25456093? ago

Matthew 24:37-39

"37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

25455079? ago

Pretty much says it all, in two sentences.

25452629? ago

Am I the only one tired of posts just making a statement then letting comment warriors run wild? Post topic has substance yet there’s no substance.

25451792? ago

Freemasons. Ismailis. Scientologists. Jesuits. And many more. They’re all heads of the same hydra.

25451116? ago

Q1970. CIA Document About Payseurs Family Use Other Satanic Families as Proxies, Bush & Hillary Clinton, Leaked Court Document at https://voat.co/v/QRV/4003000/

25450847? ago

Is the raping before or after the genocide?

25449742? ago

That's actually an interesting point. Get some DIRT (video of them doing something) on someone posing as their secret friend. BLAMO. they are your puppet for LIFE.

25448835? ago

They want us dead and a new paradise world for themselves and their minions. A world where they can practice any sick debauchery they can dream up on the left over slaves.

25447272? ago


25446978? ago




25446940? ago

Exterminate all kikes

25446374? ago

NFL halftime shows make so much more sense to me now.

25452623? ago

Superb owl

25446313? ago

How do you know they are satanic?

25446789? ago

And this is the only question you have? Seems strange to me. Did you read the whole sentence, does it make sense to you? Explain the rest to me, please.

25447345? ago

The other stuff is normal. I wonder about the "satanic" quantifier and if adding that makes all the other shit worse.

25446093? ago

I believe the correct terms are kikes and shabbos goy

25446555? ago

that's so 60's, bro...

25445983? ago

Guys, you aer the last line of defense - you gotta fix it, who else d'ya tinkis gonna do it?

Switzerland? Buthan? Friggn Kiribati?

Name me one country, that could break these chains, srsly

I'm not talking about the rittenhouse-solution, you need to free the captive audience -

Name me one revolution, that actually worked out for "the people"

There you go, now you know, who's gonna fix this, right?

25445822? ago


25445105? ago

Why didn't you put JEW in your title, because that's who they are?

25445318? ago

Hillary is a Jew? Obama? Bezos? Gates?

not jews

But there are A LOT of jews in the CLUB

25449063? ago

Hillary is a Satanist, so yes, she's a kike.

Obama is a muslim, so a desert kike.

Bezos changed his name, came from cuba (commie), and has never disclosed his religion. If they don't talk about it, they are kikes.

Gates is 100% a kike.

25444999? ago

sorry, I can't 'tell' you because you obviously don't have the ability to 'see'.

pray more...

25444669? ago

Dont forget enslavement of all

25443797? ago

You spelled 'jews' incorrectly.

25444354? ago

... whats with the gay, blackmail, pedo island, tranny stuff ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3961387 the costumed 'medic' guy with gun? https://voat.co/v/news/3992982

25444239? ago

Synagogue of Satan has all stripes under its thumb of blackmail.

25444129? ago

Seriously. So many words just to avoid saying jews.

25448801? ago

Well yes but it's a broader umbrella that covers shabbos goy, masons, and international royalty as well. But yes, jews are at the center.

25452613? ago

Ismailis, scientologists, mormons, and more!

25444340? ago

Some guys are just verbose because they like the sound of their own inner voice.

25443737? ago

I’ve seen a lot of pedo busts lately, when will they start linking them to the elites?

25445752? ago

I imagine only the minor level ones will get busted right now because it's the low-hanging fruit that's not careful. I'm not truly sure if we will ever see an end to the real elites. It's sadly such an integral part of global "trade" that high-level politicians and executives are protected by put-in-place crime syndicates.

Just look at James Alefantis as an example. Nothing has come of Pizzagate, sadly. On the other hand, there are tons of small timers who will be put away. I'm grateful for that and perhaps we should always be thankful that those guys are getting cleaned up.

25443682? ago

Suicide please. -save yourself the shame and years in prison.

25443634? ago

And they have been financed and installed into these positions very deliberately. Give the weirdo what they want.....they will do anything to live their perverted life, AND have power and privilege.

25443563? ago




DQ 17 Q++++








25443524? ago

The DS purposely recruits Dark Triad Psychopaths, they make up ~1% of the population, but numbers in the millions. Then they drill down on The seriously compromised in order to have them in positions of power to garner party nomination. DTP’s will do what they can to live their lifestyle and hope people have short memories, so they can be pathologically lie.

The world needs to ID and be made aware of these people, it should be a require course in high school.

25447330? ago

Q has named over 40 Democrat pedo politicians and over 40 Republican pedo politicians. They are likely broken in by SRA or blackmailed before being promoted to office by the Eyes Wide Shut cult, in all its manifestations. Besides sexual depravity, especially against defenseless children, the corruptible monetary system also goes a long way toward degrading humanity.

25446445? ago

We need to have mandatory brain scans for power and influence!


This one small reform would remove all of these compromised predators from all power really fast.

25445272? ago

Related interview called "The essentials of issue of degeneracy" with Gregory Klimov. It's interesting and ties into psychopaths being promoted and chosen by the oligarchs.

25448486? ago

Nice read

25444495? ago

While some call it MK Ultra, manufacturing a psychopath is much easier today thanks to visual and audio subliminal messaging.

Sadistic programming just needs to start before puberty to get a complete disconnect for weaponized survival instincts of the damned.

25443518? ago

AND their is much worse to come. Your choice on how deep you go; down the rabbit hole(s). Consider Counting your BLESSINGS, Many are heading your way

25443461? ago

yes, but I hope people realize that the 'blackmail' is more similar to getting your ticket punched. You must allow them to get dirt on you before they will help you rise up. This is why hollywood types like James Gunn make pedophile tweets. They are advertising that they are willing to go for the maximum Kompromat. And it works.

25444368? ago

Blackmail is the second most powerful means to control compromised public servants. Assassinations that look like accidental deaths of the targeted mark is the best form of control, but only if they have next of kin they love more than life. Yet chemically enslaving a father or mother to rape their own child is the most common way to document blackmail since the silent movie days. It was not until audio and multi angle recordings did this go mainstream.

25443534? ago

I really want that guy to go down.

25443411? ago

Oh, trust me. They want you to be Christians. Deceiving ethnic Europeans into thinking Christianity is a religion for them is the most subversive thing the Jew has ever done.

25444055? ago

You make a very good point. Particularly disturbing are the teachings to "turn the other cheek" and (to paraphrase) "obey the authorities because God put them in place." Sounds like a good control mechanism. I believe in Yashua, but not the made-up religion surrounding this person.

25445299? ago

Actually, the control mechanism is in the lie that the first thing on God's mind is your sin because he likes to burnt he little ants with magnifying glasses.

'Agape' is a Greek word meaning love, but it is a Hebrew word meaning 'the combatants' It is the love God gives his enemies "while they were yet sinners" Christ died for them. It is a love given to an enemy with no expectation of return. You cannot give back to God the love he has given you.

The 'turn the other cheek thing" is not for control, but for freedom.... freedom from endless wars where each new generation thinks they have to 'get even'. If you wish to know what the Bible actually teaches, study sensus plenior from someone who can read it.

So no. You do not believe in "Yashua" or you would believe in the love he taught.

25444726? ago

Yeshua specifically said he came only to save the lost sheep of the House of Israel. So unless you're a kike, you're subhuman to him.

25447662? ago

There was something about a good Samaritan....

25445526? ago

This is an interesting out-of-context teaching. Jesus, who is God incarnate, chose to close his eyes to his divinity. When you close your eye you don't become blind, and neither did he cease to be God. He chose not to use his divinity so that he would be tempted in every way that we are, without an advantage, and conquer sin by not sinning. When he said that he had come just for the house of Israel, a decision made at the wedding in Cana, he had not yet realized his call to save all men. 'Not yet' is the key here. All of the teaching in the 'mystery hidden from the beginning' or called sensus plenior by scholars, teaches that he came to save all men. In the name Adam אדם (the one who represents all men), who came from the ground 'adamah' אדמה , it tells us that he is made of spirit א and the blood, דם , and the blood is the fulfillment of the law ד by the son ם .

One of the main 'tools' of skeptics is to claim that there are contradictions and idiot doctrines, when they do not consider the time element of teachings.

25447855? ago

Jesus, who is God incarnate, chose to close his eyes to his divinity

"God is wrong because he wanted to be, but what he really meant was what I wanted it to mean.

25443476? ago

have you read the New Testament?

25444732? ago

Yes, that's what convinced me. Obviously you haven't read it.

25443396? ago

Ok, schizo.

25443019? ago

And they want the subjugation and then extermination of the White European race.

25446837? ago

controlled distruction since before world war 1

first in russia

then in germany

then it was supposed to be the US while they transferred their power to china to finish the job against all of the west

25452605? ago

Compliant china

25443221? ago

I can clearly see this is occurring. My question is WHY WHY WHY do they hate white Europeans so much?

25451837? ago

It’s Christianity they hate.

At the time Christ walked the earth, all religion was a complete God damned scam. There would be fanfare and hype for miles, but the subject matter was slavery by numbers and not a religion with appeal to the human sprit.

25452160? ago

Well said.

25452857? ago

(((They))) miss the days when they could live as gods on our backs. Christianity is the meek rising up, casting (((them))) off our backs, and inheriting the earth.

25460889? ago

You're right. Reality is strange.

25448323? ago

it's all communism. whites/europeans rejected it (mostly) and they hate it.

25451381? ago

Oh interesting. Do you know any more about this? Why do Europeans/whites tend to reject communism?

25452578? ago

Communism is the default state of humanity and the universal result of perfect democracy. We are the only people who reject that state, favouring self reliance over communal life. We prefer to live and die by our own skill, all others, by contrast, fear nothing more.

25451422? ago

Because we're superior.

25445921? ago

We are the only ones who ever fought back

25444314? ago

I wonder this too. I started doing research into the Aryan race but I can barely find any information. Did you know anthropologists have done research on all kinds of ethnicities but not Aryan? Supposedly Hitler told his people about "Aryan mythology" but "it was all fake and debunked" which is why I'm now reading Mein Kampf. I suspect that the uyghur muslims may be related, they look very white, and China is currently genociding them. Aryans supposedly also seeded India (also "debunked") but they have a caste system which I also suspect is left over from a more advanced Aryan civilization. Finally newearth on yt had some videos of blond mummies found in China and Australia...so what if Aryans/European whites had an advanced civilization in the past that spread worldwide? One more - white natives in Africa, the Berbers

25452540? ago

There are no Aryans.

There are nordics and huns and all other known races. Their histories are largely known as well.

“Aryan” is an illuminati term. It does not refer to a specific human race and your taking references to the same literally shows you are still reading exoterically, not esoterically.

Nazi archaeologists found “aryan” civilizations in Tibet:


South America:


And other places such as ancient Rome and ancient Greece.

Nazi archaeology was a cover for philosophy, like alchemy was. They were looking for “Aryan” civilizations which, in this context, esoterically means a united religion and state, ruled dynastically. The dynastic ruler of such a state would be as a god on earth.

There were never Germans living in Tibet. The Lamas were there though! They prominently used swastikas AND six pointed stars (shatkona). They were a unified religion and state. The lamas were originally dynastic. And they were some of the bloodiest and brutal rulers on this earth.

They carried the concept which they came to call “tantra” through the “flood.” Tibet was a great place to ride it out, Hermes was later said in esoteric circles to have discovered the emerald tablets there. The lamas taught the Sumerians. The Sumerians taught the Babylonians. The Babylonians captured the Jewish nobility that one time, and since then tantra -er, talmudism, has spread.

25445433? ago

I once had a copy of Mien Kempf. I bought it at a small Jewish book store in NYC called “Barnes and Noble”.

25443557? ago

We are their biggest threat.

Awakened and united Europeans will strip all their power and make them pay.

What do you suppose the punishment for attempted genocide should be?

How about the punishment for psycological warfare against an entire race including making them believe they were responsible for a genocide that never happened and slavery that they did not run, all the while covering up for there own very real genocides. Armenian genocide holodormor and the rest of the bolshevik revolution terror to name a few. And their war strategy to inflict the most causalities every to their own side is it's own genocide. The bolsheviks attack West was designed to kill as many white warriors as they could on both sides. The (((bolsheviks))) themselves stayed out of combat.

25443440? ago

Unpopular theory: White Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel.

25451858? ago

No, that’s the belief of the British Israelites, who are bad guys. The lost tribes were a metaphor for people who became spiritually confused.

Genetically speaking the palestinians are the tribes of Israel from the Old Testament.

White people are nordic and slavic, which just aren’t the lost tribes of israel. They have their own genesis and they were very unchristian and very pagan in the time of Christ.

25450663? ago

i hear about this sometimes, i wasnt there tho so idk

25445139? ago

25444330? ago

I suspect that too, see my rambling comment bellow 44314

25445334? ago


25447109? ago


I wonder this too. I started doing research into the Aryan race but I can barely find any information. Did you know anthropologists have done research on all kinds of ethnicities but not Aryan? Supposedly Hitler told his people about "Aryan mythology" but "it was all fake and debunked" which is why I'm now reading Mein Kampf. I suspect that the uyghur muslims may be related, they look very white, and China is currently genociding them. Aryans supposedly also seeded India (also "debunked") but they have a caste system which I also suspect is left over from a more advanced Aryan civilization. Finally newearth on yt had some videos of blond mummies found in China and Australia...so what if Aryans/European whites had an advanced civilization in the past that spread worldwide? One more - white natives in Africa, the Berbers

25447644? ago

Thanks. I replied to a comment above yours about white Europeans being the lost tribes of Israel. Here's one theory mapping out their migration.

25457963? ago

Thanks anon. The video you sent has opened up a whole new set of questions. The channel is great so far. Can you clarify this - the lady being interviewed says the Aryans were centralized in Iran, but moved to Italy to eventually become the Jesuits, who are otherwise tied in with illuminati/masons/etc as the people that control in the shadows. But that doesn't explain or make sense why they (aryan-descendant jesuits) are attacking white people who are also aryan descendants? I see Sepehr has a few videos on this so maybe I should watch those first?

Sophie and the newearth channel is what eventually led me on this current tangent. She mostly shows megalithic and ancient structures and discusses the official narrative vs what we observe. She is from Eastern Europe I believe. Similarities in building technology and architectural styles point to ancient advanced civilizations that were in communication. But many countries with these sights allow them to deteriorate or even cover them up. She has a series called "When the survivors of Atlantis wake up" which is a good place to start.

25459236? ago

You're welcome. Glad you found it interesting. And yes, it's a good channel. He's talked about stuff that no other archaeologists will touch. I couldn't sleep last night and found myself binging on about 4 of his videos. I'll have to go back and re-watch some of them. I learn a lot from him.

Can you clarify this - the lady being interviewed says the Aryans were centralized in Iran, but moved to Italy to eventually become the Jesuits, who are otherwise tied in with illuminati/masons/etc as the people that control in the shadows.

Here is the original video if you want to watch it, btw. I haven't seen it in its entirety, but I'll try to get to it later today.

I don't know the answer to your question, having not watched the entire video yet.

However, looking through the comments, there's a poster by the handle "Atomic Litter Box" that writes: "Don't know why she's mixed up Jews with "Iranians", but it seems very suspicious to me." Atomic Litter Box is accusing her of trying to not name the jews! lol I don't know if this is truly the case (could very well be, I never rule it out.) And when she first said Aryans, that was very new to me. But I have to watch the whole video.

Just a quick note before I go: the answer could be as simple as there being a number of Aryans who wish to concentrate power only amongst a select ruling group. Robert Sepehr has a few vids on Atlantis being destroyed because the people became morally corrupt. We can't assume all Aryans want the best for the entirety of their descendants. Maybe something happened to us in our bloodlines along the way that diluted our purity. What's cool about stuff like this is an ongoing quest to find answers.

Nice chatting with you. I'll check out the channel you mentioned. Talk again soon.

25508650? ago

I've been trying to reply for a while, but I have a toddler and newborn so it has been challenging to say the least! Have you seen the rh negative video yet? It's seems that we (anglo-saxons) was kangs (egyptian nobility)? Scotland seeded by Egyptian princess Scotta. Seventy percent of british men are related to King Tut while 2% of modern Egyptians are. The stone of scone/destiny. What do you think of that?

If there's not already a sub for this, we should make one!

25527088? ago

Family comes first!

I think there are a few subs that post regularly about Robert Sepehr's videos.

This is what I came up with when I searched:


I have seen that video you mentioned. It was eye opening. I went down another rabbit hole a few days ago with regards to Europeans descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel.


by Jack Flaws

It takes more of a biblical bent. Don't know if you're into that, but I've got them saved to watch as it's making sense to me from the first 2 videos I've seen.

I wound up watching the entirety of that video where the professor was interviewing the lady. It was...meh. She brought up a lot of points of interest but never went anywhere with any of them. Not much compelling evidence or arguments - a giant nothing burger other than the lineage of families.

I was very disappointed. Also, she got called out in the comments about not really knowing her history and saying "Iranians" rather than "Aryans". She should have stuck with a few points rather than jump around.

It's ongoing work, trying to learn the truth!

25450693? ago

If DNA says (my fren) is 0.01% Ashkenazi Jew, but 30% Gaelic.... is that the bad/fake ones or the good guys?

25451864? ago

Ashkenazi - according to the Khazar theory are the fake ones. You can read more about it here:


While I was looking for that article, I came across this video I'd bookmarked (but never watched). Kevin MacDonald (Culture of Critique) doesn't think that the Khazar Theory holds up.

Always good to have opposing perspectives, so you can pass it onto (your fren) and tell (your fren) to read it if he's so inclined to better understand it.

25443313? ago

We are the only threat.

25443485? ago

This. White men are the only thing standing in the way of them completing their agenda. And sadly a good portion of them have been deceived psychologically; afraid to act for fear of being labeled “racist”. Europe is done. America is the last hope.

I was hoping Trump would reveal these people to the world but I’m losing hope that will happen.

25443014? ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

25442957? ago

Yes, but we outnumber them. Theirs is a shadowy paper empire.

25443256? ago

Your numbers are absolutely meaningless. The Ukrainians outnumbered the Soviet troops 3,000/1, but Stalin was able to starve 7,000,000 of them to death and they never fought back. You're delusional.

25443309? ago

Yeah , but we have guns and if I'm "delusional" then I'd like to know why these satanist are so keen to take those weapons away from us?

25443573? ago

Billions of people have been murdered with every type of weapon...the Ukrainians had guns, along with every other type of weapon, but they never fought back. I could easily kill a couple dozen people everyday armed with nothing but a ballpoint pen. Also, These people do not believe in your bullshit religion - they are not satanists. They want to take away the guns because it's the smart thing to do...but they don't need to. Why? First and foremost, you are cowardly, just like the common man is everywhere else on earth. Secondly, you have no leadership to get you organized in large groups, much less on a national level...even if you did, they would put a stop to that immediately. And, Thirdly, you have no plan...you don't have the slightest idea of what to do; that's why you're talking shit on this website, instead of doing anything that might get you into trouble. And, finally, you have no money to finance a war against the vast military might of NWO.

You've got hundreds of millions of weapons and trillions of rounds of ammo...and yet they control the US; both the government and the society.

25443629? ago

Enough fantasy. The Ukrainians were disarmed (like every other civilian) by communist decree back in the early 20s. We on the other hand are armed to the teeth and again if I'm delusional and being armed doesn't matter why is it that they want my gun so badly?

25444689? ago

You are the one who is fantasizing. Lemme ask you this: what is your red-line? All you have to do is open your eyes...widespread and rampant drug addiction and alcoholism; vast oceans of pornography that are freely/readily available to children; children being exposed to deranged mentally-ill sexual degenerates in their schools, libraries and churches; tens of thousands of children gone missing every year, never to be seen again; widespread homosexuality...even amongst the clergy; widespread miscegenation...almost to the point of it being institutionalized; drastically degenerated norms of social behavior; widespread and rampant corporate/political corruption...codified and protected by laws; drastically reduced academic standards at all levels of public education; mass shootings...record numbers of psychopaths/sociopaths at all levels of society; our manufacturing base has been almost completely dismantled and transferred to foreign countries etc., etc., etc.

So, what is your red-line? When will you act?

25444760? ago

Enough with your fairy tales.

25445059? ago

Like I said...you're cowardly to the bone and incapable of taking action.

25452653? ago

You’re a shill who is goading us to meet antifa in the streets. Q+ said don’t do that, so we’re not.

The red lines were spelled out by Q earlier, post 4414.

Further questions?

25444069? ago

I shouldn’t step in here, it’s none of my business, but there’s a difference between being armed and being willing. Sorry, I’m not buying it from conservatives, and I’m not buying it from the awaken people either. Nobody’s doing a damn thing about anything. It’s all talk. Not until the globalist to bring the fight to you are you going to do a damn thing. And they can get away with what they’re doing without bringing the fight. They’ve mastered the nonconfrontational way of enslaving you. All of us. Even if everyone like you decided to fight back at once, and could actually get organized, and neither of those things are possible at the same time, they without number you because millions and billions of Normies would join them. You would be the crazy one. The 99% are not giving up their jobs in their food and their television and their cars in their warmth and their air-conditioning to join 1%. You will be the ones that are crushed. I can’t even believe anyone here thinks they are part of the majority. You’re not. We are not. None of us are. You can’t say we are up against every single institution on the planet and still think we can win. Those two things are mutually exclusive yet you believe them both.

25444342? ago

By you thinking that the 2nd Amendment is worthless only sheds more light on your agenda and those normies that you keep writing off only apply to the cities not the rural or outlying areas. Those so called normies have repeatably stopped antifa and blm attempts to invade their neighborhoods by just the show of being armed and that tells me a lot. Oh I am not selling anything and not buying you doom and gloom horseshit either P.S Those institutions you mentioned are composed of ppl Just like you and me. Not automatons.

25442854? ago

Their real name is luciferians and they hate when u call em that. Too much LIGHT.

25444451? ago

I appreciate the lower case 'l' in lucifer.

25442949? ago

Yep, and the reason 99% percent of the Population would be in the Hospital if they knew the whole truth is because at the highest levels of the Luciferian Cabal they are in actual physical contact with Satan and his demons.

Think of World Wide power like a giant Pyramid or series of smaller pyramids of different types all being controlled by one all seeing force that controls completely the entire Pyramid and the levels on it.

Well the truth is at the top of World power Satan is in direct contact with the men and women who he has put in power.

25446008? ago

This more-or-less correlates with my research but I think I've gone deeper:

Ain't "Satan or Lucifer" but instead really smart (and Evil) aliens, which means anything from off-world, that they are communicating with.

Namely the Archons whom reside in 5D iirc chilling over there on Saturn.

The 'Luciferians' found a way to contact these things. These beings. Maybe one of them calls itself Lucifer and Satan, who fucking knows.

Could be connected to Pyramids but I've read most of this network is "offline" and this network was originally setup a fucking very very long time ago, 100,000's of years ago, as a kind of Grid Matrix.

Expanding on my previous point, it appears that the "Archons" whom reside on Saturn, have worked to create the "Slave Race" (and fully controlled) Reptilian and Grey races as their 3D workers.

The "Energy Vampires" use the wells that fill up on Saturn from the gathered energy from things such as 'blood sacrifices'. This gets converted into energy and gathered and used by the Archons. They have lost their sustenance with Source. Like when we sleep, we "regenerate" our energy... That is because we of course still have our connection to Source.

The Archons do not have this. "Fallen" ? Well, they need that Energy to live and they needed to find a new source for sustenance. They found us.

The amount of disinformation around these topics is quite mind boggling.

I like this website in particular:

ascensionglossary (dot) com/index.php/Luciferian_Rebellion

25443287? ago

You are mentally ill and delusional. None of this stuff is happening in other cultures...it's only happening in white christian countries.

25443502? ago

Islam is already run by Satan.

25443592? ago

That's only your opinion.

25443638? ago

Well they marry 9 year old children, have sex with boys, and kill each other...so I mean, sure. If you say so.

25443802? ago

Plenty of people in christian countries have sex with children...I haven't seen the christian church lift a finger to stop it. As we speak, there are hundreds of homosexual pedophile catholic priests who are being protected from prosecution for their crimes. I've never seen any christian organizations going after the Vatican. Every year hundreds of thousands of children go missing in christian countries and are never seen again. That's not happening in any islamic country...neither is the story-time outrage. The muslims kill fags as soon as they are detected...christians, on the other hand, let them sleep in the woods with their tween boys.

25443490? ago

different anon, and it's because Christianity is the direct path to God,

the other religions aren't dealing with the real (((issue))).

25443685? ago

Dealing with the (((issue)))? HAHAHAHAHA!! The issue only exists in christian countries because of the cowardly backstabbing christians who keep letting the jews into their countries...over and over and over and over again!

Hundreds of thousands of children go missing every year in christian countries, never to be seen again...your "god" is either the most evil/malignant force in the Western world (these things are not happening in other cultures) or it doesn't exist at all...which is it?

25444060? ago


what do you mean this isn't happening in 'other cultures'?

you must be retarded...

25444515? ago

Yeah, seriously...you're brainwashed. Show me the evidence that the things that are happening in the US - transsexual story-time, massive drug and alcohol addiction, rampant homosexuality, etc. - are happening in Iran, for example.

25442759? ago

Anons on QRV know this already.

25442758? ago

Well they wanna rape kids anyway. The rest is so much work; I'm sure they perform just well enough to avoid being fired/demoted which in their position probably means murdered or worse

25442698? ago

If you want to go deeper..... They are the Orion Group, negative entities that want to enslave us.


25443500? ago

there is only 'here' created by ONE God,

so HOW are there aliens?

25447792? ago

So everything off planet is not a part of creation?

25448902? ago

read the Bible, about the firmament.

then watch some buzz aldrin videos.

NASA lies...

25442681? ago

Yes I knoe the ghetto hokey pokey.

2 to the left. 3 to the right ....

Stop think about it....

25442649? ago

Collective Labor is blackmailed into conformity for the cheap price of job security. A false security to be sure, but survival instincts are the emotional trigger. That and mob mentality make the weapons of mass destruction.

Each and every Union/Guild has the power to affect non-union workers due to mob rule of law.

25450638? ago

I dont know about the devil baby stuff, but I have seen the tactic you described in play among many wicked individuals.

25451058? ago

The oldest collective labor force known to man started as hired thugs and assassins for the oldest continuous bank on Earth.

This Guild has been called many names for many conflicts over the years. Like the Knights Templar or Jesuit Occult.

Not because they coveted the lime light, but to politically back up the Blackmailing of Royalty and Industry leaders or their paid off politicians. Blackmailing leaders only works if the assassination can happen at will.

This is why the oldest bank, treasury and historical library has never been robbed (or audited), since the Vatican is also the oldest "known" Deep Underground Military Bunker in Earth. Oldest Military Intelligence organization known to man, which is an open secret, wink, wink.

Now about Young Blood and it's latest derivative adrenochrome. Yes, it has made human trafficking more lucrative by far. But breeder farms made the obscene profits into federal reserve and IMF level leverage. This is what Trump is fighting and why he has a price on his head.

It is more complicated than my overly simplistic "opinion", but the truth is better suited for the fantasy horror fan as a vast right wing conspiracy having a bimbo eruption.

Note, all credit goes to Hillary and Co.

25447251? ago


25447883? ago

Blackmail is now the most common form of human slavery in a civilized society. Which is why any FBI Informant are the best False Flag scapegoat money can't buy.

25444141? ago

Collective Labor is blackmailed into conformity for the cheap price of job security.

Succinct point on the cost of living in a "modern" world full of conveniences.

The TRUE COST is that most people don't know how anything works anymore, how anything is produced anymore, how anything is made anymore.

Most modern people only know how to go to a store to BUY things. We lack basic self sufficiency and have traded our freedoms for security, convenience and entertainment.

25444403? ago

Well.....(socialism) builds good slaves without the tools (knowledge) or will to oppose their own slavery.


To shape the herds thought~golden knowledge...drawn from your own ego.


25444204? ago

Just like the collective mind set. Compartmentalized each technical trade. What (((all))) Unions go after is the Jack of all trades.

In fact that is called a scab for a reason.

25443450? ago

Yes things were so much better before unions

25446814? ago

The unions started as a good thing. As with everything else the enemy infiltrated, demoralized and subverted it from the inside. Is it any wonder the unions go hand in hand with the Democrats every election when it's a circle jerk of money switching hands? You vote for me, I'll give you jobs, we all get the money.... And on and on it goes

25451348? ago

Karl Marx invented the collective bargaining term to centralize militant labor. Not deliberately, for he really was a do gooder who had the best intention to empower the peasant class. Thing is all he did was empowered leadership to enslave the worker twice. Once for the Union as a loyalist which gave the illusion of control and the second was to the (((evil))) company that paid protection money to the collective.

Benito did it best, he just kept the Italian Mobsters in power and took a cut of the profits.

25443581? ago

No. Slavery was normalized before Collective bargaining. Collective labor can now blackmail/Murder not only the Capitalist pimps and assassin Guilds but the non-unionist free thinkers with impunity. Mob rule only needs emotional triggers to control useful idiots. An example is Collective Labor can centralized the Antifa, BLM, Extinct Rebellion and Proud Boys labor force and use (((Global))) blackmail for only a few billion of other peoples money.

25443631? ago

Need to add that Unions are voluntary enslavement used to control (((all))) labor. Including non-Union shops.

25443209? ago

Quality comment

25443469? ago

What do Benito and Adolf have in common? Mussolini used Collective Labor to run Nationalized Industry.

Hitler not only gave Unionist a snappy Brown Shirt but Unionized public sector so they could count ballots. Hitler was smarter but Benito had the Italian Mob running Bootlegging here in the States. Which is why Benito was a better Capitalist since Organized Labor is the ultimate distributor and consumer of Vice. They also make great Military Intelligence assets. Cough, Blackmail, hack/cough/spit, assassins with history.

All roads lead to Rome...

Say, did not Pope Pius XI bless Benito his rise to fame? Why yes, he sure as hell did.