25618891? ago

Ewww I had almost forgotten about Obama's acorn

25614464? ago

Antifa are waving the same flag they did in Germany in the 1920's, so not from Obongo.

25613505? ago

Organizing for Action (Wikipedia)

Organizing for Action (OFA) is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama.[2][3] The organization is officially non-partisan,[3] but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party.[4] It is the successor of Obama's 2012 re-election campaign and of Organizing for America, which itself succeeded Obama's 2008 campaign.[5]

Founded after Obama's re-election, the group seeks to mobilize supporters in favor of Obama's legislative priorities. OFA is registered as a 501(c)(4) organization,[6] which may advocate for legislation but is prohibited from specifically supporting political candidates.

25613204? ago


AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



25612994? ago

The public schools are training camps for these kids, and they have been raised from kindergarten (Or whenever they illegally entered the country)

I'm convinced that some schools are used and controlled by evil people looking to mold children into destroyers.

It's been going on for decades. The adults doing this were in public school 10-20 years ago.

Have you heard of "Montgomery County Maryland"? Probably. Lots of MS13 violence. Decapitations, kids getting raped to death, and all within 30 minutes of D.C. Trump has name dropped this county a few times in speeches.

Look into their schools and their teachers. The schools have nicknames like "The Prison on the Hill". The county has had 19 wrongful deaths of students on school property in the last 10 years.

And every student coming out of these schools look like the rioters, arsonists, and communists.

This is just one place I've done research on. I'm positive there are clusters elsewhere in the country, especially Nashville and the Carolinas, where the whole school district is compromised and designed to create horrible children. The kids I went to school with AREN'T these looting antifa members (and they're all literally gay Jews, perfect candidates)

25613017? ago

You are most definitely on to something BIG.

25612718? ago

Out of his man pussy.

25612500? ago

Remember when we saw the photo of Malua Obama coming out of an Antifa meeting?

25612362? ago

Spelling of iteration nearly blew my mind. I thought i was wrong my whole life

25612311? ago


What happens if 44 is actively running a shadow command and control

[shadow presidency] operation against the current duly elected POTUS?

What former mid-senior admin officials would need to be involved?

What current mid-senior admin officials would need to be involved?

What key positions of power would be critical to the operation?

How do you finance the operation?

https:/ /thehill.com/opinion/white-house/477666-obama-should-apologize-for-shameful-cash-payment-to-iran

[They] were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. ...

Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration.”

25612814? ago

David Plouffe: Plouffe was an outside senior advisor to Obama since the president's first day in office and was then appointed as a Senior Advisor to the President (inside the White House) in 2011 following the resignation of David Axelrod, who went on to start Obama's reelection campaign.[4] In September 2014, he became the Senior Vice President of Policy and Strategy for Uber.[5]

In May 2015, he left that role to become a full-time strategic adviser for the company.[6] In January 2017, he joined the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to lead the policy and advocacy efforts of the initiative.[7] In 2019, POLITICO reported he joined the Board of Directors of liberal nonprofit ACRONYM, where he would advise an anti-Trump digital campaign.[8][9]

David Brock: He has been described by Time as "one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party". In 2004, Brock founded the progressive media watchdog group Media Matters for America

Valerie Jarret: Jarrett got her start in Chicago politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington[13] as deputy corporation counsel for finance and development.[14]

Jarrett continued to work in the mayor's office in the 1990s. She was deputy chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama

Jon Carson: OFA’s executive director, who will lead the group's Chicago office. Jon Carson is the former Director of the Office of Public Engagement. Previously, he served as the Chief of Staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Before joining the Administration, Jon was the National Field Director for President Barack Obama's campaign in 2008

Mitch Stewart As director of battleground states, Stewart engineered a strategy that garnered victory in nine of ten battleground states.[5] After the 2012 election, Stewart co-founded 270 Strategies, a progressive digital strategy firm with Jeremy Bird. Among the firm's first clients was Ready for Hillary, a Super PAC which convinced Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016

25612117? ago

A question worthy of discussion, fo' sho'.

25611983? ago

It comes out of Obama. He said that he wanted a civilian army, he has it.

25611998? ago


25611704? ago

+1 for remembering ACORN. Nobody ever talks about how the ‘community organizer’ got into power. Or the fact that ACORN split up into about 15 organizations after he was re-elected to make it harder to identify dark money revenue streams and involvement of foreign powers influence in American politics...or how they got in (CIA).

25611732? ago

Right on. Hopefully a lot of anons will start digging into this rabbit hole. Many heads are better than one.

25611988? ago

Could this be the Corn everyone is talking about? Look into Acorn?

25612381? ago

This seems better than corney, it certainly is more far reaching. Comney as the perceived target is a great way to throw off the crooks.

25612178? ago

Interesting. Good point. I think the corn refers to Comey who hid his deeds in the database as "Corney".

25613277? ago

There was also some Wikileaks emails that showed .corn used, I believe it was some of Hillary's campaign emails