25657810? ago

His poll numbers go up???

DAFUK is wrong with you people....

oh wait....full of immigrants...so basically California

Makes sense

25657915? ago

Polls are fake. Everyone hates him. Elections rigged.

25657950? ago

Except in Liberal shitholes like Toronto and Vancouver where 99.9% of people have TDS

and think Castreau is a wonderful person.

No one reads, everyone watches CBC, CNN.

We had Sun TV and that's gone.


25598427? ago

Alberta wishes to leave Canada and become the 51st state.

25695886? ago

Could other Canadians move to Alberta and join?

I can only hope.

25594008? ago

For a White Nationalist and Patriotic alternative follow my political movement!

Lets end Trudeau's Communist Dictatorial Regime and reclaim our nation!

Contact Information

Patrick Latham

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: 7059851488

To become any of the following agents please contact me with a brief description of who you are and what your intentions are.

From there I can direct your activities within my organizations.

Thank you for your support.

Bene Gesserit Chapter Member

Civil Informant Volunteer

Freedom Party of Canada Membership

Life Coach Client

Martial Arts Student (Limited Space)

Mentat Guild Member

Militia Member

Philosophical, Intellectual and Debate Club Member

Social Media

For more content, news, opinions and political updates follow me on





Bitchute: AgentSakura

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/o8mJAKbD3Yph/ (Parody Band)

https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/uIAzfqeVYlY8/ (Documentary Links)

Freedom Party of Canada

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/freedompartyofcanada/ – (Political Decrees, Speeches & Statements)

https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1124398731114508288 – (Political Announcements, Decrees, Platform & Temporary Website)

Minds: PatrickLatham

https://www.minds.com/patricklatham/ – (Journalism, Political & Social Commentary)


https://voat.co/u/AgentSakura – (Journalism, Political & Social Commentary)

XboxLive: GT: AgentSakura1488 – (Add me for Halo MCC!)

Youtube: Agent Sakura1488 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOCbRH5dPjcY4zM74gBj-g?view_as=subscriber

Projects and Organizations

You can donate to my cause and help crowdfund my projects at:

End Cybernetic Experimentation

(Campaign Deleted by Gofundme: Finding new crowd funding platform)

End Global Human Trafficking

(Organization Under Construction)

Freedom Party of Canada

Membership is free and so are your lives, that is my intention. To free you all from bondage and captivity.

Contact me for volunteer outreach and membership / enlistment instructions.

https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1124398731114508288/feed (Temporary Platform / Website)


Patrick Latham - Targeted Individual Personal Fund

(Organization Under Construction)


Save The Children

(Organization Under Construction)

Stop White Genocide

(Organization Under Construction)


All donations can be made though Paypal: paypal.me/agentsakura or you can contact me directly for cash drops and alternative funding methods.

Thank you all for your supports. Hang in there, help is on the way.

It's time to rescue our hostages.


Chill, Jam and Train

Sakura Dojo

Budo Ninpo Kung Fu Research Academy

Hello my name is Senpai Patrick Latham, I run a Kako Gumi in Innisfil Ontario.

I teach Ninjutsu & Kung Fu.

Cost for one month training / two classes per week each class lasts 2 hrs. (Only 20 student spots are available.)

For inquires & schedule contact me at 705 985 1488 or email [email protected]


I'm also the lead vocalist in three musical acts and have several projects currently ongoing.

If you want to jam with me or try out for one of my bands call or text 705 985 1488 or email [email protected]

Agent Sakura - White Nationalist Folk Parody Vocalist (Scouting for Female Vocalist for Duo)

Never Surrender - Extreme Technical Death Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassist, Keyboard)

The Mind Rapers - Sarcastic Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassists, Keyboard)

Intelligence Topics

Children's Safety / Sexual Warfare

Sexual Warfare, Sexual Imprinting, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Monarch Programming (Split Personality), Adrenochrome,Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Abuse & Torture, Generational Sexual Trauma, Homosexual Rape & Torture as Mind Control, Sexual Bullying, Forced Prostitution, Molka (Hidden Cameras), Cybersex Slavery, Black Mass Rituals, Pedophilia, Save The Children, Child Sex Trafficking, PizzaGate, Pedogate, Child Pornography, Torture Porn, Snuff Porn, Adult Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Pimping, Adult Pornography, Grooming Gangs, Rape Gangs, Ethnic Sexual Conquest, Ethnic Warfare, Communism, Gender Wars, Red Mafia, Police Corruption, State Corruption, Media Corruption, Business Corruption, Sexual Psychological Warfare, Sexualization through the Media; Music, Television and Movies

Covid19 / Biological Warfare

fakevirus holocough coronavirus covid19 coronavirus fakenews fakehospitals biowarfare psychologicalwarfare fakemedicine criminalnegligence westernmurder


Historical Revisionism, Truth, WW2


Function Creep



Mind Control

Mainstream Media & News, Theater, Cybernetics, Brain Implants, Neuralink, Brain Implants, Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice to Skull, Project Blue Beam, Jedi – (Digital Remote Viewing), Sythetic Telepathy, Remote Electro Shock, Monarch Programming, Minority Report, Future Crime, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Mind Rape, Neural Viruses, Mind Plagues, Soul Catching & Siphoning, Intelligence Theft, Cognitive Liberty, Mental Privacy, Neural Ethics, Perception Management, Reality Hacking, Psychological Profiling, Brain Mapping, Predictive Programming, Behavioural Science, Behaviour Modification, Behavioural Management, IIA - Interactive Internet Activity, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Torture, Bio Hacking, Mass Surveillance, Constant Surveillance, Psychological Warfare, Hypnotic Induction, Hypnotic Suggestion, Hypnotic Trance, Psychic Driving, Indoctrination, Communist Reeducation, Public Struggle Sessions, The Human Connectome Project, Compete Brain Emulation, Shadow Games, Mind Tricks, Psychobabble


Counter Informational Warfare, Counter Psychological Warfare, Global News, Independent News, Informants, Real Journalism, Whistle Blowers, World News


Civil War, WW3, UN Takeover, UN Invasion, Human Rights Human Rights Violations, Crime, Freedom, Liberty, Social Engineering,, Communism, Technocracy, Future Crime, Thought Crime, Free Speech

Population Control

Chemtrails, Sustainable Development, Agenda21, Globalist International Genocide, Eugenics, Contact Tracing, Implants, Mass Surveillance, Geo - Engineering, Soft Kill, Brain Drain (The Discrediting or Elimination of Intellectuals), Desensitization, Marxist Dysgenics, Flouride, Cancer, Disease, Vaccines, GMO's, Pharmacological Drugs, Birth Control, Hyper Sexuality, Pickup Culture, Abortion, Miscegenation / Race Mixing, Gender Dysmophia, Homosexuality, Fake Wars, False Flags, War on Terrorism, Gun Control, Poison Shelves, Human Trafficking, Desensitization, Sex Wars (Feminism), Gender Inversion: Demasculanization & Feminization of men, Defeminization and Masculanization of Women, Demoralization, Behavioural Science, Psychology. Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neurology, Transhumanism and Pharmacology are all heavily involved in destroying society with Medical and Technocratic Communist Tyranny.

Poison, Rape, Murder, Torture and Remote Control of Free Human Beings.


AI, 5G, Mass Surveillance, Neuroscience, Psychology, Psychiatry, Targeted Individuals, Targeted Individual, Gang Stalking, Electronic Harrasment, Cybernetics, Electronics Experimentation, Skynet, Judgement Day, NanoTechnology, Nanotech, Transhumanism, Posthuman, Posthumanism, Anti Human, Transcendent Man, AI Takeover, Synthetic Biology, DNA Manipulation, Biometrics, Bio Surveillance, Invisible Enemy, Molecular Bionic Hybrids, Scalar Weapons Abuse, Brain Machine Interfacing, Self Assembling Machines, Transfection, Luciferase, Hydrogel, Gene Drive/Extinction Technology


Anonymous, The Truth Movement, Qanon

25588421? ago

Son of a commie bitch Justin Castro.

25594046? ago

Gay Dysgenic Mutt Spawn Abomination

The Bastard Child, Son of a Communist Cuban Dictator

Justina Castro

25589679? ago

Yep, Fidel’s bastard child.

25587976? ago

You'd better get wise Canada. You'll end up on the SHIT list.

25587157? ago

Canadians need to start focus on the solution. Will free the entire area known as Canada.


There has been Canadian politicians who understood the issue with the INC called The Goverment of Canada INC but they got shut down.

Today we have a great tool called the internet,lets use it.

We in SK are working on this via SoSaskatchewan Constituting our Future. We have started a mobile information tour and it has been a huge success. The people in rural SK are flocking to us. 60% of population live outside the two main cities and are much more outspoken than the sheep in big cities.

Time to look away from the distractions and stay on target. This will have a global impact when achieved.

Veterans,Farmers,Bikers and scores of business owners want this.

Critical mass is coming and nothing 'they' can do will change this.

If you are from Canada you need to look at this,not for you but for the little ones.

A Thanks to Q and Q+ and all working on this common goal. We Will Overcome.

And don't forget JT killed his brother Sasha. It will come out.

25593746? ago

"And don't forget JT killed his brother Sasha."

Where the fuck did you get that from?

25590177? ago

There are plenty in Regina and Saskatoon that aren't sheep. Don't categorize people like that. Many union members are sick and tired of paying excessive dues only to have them donated to causes that only union leadership support. Many union leaders are as corrupt as anyone in any other form of government and people are pissed. Most non-union people in the cities are seeing the truth, too. It isn't just rural and don't ever think it is.

25593103? ago

Yes you are absolutely right. I should have formulated myself differently.

As a matter of fact we do have solid supporters in Regina and Saskatoon both and just finished a tour to both cities. We had a few eye rolls but most took our material and I hope some did a follow up in their own time.

I must also point out that I personally have not had any eye rolls in rest of SK.

We participated in Oil&Gas convoy in Estevan and Hugs over Masks in Regina to show support to others.

SK as a whole is pissed off but most have no direction.

SoSaskatchewan constitutional tour hopes to fix that.

Best to you and yours patriot.

25594862? ago

Best to you,as well!

25586804? ago

he needs the noose.

25586568? ago


Funny way of spelling rope.

25586366? ago

We are fucked in Canada. Some of us out here are more American than half of the population in the US. Obviously not in the literal sense. I had to flee from Toronto in the last 2 years. I lived in a beautiful area that I worked my fucking TAIL off to get to where I was. I'm turning 35 this year and I put my entire life into getting myself ahead so I could live in a nice part of the city in a gorgeous home, close to the sports teams I have supported my whole life. I could literally walk to see the Jays, Leafs, Raptors, TFC, concerts... you name it. I was ahead of everyone my age, I have zero debt and have been a model citizen. No criminal record.

I'm not trying to brag guys really. I'm a humble person, but I'm just letting you know that I'm the type of person who they drove out of Toronto. A model citizen who was giving and kind to all of those around him. It's really, really, really sad. I had to sell and move to the outskirts, where admittedly, life is MUCH better now because I escaped what was essentially becoming a giant homeless, immigrant, refugee wasteland where the only white people are left wing Karen's or ignorant fools.

The funny thing is, I'm half white and half native. I look like my father who is white however. It's just interesting though because I am always lumped into the white privileged, racist, bigoted category if I dare to share an opinion about the reality I live in. All of this while I literally hold a native status card in Canada. It's absurd.

With all those said, the only thing my wife and I wish we could have in life is to move to the United States and be happy again. Unfortunately, there is some god forsaken treaty between Canada and the US that prohibits people like us from moving there unless we meet some criterias which are unrealistic for us. Depending on how badly Canada gets out of hand, I really hope that the US offers an olive branch to those of us who love and respect your country as the greatest in the world.

25741117? ago

After the SHIT SHOW toilet throne speech...WTF is there for us to do?

Some Canadians are waking up, in small numbers....but this shifting of the mindset, culture and system here is a gargantuan task.

The blue/red game has been played here too...its a farce


25594347? ago

I visited vancouver and it was full of curryniggera and chinks. Otherwise it was a great pleasant city. Too bad its going to shit like all the other cities.

25591925? ago

How are you gonna fix Canada if the good guys run away?

25590705? ago

I’m worried Trudy Castro might force a mandatory vaccine on us. I’m definitely gonna claim political asylum in the US if that happens lol.

25588517? ago

God Bless you anon so sorry. Covid wiped out our retirement account. We have nothing except a house and I'm grateful and pray it doesn"t burn down, and the love we have for each other...which the bsstards can't take away.

Hold fast to family that's all we really have in life.

25588498? ago

What a disaster, Canada has lost its mind https://voat.co/v/Wakanda/4020113/25588479

25587726? ago

Patriot, you are not alone. We wont have to wish or hope for outside help. We The People can do this but first we need to unite.

Look at The Myth is Canada, Round table with many patriots tonight on their live channel. 21:00 your time I believe. Enjoy.

25587685? ago

I'm in BC in an area being flooded by migrants and full on agenda 21/30, I can't wait to gtfo of here. I'd move to Texas if I could.

25587781? ago

Left Northern BC a few years ago and took a few steps East. Here is a great solid pro life bunch of people. Feel totally at home despite the sub temps coming hahaha. Look east my friend and stand up and fight. Never lay down.

25741125? ago

Need to move soon...AB/SK ?

25755492? ago

AB is great but I find to many people there are not awake.

I have been informing people in SK for several years now and find a general larger portion awake and more importantly they are angry with our situation.

I get almost 100% positive result when informing random people I meet during a day.

As to where to go I can't help with but I can say that I have found SK to be more down to earth living.

Maybe reach out to Krivi_tuk with a message.

25756921? ago

Thanks Canuck patriot

Stay strong

25588376? ago

I'm in Alberta. How far east did you go?

25589491? ago

SK-MB border area North of 16.

25590528? ago

That's gotta bensome decent country around there. Some of the best dudes I've met out here in Alberta were all from SK. Hopefully you can enjoy some peace and quite out that way.

25592983? ago

Thank but I will have to keep fighting with knowledge for the young ones.

The Myth is Canada has a solution that I and many others embrace.

We fight.

25586265? ago

Canadians are morons. Full stop.

25586892? ago

Our system is rigged also.

We aren't canadian

We are BRITISH subjects...

EVERY provincial flag has the Union Jack on it

the Queen owns all our land (Crown land)

all Highways have a Crown on the sign...Even our military and govt.

We aren't a republic.

Moving south. soon

25587608? ago

Don't spread the disinformation pls. And run, run away little girl as we patriots stand tall.

25587821? ago

Stand tall and do what...pay more taxes, have zero rights and get more "woke" in Canada?

good luck

canada is a failed multicultural pluralistic nation.

25587894? ago

Many are fighting right now. I am one. I inform people what tools we as a people can and should do. How is up to we the people.

Look at https://www.themythiscanada.com/the-solution-part-1/ if you really wish for change. Then make up your mind.

Took me years to accept the fact I had been lied to for so long but once I learned the truth and found the solution I started to do my part.

I understand your thinking as I was there. Now educate your self. We can do this.

25587327? ago

The Queen has the power of life and death over every Canadian. No one can be executed by Canada's courts unless the Queen signs the order.

25695912? ago

Wonder why he's giving a "THRONE" speech this week....

Cause he's the Queen's subject. And it's HER parliament.

If it were all just "symbolic" why not do away with it ALL?

No more Union Jacks or Scottish Freemason symbols

25587838? ago

If you lose your Passport and there is no Canadian embassy, guess where you need to go?

British Embassy.

Read the inside of your passport

25587957? ago

Don't believe every thing you read. 'They' created the passport. GB has participated in the lie since 1931.

25590119? ago

The issuance of passports falls under the Royal Prerogative. They are issued, in the name of the reigning Canadian monarch (as expressed in the passport note)


AKA the Queen

25587618? ago

As of 1901 the has been NO queen of Canada.

25590062? ago



Her Majesty

Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada

LOOK it up.

25592959? ago

As you wish. Maybe one day you also will discover what Many others did. Until then I wish you all the best.

25586602? ago

There are Patriots everywhere. Do you really need no allies?

25586233? ago

Idk why Canadians haven't just shot him yet in minecraft tbh. He's not gonna leave any other way.

25594064? ago

An assassination attempt was made on him by a disgruntled CAF reserve member a while ago.

25585910? ago

$221M of non-blacks money. Stop giving it to him.

25586525? ago

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25585744? ago

Too bad instead of a statue of John A. MacDonald being taken down and decapitated, it wasn’t Trudeau himself.

25585705? ago

Of the $221 million, $93 million will be used over the course of the next four years to launch a new federal government programme, the Black Communities Entrepreneurship Program of Canada.

More government bloat for diversity hires... Canada is dying.

25585702? ago

You retarded canuckistanis...

All Catholics are puppets of the nwo and need gassing

25585802? ago

Meanwhile it is Protestants who have been smashing statues in Catholic Churches for hundreds of years

25620766? ago

Thou shall not worship graven images - Time to wake up

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

25586869? ago

And the Bolsheviks

25585634? ago

Dirty sock kike

25585707? ago


25585728? ago

He's a jew.

25585931? ago

A perverted faggot jew, like all of them.

25585453? ago

JT is a knucklehead.

25585169? ago

Lol. Business loans? What a fucking joke. Giving money to counter racism? Might aswell burn those dollar bills in a dumpster. Obviously the finance minister has no clue:


25741169? ago

Now its "doubling down on online hate"

Whatever they decide that is

25588535? ago

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25586218? ago

No one thinks "a black person owns that McDonald's, go to the next one"

If the McDonald's is ran like shit, has poor service and lazy staff, it shows and people don't return. Word spreads and the efficiently ran McDonald's on the next corner gets the business. But you know, blame it on race of course.....

25586813? ago

I'm sure these stores are also the poorest performing and get the lowest ratings from the public. Pretty much a 100% guarantee there is a strong correlation there. It would be deemed racist to point that out, however. So let's just give them some free money and hope they don't riot.

25585784? ago

The loans exist because obviously they make the loan holders a profit, in the aggregate. I wonder who that might be.