25588541? ago

nice catch!

25576512? ago

There should be a third name/treason posting...for Bldg #7.

25572079? ago

Magic 8-Ball says...

Signs point to “Yes.”

25571443? ago

He was responding to a random anon, no?

Not sure we can read too much into the numbers here.

Or am I missing something?

25570756? ago


4x12 5x10

48 50 ?

4 5 ? DJT?

Monday, Oct 5th ? Comey

Friday Dec 4th? Brennan

25570684? ago

Treason on so many levels

25570531? ago

He sure did.

25570463? ago

I read it as 48 counts of treason for Brennan and 50 for Comey. https://twitter.com/JimericanTweets/status/1304667972464771072

25571035? ago

But the actual content of both those posts were by an Anon, not Q. Q merely acknowledged those 2 guys are traitors by “retweeting” their posts. The Anon who posted those statements would have no friggin’ clue how many “counts of treason” each traitor is being charged with or any other details like that.

25570111? ago

First one is 10 paragraphs of 5 lines each. Second one is 12 paragraphs of 4 lines each. Hmmm. Is Q sending someone in Intel a message?

50 and 48?

25575004? ago

To tie into your observations, I also noticed that the first post had the 5 lines each, the next had 4 lines each. Will another come out with 3 lines each? It might be a countdown in that way. Indicating that Comey will be first and then Brennan?

Just a thought.

25590683? ago

you could be right.


this is getting so interdasting.

Wish I could travel forward in time and see what transpires before this is resolved

25570067? ago

At this point who really fucking cares. Every mom n pop shop on America is shutting down, faggot commies are torching the country, niggers are attacking whites that get arrested for fighting back.

Day of the rope was fucking last week...

25570037? ago



25569978? ago

holy smokes batman. You got that right! I missed it! I'm losing my touch

25569703? ago

B, C ... -> D (DECLASS)


25569652? ago



25569630? ago

hate to be a dickhead but didn't Q just tell us all how antifaggots were = to nazis? How haven't you taken the black pill yet. Honestly think some of you Qmers are hoping to die off while your dream is alive and you'll do whatever it takes to keep it alive

25569262? ago

Deeze Shillz got jokes 😂

4674 has 10 groups of numbers

4675 has 12 groups of numbers

Comey and Brennan indicted on 10/12/20 ?

25569257? ago

Like the towers , Brennan and Comey are both going down.

25568806? ago

q's posts don't show side by side like that on 8kun and it isn't symmetrical. I think date teaser. 12 rows of 5 and 12 rows of 4

25568783? ago

Comey: 12/5 ? Or 60 days? 60 hours?

Brennan: 12/4 ? Or 48 days? 48 hours?

25568782? ago

They are in blocks of 4 and 5 in order to get the blank spaces (9, 11).

25568776? ago

Is he signalling that Comey and Brennan were involved with 9/11?

25568699? ago

Count the blank rows in-between... 9-11

25568767? ago

just counted that too!

25570243? ago

had to read thru a book of shills to find actual contribution ..

25568391? ago

Who cares anymore. No arrests. Put up all the names you want. Show all the evidence you got. And there's plenty. Yet nothing. Fuck you

25570225? ago




25570314? ago

None of whom are deep state. Pedos in the entertainment and socialite correlate sure, but when I see Comey's and Brennan's names printed next to" treason" - Epstein Mack and Maxwell are underwhelming

25568512? ago

You have a point. It is indeed tiresome.

25568326? ago

10 on comey’s ass

12 on brennans ass

10/12 date?

25569206? ago

Bingo ! That was my thought as well

First 10 Groups on 4674

Then 12 Groups on 4675

25568202? ago

I tried to view it and there was a 404 issue.

25568126? ago


25568036? ago

The demise of Ellen and Kimmel adds up to (((pedophilia)))

25568003? ago

Or they’re numbers 4 and 5 in the placeholders.

25567838? ago

or counts if treason for each?

25567832? ago

That's pretty neat that hollywood, CEO's, the majority of politicians and the entirety of the media are all shitting their pants over a LARP.

25568688? ago

Yes, writing articles mocking you really shows their fear.

25568016? ago

"shitting their pants" lol, mostly the outside world just pities you all

25567749? ago

Both coming down

25567736? ago

were they involved with 9/11?

25568055? ago

Brennan signed off on the hijackers, personally. He will see the rope.

25568366? ago

i hope that is live-streamed, need to see it and all of the memes and vids celebrating.

25567729? ago

Q is panicking !!!

25567651? ago

No, foo. Q is fake. If you need any other answers don’t be shy.

25567641? ago

Translation: You won't see these guys perp walked until the next 9/11/01.

25567617? ago

dude I didnt even see it til you said it.

good catch

25567584? ago

Why blocks of 5 for corney and 4 for Brennan? Count down? Podesta, Hillary, Obama?

25567489? ago

The arrest of Brennan and the fact that he was the Muslim terrorist who personally sent over the 911 plane-hijackers; now, that first arrest would certainly shock the world.

25567424? ago

Could Q make a bldg 7 out of Dick Cheney treason?

25567374? ago

Each mention is a single count in an indictment?

25567350? ago

Nah.. just a Hannity-style tick tock.

25567325? ago

Well... it's obvious that there must be some kind of meaning to the fact that Brennan is repeated 4 times over and over again while Corney is repeated 5 times over and over.

A while ago, Q came out with a list of 6 place holders for people to be indicted. Is this supposed to signify that Brennan and Corney are going to be numbers 4 and 5 on that indictment list?

25568651? ago

Considering you guys are batting almost 0 trying to decipher what anything means and that nothing EVER happens?

It won't mean that.

then when something minor happens later or some other "clue" is given you'll find a way to shoehorn it into this 4 and 5 and act like it was a hit.

Meanwhile, the ultimate proof - ARRESTS - is the thing you're not supposed to demand. Any AOGTFO comments are considered negative. Literally the only thing that matters cannot be expected or demanded from the entity that brought it up in the first place. Cult.

25570258? ago

Ohnoes! You're so right and not a triggered shill at all! I should stop listening to random people on the internet and listen to.... you... a random person on the internet instead!

.. or maybe you're a bot? Hard to tell.

You should get a hobby.

25569658? ago

poor bastards

25568642? ago

5 groups of 10

4 groups of 12


25571615? ago

you mean

10 groups of 5

12 groups of 4

25569668? ago

wtf are you actually retarded?

2 D's in above sentence=2D thinking, Q predicted this.

25568315? ago

My choices are

3 Obama

2 Biden (because he is the potential future and bought and paid for)

1 Xi from China.

There will be far more arrests, both above and below in the coming days to weeks.

The next one arrested is the Pope.

25567286? ago

Brennan is a muslim.

25570709? ago

There are other good qualities about him besides that.

25567281? ago

48 + 50 = 98

9 + 8 = 17

25569236? ago

Learn to math

25568697? ago

ArrEsTs WiLl bE MadE in tHe YeaR 9817!!!!!!!!11111!!!!

25567241? ago

The 5 and 4 make a great illusion of depth. That's amazing.

25567229? ago

Dammit Q, put your money where your mouth is. How many years do we have to fuck around looking at cryptic wordplay hoping for justice?

25571309? ago

Seriously, it would not surprise me if it would take most of Trump's second term.

25575455? ago

Assuming there is a second term

25588454? ago

Everybody take a deep breath, the storm is about to begin so save your energy you're gonna need it!

25569645? ago

he's fake, you're gay, I'm sad for you and us

25568329? ago


Steve Pieczenik, who helped put both Trump and Putin in power, just came out on Infowars (yes, yes I know) and said categorically that we will NEVER get the truth on 9/11 and that Trump has decided to play the same historical narrative as the previous two presidents.

9/11 will forever go down in history as an OUTSIDE JOB, truther efforts be damned.

Sad but true.

25570181? ago

Why should we care what that guy says...?

25570096? ago

Oh RIIIIIIIIIGHT. I'm going to believe a New York Times guy. A Jewish American writer, former US state official, psychiatrist, and publisher Steve Pieczenik. RIIIIIGHT. I MEAN IF STEVIE SAYS IT ON ALEX JONES' SHOW, IT MUST BE TRUE!

good LORD. You actually believe this guy put PUTIN in power? Really? When - back in 1975? Did he do this from France? Or Poland? Or Cuba? Give me a break. ooooooh but he said he did. Riiiiight. The guy on the corner talking into his slipper says shit too.

And I doubt seriously that most of the Mossad talking points on AJ's shows hold much water. Jewish American writer, former US state official, psychiatrist, and publisher Steve Pieczenik . He's about as Deep State as they come. The last thing he would want is an outsider like POTUS in that chair. If he was so powerful, why didn't he get Hitlery the Presidency, as it would have advanced the NWO plans much faster.

Turn off the TV and do real research

25571265? ago

Well Q did say that some things would have to remain secret to protect international interests.

25569737? ago

No way, sooner or latel the TRUTH will win.

25570158? ago

guys, prominent spook says no tho

25568461? ago


25567163? ago

Brennan gets hung and James 8. Corney gets 50 years at GTMO

25571623? ago

hang um both please

25567017? ago

50 counts and 48 counts of treason?

5/10 4/12, dates?

25570466? ago

That's how I read it... counts of treason.

25567462? ago

October 5th this year and December 4th maybe

25567003? ago

12-4 and 10-5

25566991? ago

Yes he did.

25566949? ago

It was an anon that posted the graphic. Q reposted it. Q very active tonight.

25570238? ago

I suspect q posts without his trip code and then reposts it to avoid natsec laws and maintain plausible deniability.

25566955? ago

2 different "anons", and near instant reposts.

25568145? ago

23 seconds and 32 seconds.

25570207? ago

Skull and bones

25574021? ago


25566889? ago

Could be a countdown. 5...4...

25568122? ago

or a date ... 4,12 (december 4?) or 5,10 (october 5)?

25567367? ago

My thought exactly. Begs the question, who will be number 3, 2, 1? Perhaps Schiff, then Killary, then Obama?

25567231? ago

5,4 or 10,12

25568454? ago

10 rows then 12 ?

10/12/20 ?

October 12th

Brennan indicted ????!

25582981? ago

5 groups times 5 times 2

5:5 for the two men?

25570452? ago

When has datefagging ever worked?

25570104? ago

Plausible. If you think of Comey as 5th highest rank and Clapper as fourth, and B.0. as 1, who are 2 and 3? Lynch and Roberts?

25569635? ago

Jesus dudes. get mental health checked. I'm not a shill, I'm just so sad for you people.

25644210? ago

When your father shit you out, he should have flushed twice...

25570154? ago

Cryptography isnt for everyone, its okay.

You can go back to the media and wait for a clearcut vision of reality to be handfed to you.

People are here trying to decipher what has been offered as a kind of word puzzle multiple times over the last 3 years, but if you never read the drops or looked at the boards its understandable why you wouldnt know that.

Coming in to discourage and shame people for participating is something you might want to think twice on, since you're not a shill. But thats the kind of behavior that makes you glow in the dark.

What you should probably work on is your obvious condescension and unnecessary blasphemy.

Everytime you say his name, Jesus is looking.

25582501? ago

bruh you can't think anyone who thinks you may have gone off the deep end is a fed. I want to believe you and give you people high fives for being right about the million things you have predicted so far that haven't happened.

Honestly, what happens after jan 1 2021? I'll give you all the leeway of the rest of this year. Who knows hill dawg may be the new president, Big mike... I really don't think biden is viable but I guess throw his name in the ring. When do you call a loss a loss?

25568463? ago

10/5 or 12/4

25567220? ago

If it's in years then it would be pretty accurate.

25567110? ago

3,2,1 - Hussein, HRC/BC, Biden?

25567993? ago

3 decades, 2 decades, 1 decade?

25569819? ago

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

25571441? ago

That fat one wears a yellow hat.

25567595? ago

Holy shit...

25566931? ago

Nice catch, I saw the difference in number too, but wasn't thinking countdown.

Also, still have to account for WTC7, Pentagon and Shanksville crater, so we'll see I guess.

25567157? ago

Gotta be a plane somewhere in that crater, right? Have they found the wreckage there yet?

25567174? ago

Just the engine they hauled in.

And passports. Amazingly enough.

25569287? ago

with today's knowledge I wouldn't be far off if I said that the people those passports belonged to were trafficked and harvested

25568160? ago

They also found intact hyper sized phallic butt plugs from 3 of the jackers. It is suspected they all had them. For pleasure and not religion according to their Imams.

25567860? ago

Oh and let’s not forget the passport of one of the passports found safely on the sidewalk from the towers. Guessing they threw it out the airplane window right before impact.

25567266? ago

Whole passenger jet full of people and luggage vaporized on impact. Riiiiiiiiight. Yet people still believe that story while staring at an empty field.

25568119? ago

Even when I was in 3rd grade (when it first happened) I didn't believe that and kept asking where did the plane go?

25569052? ago

Out of curiosity, what did the adults around you tell you after you asked them that?

25569210? ago

parents said they don't know. Everyone else repeated the official story as if I just couldn't understand what they where saying instead of realizing I was saying they where lying.

25570147? ago

based 3rd grader

25568170? ago

It's like the implications of it are too horrible for many people to deal with. They would much rather cling to the comfortable official story of what happened. Same with watching the twin towers get turned to dust, steel beams and all, and still believe the structural failure story. Those buildings were vaporized by some kind of powerful energy. How? I don't know but it damn sure wasn't jet fuel.

25568165? ago

Lol that’s awesome

25566819? ago

Hopefully his word art skills lead to the downfall of the deep state.

25567225? ago

You got that big incel energy

25566801? ago


Brennan’s questionable loyalty dates back to the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

On September 18, 2014, on the Ground Zero radio program, a whistle blower named Greg Ford of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion claimed that Brennan, as chief of the CIA station in Jeda, overrode concerns and ordered that the visas of the 19 plane-hijackers be stamped. At 1:32:47 into the interview, Ford talked about ISIS and how it was created. Someone called in with a question about 9/11. Ford said:

“All 19 high jackers? Where did they get their visas stamped before they came to this country to launch 9/11? They got their visas stamped in the CIA station in Jeda. And the second in command said ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’ And the fellow who was in charge, his name was John Brennan. He was the person who overrode those concerns and cautions and ordered those visas stamped in Jeda.”

There have long been rumors that John Owen Brennan is a Muslim convert. A member of this Consortium, John Molloy, Chairman of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition, has heard of those rumors from his military sources. Now, we have published confirmation from a credible journalist.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency. (See his extended bio here.)

In a for-subscribers-only article for his news site, Wayne Madsen Report, on August 11, 2015, Madsen maintains there is “growing evidence that CIA’s John Brennan is a Wahhabist convert.”

Madsen begins by noting that Obama had wanted to appoint Brennan CIA director in 2009, but there was internal CIA and congressional opposition to his nomination, ostensibly because of Brennan’s involvement in “enhanced interrogation” techniques used against detainees after 9/11, but the actual reasons for the initial opposition remains unclear to this day.



25568273? ago

What if the 80/20 and eventual 60/40 was that 80% would only understand 20% of what has occurred with regard to what the treasonous have done to corrupt society?

What if we should now expect 40% to understand 60 percent of what the cabal has done

What if 60-80% of politicians are compromised in some sort of sex or corruption scandal?

What if a Supreme Court justice had, for almost a decade, illegally obtained female foreign nationalists living in his home? What if these exists even the hint of his decisions being influenced by this fact. WTF??

25567637? ago

Great info, anon. Here's more on Brennan & how it appears he rose to power as head of the CIA.

It is really an amazing array of coincidences!


ABC News: March 21, 2008

An embarrassed State Department admitted today that the passport files of all three presidential candidates - Sens. John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - have been breached by its employees (or subcontractors thereof) on March 14.

The bombshell announcement came within hours of the admission that Obama's personal file was improperly accessed several times earlier this year and no one was notified of the breach.


Two of the government contractors who improperly accessed Senator Barack Obama’s (D-IL) passport records are revealed to have worked for a Virginia-based firm, Stanley, Inc, before being fired. A third, who accessed both Obama’s and Senator John McCain’s (R-AZ) records, worked for The Analysis Corporation.

The Analysis contractor who accessed Obama’s and McCain’s files has not yet been fired; that contractor is described as a veteran State Department contractor and an otherwise “terrific” employee. Analysis is staffed with an array of former intelligence-community officials. Its CEO is John Brennan.

From The Analysis Corporation's Wikipedia page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Analysis_Corporation

In November 2005, John O. Brennan was appointed president and CEO of TAC. Mr. Brennan was the former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center and a 25-year veteran of the CIA. Following Mr. Brennan’s departure in October 2008 to serve as advisor to then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, Alexander Drew became the acting president of TAC.

In early 2008 TAC found itself in the midst of a scandal when a State Department spokesman revealed that a TAC contractor, formerly a retired State Department employee, gained unauthorized access on March 14 to the passport records for Barack Obama and John McCain.

Isn't this interesting. Obama should be concerned about people illegally gaining access to his private records, right? And it appears he was:

Below is from CNNpolitics when the breach occurred - http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/21/obama.passport/index.html

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama called for an investigation Friday into how the security of the passport files of the three remaining presidential candidates was breached.

The State Department admitted Friday that the passport files of Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain had been accessed without authorization.

"One of the things that the American people count on in their interactions with any level of government is that if they have to disclose personal information, that it stay personal and stay private," Obama said in Portland, Oregon.

"And when you have not just one but a series of attempts to tap into people's personal records, that's a problem not just for me but for how our government is functioning," he said. Obama said he expected "a full and thorough investigation" by the administration in conjunction with congressional oversight committees.

The State Department's inspector general has started an investigation, department officials said.

A month later - on April 19, 2008 - the key witness in this case was murdered. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/apr/19/key-witness-in-passport-fraud-case-fatally-shot/

Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with a federal investigators, was found late Thursday night slumped dead inside a car, in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church in Northeast, said Cmdr. Michael Anzallo, head of the department’s Criminal Investigations Division.

Cmdr. Anzallo said a police officer was patrolling the neighborhood when gunshots were heard, then Lt. Harris was found dead inside the vehicle, which investigators would describe only as a blue car. City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators.

Lt. Harris told federal authorities he obtained “passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State.”

On April 8, 2008, after the breach became public, Obama confessed to having taken a trip to Pakistan in 1981. The then-candidate said: "I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college." Journalist Jake Tapper was surprised and said: "This last part -- a college trip to Pakistan -- was news to many of us who have been following the race closely. And it was odd that we hadn't hear about it before, given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign."


Odd time to be visiting Pakistan for 3 weeks. Pakistan in 1981 was under martial law, with opposition politicians incarcerated, judges sacked, media censorship enforced and anti-government strikes underway. The year Obama visited was also a particularly dangerous one for Americans. During a hijacking that March of a Pakistan passenger liner, three Americans onboard were singled out and threatened with death.

But back to John Brennan and those illegal searches of Obama/McCain/Clinton passports. It seems like the State Department's investigation went the way of so many others - nowhere. No followup. It just kind of quietly disappeared.

But magnanimous Obama seemed to bear no grudges against John Brennan - the CEO of the firm responsible for one of the breaches. Six months later, the very guy responsible for the snooping...joined Obama's campaign as an advisor in October 2008.

Having a relatively mundane career path - from an obscure CIA agent which culminated as the Interim Director of National Counterterrorism Center in 2004, Brennan had to go back into the private sector in 2005.

Surprisingly, after the breach and after joining Obama's campaign in 2008, Brennan was vaulted to National Security Advisor in 2009 and CIA Director in 2013.

What a rise!

In parallel, the Analysis corporation's government services also jumped from rose. From TAC's Wikipedia page: "It was awarded over $400m in government contracts since 2000, including some $30.6m in 2007, $19.5m in 2008, and $150m in 2009." Looks like the TAC's breach of Obama/Clinton/McCain records in 2008 paid off - the company received $130 million more in government contracts the year following the breach.

Just another coincidence, I'm sure.

All after his firm breached confidential records of the candidates. Including the records of the very-forgiving Obama.

And months after the breach, when Barack Obama was elected President and could have directed the State Department to pursue that "full and thorough investigation" he wanted - in conjunction with congressional oversight committees - nothing. Nothing for 8 long years of his presidency.

Sure would be interesting to know what life-changing information Brennan accessed from the passport information.

Is this how the unhinged, foul-mouthed, Gus Hall-voting Brennan was elevated to the very top of the CIA? By a president who wanted to ensure that his personal information "stay personal and stay private".

And stay private it did. The MainStream Media quickly dropped the story. Never bothered to follow-up on it. Didn't want to waste everyone's time with the connections between the breach, Brennan's company, and his personal meteoric rise to the top.

All just a coincidence, I'm sure.

This is how DC operates. Blackmail is as common as a paycheck. Often it IS a paycheck.

What if Donald Trump had spent 3 weeks in Iran? Or North Korea? Or Pakistan? Think the MSM would gloss over it? What if someone with knowledge on him was shot through the head in a car? Would they stay mum on that?

25567361? ago

John Brennen speaks about his muslim faith in arabic


25567812? ago

ty anon