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Rebel_Media_FTW ago

1st degree requires planning and intention to go out and kill that person.

Duke_Nucleon ago

When and where is this "murder" alleged to have taken place? Being on videos the entire time in Kenosha, Kyle has an alibi.

ssaa6oo ago

Nice if true. These charges can never stick.

86USSLiberty ago

I for one enjoyed watching the Molotov thrower twitch. Nice to see it happen to a bad guy for once. This kid will need a statue when this is all over.

MongolianPaellaFish ago


Leonidas4Q ago

Sometimes the best thing that can happen is to be overcharged for a crime. Harder to prove

Harder to convict.

Joe10jo ago

Aaron Swartz

Call_Me_Sir ago

Good. He should be charged and found GUILTY. We ain't letting y'all take over and shoot our kings. We own this muthafucking country and you milk face mayonnaise weak azz boyz better sir down and shut the fuck up. #BLM.

AltUserMe ago

Alright well I guess that's it then boys. Stand down everyone

Anson ago

Let him out! Let him out! Free kyle Rittenhouse!

superspathi ago

Lynch the DA that brings charges.

Misskylie42 ago

if he gets charged i hope we can finally get out there and burn shit down

nwguy ago

maybe the first shooting wasn't legal, i know the last two were legal shootings.

Drunkenmoba ago

We need to get this guy a real lawyer.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

He fucking better not be..!!

the_old_ones ago

this man did nothing wrong.

veteran88 ago

If he serves any time at all for self defense, then your an idiot if you allow yourself to be arrested.

If the enemy infecting the US criminalizes self defence they are openly at war with the American people and the normal route will not fix the corrupted judiciary.

At that point it would be stupid to allow yourself to be arrested after using self defence, because there will be no Justice.

Vortonet ago

Only just heard about this....watched two with molotov/plastic bag and one where kids falls over while being chased.

So he had a gun? Ok, fair enough (I'm not American, weird for me) but some US states he is allowed to have his gun right? 3rd night of riots? I would have my gun out if I was there/American/etc...

I only can see him try and shoot 3 people...when he fell. First guy to get to him runs up and shits himself and backs off (kid lets him go) then after seeing a person trying to fly-kick him, he tries to shoot and misses (not sure if that is correct)...but ok..kid is obviously scared/serious.

Anyone who attacks him now had plenty of fucking warning.
Skatefag nails him with board and kid may or may not have meant to let off a round (and kill the skatefag I assume) clearly does not continue to shoot at him because another guy (orange backpack guy) comes up and kid aims at him.

Orange backpack man shits pants and backs off until he thinks kid has misfired or reloading (clicking or whatever) and then decides to try and attack him and ends up with hand blown off maybe? Either way now he fucks off.

So, this kid (apparently shot someone before the video of him being chased) is being chased by a mob of rioters with melee weapons, they are screaming get him to anyone nearby, they despite him having an assault rifle (idk, non american) they attack him. Insane.

So, to me. Kid was leaving scene with gun, trips and set upon. Decides to use gun (realisitically what else would help? Also they could take it off him and kill him with it), and they back off.

  • Fly kick guy was attacking as part of a violent mob, deserves to be shot
  • Skater guy was attacking someone on the ground with a weapon (skate board with trucks may as well be a wooden handle with a hammer on the end), deserves to be shot
  • Orangebag man did back off, but made it clear he was going to try and assault the kid after seeing him fire at 2 other people...deserves to be shot.

Kid proved he was emotionally responsible by not unloading into entire fucking crowd as any half sane scared person might have done.

Anyone able to tell me what happened before they chased him? Between cars or something?

ketoll ago

What does everyone think - you defend yourself with a gun and the next day you're on your merry way? That's not how things happen, and if you're going to carry a weapon you should know that this isn't how it plays out.

First of all, anyone who is involved in a shooting will always be arrested. Even if it's clearly in self defense you are always under arrest. They tell you this in conceal carry classes.

Intentional Homicide is just a charge, we all saw the video and it would be extremely difficult to prove this based on the evidence that people are attacking him. LET THE COURTS EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE!!! For fuck's sake, speculators are not jury members and judges. This is why I fucking hate media, people see a video and all of a sudden they all want to speculate and they get into a hysteria without all the evidence and before it even goes to a trial.

I think he has a very very very good chance in court. Settle down. When he went out to the streets with a rifle this was the risk he was taking.

AltUserMe ago

The reason people are a bit more skeptical of the judicial system than you are comes from decades of watching the same story play out. We all start out believing what you just said, that's the way it basically should work. In reality he's going to be paraded thorough the media, his life will be ruined, and he'll likely go to jail.

So what's left to to agonise over how far society has fallen, where the double standard is never addressed and nobody is allowed to defend themselves. Where aggressors are free to do whatever they want. Hell entire cities are being burned to the ground.

Burn_minorities ago

Of course he got arrested. It takes time for the evidence to be presented. Give it time. If youve seen the videos you'll know he will walk.

golgotham ago

They can charge him with whatever they want- and Soros activist DA’s generally will. Still can’t fool a court of law...

Leveraction ago

And,.....what is the terrorists aka blm/antifa beta boys getting charged with????????????????????

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

The main question is why are these domestic terrorists allowed to do this? B.URN L.OOT M.URDER and Antiwaah are criminally violent combatants disrupting society with violence... action needs to be taken and sadly it's gonna be bloody when the second Civil War starts.

performance ago

Quick question: what was he doing out there in the middle of a riot??? Retard alert.

Glory_Beckons ago

It would appear he was doing what certain fat, lazy cowards can only fantasize about.

performance ago

Yeah marching to a leftist riot and looking for a reason to cap some people was definitely a smart move. He's a dumb 17 yr old that's going to Club Fed for most of his life. What a role model!

tastelessinvective ago

How do we send cash to his lawyers?

SixBajillion ago

If he gets anything more than a slap on the wrist, it’s time for us to start fighting back. Burn down every public school, cell tower, synagogue, KFC, and Planned Parenthood

Misskylie42 ago

yeah lets go

heretolearn ago

when are we going to organize and fight back. time for a change.

fukyboi ago

Does anybody know whether or not Kyle shot anyone before the infamous chase scene? The reason they were chasing him was because he supposedly “shot somebody”. Maybe the charges are related to that, instead of the self-defense shooting.

Glory_Beckons ago

See this and then this (starts when the other is at 0:06).

Guy in green is Kyle. Guy with red shirt wrapped around face was the one that threw the object in the first video. He's the first guy Kyle shot. Notice he's already chasing and attacking Kyle, which is why he had to defend himself. The other chase happened after this.

fukyboi ago

Ohhhhh, so this is Kyle in this scene too! I did not know that. I thought this was a totally different person. Thank you.

I just needed to make sure in my mind that I was 100% sure that this guy was definitely in the right, before I made the assumption that something more nefarious was going on.

Ddboomer ago

He was defending himself!!! Damn DemonRats !!

He better get off.
This sends a very BAD MESSAGE !!! You can’t defend yourself from thugs!! Who in their right minds goes after a guy with a gun?

Another guy would have shot him had he not shot him first.

In TX this would not be the case.

Arcesious ago

While the murder charge may not stick, I suspect class C felony possession will because Wisconsin law prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from possessing 'a long rifle', the exception being for the purpose of hunting under supervision. At the very least the owner of the gun (his parents probably) may be forced to forfeit their weapons to the state, nevermind whatever else they want to prosecute him with.

Crikes ago

Are they trying to let him off? I don't know anything about the situation, but I'm guessing first degree murder isn't accurate, and will not be something they can convict on.

Glory_Beckons ago

You guys keep saying that as if James Fields wasn't convicted of Murder 1 without his car even touching the "victim".

Crikes ago

I'm not part of "you guys" who keep saying that, nor part of the guys who know who James Fields is.

Glory_Beckons ago

Well, you said it. And you're not the first one. And probably not the last. Therefore you are part of an ongoing sequence of people who say that. Making you: One of the guys who keep saying that.

The fact that you forgot his name and the fact that you still naively believe in a just legal system are closely related. Can't learn anything if you keep forgetting the lessons. Or if don't pay attention in the first place.

AlternateSelection ago

Apparently home boy killed two people during this scuffle. I don't know all the details but you know how the law works. Doesn't matter if you were defending yourself from 10.,000 foreign soldiers, you will be arrested and charged with murder. Guilty till proven innocent. We have the right to own firearms. Just not the right to use them.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Jew, pedo, or nigger DA?

Glory_Beckons ago

You say that as if it can't be all of the above.

Joe10jo ago


KoKansei ago

Who is the DA who charged him?

Joe10jo ago

Fleeing the state... I live up here. Kenosha, Wisconsin borders the state line with towns like Antioch and it’s only about a 15-30 minute drive from one town to the next (depending if you’re driving all the way to the downtown area.

Glory_Beckons ago

He didn't flee the state. He's from Illinois.

He tried to surrender on scene. They didn't take him in. So he went home.

KoKansei ago

You're right, my mistake. In that case I hope he gets a good lawyer who will eviscerate whoever implied on the arrest order that he is a "fugitive" for malicious prosecution.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Why was he there to support Antifa and BLM while carrying a rifle? I'm sorry but I don't think he's a hero. I think he's an idiot that should never have brought a gun to a riot consisting of morons with IQs less than their physical ages. I praise his ability to take out a couple of them, but in any case he should have never done what he did. He brought a gun to a riot. I don't get why his pals turned on him, maybe they didn't like his skin color and decided he was too white for their comfort. I don't know, but the reality is..... He's going to prison and there is no way out for him.

Fried-Laptop ago

Gotta remove the Jews from the jewdicial system

AgentSakura ago

jewdikeshillwhore cystdumb

geovoat ago

He needs a gofundme to get him a real lawyer

noob_tube ago

We shouldn't need crowdsourced funding to justify self defense.

tankingwrong ago

Already suspended.

Computergeek01 ago

Yes, and he will stand trial and the jury will watch the video and he will be cleared of any wrong doing and thereby protected by double jeopardy. What is the problem here?

noob_tube ago

Just like James Fields.

Computergeek01 ago

The videos of Kyle Rittenhouse show people beating him with skateboards. He has a much stronger case.

bakedpotato512 ago

He did seem to follow the established rules of combat

Soyboy69 ago

No, they're just going to throw the book at him despite not breaking any laws.

newfag322 ago

The first arrest amidst the bedlam and arson. I guess only self defense is punishable.

thislionsheart ago

I already posted this in the thread in politics

Get the case going right now

Start compiling evidence

Source it, compile it

Show that he acted only in self defense

Helliskron ago

if he gets charged bet your ass there will be vigilantes out tonight

Misskylie42 ago

hope so

Dontpanic ago

WTF First Degree Murder? They need to set up a Go Fund Me and get that kid a good lawyer. Everything is on video so how can they even prosecute him?

chirock ago

Probably good news. 1st degree means premeditated. It's probably reasonable to assume he didn't plan to kill people. Could get tossed out at trial... after the poor guy runs out of money defending himself.

Soyboy69 ago

It doesn't matter what the laws even say at this point, the courts will just sentance him for whatever charges sound good and the niggerjew jury will say he's guilty.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Remember, if they are going to lock you up for the rest of your anyway no matter the situation or what you do, there's no reason to hold back once you commit.

easywind ago

Does anyone know how it went from ‘We are here to defend blm’ to him shooting a bunch of them?

What went down between this video and the shooting?

AltUserMe ago

Well it was one guy who seemed really pissed off at him, chasing him around, no regard for his own life. There are shit loads of mental illnesses floating around in the BLM antifa crowd so who knows what happened.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Reality smashed all them in their faces.

Jayrod28542 ago


AgentSakura ago

Channel your anger and use it to your advantage, don't let the enemy get the best of you.

BurqaFart ago


AmbrosiaGalt ago

No way 1st degree will stick. Not in this case.

Jewreee ago

Does anyone know where he is being held? Sending Rescue Team Now?

In_Cog_Nito ago

(((The Media))) must push the narrative that he will be charged with murder to make other patriots afraid to defend themselves from their feral niggers and communists. Do not fall for this bullshit. Do not be afraid to defend yourselves.

captainstrange ago

(((The Media))) must push the narrative that he will be charged with murder to make other patriots afraid to defend themselves from their feral niggers and communists.

Why would anyone be afraid to defend their family and property from domestic insurgents and an enemy government enabling them?

In_Cog_Nito ago

Articles and bogus charges like this cause a chilling effect, making otherwise rational people second guess or pause in situations like this. Don't fall for it; it could cost you your life.

captainstrange ago

Articles and bogus charges like this cause a chilling effect

They only cause a chilling effect if you're afraid of domestic enemies. Defend your family, your neighbors, your property, and your community. They onyl cause a chilling effect if you have anything left to lose.

You need to realize you DON'T have anything left to lose, it just haven't reached that point, but it is now apparent that trajectory is inevitable. You can wait until that future manifests or you can go to your neighbors, and say "lets form a defense compact and make sure we always have someone on the local radio so we can respond to approaching mobs by blocking off streets to prevent them from approaching our communities or homes."

These people are not going to leave you or any of us alone. You wanted to live a normal life? Well too fucking bad nancy.

You're in this shit now. And your own government is going to use it to justify "muh LAW AND ORDER FEDERAL TROOPS" to "protect and defend" the shit out of your neighborhoods soon, starting with a roundup of firearms.."but at least there wont be rioters and organized armed terror units on our streets any more!"

And thats because one hand washes the other, and this was the intent all along.

Understand, we are at war. We are NOT at war with our own government. Our government is at war with us.

This is not an exaggeration.

captainstrange ago

I understand you think this is about whether or not there is a chilling effect.

But what I am actually trying to explain is you need to move past that. Those are nerves.

You cannot allow the emotions and fears of the situation to effect your decisions or actions.


Elected official. Wonder who funded him....

LurkedForever ago

Looks like he missed the nog who tried to jump on him... Too bad.

Smallest_Skil ago

it was fucking self defense.

MrBateman ago

I say we flood the courthouse

Misskylie42 ago

for sure

ingeedingee ago

We need a conservative version of gofundme, sans the money laundering of course.

ManchesterT ago

It doesn't matter if there is a conservative version of GoFundMe, because the credit card processors are all owned by leftists and/or zionists.

There are a few conservative billionaires, like Daniel Peña, a few Saudi sheiks and a few Russian gas tycoons. But they're merely billionaires, and companies like VISA and Mastercard are worth almost a trillion each. And they will fight any viable new competitor in the most vicious possible ways.

Amex, Discover, Visa, and MasterCard have a leftist monopoly on funding, the way that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have one on free speech.

Conejo_loco ago

This is the trap (((they))) have been waiting to implement. Let the nogs burn down their towns... ONLY defend your personal property

DukeofAnarchy ago

It's a majority-white town, not a nog town. As for "ONLY defend your personal property" -- as isolated individuals we have no chance.

AngryInVirginia ago

Would you rather lose your life in jail, ousted from society, dead, or would you rather lost your business? No matter what you are losing your business. The choice is to have it vandalized or burned to the ground and be free to try to start again or not or let it possibly stand while you never get to see it again.

Meanwhile there is at least hope that some of the leaders of these movements get hit with large prison sentences for leading riots.

The entire time they have pushed and prodded us into reacting. There is no good reason to be there. Even fighting it gives fuel to their fire. Defend your home. Do not congregate with others, hop from business to business and attempt to do what the police should be doing.

Jayrod28542 ago

The niggers are not burning their own towns. They were bussed I’m from somewhere else. And as far as I’m concerned, niggers have not a grain of dust that they can claim is theirs because they have earned nothing. It’s our country and he was defending his property. We should not bend an inch to this. It’s time for an absolute tsunami of white power.

AngryInVirginia ago

We need to push for the persecution of those who are leading these movements. We can not go out and try to play peacekeeper while the rule of law still exists. If you are out there and try to defend your business you face never seeing your business again one way or another. We can not face them like this. We have to find a better strategy.

Jayrod28542 ago

Push how? Niggers rape, rob, assault, kill, and walk free. Who the fuck are we gonna persecute(prosecute), and how? The system is obviously broken. We gonna keep trusting this bullshit system? Their is no fucking justice. Fuck doing things legally. This is why we’re in this position. Being law abiding citizens has gotten us absolutely nowhere.

AngryInVirginia ago

Niggers are a problem but they are not the problem.

Jayrod28542 ago

I know what the problem is. If we stop the machine, maybe the Jews will leave if there’s no output for them. But niggers are a problem still. If you buy a house that is infested with roaches, because the previous owners were fuckin trash, do you keep the roaches??

AngryInVirginia ago

Roaches will not infest an empty house.

I have thought long about stopping the machine. I do not know how anybody can want to be a consumer right now with everything that is going on. I can not imagine being a good little worker bee right now. And where am I going to spend my money? Buy more goats? I sure as hell am not taking my family to the movie theater or even a restaurant. If I was an army of one the system should be bending over backwards to make me want to go back to my old ways. But that does not seem to be happening so I do not think that things will change as a result. Not enough people seem to be afraid enough of random attacks and the atrocious state of self defense now.

Jayrod28542 ago

Ok fine, termites, maggots, ants, whatever. I think you get my point. Please excuse the attitude. I’m not happy about any of this.

AngryInVirginia ago

My point was that I thought you were correct about stopping the machine but it does not seem to be working.

Empty house = empty economy. I figured that if our house (economy) was empty (not productive) that the roaches would go away or at the very least want to hide a little better so that I felt comfortable cooking in my kitchen again. But we have had literally the worst year that I can remember and the restrictions on life just get worse and worse.

Jayrod28542 ago

Anyway I get your sentiment. We’re together on this. I’m just angry. My country is burning. And I can’t do anything about it unless everyone else joins in.

Jayrod28542 ago

If we completely shut down the system, the niggers will run free and pick apart the scraps perpetually until they’re selling their own shit in the streets, just like Africa. They must be exterminated.

Soyboy69 ago

The rule of law doesn't exist, it's a fucking act.

AngryInVirginia ago

It exists enough to fuck over anybody who defends themselves in the traditional manner. We need to find a better strategy!

captainstrange ago

ONLY defend your personal property

Nope. Negative. Will defend communities, same as everyone else should be doing.

Conejo_loco ago

Naw, I am not risking my life for the local Toyota dealership, Chipotle or Chase bank... maybe it’s because I live in a top 10 US city, but I am not risking my life to go defend liberal Jewish owned corporations.

captainstrange ago

Naw, I am not risking my life for the local Toyota dealership, Chipotle or Chase bank

Thats your prerogative. But from what I saw he was defending a lot of ma and pa stores.

Just means you should know your neighborhood better and where the people are that need defending.

Duchozz ago

And his gofundme has been deactivated of course

voat4895 ago

he needs a website with a bitcoin address. unstoppable and donors can see how much money has been received, no third party to shut it down

DemocratsRTerrorists ago

Or snail mail money to his family.

noob_tube ago

Snail mail money disappears.

AmericanBannedStand ago

What, are you trying to insinuate the postal service isn’t reliable and secure?

captainstrange ago

Fucking gofundme. Of course it has.

Duchozz ago

Gofundme more like Jewsfundme amirite. Call kenosha DA at 262-653-2400 press 9 and let them know how you feel. They seemed happy to hear support for the kid

captainstrange ago

Should not have charged him at all. Too late. DA belongs in a camp for failure to immediately denounce this bullshit.

Every official gets to choose: they're either with us or they're a domestic enemy, up to and including the guys who want to stay silent or play the middle.

untiloppressionends ago

Whoever charged that is a fucking moron. There's no way a court finds murder 1. He was running away and people pursued him, the only thing he has to do is not get scared and take a plea deal. There's enough evidence (or lack there of) for the judge to just rule 50 JMOL the case. Watch for the attorney to file that motion soon, also I'd bet a hot shot crim defense attorney takes his case pro bono. He's also a minor, as if that even matters in this case.

onezeno ago

I’m hearing he shot someone else before what we see on the video, and that’s why he was being chased down. We definitely don’t know the whole story yet.

KabukiKrumpKing ago

He shot someone who had been harassing him and chased after him. We do know the full story, all the vids and streams are archived here on Voat.

untiloppressionends ago

That's the guy who threw the molotov at him and kept chasing him down. He's dead as fuck, got domed

PleaseGiveMePeace ago

It's weird how the court system works. Something that occured in the span of 5 minutes will be argued over months. They're going to argue the equivalent of "why didn't he just shoot them in the hand?"

Card0 ago

But didn't he?

untiloppressionends ago

Oh, it could be YEARS with appeals if the DA wants to be an exceptionally huge faggot, especially now. I don't think people fully appreciate how congested the court system is about to be across the entire country. People will have to take federal claims to District Courts that are half way across the country from these cities that are getting burned to the ground because their entire circuit's jurisdiction is going to be swamped. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people literally move and become a citizen of a different state so that they can file their case in state court there, they seem to be leaving anyway. Between the riots/looting and the COVID lawsuits coming up, it's probably going to take about a decade for courts to clear their dockets unless there is some legal shenanigans forcing plaintiffs to file class action suits for certain causes of action. They'll probably have to do something like that with claims against local governments. It's going to be a shitshow.

VandalayIndustries ago

This is where Millie Weavers bombshell video comes into play.

They will use the program she outed to pick the jury pool. This guy will be sacrificed in order to keep Antifa in game.

captainstrange ago

Wait what? What program? Give me the gist, I haven't heard anything about this. All I heard was she was arrested and had her family threatened.

AgentSakura ago

The AI technocracy that molds reality with their mass surveillance and intelligence apparatus.

This is the NWO plan for full spectrum dominance through the use of informational and psychological warfare domestic terrorism against lawful moral citizenry.

captainstrange ago

The AI technocracy that molds reality with their mass surveillance and intelligence apparatus.

Brother, jury rigging is simpler than that.

That entire channel is a either a new-age grifter or one of the DHS's many fusion center disinformation channels meant to paint you as a crazy.

AgentSakura ago

No me and other whistle blowers have confirmed this is occurring. They are reading minds with remote neural monitoring everywhere in public and have installed the detectors in almost all houses secretly across the world. The technocratic tyranny is real but most sit in comforted silence and refuse to wake up. It is already far too late. Better to know then not and many Free Loving Human Beings with Souls are fighting back.

I speak as a 5 yr MKULTRA Electronically Harassed Gangstalked Targeted Individual.

Research it and believe it because it is 100% real.

Merchant_Menace ago

That (((Millie Weaver))) video is a red herring.

BaBs88 ago

Damn yeah i was thinking the same thing. They just pull from leftwing and antifa faggots.

Wowbagger ago

The kid is a hero. He should be promoted to General and lead Kekistan to glory.

HiJoker ago

In before his breakout.

There has to be accountability for this traitorous action by the authorities.

KarenSlayer ago

Save whatever video & pic evidence we can to forward to an actual lawyer paid through a gofundme, I'm sure someone will start one for him

Soyboy69 ago

Didn't pay attention the what happened with Alex Fields and every white man who has had to defend himself since? He'll be lucky if he's even allowed to pay for a lawyer out of pocket, let alone a kike business allowing him to use their platform for legal fees after being attacked by a gang of kikes, niggers, and mutts.

BordelonLoop ago

let this office know how you feel

Duchozz ago

Just called them and they were very happy to take my call. Press 9 or stay on the line to reach them

BordelonLoop ago

what'd ya say? what'd they say?

dampkitty ago

well at least it's not full of lesbian niggers

ruck_feddit ago

1st degree murder is the best charge. It'll be impossible to convict him with the mountain of footage available. I'd be more worried about having a bunch of lesser charges that some Soros faggot DA might get to stick.

And if it does stick, well, you know, in Minecraft.

voatusernamevoat ago

It'll be impossible to convict him

charlottesville, charged and convicted for killing a landwhale by running it over with his car, video proving the hambeast was never touched, two life sentences.

There is no law, facts don't matter, proof doesn't matter. What's that about impossible to convict again?

AgentSakura ago

Exactly, we living in Clown World where facts do not matter and the left and commies run the circus.

Time to bunker down or go out swinging with as much as you can. When shit hits the fan you better to max damage in the meantime just train and prep.

voatusernamevoat ago

many crucial judge positions are appointed, politicians, judges and other political positions are bought, as well as education, medical, and so on, police et al follow a pay check, all stems from money and power over resources, which is what needs to be conquered:

AgentSakura ago

Yes, they follow a chain of command (ex army so I understand) and that CoC is heavily corrupted with pedo blackmail and trauma based mind control, satanic ritual abuse.

So our major institutions that ones that operate to control us are in deep capture and have fallen the NWO illuminati masonic satanic communist criminal tyranny and are unable to be held accountable so must either be completely ignored or destroyed from the outside.

Good luck as they are rolling out mass bioweapons, poisoning the food and have everyone under mass surveillance and remote neural monitoring and transforming people now with nanotech and about to change your DNA with the RNA altering vaccine.

It's do or die in this age and the people in power are completely corrupted and unaccountable so its do or die.

ruck_feddit ago

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

ruck_feddit ago

You're wasting your time with me.

voatusernamevoat ago

Not for sure what you mean, but I'll point out who you're conversing with isn't the audience, it's the lurkers, and as long as I stay on point is all that matters.

ruck_feddit ago

I've made this argument, and I couldn't agree with you more on that. Be it online or just the rest of the guys in the truck, hopefully their minds are being changed.

What I meant was me, personally. I'm on board. I'd just like to see this kid doing the Nick Sandmann speaking tour this time next year instead of sitting next to James Fields.

TheSeer ago

George Floyd was murdered by a police officer, according to Trump's own son, no?

captainstrange ago

Trumps own son is proof that trump is a fucking traitor and a pressure release valve.

Fuck him and the domestic enemy left he is intentionally allowing and enabling to destroy america because of "muh (((optics)))".

turtlesareNotevil ago

The safest place for him right now is jail. Let's see what happens.

outshiner667 ago

Oh well, wear it like a badge of honor. We all know the consequences. At least he sent two of those commie nigger fucks back to their maker.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

If he gets charged and goes to jail, its time for patriots to start burning court houses.

HeavyBrain ago

The time was long ago even anout similar incidents and yet nothing.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Pretty much, cant disagree

polygeek ago

Nonsense. Be more thoughtful than Antifa.

Politicians can fix this mess by allowing police to do their jobs. Going after a building just raises taxes to fix the building. Politicians are a better lever - in Minecraft.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Politicians can't be trusted to do the right thing when they take bribes, ever. Something needs to change and nothing will ever change unless the removal of the top tier players are gone and people are thrown from their jobs for accepting money.

I don't care where this kid came from, the law's surrounding if it's legal to carry a gun or not. It's FUCKING bullshit in the first place, American's have the right to bare arms with out age restrictions. Age was added in later to prevent and make criminals out of white's. He was clearly defending himself and that's all that matters. If people want to burn cities down, we should just be mowing them down in the street.

I'm sure every side thinks they are in the right at the moment they make the decision, but rioting because criminals being dispatched for obvious reasons isn't a reason to riot or burn a city. They aren't peaceful and neither should the rest of the population that meet's this force.

polygeek ago

I agree with you - they are scum. I also believe they will find no dollar bribe is worth their life and they can be forced to do the right thing.

I'm not glad the kid is being prosecuted, both videos I saw clearly have him defending himself from attack. That said, I am glad the charge is first degree murder: It's the most difficult to prove, so they're almost certain fail that standard.

The only way they don't fail the standard is a politician fucks him over (technically the second time being fucked over since that kid wouldn't even be there if the same slimy rat bastards weren't blocking the police from working) ...hence why I think pressure should be on the politicians first.

These riots are being encouraged for political reasons. They want us divided and burning our own homes/businesses/buildings. Put the pressure on the political class.

Not saying you can't Minecraft a few rioters on the way, but remember your enemy.

FakeNewzIsFake ago


The guy who was shot in the arm... Let's talk about that for a second because I think this is the most clear evidence they have in showing the kid was doing the right thing.

Arm guy charged him and falsely surrendered with his hands up. Kyle was calm and had his thoughts collected. He seen him surrender and held back the urge to shoot him. This clearly show's he had zero malicious intentions, or he would of shot him before he falsely surrendered.

Being 17 and that calm in a situation he's never been in astounds me. He did not want to shoot him, but ended up having to. I am a firm believer that intentions matter and he 100% did not have the intention going into this of killing people, he was put in a situation that was chaotic and ended up killing. Anybody who says they would of done different would either be dead or is lying.

polygeek ago

I feel for the kid (Kyle)...and yeah...I agree his situational restraint is admirable at any age, too. (FWIW, It gives me some hope about his generation.)

'Arm guy' is trash, though, and you can bet there will be a civil suit to follow.

Kyle will probably end up a pariah even if he's exonerated by the court system. Very little good comes from that kind of fame, and I wouldn't want to be him now or after November when Trump wins and the leftists go completely mental.

9NaughtZ ago

You realize most of the people burning down court houses are white right?

Just join their side. We have (((common))) grievances.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

No, wrong reasons. I will never side with them nor will i accept anybody who does. Antifa is funded by jew's and they are jew's, they aren't common and jew's aren't the issue at hand. They might have a part in it, but this is larger than them.

9NaughtZ ago

you can't be a system from the outside with insufficient resources. It always takes sabotage. You aren't going to get inside the cabal so you got to get inside the other organizations. That's a closed system that only THEIR KIND are allowed in.

Unless you think there is another way. I don't think so tho.

Misskylie42 ago


GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago


voatuser1128 ago

its time for patriots to start burning court houses.

Whites are not going to do anything when they let entire American cities like Detroit and Chicago go to niggers.

oneinchterror ago

Fuck. Yes. No more of this anarchotyranny.

thisgoyfux ago

I'm pretty sure 17 is below the age requirement for open carry or to even possess a rifle. He's going to get fucked.

Clubbooradley ago

This kid should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

jimibulgin ago

It's past time for patriots to have started burning courthouses.

MrEvilPirate ago

Judge's homes. Prosecutor's homes.

Vc83 ago

By that you mean jew lawyers and courts

tidy_athiest ago

Where the fuck are all the goddam (((lawyers))) saying "self-defense" and stepping up for this guy?

Oh, that's right. He's a fucking scummy White guy, like all of us, and not a single goddam (((lawyer))) will actually defend the law.

Traitorous scum. Shakespeare was right "the first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

invisiblephrend ago

someone needs to page BRIAN WILSON!!!

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

If there ever was a case for the NRA and GOA pussies to come to the defense of an American citizen exersizing their Second Amendment rights, this is fucking it. They're too pozzed to do it, though. We all know it.

tidy_athiest ago


Those pussies will take your money, but never go to bat for any rights.

Never give money to any cause. It will just end up with the jews. Better to save the money and use it for training and other personal defense uses.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

I can totally picture Jerry Stiller doing his Seinfeld schtick, "I dunno. All these people pay me a lot of money to yell, so I yell."

VAT ago

Where the fuck are all the goddam (((lawyers))) saying "self-defense" and stepping up for this guy?

Juvenile court for now... so no jury trial, just a (((Judge))) in a "adjudication hearing"?

Juvenile court do NOT have the right to a trial by jury, and the juvenile public defender does not have to present all offers of pro-bono high level conservative lawyers offering services to the kid. The lawyers will contact the parents if they can find them.

Juvenile court for now , so not open to the public and the minor is not entitled to apply for bail! NO BAIL!!!

Background other facts, all of them below

Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central time

BULLET HEAD SHOT!! Video showing BEFORE AND AFTER head shot of Antifa , Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central Time

Antifa dying thug first recently threw large bricks at armed guard Patriot White Boogaloo (Kyle Rittonhouse)!

a third angle of first scene : showing ARMED antifa mob surrounding white rifleman Kyle Rittonhouse on all sides :

before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molatov-like burning weapon then kept chasing:

Poor man's MOLOTOV! shown

No videos leaked yet of the specific brick attack, but that video speaks for itself.

THREE attackers shot in seconds in this video!:

THREE MORE ANTIFA SOY BOYS SHOT by the same rifle!!!:

arm vaporized:

arm vaporized aftermath vid:

arm vaporized guy SHOWN WITH HIS LOADED ANTIFA gun supplied by George Soros!:


arm vaporized guy says he wishes his incapacitated arm pulled the trigger first! HAHAHAHA :

brain mulched:

Antifa thug daring Patriots to shoot :

Antifa head-shot-boy blood seen on his BACK :

Antifa head-shot-boy being loaded into car for hospital :

Oldest video before the shootings : Antifa ENRAGED at armed White Patriots with rifles :

Older video before the shootings : Antifa ignoring pleas of armed White Patriots with rifles :

Older video before the shootings : BLM /Antifa throwing rocks at armed white homeowners with laser sighted rifles!:

Play by play of the three soy boys shot : :

A guy in white pants tries to kick the shooter in the face, but he has to abort because the shooter shot right where he would have been had he followed through. Someone comes in from the left side of the frame with a skateboard and is about to hit him with the skateboard when he is shot in mid-swing and his swing falters and he takes a few steps and falls face down, possibly instant fatality. Someone in shorts is charging in from the right when he sees the shooter has a bead on him and he puts up his hands. Then he sees that the shooter is working the bolt, possibly to eject a bad cartridge, and begins to dive at the shooter, who recovers and shoots the attacker, apparently in the face. The guy in shorts runs off back the way he came, yelling "Medic!" Then after that it's hard to tell who is shooting, but there is definitely some sort of crossfire. At the end you see a cop in a firing stance moving towards where the shooting occurred

Kyle Rittonhouse's 'baby face' in still image (17yo though) :

Here Kyle is, many hours before, cleaning spray paint off a Getty Museum in town that BLM vandalized ! He cleans up properties!:

Kyle in moving image saying "I Just Shot Someone" then fleeing :

(yes, the Boogaloo kid brought a turned on cellphone spy tracking device into a riot zone! And made a call! And said "I just shot somebody" upon the call)

Kyle Rittonhouse according to Antifa and Democrat Party operatives with face searching access:

Democrat Party operatives now say Kyle Rittonhouse calls himself Kyle Lewis online, and is 17, and from Antioch, Illinois.

Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse), age 17 was the rifleman who shot the 4 attackers!

If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, SCOTUS recent rulings may force him to be let go at age 21, no matter what the original sentence.

If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, it is doubtful his political education and leanings extend past center-right Boogaloo chaos lords.

Boogaloo hate Antifa, and HATE the hard-Left.

60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"

Country Sheriffs Dept give Kyle Rittonhouse bottles of cold water as reward for looking out for Antifa with his rifle. They tell him how much they appreciate Kyle Rittonhouse.

WATCH!! Its True:

He was hoping to shoot someone truly attacking him, and he got 4 that tried to assault him out of 4.

The Sheriffs condone it, because he was an armed volunteer citizen protecting the town.

Other than that video above, testimonial from another patriot that the county sheriffs WANT the armed patriots to "take care of it" because they cannot, and the cops will funnel them toward the armed patriots:

Hilarious! Cops not allowed to use bullets, so they use patriots as proxy.

An online militia posse site organized the patriots, and "Mr.Obvious Show" on BitChute predicted this shooting outcome. PREDICTED!:

And do not forget, for each of the 4 Kyle shot, They attacked him FIRST. And all four attacks caught on video above.

Maybe Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse) is not the "Hero We Want, but the Hero We Need".

tidy_athiest ago

Thanks for the informative post.

The only niggle I have with it is that - yes it is juvenile court, so there are different rules, but the "child" is still under the care of the parents, and the parents can hire the most expensive fucking (((lawyer))) they want to care for their child.

The fact that the "child" MUST be represented by the lowest paid lackey of the state, seems terribly, terribly short sighted and just ethically wrong.

VAT ago

Parents bankrupted by countless overlapping Civil suits and immediate court orders to freeze assets. Parents money dramatically limited by enraged Soros and Democrats.

These parents will be paupers eventually due to countless massive 8 year long CIVIL LAW SUITS and the pain started the day their names were released from this street address in this document here...

HIS ARREST PAPERS, prior to transfer to Juvenile jail:

Ddboomer ago

DemonRat State, lawyers, judges...they’re all Commies

Devils_Advocate ago

have his family set up a gofundme for his trial . there are millions of patriots who would support him. even the sleaziest jewish lawyers will be fighting each other to defend him for that many shekels.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

It only has 11k in it so far, a dead rapist nigger would have 11M by now

noob_tube ago

We shouldn't have to spend money to defend ourselves.

NakedWarrior ago

You don't, you only have to spend money to get a good attorney instead of the crappy public defender who is free.

altident ago

You don’t get a public defender if you can afford an attorney, and if you’re working anything other than part-time/minimum wage, the law says you can afford an attorney

Soyboy69 ago

It'll be shutdown.

glassuser ago

Aaaand it's gone.

Newaccount9 ago

It already was. Almost immediately. Wonder (((why)))

JastheMace ago

That would be a nice pay per view. We need a Thunder Dome.

tidy_athiest ago

I would be incredibly suspicious of any fucking (((lawyer))) that approached asking for money.
Fucking shekel jockey lawyers get paid win or lose, so there is no (fore)skin in the game for them.
Get a big name going pro-bono because that is the RIGHT thing to do, and then I'll accept it.

Maybe that St. Louis lawyer should jump the fuck up.

TheSeer ago

If? Ummm.... You might want to follow this one closely because it is gonna be a case of 'when'.

ingeedingee ago

Or just the houses of the Soros-funded DAs and corrupt leveraged judges involved. Precision strikes.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Soros funds slot in wisconsin, much of the desired results are ordered from above, at the state level.

BjornIronside ago

You mean, "all of them", right?

ingeedingee ago

I'm talking about in Minecraft.

BjornIronside ago

I'm not.

ingeedingee ago

For sure all Soros funded DAs and corrupt leveraged judges. Every single one of them.

In Minecraft.

tury ago


KosherHiveKicker ago

No. We shouldn't focus on the courthouses. We have to focus on all of those individuals leading, funding, and protecting the Jewish-led Domestic Terrorists.

BlowjaySimpson ago

It's inefficient to sweep twice.

ChiCom ago

That's the judges you are talking about.

Antifa and BLM are just attacking the remaining fed courts that haven't been captured.

Ddboomer ago

Start with Satan SOROS and his spawns. Cut off the head of this snake.

The the Illuminati serpent families who run our world with their dirty paper $$$

Tekedo ago

You mean the court houses?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Save the buildings, and pull the Commie-Kike trash inside them into the public streets to make an example of them. Deal with them there.

tury ago

Ok, sure. Let's do that too. Bring all the kikes out, and line em up.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Burning the buildings doesn't help up. Burning the trash you pull out of them, and into the streets to make a public example of does.

tury ago

I agree - but there gets to a certain point, where the left does WHATEVER THE FUCK it wants, and we get NO support.

So honeslty - it gets to a point where I don't give a shit anymore. There gets to a point where the ONLY thing that matters is good people. The kikes are not among those people.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

1st degree murder might be hard to prove here. Maybe they knew they needed to charge him, over charged him with something that would never stick, he walks free in a few months once the story is memory holed.

mmabouncer ago

You really think this is how the justice system works?

mmabouncer ago

Thank you for this.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

It is mostly used against the defendant to get them to plea to a lesser charge and avoid trial, but it is also used to protect dirty cops, and in rare cases, satisfy the mob. I think the cops that were involved in the George Groid case were purposely overcharged. How in hell are they going to prove 1st degree murder on Chauvin? It will be nearly impossible. The average dindu doesn't understand how this system works. They hear 1st degree and they are happy because they think it just means how mean and white the killer was. Obviously, I jest, but you get the idea. Chauvin will not be convicted of 1st degree murder and will be let off. They could have easily got him for manslaughter, but that wouldn't have been enough to satisfy the groids.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

In many cases yes, I have seen examples throughout my life of this. Especially with cases involving police officers. The public will demand charges, they over charge to please the crowd, the case gets memory holed by the public while awaiting trial, charges cannot be proven, case thrown out. I am not saying it is common, but it definitely happens.

mmabouncer ago

Point me to a single case, then, so that I may believe.....

Plavonica ago

Dude's gonna get 400 years + life, if not more. This is clearly a political prisoner.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I really think it depends on the DA/Judge/Jury and public outcry. I hope you are not right, but I can't say it won't happen either. We do live in a fucked world. That kid should have never been there in the first place. The fact that he drove from out of state to go there is going to hurt his case.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

They'll pour over his social media and ultimately argue that bringing the gun was evidence of premeditation.

AngryInVirginia ago

You brought a car to the intersection. First degree murder! Premediated!

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Yeah, they could totally do that. It really comes down to the DA and Judge. We will see...

Putzmiester ago

Comes down to two corrupt official? Well I bet itll be just fine then, huh? We already know how this will end.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

We will see...turns out he's a jew, so that could help his chances. The tribe always looks out for their own.

gazillions ago

That's not the way it works now. He'll spend the next twenty years in prison because the judges are either jews, blacks or bought.

If you're antifa and you break a bike lock over a white guy's head in an attempt to kill him because he isn't a sadistic communist, then you have a minor inconvenience with the corrupt court system before you head back to commie college to suck back tax dollars you earn for the rest of your life.

jimibulgin ago

I had the exact same thought. Premeditated murder? No way, no how they are going to prove that "beyond a reasonable doubt". Hope he's not stupid enough to take the 15-year manslaughter plea deal they offer him.

Vc83 ago

White guy shot someone, it wont be memory holed

Glory_Beckons ago

It's what they charged and convicted James Fields with. Plus a boatload of other charges. Plus "hate crime" convictions, charged separately for the same incident (aka double jeopardy).

And his car didn't even touch the morbidly obese hag that died. She had a heart attack.

MaunaLoona ago

The larping 'medics' tried to give her cpr and killed her in the process.

Glory_Beckons ago

Pretty sure they contributed to the first guy dying here as well. They APPLIED PRESSURE to a head wound that wasn't bleeding, but where the skull appeared to be cracked or punctured. Guy was still alive and awake at that point.

MaunaLoona ago

I didn't even think of that. It looked like the bullet grazed his head, probably caving in a part of the skull. If they applied pressure to a wound like that...

Glory_Beckons ago

Yeah. Shoved a dirty rag into it and put their weight behind it. Pretty sure they killed him.

Not that it will matter for the narrative that will be spun around Kyle, the evil Nazi who goes around murdering innocent concerned citizens for no reason whatsoever.

jimibulgin ago

You're hanging on to an illusion of living under a just legal system.

Goddamn, the truth hurts sometimes.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Very good point. I guess we can hope for the best, but expect the worst. The biggest difference is that the guys he shot were clearly attacking him.

Glory_Beckons ago

There's no difference there. Fields was being attacked as well. There's footage of them beating his car with poles. There's footage of him trying to brake. There are images and admissions from Antifa who threatend him with long guns immediately prior to the incident.

None of that mattered. He got sentenced to over 400 years in prison. Plus life, for good measure.

Because none of this is about justice for them. It's about controlling you and keeping you from standing up for yourself.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I really can't argue with that, Fields did get pretty fucked over, from what I have seen. We will see, I guess.

OandAPartyRock ago

Oh, so it only takes a few months out of his young life. Oh that’s fine then. While liberals walk free for a literal murder. Cool. I’m tired of the lawlessness we’ve had to deal with for the last four years. Very disappointed. It’s not worth voting for Republicans if they’re just gonna be the same as Democrats. I think I’m staying home in November this is getting ridiculous. They’re just the same at this point.

Putzmiester ago

I've been where you are at since 2001. It wont ever get better. The best we will ever get is meme candidates from fly by night parties that never stick around.

Just abolish the federal government already for crying out loud. I think literally everybody would support that.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Totally agree with you. I am just speaking reality. 1st degree murder won't hold up in this case, not a chance. But the cucked law makers had to charge him with something or they would be called wayciss. Personally, I don't think any of those "libertarians protecting businesses" should be there at all. Let them burn their own shit down. None of those boys owned any of those businesses. At 17, he should have been home with his parents.

xuze ago

A lot of people said 1st degree murder for that hambeast having a heart attack near James Fields car wouldn't stick too, but it did. The rest of my comment is a fedpost, but we all know what needs to be done to resolve these injustices.

Duchozz ago

Of course they had to charge him. I doubt it'll ever stick

uab ago

Anarcho-Tyranny: The State letting destructive people run wild, and attacking those who stand for order.

Sean-the-enlightened ago

It’s sickening how so many communists think it’s ok for him to be charged, while these terrorists go unchecked. Fucking disgusting double standards.

CheeBooga ago

Millions of patriots should attend his court hearing.

SearchVoatBot ago

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OandAPartyRock ago

Yep, but it will not happen. Nothing we say ever happens. I’m trying to do my part but there’s only so much I can do. I’m willing to go farther, not so far that I leave my kids fatherless, but I’m willing to go further. I’m not gonna go by myself and so far all of my conservative peers are pussies. I’m not even talking about people here, you guys are pretty serious, I’m talking about, I guess, normie Republicans and conservatives.

ingeedingee ago

Yeah, that's the biggest difference between us and them: we have kids so we have to play the long game for the world we get after the "burn it all down I have nothing to lose and no future anyway" bolsheviks are finally dealt with.

Same with the many women in the Trump Administration vs. the single childless feminazi nutjobs in the Democrat party.

Plavonica ago

We can rebuild, they can't.

ingeedingee ago

Exactly. Either way they lose, most especially if they get what they think they want. They'll literally be ruling over the stone age. Or slaves to AI.

Glory_Beckons ago

Source link: Twitter

  • First guy he shot threw a molotov at him (glass didn't break) and had previously gotten into confrontation, literally asking to be shot.
  • Second guy he shot charged at him and tried to hit him over the head with a skateboard.
  • Third guy he shot was armed with a pistol, pulled and aimed at him, said he only regrets not shooting first.

No arrests or charges against any of the Antifa aggressors who were on camera instigating violence and destroying private property.

[will update with more links shortly]

geovoat ago

Likely correct.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I don't think he shot the guy who threw the item at him from behind. The timing does not work for that.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Yes he did. There's multiple angles of the bald guy throwing something at him and getting popped.

There was a livestreamer 6 feet from baldy when it happened. he hasn't uploaded footage of that yet.

the guy asking baldy where the hole is, thats' the livestreamer. Elijah “Riot” Schaffer

Ddboomer ago

Yes, he did!! I’ve seen the footage from different angles.

Wow, people. The mouth flaps insanity with zero facts. React, trigger and react.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I had not seen the clearer video from the angle where you can see behind the vehicles when I wrote this comment. Would you prefer I jump to conclusions before I had all the facts?

Glory_Beckons ago

You're fine. It's always good to double check and challenge assumptions. Lest we'll end up like them.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Ddboomer is acting exactly like a boomer. Paraphrasing "Well, I saw the video, so obviously it's true, dumb millennial!"

toobaditworks ago

Member two days comes to voat to talk shit and divide people with nonsense. POOP IN YOUR MOUTH.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Haha ok, like this is my first account. Regardless, why do jews always talk about poop when insulting people? Why are so you fascinated with Baal?

toobaditworks ago

Eat the poop in your mouth. You're the jew faggot 2 day member. Nuke Israel.

Glory_Beckons ago

I haven't seen a video that shows it conclusively, but he was definitely right there next to him when he was on the ground between the cars. And he ran off immediately after. And everyone around started chasing him and yelling that he shot him.

Maybe it was someone else, but the people communists who were there certainly thought it was him and gave chase because of that.

Ddboomer ago

ANTIFA and BLM had guns too!!

They hanged up on him and tried to kill him. One guy was shot before he could shot the guy. There’s a picture of a hole in his arm with a GUN!!

The missing part is when the boy told the to back off and dies played having a gun. The stupid ANTIFA/BLM thugs perused and attacked him.

Bang, bang you’re DEAD!!

This is what happens with cops. You try resisting or attacking GET SHOT!!

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Found it in another thread. At 3 seconds you can see the guy who got shot standing between cameraman and shooter, between the two cars, the shooter shoots 4 times and then runs around the cars back towards where he shot the guy. This is a much better angle, and it shows the victim charging him. I think he will walk, unless he gets a bad Judge/DA combo.

Glory_Beckons ago

That's the same guy.

Your video starts when this one is at 6 seconds in: Guy in green shirt (Kyle) has turned around, alerted by the noise of the object thrown at him hitting the ground. Guy wearing red shirt on face (Antifa) has paused momentarily to recover from stumbling after throwing the object. Antifa guy recovers and starts chasing again. Kyle turns and runs between two cars. Antifa guy catches up. Consequences ensue.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I heard around 5 shots too. I wonder what happened with the other 4. Who were they pointed at? Where did they end up? Lots of unknowns here.

noob_tube ago

There may have been other shooters / guns present.

AngryInVirginia ago

I thought I saw him stick around for a while and perhaps even pull out his phone before running off after the first shot. I thought I remember seeing the person who shot only run off after the crowd started going after him.

Ddboomer ago


Hence the chase and the attempt to kill him x 4 people!!

My suggestion !! Watch all the footage and then comment.

ostreet ago

idiots still parroting the molotov 😂😂😂

SexMachine ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

[Member for 5 months, SCP -7, CCP -105]

Ignore him.

ForgottenMemes ago

It wasn't a molotov it was a plastic bag with a bottle in it.

Ddboomer ago

It does not matter!! He was attacking him ! He had thrown bricks at him too.

Seriously!! You’re defending a THUG!!

Sick mentality of your negative brain waved brain.

ForgottenMemes ago

Misinformation makes you look stupid. Just say he was being attacked.

Ddboomer ago

Makes me “look stupid” I clarified based on footage.

voatusernamevoat ago

so he made a shitty molotov cocktail, but isn't there video of him throwing it at the kid with it catching fire? Very molotov-e. quacks like a duck, etc.

Ddboomer ago

Yes! And the dude had thrown bricks at him earlier. Also they were all throwing bricks and breaking car windows. Wow, defending the BLM /ANTIFA absolute NONSENSE and Idiotic. This is what is wrong with our country!! Ding dongs like you.

voatusernamevoat ago

You're living up to your boomer handle with your piss poor reading comprehension.

Ddboomer ago

I’m NOT A BOOMER!! My name means something different. I don’t disclose anything about myself on the web. Why would I??

Perhaps you can write in such a way that there is no room for misunderstanding. I speak 6 languages and Americans can’t write for sheaaat. Everything is slang and sarcasm does not translate via comments. Humor is strange and morbid. Everything is backwards.

No wonder the Brits make fun of the us.

Assuming I’m a Boomer makes you pretty stupid. Who in their right mind would give out personal info via a Voat board!!?? Unreal.

Backhand Boomer slam boom

elfmaster5 ago

ok boomer lol

Ddboomer ago

Ok elf lol

elfmaster5 ago

hey that's elf master to you, Mr.

Ddboomer ago

Dream on little elf.

You’re a wanna be because anyone who uses a sudo name like yourself wants to be something they’re not.

Elf....I bet you are....Short man complex...

elfmaster5 ago

Its a south park reference you desperate faggot. I will literally bench your broken body for reps of 15. Get fucked.

Ddboomer ago

You’re a South Park junkie. I have been working overseas for 8 years and I DON’t watch TV.

I put grew them ...yes, I’ showing my age.

Ddboomer ago

I love South Park!

I have been overseas for 8 years speaking tonal languages ...give me a break :)- lol

SuperToes845 ago

This is the video you're asking about:

VAT ago

Its being used as a molotov, plus the guy also threw bricks at the kid prior

MaunaLoona ago

I see. It looks like a molotov due to the back lighting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Concrete filled plastic bottle?

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Fast cement mixture will burn your skin

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hardened concrete is a brick.

ingeedingee ago

Doesn't matter, dude was still acting in self defense. This is fucking disgusting, how could he premeditate needing to defend his life?

Planetoftheclown ago

They're not going to be able to prove premeditation. But that doesn't mean the state can't ruin him financially.

ingeedingee ago

MSM and most police departments refuse to release names and pics of minors when they're nogs but a 17yo white kid? Name and pic blasted everywhere. Just like Nick Sandman.

PleaseGiveMePeace ago

They're going to try to frame it as "why did he bring a gun there and go there in the first place?" His defense: it's his god given right to do so in the first place.

ingeedingee ago

Here's an interview with him before the shooting, he's just a kid:

NakedWarrior ago

Unfortunately Wisconsin law will try him as an adult.

VAT ago

So far he is in juvenile court, but the left will try to do that

NakedWarrior ago

That's a good sign. I was referring to their actual law where 17 is considered an adult in that state. I hope he gets tried as a juvenile tho.

NorsteinBekkler ago

Absolutely true. But we don't need to embellish this, the facts are already on our side. Don't give them any room to say that we're misrepresenting what happened.

VAT ago

before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molotov cocktail then kept chasing:

MOLOTOV! shown

NorsteinBekkler ago

A Molotov with no fire or smoke?

VAT ago

FIRE clear as can be in videos while in transit in air

NorsteinBekkler ago

That's the bag, and afterwards? It hits the ground, shatters, and all the smoke and fire disappear into the shadow realm?

Seriously, stop pushing this, there are stronger points to argue.

VAT ago

gasoline and other similar volatiles will EXTINGUISH a flame.

I used to show people I could put out a fire of a burning long fireplace wooden match by pouring two cups of gasoline over the burning wood.

GASOLINE can actually be used to PUT OUT FIRES , and I used that "physics magic trick" at least 5 times in front of people.

I also did the INVERSE, I filled a tiny can to the aboslute brim , totally full with gasoline on ground, then in wind, outdoors, I knew the wind might be stronger than the gas vapor build up. I was right! I put a burning (still igniting!!!) match dropped into center of can of gasoline and GASOLINE EXTINGUISHED A BURNING MATCH and made amusing sizzle sound as the match fitfully kept burning beneath the gasoline for a moment. Me and my friends kept taking turns putting out the smaller matches with can of gasoline. laughing, but making sure there was wind.

I am not the only person here that knows from experience that NOT ALL MOLOTOVS go off. Not All!


You clearly did not watch all angles of the guys mini molotov.

Plus he threw large BRICK CHUNKS at Kyle prior.

It took 5 bullet HITS to take down this ANTIFA... 5! Yea 5!!! see :

Joseph Rosenbaum hit by FIVE bullets from one or more weapons! Blue Check tweet:

5 bullet HITS to take down this molotov ANTIFA

VAT ago

gasoline and other similar volatiles will EXTINGUISH a flame.

I used to show people I could put out a fire of a burning long fireplace wooden match by pouring two cups of gasoline over the burning wood.

GASOLINE can actually be used to PUT OUT FIRES , and I used that "physics magic trick" at least 5 times in front of people.

I also did the INVERSE, I filled a tiny can to the aboslute brim , totally full with gasoline on ground, then in wind, outdoors, I knew the wind might be stronger than the gas vapor build up. I was right! I put a burning (still igniting!!!) match dropped into center of can of gasoline and GASOLINE EXTINGUISHED A BURNING MATCH and made amusing sizzle sound as the match fitfully kept burning beneath the gasoline for a moment. Me and my friends kept taking turns putting out the smaller matches with can of gasoline. laughing, but making sure there was wind.

I am not the only person here that knows from experience that NOT ALL MOLOTOVS go off. Not All!


You clearly did not watch all angles of the guys mini molotov.

Plus he threw large BRICK CHUNKS at Kyle prior.

It took 5 bullet HITS to take down this ANTIFA... 5! Yea 5!!! see :

Joseph Rosenbaum hit by FIVE bullets from one or more weapons! Blue Check tweet:

5 bullet HITS to take down this molotov ANTIFA

VAT ago

gasoline and other similar volatiles will EXTINGUISH a flame.

I used to show people I could put out a fire of a burning long fireplace wooden match by pouring two cups of gasoline over the burning wood.

GASOLINE can actually be used to PUT OUT FIRES , and I used that "physics magic trick" at least 5 times in front of people.

I also did the INVERSE, I filled a tiny can to the aboslute brim , totally full with gasoline on ground, then in wind, outdoors, I knew the wind might be stronger than the gas vapor build up. I was right! I put a burning (still igniting!!!) match dropped into center of can of gasoline and GASOLINE ?PUT OUT BURNING MATCH and made amusing sizzle sound as the match fitfully kept burning beneath the gasoline for a moment. Me and my frineds kept taking turns putting out the smaller matches with can of gasoline. laughing, but making sure there was wind.

I am not the opnly person here that knows from experience that NOT ALL MOLOTOVS go off.


You clearly did not watch all angles of the guys mini molotov.

Plus he threw large BRICK CHUNKS at Kyle prior.

It took 5 bullet HITS to take down this ANTIFA... 5! Yea 5!!! see :

Joseph Rosenbaum hit by FIVE bullets from one or more weapons! Blue Check tweet:

5 bullet HITS to take down this molotov ANTIFA

GumbyTM ago

Premeditated is new speak for exercising you're right to have a firearm.

VAT ago

before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molotov cocktail then kept chasing:

MOLOTOV! shown

tastelessinvective ago

It really does look like a burning object.

BLMBump ago

I have premeditated my right to self-defense.

Glory_Beckons ago

Well, I can't fully make out what that is, given how pixelated the video is, so I'll amend that.

But I do have to wonder why someone would throw an innocent bottle in a plastic bag at someone. Or why one would have a bottle in a plastic bag to begin with. Seems like slightly odd behavior.

CryptoBard ago

They freeze water bottles, basically disguised bricks.

Glory_Beckons ago

Figures. And I suspect the idea behind the plastic bag is that it can easily be discarded to get rid of blood and DNA traces.

CryptoBard ago

seemingly innocuous and disposable, yeah

ForgottenMemes ago

It doens't fly like a molotov and when the manlet was trying to provoke the militia earlier at the gas station he clearly had a plastic back with a bottle in it.

Glory_Beckons ago

Yeah, fair enough. Between the pixelation, the backlight, and the fluttering it looked convincing enough. Amended to "something" to be safe.

But, as mentioned, it doesn't change the point: He was attacking and chasing the kid, putting him in a position where he was forced to defend himself or else suffer severe bodily harm.

Merchant_Menace ago

I mean he kept chasing the guy even after that.

He was still attacking when he got shot.

VAT ago

also videos of him prior DARING patriots to shoot him, hours before.

also he threw BRICK CHUNKS at the kid (not on video yet)

also he threw lit MOLOTOV at the kid and chased him and tried to kill him despite kid having a gun , see yourself :

MOLOTOV! shown

erivesmoi ago

He is innocent and I think the case will eventually be dropped, but this might quell the mob and keep his family safe as well. Optics for the sickos.

skimster ago

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,

For fear they should succumb and go astray;

So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,

You will find it better policy to say:—

"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,

No matter how trifling the cost;

For the end of that game is oppression and shame,

And the nation that plays it is lost!

OandAPartyRock ago

He has a public defender. He’s screwed. And for the millionth time, why are we worried about optics? We aren’t going to convert anyone who isn’t already hip to what’s going on. There is no soft metal anymore. If someone needs to be convinced then BLM and antifa are evil, they are lost already. Gone. Forget about them. Three months of violence doesn’t prove it but another month will?

Seriously, way too much the last four years was wasted worrying about optics and politics. We have to just do the right thing at some point. I was told that we were giving Fauci a an international megaphone for reasons of optics. Look where that got us. The entire coronavirus affair was for optics. Look where it got us. We love these riots to go on for three months, for reasons of optics, where did they get us? Enough of optics, enough of what the people who hate us think.

Duchozz ago

Its his default public defender in Illinois for his extradition hearing to wisconsin.

erivesmoi ago

I'm with you, Im just trying to figure out the reasoning of the officials. Also I'm pretty sure patriots will set up a fund and get him a proper attorney

noob_tube ago

We should not have to pay for the right to defend ourselves.

JerkSock ago

He needs to have better than a public defender.

Duchozz ago

Its his default public defender in Illinois for his extradition hearing to wisconsin

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I have not seen a video that shows the first (head shot) shooting. It is hard to tell what happened there. The other 3 dudes he shot (shot at), 100% self defense.

turtlesareNotevil ago

He was being chased when he turned and shot the first guy.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I keep hearing that, but I have not seen a video where that is clear. They are hidden by the white SUV when the actual shot happens. And the dudes body is next to the curb on the left side of that SUV after he shot, but when the shot goes off, that dude is still behind him chasing him. Look, I am almost 100% positive this was a justified shooting along with the others, I am hoping to see better video of what actually went down behind the SUV, from the opposite angle.

MaunaLoona ago

There is a video where you can see the guy charge at him and get shot. Not just the chase part, but the whole thing including the shooting.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

The one where they go behind the two cars and it's filmed from across the street? I have seen that one like 100 times, you definitely cannot see the shot take place in that one. If you have a link to a different video, I would be interested in seeing it, for sure.

SuperToes845 ago

This is when he was being chased:

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Dude, that is the same video everyone is posting. It does not show anything clearly once he and the victim go behind the vehicles. It's not clear at all. Did you even read my comment? I was clearly referencing this exact video.

AngryInVirginia ago

I can see the man he shot fall down assuming that we agree that the people in this video are the same as the people in the other videos.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I am just not seeing what seemingly everyone else is seeing. I just watched it frame by frame and in slow-mo a few times. at the 6 second mark, both the shooter and chaser are hidden behind the pickup truck and SUV. That is when the first shot is heard. A guy in a white shirt is followed by a girl in a white shirt with black hair, they run between the two cars as the other 4 shots go off. You can't really see the victim or the shooter when any of the 5 shots are going off. Unless there is another video I have not seen.

SuperToes845 ago

OK, this clip makes it very clear. I trimmed it down from the video Andy Ngo posted last night.

Watch the shirtless wigger with his red tshirt on his head chase Kyle who is wearing the green tshirt.

Wigger goes down when he is shot:

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Thanks, that does make it much more clear. Sounds like the 2nd shot got him. I wonder who the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th shot ended up?

AngryInVirginia ago

Incendiary may not be what was thrown but this video seems to show the positions better.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Thanks, that helps a lot. I definitely see it now. I wonder why if he was running towards the cops, he wasn't arrested right then?

AngryInVirginia ago

There were no police around. The police pushed everybody out from in front of the courthouse and sat back while the rioters went out to the businesses. This is the third night they have done that and they had a lot of fires and property damage the first two nights. He was probably running towards the police because people started chasing him. What else is he going to do?

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Right at the end of the video you just linked, he is walking towards the flashing lights while they approach. There is another clip of him waving to them or something, finger still in the 'ready' position. I will see if I can find it.

AngryInVirginia ago

I believe you. It is meaningless to me. I have approached officers in similar circumstances before. It is ironically pretty clear when somebody is approaching you with a rifle whether or not they are a threat. It is almost less threatening when the individual has a rifle, has acknowledged you and is holding the rifle like that than for somebody who is seemingly unarmed to approach you and completely ignore you.

AngryInVirginia ago

Between about 8 and 10 seconds. They run behind two vehicles in relation to the camera. There is one shot and I do not know if that is a miss or a warning shot but I do not that thing was the shot that killed him. Then towards the end of the video I see one person running between the two vehicles on the far left being chased by who I believe is the man who was shot, the first guy turns around, you hear the rest of the shots and the guy chasing falls to the ground before getting past the two vehicles on the far left.

MrBunnyVest ago

It's time for the cops to decide which side they are on. Do they support families, businesses, peace living people who only want to defend themselves from violence... or do they follow the marching orders given by left wing lunatics who are destroying civilization.

AgentSakura ago

Most are Masons and gay pedos who have been groomed by their associates so they are unable to turn back as they are under trauma based mind control and subject to satanic ritual abuse themselves.

Good luck trusting them, you are alone out there.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

They follow orders. Same with the aliens that cause humans pain

ScottMAGA ago

They choose to support ZOG. Granted, most of them have personal reservations, but we have to judge them by their actions rather than their qualms.

Putzmiester ago

The cops?! Fuck the cops, they act as antifa's bodyguards. It's time for people to band together and make their voices heard to "lawmakers". And if the lawmakers wont listen, get their attention through the same means they would use on you.

I thought about going out and counter protesting antifa, but if you look at the track record, anyone who defends themselves against these commies is run through the ringer, legally. It's time to face it, this is the new police force. Until we get together and take our greviences to the people paying for and turning a blind eye to antifa, they will just continue.

That wont happen sadly. It pisses me off, because it is all designed to do so.

hang_em_high ago

Why arent sheriffs arresting corrupt politicians pushing this stuff?

Keefin ago

Cops aren't the ones prosecuting him, you know that right?

MrBunnyVest ago

Prosecutors aren't going out and arresting him, you know that, right?

Keefin ago

He walked up to them and turned himself in

noob_tube ago

They will enforce the prosecutor's will.

jimibulgin ago

It's time for the cops to decide which side they are on.

They have-- the side that feeds them.

MrBunnyVest ago

That's the same side that's going to hang them.

OandAPartyRock ago

Well, they’ve already decided. Over and over again they’ve shown you what their decision was.

Joesf23 ago

The cops only show up when whitey fights back. They are useless and patriots better get smart about their tactics if they are going to engage these people. Hide your fucking face, and hit them from a covered position. Make yourself a ghost.

AngryInVirginia ago

I do not disagree with you but how do you defend against two things:

1. How do you defend against somebody setting fire to your home or business while also hiding to protect your home or business?

2. How do you give ample warning to people who attempt to attack your home or business that you are hiding inside?

I agree that the safest place to be is hidden in a dark corner on your own property. Being out in the open is unsafe. Without giving up your home or business to arson while you are inside how do you do it within the realm of the law? It seem like a losing position no matter what you do. Time to get crazy by throwing down something slick all around your property or running wire back and forth across your property.

Joesf23 ago

Ive actually thought about this with my brother in laws since we are st louis county where a chimp out can happen at any moment. You have to almost have a hit and run approach surrounding your neighborhood. Have a spotter see which way the mob goes, have another in a concealed area, have another in a 2nd position. Drop one. It will create panic and hopefully scatter them. If they advance. Fall back to 3rd postion while 2nd position guy covers. If you knock 2-3 down, they will call the police and they will scatter the mob at that point all while nobody knows where the shots came from. This is a rough plan that doesnt work in some areas, but it would work where Im at because there are plenty of woods/creeks etc within residential areas. Think of it as having FOP out in front of your main base.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I am surprised that hasn't happened more. It seems likely during these riots that some crazy would post up in the bushes somewhere.

AngryInVirginia ago

That still has not happened. This kid showed considerable constraint. I have yet to see a person who just opens fire at rioters. We have had school shootings for far less in the past. I am proud of the restraint that people have showed. If they want that restraint to continue they must allow for legal self defense. If people keep getting thrown in jail for a long time (if not the majority of their lives) then there is going to be a point where somebody decides to just open fire on everybody who is present in the area until they can run away and try to avoid persecution (injustice).

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

That one dude started shooting people in the tent city, but it wasn't during a riot or a large group of people.

MrEvilPirate ago

This requires us to go on the offensive and not just protect our shit waiting to be assaulted. Purge the disease.

Smallest_Skil ago

The law is actually written to protect the criminals.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Welcome to anarcho tyranny, goy.

kaliyugajnd ago

If you see the video you can see how fast the police bound the corner after the shots are fired. They knew what was going to happen, they knew that his business would be attacked. They could have staged in front of the business and prevented the incident, but they did not. They just waited until he killed those commies and then came in and scooped up the mess. He probably went compliantly too. If it was one of those thugs they would have never been found.

FireCrackLover ago

He literally flagged thebpilice down and raised his hands. He was running towards the cops to give himself up after he shot the first guy when he was attacked again.

kaliyugajnd ago


NakedWarrior ago

He's from Illinois, I read where he and others came to Kenosha to both protect BLM from police and protect businesses from being destroyed. Hard to play both sides, but whatever. However, if this is true, none of those businesses were his. So that, in the eyes of the law, kinda fucks him too. I still agree it was self-defense, but he is going to have a hard legal case. I don't understand why his parents would allow him to go? You just assisted your son in throwing his life away.

kaliyugajnd ago

Yea, I must have been thinking about the other person who shot one of the rioters in the head, I think he owned a business. But for this guy, traveling across state lines to join in is probably gonna be a hard case to prove.

tury ago

That's right.

Fried-Laptop ago

You already know the answer

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

This is why i dont support the police. Those fat wannabe "heroes" will choose their own safety and comfort every time.

OandAPartyRock ago

I’ll go one step further: everyone keeps talking about the police “having enough” and I guess, I don’t know, jumping on our side? I’m going to say this: no they won’t and guess what? Neither will the military. If Biden steals the election, the military is his. They are going to follow his orders. There are a lot more Commies in the military than you think, anyway. A lot of them would follow Biden even if he doesn’t win.

superspathi ago

Trust the ramp to the slaughterhouse.

jewsbadnews ago

Not only will it be time to do what we need to do with our enemies, it will be time to put down these “trust the plan” people as well.

I have a feeling you and I are going to become very close..

hang_em_high ago

Cops are leaving and retiring like crazy right now. I would guess that only leaves the one that will comply with any orders they are given. The ones that have a problem with things are leaving.

Keefin ago

During the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (which is very similar to the situation happening today), most law enforcement and military did side with the Czar, forming the White Army. I see no reason why that wouldn't be the case this time around too.

noob_tube ago

On the other hand, maybe the qews will awaken if the military starts dragging them off to the gulag?

gazillions ago

Even if Biden loses, this shit isn't going to stop.

The corporation are going to keep paying antifa and blm. They want communist slave labor profits and they won't stop until they're dead either.

tidy_athiest ago

If Biden is declared the winner, Trump will have 2 months of control, and we better get our fucking asses moving to save this goddam country with that jew loving faggot Trump still in charge. After that, then we also have to fight the fucking military.

ingeedingee ago

Find out where they live in your community and be ready for pre-emptive precision strikes if it looks like the Biden gang is taking the election.

We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to end up like those in the former Yugoslavia who thought law enforcement and the military would save them and "self defense" = too late. We must be more than prepared and ready when the moment comes to act.

404LogicNotFound ago

Public Defender

Dude's fucked.

Duchozz ago

Its for an extradition hearing to wisconsin, he doesn't need a real lawyer for that.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

I got $10 that says his lawyer will be Jewish ✡

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Needs to get a better lawyer pronto.