see dick's everywhere). I've seen people claim its a countdown. Some people thing it's code for a Q drop. Other's a date.

Maybe Q's just pointing out something with the amazon echo. Not everything's code....

25642985? ago

Looks like a camera slot for the Amazon Echo clock

25641818? ago

Well if Mickey kept it in his pants, instead of taking it out on some frazzled island, perhaps he'd be in less notoriety?

I dunno, you think it's about us.

It's not about us.

It's about justice that nothing can stop.

25642172? ago

You're kinda missing my point. Maybe it's not about Disney. Maybe its about Alexa.

25637888? ago

Hey - what does it say under the left shoe? There's an 'o'

25637610? ago

When I posted the 8 red Iines didn't think of seconds. Thank you anon.

25641803? ago

Thank YOU! I wouldn't have gotten here, if you hadn't gone there first. God bless.

25637407? ago

What happened on 10-9-2008?

25642752? ago

Found this on a site today looking at this date, here's what I found that stuck out to me: "Famous Birthdays: Bo (dog) known as Bo, American dog of the Obama family." Also: "Oct 9 Holidays in History - "Saint Ghislain or Ghislane" and "Dionysius the Areopagite"

25637362? ago

Erm guise... from a proper autist “that’s how they sell them”

Add the https:\up front


25639388? ago


25641792? ago

He's saying "fellow white people, there's no way anything can be two things; shut it down!"

25637734? ago

Ah, since it is a stock photo, chances are the dates are not significant (unless they roll with that.)

In other news, ALEXA and Amazon are evil. Them and Google are battling for the right to say "Be evil."

25638697? ago

Can you post a link to the stock photo? I'm not finding it https://duckduckgo.com/?q=stock+photo+mickey+mouse+clock&iax=images&ia=images

I want to see if the stock photo has 'corney' under the left shoe like the one Q posted - bugs me now.

25640258? ago

Doesn‘t it say Disney?

25640449? ago

Magnify it a bit - there's what looks like C and O at the beginning.

25640194? ago

By stock, I meant it was taken from the article.

25640497? ago

Thank you the photo is a lot more blurry under the left shoe than what Q posted. Q put in C and O? Then what looks like $, and then I can see a "ney"

25636989? ago

Disney was running kids tours to Little St. James, it seems reasonable to guess that more victims (who may now be adults) could go public and link Disney to trafficking.

25637046? ago

Came here to post this exactly. Countdown to Disney being revealed? This post did follow the Epstein, Wexner post.

25636891? ago

I think it is straight forward. 10 and 2. Which is October 2nd. Beginning of October surprise.

25641736? ago

Could be! That is a Friday...

25636877? ago

If it is a countdown it's counting down to the end of next week. Q posted some dates starting 14th Sept. Ending 26th Sept. That clock was posted on 16th Sept with 8 days remaining (the weekends were excluded from q''s date range). Maybe counting down to the 26th Sept. But who really knows

25636704? ago

Could be a countdown or just more examples of Disney and their suggestive artwork

25636697? ago

Translation: Nothing will happen. Just get out and vote for Donald Trump and ignore all of this nonsense.

25637706? ago

And waste your time posting on a board that gives a message of hope and change. And is actually doing something against evil.

Good job PAYtriot.

25637944? ago

Actually doing something? What is that something exactly? We’re losing the war. The virus was in their bag of tricks and it’s making Trump look like an idiot. Whether real or not the narrative is against him and I feel like it’s the midterms all over again. We were waiting and waiting and nothing happened. No declas... and that was the beginning of the likely end.

25641331? ago

Something certainly! If you don't feel it, it's on you, sorry!

25640170? ago

Slow war. Stop your whining.

25640557? ago

Yeah shill. That’s what you want me to do...

25641153? ago

Are you a woman? You sound like one. Now finish your soy.

25636525? ago

Do not datefag. It never works and is harmful. And I mean NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE.

25636494? ago

So either a countdown or a marker for October 8-9th

25636484? ago

no more countdowns to nothing...the attempted conditioning was extinguished long ago

25636377? ago

Its a direct amazon pull, may not mean anything??

25641315? ago

Dual meanings exist.

25642636? ago

Ok. The clock wouldnt be 10.10.08 the red led is actually the second hand going counter clockwise, 10.09.52

8 seconds left to 10.10.00

25642361? ago

It has meaning.

Yes they do, and speculation and retardation run rampant.

25636295? ago

I'm gonna hold my breath this time!

25636276? ago

Yawn... tell me when something ACTUALLY fucking happens. Had enough of this SOON shit - Q Trademark

25636833? ago

This. Wake me up then/if.

25636602? ago

Then why do you reply? Just move to the next post.

25636171? ago

Used to know a guy who, when he was driving somewhere with his kids in the car, would yell out: “Who wants a hamburger?” whenever he passed a burger joint; and his kids would enthusiastically yell out: “Me! Me! Me!” etcetera; to which he would respond: “Oops! Passed it!”

He did it with other foods, too; but the only time I fell for it, it was hamburgers.

When Hillary Clinton dies of old age, forty years or so from now, Q folks are gonna be: “Ooh! Ooh! It was on the forty year delta of the Mickey Mouse clock drop, minus the time of the 23rd Q drop mentioning Killary! Justice has been served!”


Hope I’m wrong. Probably am not.

25637068? ago

Funny story. Yep, Q devotees are gluttons for punishment. "We will do the heavy lifting", hit them right where they live - fantasy land - a place of inactivity where all of your wishes come true.

25636632? ago

Why did you write so much thinking anyone here cares? This is an information board. Your opinion is worthless.

25636159? ago

Could it be a future proves past reference to:

9 Oct, 2009 - Norway Barack Obama Peace Prize

October 9th, 2009 : U.S. President Barack Obama is awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." President Barack Obama is the fourth US president to have the Nobel Peace Prize awarded, the others are Theodore Roosevelt (1906), Woodrow Wilson (1919) and Jimmy Carter (2002).

25636095? ago

The other thing interesting is the drawing is off-center.

25637787? ago

I see the 10:09, but not the 8 seconds. And I see a tiny micky mouse symbol right under the butt hole of Micky like he dropped a mouse poop.

25642974? ago

from Amazon Echo clock. Looks like a pinhole camera slot

25636132? ago

Yes, slightly. Good eye.