25444171? ago

He's not getting a statue so stop this stupid shit. This is why we can't have nice things. Kids without parents see glory in blood and guts. The entire thing was too perfect to be unscripted reality. Are you really that stupid? Like the fake as fuck murder porn you assholes like to post. Your a bunch of fucking idiots with no morals, no sense and too many hormones to know what's good for you. Take is somewhere else. This has nothing to do with Q.

What the hell is going to happen to this kid you all love after you asshats lift him to a pedestal, make him a god and worship the ground he walks on? What will happen to you and your views when he topples and breaks his crown. You guys will probably eat him. What the hell does that make you? Grow the fuck up or get the fuck out. This isn't appropriate here. The game is over. The parents you never had will make sure of it, promise.

25448429? ago

hopefully what's going to happen to this kid is that he will heal from this and have a great life.

he's been through a lot and he deserves the attention he is getting from us. look at what the media is doing to him. FO.

25448624? ago

You know, my dad taught me to avoid trouble. He said if you go out asking for it don't come complain to me when you get it. It's called taking responsibility for yourself. Facing a murder trial at 17 doesn't sound very intelligent to me. It is in fact down right stupid and something you might expect from a 17 yr old. What do you suppose his future holds? Having seen this happen more times than I care to count, I'll tell you. He's fucked. Follow his lead and you will be too.

25448680? ago

sometimes trouble comes looking for you.

you can't live life with your head buried in the sand.

he was there to help his friends.

so are you saying to just let these fucktards burn down our homes, business' etc?? he's one year away from being able to go into the military, he's old enough to heal from this. millions of other soldiers have.

25448745? ago

I'm saying you are naive. Trouble did not come looking for him. He went looking for it. Now he'll pay the price for the rest of his life. You think that's something we should promote and encourage, glorify and promote the kid to god status? Stop being stupid and grow up.

25454530? ago

i never put him to god status.

just because you back someone doing good does NOT put them in God status.

bury your head in the sand a little deeper, your stupidity is still showing.

25456572? ago

I'm glad you haven't done that. I just want you to look at the consequences of his actions. I want you to take a look at his future and what could happen to him. Most importantly I don't want anyone here to do what he did because taking lives ruins your own. I care for your future. I want it to be the best it can be. I want you to live in freedom, not a cage. And I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt. I'd rather be the biggest bitch in the world than to put any one of your lives in danger.

Murder trials are no fucking joke. Support your friend but don't put his actions on a pedestal. And if you care don't let anyone else do it either. Life can be gloriously bad with things that look like the right thing to do but turn out to be a terrible choice. I hope Kyle goes free but I think that's going to be a stretch. Showing up at a riot with a gun is an entirely different ball game than blasting a home invader. People protecting their homes go to jail too.

25440844? ago

Literally disarmed.

25441625? ago


25439983? ago

well worth a listen, nice job

25439844? ago

I couldn't care any less for the victims. I am, however, concerned for Kyle's well-being. The "mob" is trying to get this kid killed. Couple that with the PTSD that this poor kid is more than likely going to suffer and the whole situation is not good.

25443103? ago

He is also gonna carry with him for the rest of his life that he killed someone. Doesn't matter that it was justified and necessary (kill or be killed). Given his young age that will be a heavy burden for a long time. Hopefully he is more mature than others his age and is able to cope. His brain isn't even finished developing yet.

I hope he has a strong support system around him, and that they constantly enforce that he had no choice, he did the right thing, and any other good, logical person would've done the same in that situation. Judging by his reported background the kid is set up for doing great things in his future. Make sure he gets there safely.

25447199? ago

I agree with everything you said. Even this:

His brain isn't even finished developing yet.

But upon reading it, I question -- is that a Jewish psychological trick? That's not a real science. How do we measure "a brain that has completed developing" -- are there physical characteristics we can look to?

Or is it more just "ask some questions and flip a coin"?

I don't know. And I want to.

God bless.

25447712? ago

Good question. I searched for "when does a brain finish developing" and I found this: When does human brain development end? Evidence of corpus callosum growth up to adulthood . I have no idea if it is real or junk science, but it did come from the NIH.


To locate structural changes in the brain accounting for the increasing effectiveness in cognition and skills that occurs at the final stage of behavioral development, we attempted to determine the age at which the corpus callosum completes its active growth period. We assessed the growth rate of the corpus callosum by measuring its area twice on midsagittal magnetic resonance imaging scans separated by a 2-year interval, in a series of 90 subjects with a wide range of ages. We observed an increase in the size of the corpus callosum as long as human mentation expands, up to the middle 20s. Clinical and experimental data about the corpus callosum, together with the present findings, suggest that the corpus callosum is part of the highest order-latest maturing neural network of the brain.

25447892? ago

Reading between [their] lines, I see: in order to determine whether your brain has finished developing, we need to put you in a very strong magnetic and radioactive field which will damage your brain development.

Like I opined -- flipping a coin. :)

25441565? ago

He's in juvi, he can take care of himself.

25439678? ago

This entire thing is a distraction psyop. Haven't any of you noticed the news is not talking about current trade deals and legislation being passed under our noses? That these shootings are used to push divide and conquer? Wake up and smell the ashes people, you're reading stories 'they' want you to, ask yourself why they want you paying attention to this and not that.

25443369? ago


https://voat.co/v/QRV/4003355 -- "How Communism Starts" -- transcribed from https://youtu.be/7dvuWVCd2KY

https://voat.co/v/QRV/4003440 -- Confront them digitally, soldiers! Image encapsulating tons of information about Communism, their tactics of infiltration, and a 2 GB download. https://files.catbox.moe/znkc5r.png

25440154? ago

Political Theater is a MASSIVE DISTRACTION from real issues such as;

White Genocide through numerous vectors, Chem Trails, Mass Surveillance networks (facial recognition, biometrics and remote neural monitoring), transhumanist technocractic revolution, poison shelves, mind control, depopulation, gender wars, fake news, fake virus and the gigantic human trafficking operations of gentile child sex slavery and forced prostitution.

Politics is just theater for the Jewish Elite Bankers and Communist Cabal Factions. All has been bought out and blackmailed, all true opposition is eliminated with clandestine means.

The World is Theater to them; mass surveillance, digital tracking or currency, RFID chip, brain implants and remote neural monitoring. All installed and watched secretly behind the curtain.

Good luck trying to free yourselves from hell on earth.

25447114? ago

Also go into your heart upon death -- if you go into the light, you're recycled here in the prison planet.

So, [they] also control beyond this life. Freaky, like Friday.

25447997? ago

I get what you mean.

Ultimately you just need to channel goodness and purity and remember who you were born to become not who they corrupted you to be.


25448026? ago

It is happening as we communicate. It is so weird. Thanks and God bless.

25449421? ago

Manifest your own destiny and master your passions.

You're welcome.

Take care.

25440365? ago

I'm just glad we're all gonna die. Could you imagine being immortal and spending an eternity living with Jews and SJWs? No thanks!

25447148? ago

Jews and SJWs?

Thank you for that juxtaposition!

It showed me that:

You can't spell "Jews" without "SJW"

God bless.

Also, go into your heart not the light -- [they] control after this life as well, but only briefly.

25440481? ago

Lol yes, being a neurotic immoral scumbag immortal that just circles the drain of insanity sucking nigger kike dick and fucking kids sounds horrible.

Imagine being a mind rapist kike shill faggot whore soul sucking slit surveillance skang gaylord gawking gossiping gash tranny toot terrorist traitor literal piece of human living dog shit moron loser pussy faggot mangina omega peed beta freakazoid like them....

They are ultra retarded

25441526? ago

Hows that arm that Kyle shot off doing?

25442149? ago

Great thanks.

You would know hoe, you diddle it every day fuckhead.

Did your girl tell you how I taste yet cannibal faggot?

"Like shlomies shlickty shlockity shlushy shleck shekel gashy cash?" Perhaps?

25441243? ago

Could you repeat that in English please?

25440022? ago

Nice call for attention with the bold italics.

25440089? ago

And yes, I am yelling in real life!

25441273? ago

What.....? I can't hear you, can you speak up a little more?

25440075? ago

Look if I see two people arguing over wether 2+2 equals 3 or 5, I'm gonna step in and call out the retardation instead of playing along with the narrative.

25439797? ago

People here don't watch "the news"

25439854? ago

Buddy if you think CNN and Fox News are the only things that "they" are trying to manipulate the narrative that the world follows then I have some bad news for you.

Why do you think Voat exists? Despite nobody paying for it, no advertisers, nobody runs the place, yet here it is, filled with people who push against main stream narrative. Nobody has tried to shut down voat, the government has never intervened publicly, the news doesn't lambaste us constantly.

We aren't facing cancel culture despite this place being a big enough hive mind , we aren't being targeted for shut downs even though we should.

Why are our enemies not attacking us?

25441501? ago

Nobody has tried to shut down voat

Are you new to VOAT? They attempt to shut it down all the damn time. idiot.

25440012? ago

You must be new here. I can't count how many times Voat has gone down, and this sub especially gets more shills than I see anywhere else. I mean really, only 1 out of 10 posts is worth a damn at the very most.

25440041? ago

The parasite does not want to kill it's host. Who is living off us? Probably Jews, as usual.

Also, I know putt said someone tried to DDoS voat last year but that was confirmed fake when he was confronted about it (he was asked for proof and instead did that dismissive winky face shit. He did the same thing when confronted about the porn spam bots. Everything that faggot says is a lie.) All that downtime was just to fuck with people.

25440552? ago

This site is full of Jesuits, Freemasons, Bnai Brith, and Muslim Brotherhood losers. Literally chock full, literally ran by, literally this site is another elaborate gatekeeping mechanism.

25441577? ago

You can figuaratively shut up too for good measure.

25443777? ago

Now that's really funny. I just posted about "Word Crimes" and "Se7en" and got a 727 (with a 747 before it if you add digits on both sides to get both those sevens https://voat.co/v/QRV/4003477/25443727 ).

Then scrolled down, and saw a 77 which basically is continuing the lyrics, posted 2.5 hours ago.

You can't make this stuff up. Last night got my wife's name and my birthday, adjacent, in Gematria results. Her name was "my birth day" from the top, and my birthday had a word which was "my birth month" in length.

Okay, I. Hear. Now need to figure out what to do with it!

God bless.

PS Wow, I just added a link to my comment that I mentioned, upon editing and -- I see that this post also ended with 77. Ahem. Whoa.

25447960? ago

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25444262? ago

So, the, ahem, Alice's Restaurant version:


("circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one")

25563746? ago

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25441507? ago

literally shut up

25443727? ago

Reading the lyrics, just got this reference:

Unless you're seven

The movie with "what's in the box???" (don't look!) was spelled "SE7EN".



25439545? ago

Unfortunately, the guy who got shot in the arm didn't learn his lesson. He now views himself as a soldier and will get back in the fight ASAP.

The only good Communist is a DEAD COMMUNIST.

25441583? ago

as a casualty? a false victim? he's not doing much with that strong arm

25441471? ago

BS, that bitch is scared now. He won't be playing any terrorist games.

Where are the charges against him for carrying an illegal pistol?

25440545? ago

Nah, not necessary, his "buddy" will do it for him... that's how commies roll.

25439915? ago

He's lucky Kyle didn't blow his brains out

25441591? ago

the thief got a biblical punishment, too bad he couldn't learn

25439789? ago

Not till after he learns how to wipe his ass left handed!

25444505? ago

That's actually harder than it sounds. I had a biceps tendon reattachment -- I know "first hand"

25439770? ago

Easier said than done. He's still in shock. Once that wears off, he'll be reconsidering it for sure.

25439411? ago

25439368? ago

Saint Kyle. Gen-Z rising

25439339? ago

Dude how many fucking times are you going to post the same God damned meme? This is the 20th time it’s been posted. The pedos Mom didn’t downvote you, it’s people being sick of the front page being spammed with the same shit for the 20th time. Faggot.

25439404? ago

Two downvotes...his Mom AND Dad???

25439560? ago

Yes. Lol

25439313? ago

It’s so perfect that you have to wonder...

Are we watching a movie?

25442327? ago

We are watching a movie, but this is a spiritual AND a physical movie. Weakly based upon the plans of men, but overtaken by the plans of God. No man can plan something so coincidental. No man can control reality to this extent, just compare to sandy hook. One is real, the other is fake.

25443341? ago

It is mind-blowing, to get to witness as well as participate!


25441930? ago

Crisis actors?

25441605? ago


especially when you look at all the crazy the chans dug up and pointed out on Kyle.

25439258? ago

One downvote, must be the pedo's Mom.

25439495? ago

Or a QRV mod.

25442351? ago

Where’s my new Q sticky?

25441456? ago

same thing

25439221? ago

One of the 5 bullets fractured his pelvis aka shot in the dick. Poetic justice. You can hear the pedo heave his last breath on video as a bullet severed his lung, filling it with blood.

25439758? ago

The dumb-ass commies tending to him didn't even remove his shirt wrapped around his head and over his mouth to help him breath.

Oh well, it would've just delayed the inevitable anyway.

25441085? ago

I have to say, (as a nurse) watching these morons rendering 'first aid' to their fallen comrades has been simultaneously horrifying and hilarious.

Guess that wasn't part of their antifa summer school.

25439401? ago

Bet his victim is relieved to see that POS dead.

25439559? ago

It’s rare for a victim to see that kind of justice play out, but this guy clearly was the type to tempt fate.

25439226? ago
