26538459? ago

If Biden gets sworn in as President...I think it's time to go after them...hypothetically thinking that is.

26485300? ago

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26474389? ago

Please have a lottery for patriots, with the winners being able to pull the lever to hang prominant traitors. Or at least place the noose around their necks.

26416337? ago

In August he said that... Now it's personal.

26403376? ago

Did trump in his latest tweet take the chains off his patriots?

26388018? ago

With all due respect to POTUS, I hope patioriots light these fucking pussy the fuck up. Hope some bikers for Trump beat the fucking piss out of some of these Pantifa fucks. Mr. President turn your eyes, no worries....

26356468? ago

Oh please,please stop your whining you all went from grabbing pussy to being pussies.that term snowflakes your kind love to use well that is you. Stop it.

26349577? ago

Good. They're not doing shit.

26344314? ago

Catholic Exorcist Calls for Christians to Bind Satan Until Election is Resolved

See www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/catholic-exorcist-fr-chad-ripperger-calls-faithful-recite-prayer-bind-evil-spirits-satanic-forces-election-oddities-resolved/

Sorry cannot create threads...

26294532? ago

The people have spoken! Let freedom ring!

26271828? ago

They are ready to video themselves being "victimized". They really need to make that "domestic terrorist in john deere hat" narrative happen.

26262624? ago

Op is scared of insemination

26259726? ago

It's not about what you want anymore Trumpy. It's about what WE want, and we want to save our nation. Unlike you, we don't have the resources to leave when this is all over and done with. We need to stand and fight for this nation of ours.

26250255? ago


26241607? ago

Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.


26180477? ago

Take this stupid post down already.

26145483? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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26104746? ago

Not until AFTER he wins..........then WE can play too! 😏

26057244? ago

If Trump supporters stay away from the rioters they will eventually turn on themselves.

26046081? ago

flip flop

26013067? ago

we are holding back however if they get close to our families and pull their shit it will be their last day on earth just saying

26001090? ago

Unsticky this post- enough already

25981462? ago

So when is this thread being unpinned?

25932211? ago

I don't plan to find them. But if leftist terrorists show up on my street, they'll all be swinging from lamp posts.

25833787? ago

This post needs to be un-sticky-ed already.

25782251? ago

(20) On September 14, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed into law Senate Joint Resolution 49 (Public Law 115–58; 131 Stat. 1149), wherein Congress “condemn[ed] the racist violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place between August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia” and “urg[ed] the President and his administration to speak out against hate groups that espouse racism, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and White supremacy; and use all resources available to the President and the President’s Cabinet to address the growing prevalence of those hate groups in the United States”.

(21) Senate Joint Resolution 49 (Public Law 115–58; 131 Stat. 1149) specifically took notice of “hundreds of torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis [who] chanted racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant slogans and violently engaged with counter-demonstrators on and around the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville” and that these groups “reportedly are organizing similar events in other cities in the United States and communities everywhere are concerned about the growing and open display of hate and violence being perpetrated by those groups”.

Trump's anti-lynching bill: Only applies to whites so you can lynch all you want nigger

25775614? ago

After the Election, It IS Time to Clean Up the Streets. Of course, that is also when the funding for the Mayhem dries up!
PURGE THE [[[Money Men]]]!

25775104? ago


25634152? ago

Until they force their crazy into MY world. They are chasing a very large bear, with a very small stick.

25600366? ago

smart move, it's dangerous, the media will make the optics bad, and the jew-dicial system is setup against you.

The left is destroying their own image with the centerists - let them do it. Defend only as a last resort.

25584007? ago

Un-sticky this post you commie mods.

25541850? ago

All Nazis are retarded, brainwashed bitches. Every single one.

25518736? ago

Pay attention trolls. It ain’t gonna work. Q clearly said that conflict is for trained, (supplied), professional fighters (With access to fed intel.).

Seasoned combat vets come out bruised. These Dem forces have 100+ days of tactical and logistical training.

25509244? ago

Good move

25501999? ago

48 of the Top 50 cities are Dem shitholes whose mayors or governors tell those police to stand down while the cities burn due to Dem financed and coordinated terrorists.

If the police won’t be allowed to stop them, and the National Guard won’t be allowed to do their jobs, and the Army won’t be called in there are no other legal recourses. It’s going to have to be me and mine to protect what we’ve built and protect where we live.


25855510? ago

We coming to rape you and yours. Patriot style gang rape.

25501189? ago

He SHOULD'VE said "I dont want protesters confronting my supporters"

25498585? ago

Then start defending the citizens and their property from terrorists, motherfucker. Enough with the bullshit about how it's a show. Anyone idiotic enough to still vote against you lacks the capacity to decide otherwise.

25496602? ago

So with this in mind I am perplexed about the upcoming elections. Let's say what Dan Bongino is saying they are trying comes true and they try and steal it. Should we fight then? I get Trump and Q trying to do it this way to save as many lives as possible, but so many of us refuse to hand over our country with out a fight. It takes an awful lot of faith naivety to just trust that POTUS has this handled. There is a fine line between having faith and waiting because you hope someone else will save you.

25498358? ago

Small groups of unorganized patriots don't stand a chance against a stolen election. If we want to ensure they can't steal it then get involved in working on election day. Talk to your mail carrier. Talk to people whenever the opportunity presents itself. If you run into brainwashed people, shakes the dust off your boots and move on. Stay involved till after the election.

25496564? ago

Thank you Voat for putting this front and center.

25494935? ago

Hey Q, you better start making public the serious shit you have on the enemy, because there are tons of ignorant and misinformed sleeping idiots still walking around ready to cast votes for any zombie who isn't Trump. You're covert spy vs spy horseshit has no chance of waking anyone else up.

25491237? ago

We should not incite violence...we do not...show me one time where we were not responding to looting, rioting and Murder...but if they come we will defend our property and our neighborhoods. If there is no reasonable alternative then self defense is what we WILL do. President Trump has guards 24/7....we don’t.

25482573? ago

I will not confront protestors...but I will defend myself.

25501927? ago

And the ground I stand on.

25476126? ago

Of course he wants law enforcement to handle it and So Do We. However, the problem that we all see is - THEY'RE FUCKING NOT. Instead they're obeying their shitty governors and mayors and letting themselves be made fools of. It's fuckin ridiculous. Or like in Georgia, they all just leave and say fuck it. Yeah, thanks, cops, that will really show [them]. No, you just stuck it to the community, not the Deep State. If they want to do the right thing, then they need to stop OBEYING when told to stand down or else what are the rest of us supposed to do but stand in their place?

25470051? ago

We all WANT the law enforcement to do their job, but if they refuse we are not going to sit around and watch our communities burn because of it.

25472741? ago

I understand.

25500595? ago

If you did this vile divisive bullshit would not have posted.

25468095? ago

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.*


25468125? ago

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

25468149? ago

It isn’t light, but we hope it’s transient.

25466659? ago

Exactly!! Common sense says it's an ambush. Why would anyone try to confront the possessed Marxist crazies? They don't play or fight fair.

25465603? ago

He says leave it to law enforcement. Ok, well, maybe they should actually arrest and charge some of the "protesters" then???

Because all of them (at least in Portland) are caught and released without charges. Just temporarily detained. Same in Chicago.

25465566? ago

Everyone please remember that the mods of QRV are the Mods of Qresearch on 8kun. Torch was passed to them by 8bit. When 8bit was in control they were just BVs (board volunteers) and could be seen harassing anons in META and defending israel. Only difference was 8bit kept them in check and they couldnt fuck with the bakers.

Once 8bit left and moved one of them to BO, our notables got deleted initially (Revolt happened, Q responded with a drop asking them to be put back) and they then switched to CONTROLLING the notables by having the same bakers camp out all day and hold the slot/harass any non controlled baker with full support from Mods who let them gatekeep with no intervention.

It seems to be the same handful of guys with many sock accounts or personas. Typically very glowing, repetitive typing styles. Just dumb jews with mod support basically. I used to go into META and cockslap them- made their narrative really stand out undeniably. Arguing with a jew in front of others is often the easiest way to expose them. Remember: jew is a nigger with slightly higher IQ but many of the same tendencies.

25465529? ago

Still waiting on Trump to make good on his promise to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.


25465795? ago

I thought Bill Barr did that months ago.

25465799? ago

But he didn't. Its like always - all talk no action

25462189? ago

Where's the high IQ version ?

25460277? ago

Go fuck yourself. Jew bastard.

25458149? ago

Guys do you notice the pattern during the last 4 years, when you talk about giving justice to people like Soros / Hillary, "Anons" will jump in and crying : NO NO NO VIOLENCE ,DON"T HARM THEM, they are muh small fish, we must muh do it the right way...

Then Kyle get rid of scumbags and the fucking QRV MODS are doing the same now.

Makes me wonder what really the "PLAN" is... to protect citizens, or protect (((them))) ?

25500606? ago

Billions paid to Jews when our country is on it's ass.

25458076? ago

Don't hide behind a mod's mask, Q, talk to us face to face.

You want us to trust your "do nothing" plan but dont dare to say that directly cuz we all know how ridiculous it sounds at this point, right ?

25457953? ago

Potus wants us to snipe from distance, got it.

Also, don't shoot protesters, shoot the big nose organizers, got it.

25454847? ago



We don't support a cucked in White House

25452136? ago

I promise to never confront a 'protester' (rioter). When they come to my 'hood' i will stack them like wood in the street. Their choice.

25451624? ago


25451261? ago

Change "Trump" to "Q+". This is QRV for fuck's sake.

25450959? ago

I think he wants us to defend ourselves and our property, I think maybe he is trying to encourage very thorough circumspection on our part when it comes to "overt" displays of our opinions, like what happened in Portland, because he knows there are evil people out there who will respond to good arguments with bloodshed: no man left behind, so to speak.

25449251? ago

I don't want my President not hanging thousands of traitors. Where does that leave us?

25447002? ago

Kyle sent a wave of kvetching all the way to Tel Aviv.

America loves this boy!

25443617? ago

so potus wants his supporters doing exactly what he and Q are doing: absolutely fucking nothing.

Fuck Q, Fuck POTUS, Fuck this stupid, waste of fucking time "movement".

25442706? ago

The president's key phase there is "I want".

I want what the president wants too,

but until that happens, I STAND READY to DEFEND.

I will not go down without a fight.

25442645? ago

Well Mr President I'm still waiting patiently for you to treat the leadership and those who fund these anti-America groups

as you did Qasem Soleimani. Drop the bomb on them already.

25442586? ago

Time to hose those rioters down the street into the nearest sewer where they belong.

25442568? ago

I will Not sit back and wait until it's too late to win the battles.

25441980? ago

Then fucking do something or get out of the way.

25440351? ago

So after years of telling us to attack his opponents, Trump now wants his supporters to roll over like bitches?

25438719? ago

Confront them digitally.


25438709? ago


First two Jewish:

David Icke 745 408 68 2502

Joker 745 354 59 2068

Another interesting pair:

Illuminati Freemason 745 1296 216 515

Cain Is Son Of Perdition 745 1404 234 478

And a triplet about mafia:

Laundry 745 570 95 388

Actually 745 570 95 368

Con Job 745 354 59 362

25438581? ago

Trump didn't also call Kyle stupid, like whomever stickied this did.

25437690? ago

Well this post certainly brought out the LibFakers from ShareBlue.

To some of my new friends here -- the nasty posts aren't QAnons. They're shills and/or bots. Ignore.

Bottom line of OP's post -- don't intentionally run to the riots. There are people in place to respond.

25437703? ago

Agreed, I was thinking the same thing. Lots of bots. Everyone can't be that brain dead. Can they?

25437742? ago

It's either bots or one really pissed off Libtard with a lot of time on his hands... kek

25437750? ago

A few with the same response and I would go with the Libtard. Remember, they aren't hard working people.

25437764? ago

Yeah - one of the "protestors" (aka rioters) mocked a Conservative for not "standing up for what they believed" and asked why they didn't protest. Answer: "Well, most conservatives have jobs." Then walked away

25437830? ago

Most conservativatives believe in using your voice and vote to effect change. Most leftists believe in tyranny and forcing your will upon others.

25439233? ago

You cant vote your way out of genocide, you deceitful kike.

25439267? ago

What genocide genius?

25439269? ago

The ones communists do every time they take power.

25437626? ago

I know we sheepdogs run TO the fight, but POTUS is right. There are times to let people who are above my pay grade handle these situations. I don't want to see any more Patriots get killed. We need all of you!

25436680? ago

You sound like what the QRV mod was saying.

25439239? ago

Because it IS the qrv mod.

25435327? ago

All the Left will hear is "Trump wants cops to attack peaceful protestors" or some other "very fine people" distortion.

25435017? ago

Faggot mod is a faggot

25434713? ago

Reminder: Always ARCHIVE.TODAY!

25434712? ago

He thinks his supporters are as stupid and lazy as him, watching TV and believing everything they see on it.

25434343? ago

Why are you beating a dead horse? We know.

I've already written two books and deleted them. But I'll try again. Free will means you have no control to be mind police. Free speech means you are starting a war with goats. I will fight back with them. Which turns me into your enemy. To be a mod on voat means to be successful you must know and understand your home base. You must know the difference between kids, adult kids, frustrated old men who need to vent and shills. To do this requires genuine care for all kinds of people. It requires you to want to understand all points of view and honor them even when you don't agree. Trump didn't throw anyone under the bus. He knows that the longer this goes on the closer we get to civil war. Your stickies are doing the opposite of your intention. And we need more time. Sooo, can you please stop with the agenda driven stickies.

?what happens when you stop up a drain? Does cussing at the drain help? Does cussing at the water help? Find yourself a better solution. This one only turns on the hot water and points it directly at you and our team.

25434685? ago

Free will means you make your own decisions. Free speech means you are free to speak your mind.

25437199? ago

And say "fuck the Jews!"

25434213? ago

Well what do you expect him to say in this supercharged environment? He has to appear to appeal to reason and law. But what we do is in reality up to us. A time is coming when we will have to confront those shits in the streets.

25433971? ago

Lots of shills in here pushing for civil war.

Here's an example of a post in this very thread:

I'd love a civil war especially when Trump keeps sitting on his fat ass and not taking care of business this is unacceptable to have gone on this long he could have enacted the Stafford act a long time ago this has to stop now As for the mod you're a jackass there's a lot of people that are going to just abandon this sub I'm one of them I'm sick of tired of your fucking drama who the fuck do you think you are you not better than anyone else you just an asshole

See? They are pushing you to fight the antifa. Don't you get it? Divide and conqueror approach. Get the people to fight amongst themselves instead of the evil cabal, the child rapist.

You get it yet? They want you to fight and kill blm, antifa, so both sides start fighting each other.

It's so obvious. Open your eyes already. It's all a set up to make you get triggered by your emotions.

25434121? ago

This is a tactic by people looking to win power. It's name is the Hegelian Dialectic. Rub up both sides so they are fighting each other until they scream for the strong arm of a dictator to come in and restore peace. It is never peace that you once knew it is peace as long as you accept the dictator's demands.

25433623? ago

Shit show, shit show, shit show. Just bend over and take it, then down on your knees forever.

Just got absentee ballet in mail, guess what didn't request one..any how..depends on how the next month goes..no political arrests. I may just stay home and rest up. Throw that worthless pc. of shit paper away after I wiped my ars on it. Fauck em all.

25434721? ago


25433242? ago

Now let’s be clear: that teenager should not have been there. He should have been at a movie with his friends, not “playing cop” in a violent riot zone. But that doesn’t change the basic fact that Americans have the right to use guns to protect their property and property in their communities, especially if the police are not allowed or otherwise unable to do so We all would want our cops to do their damn jobs. When they will not or can not it is YOUR repsosibility to protect your family and community.

25446771? ago

Kyle had every bit of right to be there. Took those punk bitches to the promised land.

25437166? ago

......and take out niggers.

25433199? ago

Dear leader, please understand we are the ones being confronted, not the other way around. We love you, We pray for you, we need you to win this election, but if they bring us conflict, then it is our right to put it down.

25432714? ago

...then he should drain the swamp or something, so his supporters won't have to...

25432646? ago

He also defended Kyle but you didn't feel the need to add that in.

This is another jewey post from the kike mod

25507775? ago

He stickied his own post? Not cricket. Sticky for a week is enough. [more than]

25432617? ago

He was forced to say that, could you imagine the optics from (((the media))) if he had said, "yes, confront the protesters."

25432447? ago

It's this the same mod?

25432426? ago

Now antagonistic assholes will glow brighter than a kids jar of fireflies

25432238? ago

The Jew speaks.

25432452? ago

Well imm waitin,,


Youre the one that said you were gonna speak.im just waitingta see if what you have to say is worth the effort....

25432151? ago

Trump supporters are not confronting the violent terrorists, blm, antifa, rioters. THEY are confronting Trump supporters and Trump supporters are protecting themselves, property, and others

25432081? ago

We want him to confront protesters with right wing death squads.

All communists must be cleansed.

25437213? ago

I support that.

25432399? ago

It's coming. Media first then all the Congressional traitors. the Senate, SCOTUS.

25432459? ago


25432015? ago

So Trump sez don't confront protestors. Must still be OK to shoot arsonists, vandalists and looters.

25431999? ago

So snipe from a distance?

25432473? ago

Thats about fucked up....

25431317? ago

He didn't say vehemently.

25437232? ago


25431278? ago


Just like Q, the message is always "do nothing".

Because surely, things get done when you do nothing. That's how it works of course..

25431216? ago

Hear that Proud Boys?

I swear some of those Proud Boy members are agitators pure and simple. Maybe a few who follow aren't Agents Provocateurs but that organization's behavior is more aggressive and obnoxious than the couple of Q, Patriot and Trump supporter protests I've attended. One guy at a protest I attended announced he was a Proud Boy and proceeded to insult and agitate the Antifa/BLM fucks that were across the way. None of the crowd liked him or what he was obviously attempting to do. Start a fight. Could be he was just claiming to be a PB.

25452574? ago

its like gavin mcinness is paid by israel or smtg, gosh its all so hard to process lol

25437964? ago

If you've heard of their group, they're cuck'd.

True Patriots are anonymous. True Patriots can see the waters recede sand know the tsunami it's coming.

25489676? ago

Indeed, comrade.

25965282? ago

fuck that comrade shit

25443713? ago

That’s true. Let the dumbasses get washed away on both sides. And then our boys higher up the chain hopefully succeed, god willing, in taking out the current source of evil.

Take care, be safe

25437949? ago

Proud Boys are hooligans, but they wouldn't be starting shit with Antifags and BLM if not for the passiveness of President Trump, Bill Barr, and law enforcement in allowing these terrorist thugs to get away with committing crimes, day in, day out... for the past 4 years.

POTUS, the FBI, the DoJ, and local law enforcement has had way more than enough time to build a case and crack down on these commies. But nope, it took people dying, an election year, and for Kyle to shoot some commies for Trump, Barr, and DHS to finally get off their asses and do something about this communist insurrection.

25489685? ago

Trump has been inciting this for months. Now he's pulling back because the protests are scaring him.

25965292? ago

are you retarded?

25442006? ago

Exactly. POTUS created the Proud Boys. The movie sucks, btw. Not enjoying the fucking show.

25451312? ago

You’re welcome to leave any time, faggot.

25446610? ago

suck on a 12 gauge then, you will not be missed

25447673? ago

no u

25440361? ago

Trump has been pathetically weak on this issue right from the start.

25965301? ago

what the fuck are you talking about retard? you want trump to be the dictator the media portrays him as?

25446622? ago

It's a local issue, faggot.

you only have 4 more years of President Trump before we see who he picks to be his replacement. KEK

25432316? ago

Asshole that's YOU traitor coward

25431246? ago

Nice post!

25431166? ago

Impatient twats

25430851? ago

We get it mods, either you think Kyle is a set-up or you're pissed your comrades got shot, either way we fucking get it already. Stop trying to STEER the conversation on here, NOT your fucking job. Just delete the illegal posts, post as anon all the fuck (You) want, then STFU with your fucking mod powers and let fucking free speech habben.

Being a mod doesn't make your ill informed ideals any better than anyone else's ideals, it just means you have to be moar professional or GTFO.

MODS: (You) must grow the fuck up, or (You) must go back to reddit, or we'll find somewhere that DOES respect free speech and 1A and (you) can scream your fucked up ignorant opinions at an empty fucking room.

Good Luck

25809250? ago

It took a while to realize kikes run this shit too. Sad.

25468104? ago

That was cool

25468513? ago

Thanks, but I feel I went a bit overboard. I just don't want to lose QRV, I Love the folks here, well about 80% at least, the other 20% I still have hope for, kek.

25457866? ago

(((mods))) of qrv are doing the same thing those r_GA and r_donald (((mods))) have been doing - the shape the narrative.

A very goblin thing to do, strange.

25474892? ago

Very jewish. Very niggardly.

25437664? ago

The OP's post has nothing to do with Kyle, He was just there to initially help get rid of the Graffiti. Then someone asked him to help defend his store, and that's where his gun came from. He was a Lifeguard and an EMT. He is seen in some of the footage helping the protestors who were injured. https://videos.whatfinger.com/2020/09/01/the-truth-about-kyle-rittenhouse-media-smear-campaign-has-fallen-apart

This post IMO was about the other Patriot who was point blank shot.

If you are so good at being a mod, how about offering to do the thankless job yourself?

25438298? ago

Where do I sign up? Should have an application process. Meritocracy is the way to go, best person for the job, every job. The mods we have were chosen for a reason though, both by Q and The Universe. Not that I know what that is, but when you see how this timeline is unfolding there's no doubt it was for chaotic and unforeseeable reasons.

I don't want new mods, I want our regular mods to keep doing what they've been doing, for as long as they can do it. I'd rather the mods do too little than too much, they can always take a break like we all have to sometimes.

25506134? ago

Until recently they have been doing nothing except delete "voat farming" comments and posts.

25435497? ago

either you think Kyle is a set-up or you're pissed your comrades got shot

There's a really good third option nobody's said yet.

25438205? ago

I’ll take door number three for 400, Alex.

25437075? ago

Please do enlighten. Kyle didn't shoot any 'protestors' BTW, he shot rioters and criminals in the act of committing serious crimes and threatening his life. The 2 threads that were stickied ignored this completely, and pissed off the Patriots. The board being 'comped' hasn't driven us away, but abuse of admin powers will.

25437161? ago


25432336? ago

Nailed it

25432016? ago

"If we let our enemy kill us, we win!" , stickied by glownigger mod. even DEFENDING OURSELVES is a form of aggression to the kike's mind, which fits in with what the Talmud says. You can tell what the kikes truly fear and "Trusting the Plan" is NOT it.

25430893? ago

be moar professional or GTFO.

Make me, bitch.

25431021? ago

This is 'Merica boy, (You) do (You), go ahead fuck around, and find out how small your dick looks when you scream to an empty fucking room. Just like the fake news media won't be SHIT when POTUS Trump leaves, neither will (YOU), when the Qanons leave your shitty little board.

I watched clowns shit up a lot of good message boards in my day, not my 1st rodeo sport. You're not going to like how this ends unless you figure out how to be moar professional.

...LOOK what habbened to "Above Top Secret", don't be the next idiot to fuck around and find out what it's like to get the cold shoulder from the silent majority of "Hive Mind".

25431033? ago

Make me, bitch.

25431342? ago

I Don't have to, (You) will fucking make (You) do it, bitch. After (you) realize (too late) that your stupidity chased the Qanons off. Live long enough and you can't help but learn self control, just for convenience's sake if nothing else, KEK!

Well I doubt I'm actually talking to an actual mod of this board anyway, but the sentiment still applies:

Learn from the mistakes of others, or be doomed to repeat those mistakes yourself.

AKA: Fuck around, find out.

(You) see Fren, Freedom has a built in eugenics program with a naturally occurring "Darwin Awards", being free allows absolute idiots the rope they need to kill themselves....

Your mods powers are the extra rope you need, making these posts stickies is (You) wrapping that rope around your own neck. We're just waiting for (You) to trip up now, and it'll be all over for your 15min of 'fame'. Same idea applies to the shills and haters around here too.

Good Luck with that...

25506161? ago

There have been only 12 users here now for the last two months. Looks like the anons have already moved on.

25432354? ago

Yes yes yes

25431370? ago

I can tell you're going to love the next few months.

25431855? ago

I can tell you're going to love the next few months.

"The best is yet to come.", "Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing".

Timeline1 is the best possible outcome for All.

"Hive Mind" has meme'd it SO, and so it shall be.


Shadilay Frens, Shadilay.

25438213? ago

Which one is timeline 1?

25438969? ago

The good timeline were We wake up and achieve world peace, not the one [they] wanted where 80% of us die. Even [they] called it "Timeline 1" because it was always most likely to habben. "Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing"

25446653? ago

Let’s see. If homeboy Don is one of them, which is quite likely, this could just be another long game starting.

25446908? ago

"Trust The Plan" doesn't mean Q's plan, it's God's Plan, always was. If POTUS Trump is part of [them] it won't matter, it will only make "The Great Awakening" all the moar glorious. "God Wins"

There are many levels and a great depth to this whole tin-foil hat thing Fren. Seeing The Universe through pure black/white thinking is what [they] do, (You) don't want to be in that same mental box as [them]. (Small box, very crowded, kek)

"Proof's in the pudding"

Everything Trump has done so far has been good for We The People and bad for [them] the 'elite'. If (You) can't see that then you just don't understand what we're up against, ...yet. ("You'll find out...")

BTW: Timeline2 was were SHE won 2016 ("[They] never thought she'd lose!")

"The best is yet to come" "Future proves past"... and WWG1WGA (Hyper-dimensional physics equation in disguise!)

25506186? ago

Looking back - even just over my lifetime - I don't think God should be in charge of The Plan.

25450832? ago

I know physics pretty well. You can go deeper if you want.

Here’s the thing, you gotta think long term. And long term, we’ve seen a lot of funny business with the treasury that we aren’t even totally clear on. Not much reporting. It Black Rock is involved. And we know they’re... well, black rock.

We’re seeing Cali literally burning down - so people leave presumably. Why? To take back and nationalize the ag land?

We’re seeing masses who are hysterical and refuse to do any critical thinking when it comes to COVID.

We’re seeing a vaccine get pushed globally.

We’re seeing kids in masks and in plexiglass boxes when classes ARE allowed in person. (All heading to a totally digital learning environment.)

We’re seeing more funny stuff with currency (some day gold backed dollar coming, but we’ve yet to see if that’s happening, because we know some places are trying to get rid of currency in lieu of digital - for “safety”)

We’re seeing people HATE and get pitted against each other and states like NY losing their wealthy who are leaving.

We’re seeing massive voter fraud happening nationwide.

If I were looking at this through the lens of a black pill, I’d say it’s all lining up perfectly for some really nefarious shit.

25451577? ago

Good points from a blackpilled perspective all, but don't forget Kyle and the vast and silent majority he represents. ("Hive Mind"~Q)

Thanks to Q we know a lot more about who the invisible enemy is (satanists). I've been on boards like this a very long time, until Q no one knew any of this in the normy world, nobody cared because 'muh sportsball'. Now look... (What sportsball? traitors!)

"It won't be safe for [them] to walk the streets"

We've been very polite, but not forever. Self defense is a Human right.

Godspeed Fren Good Luck. I wish (You) the best possible outcome.

25452491? ago

Yes. Kyle. Let’s not forget Kyle. It’s 50/50 planted. The question is by whom. Of course it’s not weird at all that there is so much footage of him before and during. Not weird at all.

My suspicion is pull a fake so you can claim the opposition not to actually do what he did. Then they can’t control the game entirely.

All in all, and I suspect I speak for many, nobody wants their jobs. Or their power. It’s sad and pathetic, really. We just want to go on with our lives and experience the beauty of this place.

I assume. Because normal people want that. And most of us are normal. The rest? I’ll let God decide.

Be well. I think we will all be well. Scenario 1, after all. We have lots of help on our side.

25454006? ago

If Kyle is a plant its from our side (Team Humanity/God/Heaven/Galactic Neighbors), he's either computer generated graphics, or sent by higher-ups (not Humans) because it IS "too perfect". I think its most likely this Kyle event is natural and a kin to a "Mandela Effect" or timeline repair/course correction. (Not my 1st rodeo, very disorienting to experience personally, takes a good memory and self trust not to just write it off as being a dream/bad memory.)

There is a cone of probability which our timeline WILL stay within so that we thread a needle, but the thread bounces around because of natural occurring chaos, things like 'The Kenosha Kid' are seemingly highly improbable events that are basically The Universe sorting itself out and healing any anomalies or imbalances as they occur because our outcome is almost predetermined to the extent we STILL exist in some form in our future, well most of us do anyway. (The meek shall inherit The Earth after all.) This is basically the intelligence of Time itself preventing any "Grandfather Paradox's" from occurring IMHO.

Think about trying to recreate this as a production for the cameras. You wouldn't make it this way because it would need to be 'believable'.

Remember the last 'time' (You) 'misplaced' something? Think long and hard the next few times it habbens: did you REALLY misplace the thing, or did it move on its own somehow? If you've lived in the same area for a while, think about the last time you got 'lost', did you really make a "wrong turn' or did the location actually change? Its WORLDS easier (literally) to just write it off as a bad memory on your part, than to think the map/world around (You) has changed. ("Crazy Talk")

WWG1WGA refers to "The Great Fractal" being born of "The Big Bang" (Quantum singularity) From One single point ALL of existence sprang forth (In THIS Universe anyway). "All is frequency"~Tesla / Uni-Verse = One-Song. Everything we 'All' are was once joined inside the 'One' quantum singularity, AKA "All is One. One is All" on multiple levels (You) are me, I Am (You). Same can be said for any 2 beings in existence in our Uni-Verse. Hence the existence of Karma and "The Golden Rule", because of course (You) should be kind to yourSelf. Also the reason the satanists seek to defile one another, to try and get The Father's (One Infinite Creator's/ intelligent infinity's) attention. ("Look what I can do...")

Life is a constant Miracle.

Anyway that wall is long enough for now. Good conversation Fren. Good Hunting out there Godspeed.

25467276? ago

I’m not convinced the Mandela effect is. I don’t get lost and when I lose things, I simply ask them to be put back, and they always are. So lots at play there. The idea is to work with the light. Then the timeline becomes irrelevant because we’re essentially just here to surf what is before us, no matter if it changes or not.

But that doesn’t necessarily disprove the idea that the effect exists. It might even be that the dorks running us have some cursory Knowledge of how to manipulate and intend probable outcomes. Possible. Anything is possible.

Tho as you say, we are under God, and the whole clockwork has to right itself. So all in all, we are all here to learn and to play in our own little movies as we share one big movie too. Lead actors vs supporting and the concentric circles of effect that we have, getting weaker as it goes out.

Life is a constant miracle. We are all one.

Big web. Thank you for the nice conversation. I miss that around these parts.

25506316? ago

I beg to differ, but God works for me.

And he needs to get with my program, pronto.

When this cog decides to turn the other way, the whole machine needs to do the same.

Do you two have the remotest idea about of what you talk?

25469171? ago

I agree "The Show" is not just referring to Q's plan, but Humanity's entire physical existence. "Love and Light" speaks to me of our electric Universe, and how 'solid matter' is just photons that vibrate at a lower frequency. (I can't wait 'till We figure that out as a civilization: holograms can be real.) I DO try and work with The Light (The One) because we're here to learn. I think even the defects in Time can be great teachers for us, like a peak behind the curtains to see the wizard pulling levers.

I think Project Looking Glass has been combined with A.I./quantum computing in many different ways, all in the attempt to bring "Timeline2" for the powers that be, and that A.I. told [them] (incorrectly) [they] would win. ("They never thought she would lose.") I think our Creator has other plans for us though, and its not to destroy us or allow us to be toys for elitists, but for us to prosper (as a civilization) that We may continue growing. I think spiritual growth is exactly what the elitists think is beneath [them], "rules for thee but not for me". I think [they] wanted Timeline2 so [they] wouldn't have to 'grow up'.

"No Man is an island" I think the elitists can't cope with the idea [they] aren't the only Ones that matter. It seems like their giant egos just can't stand the idea that we're All connected at a deep level, even with the folks [they] think themselves better than. On the opposite end of that are folks like us who find it hard to believe that people in our same civilization could become so evil and corrupt as to actually harm children for personal gain. Yuck! Hard lesson to swallow for me. (Like what do I need to change in my life to do my part to keep these dark things from occurring around me?) I don't think the elitists are able to see how [their] actions helped to put those people [they] consider 'lesser people' in that state in the 1st place. That would require Self awareness beyond The Ego (The Id). There's always hope [they] could just 'get it' at the last minute though, as long as we still draw breath at least. (100th Monkey effect / Hive Mind)

Here's to the future Fren! Because WWG1WGA.

25470687? ago

Yep. The holodeck is everything. That’s what makes me laugh the most. People freaking about it being a sim. Of course it’s a sim. God’s sim.

The fallen have tried and failed over and over again to make it seem they own this place. They don’t. Else they wouldn’t try so hard to ram it down our throats.

Blessings and “stay woke” Kek.

25430850? ago


25430882? ago

You just don't get it.

25430981? ago

yes i do, the (((international-bankers))) are doing what they do, bribe and control all the politicians and steer the people into civil war, they own Trump, and I'm letting you know, they need to protect Life/Liberty/Property NOW, or WE WILL DO IT TO THEM AND FOR THEM.

25430937? ago

They get it just fine, they want a civil war.

25433294? ago

I'd love a civil war especially when Trump keeps sitting on his fat ass and not taking care of business this is unacceptable to have gone on this long he could have enacted the Stafford act a long time ago this has to stop now As for the mod you're a jackass there's a lot of people that are going to just abandon this sub I'm one of them I'm sick of tired of your fucking drama who the fuck do you think you are you not better than anyone else you just an asshole

25507833? ago

25430824? ago

He didn't confront protestors, they confronted him. And paid the price :)

25448553? ago

I believe that's the game plan. Don't look for it, don't start it, but if it comes your way, finish it.

25449082? ago

Exactly what I just discussed with my wife today. I asked her if she could kill someone lol.

25432381? ago

Kyle has bigger balls than any mod on voat.

25430690? ago

Need Key Arrests

25437154? ago

Arrests or GTFO

It's all that matters.

25440398? ago

^^ This. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and not a single arrest.

Remember when Q promised that Hillary and Huma would be in custody soon? Good times!

25440415? ago

Remember when Q said martial law and mass arrests? That shit never happened.

25430713? ago

They are happening hence the feds grabbing people on the streets. Remember the mini van being overwhelmed by feds in Kenosha? Just because you don';'t hear about the results of them doesn't mean nothing is being done. "don't equate silence with nothing being done" Q.

25433251? ago

You are not Q just Jew

25432648? ago

Did you just sign your post Q?

What a faggot. Mod team is obviously compromised.

25433473? ago

Clearly, we should all congregate on thedonald.win

25430572? ago

Silly ones.

He has to say this. The MSM can't distort or spin the statement.

25430552? ago

You still crying your commie fag yids got blasted by Kyle, jew mod?

25430595? ago

I do it just to trigger (((you))).

25432418? ago



25430635? ago

That doesnt even make sense, sorry you are dumber than a nigger and 10x filthier than one, jew.

25430639? ago

It makes perfect sense, here you are.

25430539? ago

Fuck off heeb.

25430494? ago

Uummm. They are coming to murder us and our families and destroy our homes and farms... I will shoot them all in the face as long as I am able. If the president wants me to not confront them then he should put them in metal cages where they will be safe.

25430525? ago

What makes you think they are coming to "murder us and our families and destroy our homes and farms? Clearly state the reason for each.

25432214? ago

It seems people have presented some proof.

25430657? ago

This is enough proof

25430544? ago

Gas yourself kike.

25430542? ago

... BLM and antifa said as much? Did you just crawl out of the jungle or something?

25430272? ago

Yes! Leave it to law enforcement, guys! Trust the plan! Even though law enforcement, nor this administration, has done fuck-all to stop this shit from happening, there is a special plan and it's being secretly implemented behind the scenes! So, don't fight back...stay in your homes and let someone else handle it! And remember to vote for President Trumpstein in Nov!

25432277? ago

There clearly is a plan going on behind the scenes. If you read news from all sources, even the ones you can hardly stand to read, and decipher their comms you will see it.

25433481? ago

The plan to pacify a key fraction of society with vague promises.

25446753? ago

Kyle silences the jew with lead. He is just one of many to come.

25430766? ago

Yes! Leave it to law enforcement, guys! Trust the plan! Even though law enforcement, nor this administration, has done fuck-all to stop this shit from happening, there is a special plan and it's being secretly implemented behind the scenes! So, don't fight back...stay in your homes and let someone else handle it! And remember to vote for President Trumpstein in Nov!

You got me, Biden/Harris 2020 it is then!!!

25431068? ago

You're brainwashed to protect and serve the left/right paradigm. You not worth my time. Goodbye. :D

25507642? ago

And yet you invested your time in a reply.

25507710? ago

Right...to call you idiots out. wtf is your IQ, btw?

25430738? ago

States rights, 10th Amendment, try reading it and understanding it douche.

25431244? ago

The rebublicrat president George W. Bush stated: "the constitution is just a piece of paper", and he was correct. The (((NWO))), and their christian henchmen, operate above and beyond the Constitution.

"Permit me to issue and control a nations money and I care not who writes its laws." ~ Mayer Amschal Rothschild

"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy." ~ Woodrow Wilson

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ~ Woodrow Wilson

Don't ever speak to me about the Constitution again, you backstabbing christian fuck!

25432352? ago

Woodrow Wilson, president from 1913-1921. That's a really interesting quote, he and everyone else knew and we are now just confronting it.

25433528? ago

Exactly...because the backstabbing christians kept it quite for decades, before Wilson "won" the white house. Once he was president he realized that he had been duped...

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." ~ Woodrow Wilson

Think about how many christians have held positions of power and authority in the US government since 1913...thousands of them. And in all these years they didn't know that the jews were taking control of all our most important institutions? Yeah, right! Take the FBI, for example...they can, and frequently do, become aware of the activities of a single individual, like Randy Weaver for example, but they can't detect a massive conspiracy to take over the country involving hundreds of super-wealthy jews? Again: yeah, right!

The christians knew what was happening and they kept it secret so that no one would interfere...now, the jews are so powerful that they probably can't be stopped. Thanks to the backstabbing christians.

25430382? ago

Is it getting harder to juggle your narratives now that they're all converging?

25430229? ago

Amazing how fast the DHS / Police step up to do their job when the people start do to it for them.

25430223? ago

They were defending their property

25430190? ago

Well, lard ass, get up and FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!! Stop these Antifa faggots before the citizens are forced to.

These monkeys all belong in jail.

25434996? ago

Do you even know the word Federalism? President Trump is practicing that. Do you get this?

25430518? ago

... Morgue

25430574? ago

A lot cheaper too.

25430376? ago

You are getting an education on the power structure designed in our constitution. We don't have a king or a dictator. We have freedom and State's rights. Under those rights only the power enumerated in the constitution are given to the Federal Government eg. The Executive Branch. All powers not stated are reserved for the states.

Eg. The governor has the power to do something and if they can't handle it they can call in the National Guard and if that doesn't work they can call for Federal help.

If you are upset then direct your concerns to the appropriate people. Blaming a person who doesn't have the legal power to do something is just ignorance.

Proof that local elections have a great effect on your daily lives than any federal election.

25775569? ago

(((Soros and associates))) Funded DAs, AGs, Mayor, Governors and apparently Hillary. They fund all sorts of ANTI-AMERICAN activities, like RIOTS! This is supposed to be restricted by election laws. But somehow, only US Citizens are burdened by limits on contributions!

Time for a WAR!

25460282? ago


25451640? ago


25440225? ago

Well said

25434727? ago

That's why there is the saying "all elections are local".

25433024? ago

This guy constitutions! Well said.

25432688? ago

We know. So how many more are we supposed to allow die to pay for this lesson?

If Trump sits back while I lose family members then I don't know how he can expect me to sit back.

We are blaming the people with power to do something but they don't care. What happens now?

When is enough enough.

Or are we supposed to default to Trump worship every time we get angry?

25435239? ago

One guy died so far. Are you just as stupid as the left and are going to start a civil war over one guy? This is how the cabal controls everyone. By playing with your emotions and pushing your buttons over stuff that does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

25435726? ago

Are you for real?

1 guy.

You think we're talking about this one event. If you do you're a fucking retard. Probably a kike.

This is the Weimar republic you dumb cunt.

1 guy.

1 kid executed.

1 father and daughter executed.

1 business burned to the ground.

1 raped woman in public.

1 kike cunt engaged in kikery

25433974? ago

Q has been the only source of news coming straight out of the White House for 3 years. It's been proven time and again. That in mind Q has said "Trust the Plan". Q also said the swamp is deep and well entrenched. That being said, if you arrest people and bring them to a corrupt justice system then the high profile crooks get out just like these low profile thugs in Portland, Seattle and Chicago. Trust the plan until we no longer have someone to trust.

25459451? ago

Nobody trust this cucked psyop plan now. Just give up. Go invent some new vague anon to steer the attention may be a better plan at this point.

How about HLA ? I miss this guy with a fetish on space elevator

25448453? ago

Some people lack the ability to extrapolate. If they are releasing the small fry with no charges, you don't think the same will happen if we haul the big fish into court? It's annoying to have to deal with the 'I want it now' crowd who have no patience for what has to be done first.

25433874? ago

Its the demonrats fault ok.

You think Trump is doing nothing?

Get a grip of yourself. Toughen up princess.

25433435? ago

Or are we supposed to default to Trump worship every time we get angry?

Yes, trust the plan. And whatever you do, don't defend your country against Antifa. Let them ransack it. If you fight your enemies, they win.

25432498? ago

This is an education. Not a pleasant one.

It would appear local and federal elections have an equal effect on a citizen's life. If the local government is at odds with the federal government the entire state will suffer and vice versa. Everyone does not play by the same rulebook and until they do things will not improve.

25433216? ago

Again don't you care about the people that have been murdered??

25448477? ago

You think you can save everyone? Your solutions will cost more lives, perhaps even the nation.

25433451? ago

You faggots act like we’re not in a literal war to preserve Freedom.

There will be casualties. Albeit less than the alternative.

Freedom is worth more than my life, your life or the lives of those who have fallen.

25430406? ago

Riddle me this, Batman:

"Why are the Communists, Democrats, Socialists, and Black Supremacists allowed to play dirty and do whatever they want to win while we always follow the rules?"

Sometimes, to win against a cheating opponent, you have to play mean and dirty. Fight fire with fire. Following the rules in a rigged game gets you nowhere.

That's what our forefathers figured out in 1776.

25496621? ago

The answer to your question is, because their sympathizers (or handlers) got voted into office or infiltrated bureacracies. Also they get compromised by blackmail. See the 2015 list of 80+ compromised politicos posted by Q. Also posted somewhere: Tor is a monitored trawling net looking for new people to compromise. Careful!

25455531? ago

Republicans cheat, lie and steal just as much as D's bruv.

25456408? ago

But, at least they're not rioting and burning down cities.

We need to eradicate the Democrat party once and for all.

25446643? ago

The military will be doing the mean and dirty to these faggot in tribunals then at GTMO

25446661? ago

When? Sometime in 2094?

25435009? ago

So sorry you haven't figured out this hypocrisy.

25433973? ago

How is giving the MSM 20 news cycles about how violent Trump supporters are and how innocent ANTIFA are going to help our cause again?

25434002? ago

  1. Identify ALL of your enemies
  2. Remove ALL of your enemies
  3. Give zero fucks what the MSM or your enemies think

25442590? ago

The shills want a race war.

25434035? ago

So you're a checker player. Can't even think to the next day, when the cops bust down your door and you get no bail.

25434060? ago

I'm not saying me, asshole.

I'm saying "society as a whole" --- ALL WHITE MEN -- need to wake up and start realizing who our enemies are.

25442600? ago

bangs drums

Race war race war race war!

I see you, shill faggot. We’re following Q+’s orders, not yours.

25442774? ago

You like niggers and Jews?

Why? What have they done for whites?

25445774? ago

You’re no Q supporter.

25446567? ago

I don't support people who lie to me.

If you promise a bunch of shit and don't deliver, then you're a liar.

25447828? ago

Nice arbitrary timeframe. “It has to be done by right now or else I deem it will never be done!”

25435216? ago

The whole letting BLM/Antifa burning down cities is to snap everyone out of the whole MSM haze. It's the only way to do it. This was supposed to be a big trap to get you and your buddies to be the enemy and make everyone hate conservatives. If you do nothing, everyone hates BLM, the MSM, and Antifa.

25445460? ago

Well said! And...it's working. I'm on social media daily. I have a generic political account on Twitter that I started almost 2 years ago. The tide is now turning. I could give a lot of examples of what I'm observing.

25434072? ago

Try reading some Sun Tzu.

25434081? ago

Yawn. Try making a bigger cliche in QRV.

I'll label it "Qtard Excuse #137"

25434098? ago

Oh, you're hostile toward Q.

Gee I never would have guessed that to be the case.

Guess I should have paid more attention to your glow.

25434122? ago

Stop listening to Jews. They are your enemy.

25434152? ago

Says the glownigger who tells us we aren't violent enough, as a society, except he personally isn't going to do shit.

25434834? ago

Make me POTUS and I'll have this shit sorted out before Friday.

25430511? ago

because we are still winning

25442610? ago

Exactly. We are winning. How is this not obvious?

25430439? ago

When you understand what is actually happening you will understand why Trump doesn't want people to go out confronting these paid thugs from the Democrat Party. Trump never said don't protect yourself or your property..

25438150? ago

What’s actually happening?

25433365? ago

yourself or your

Would it be immoral to protect the property of my girlfriend who lives in another town and is afraid? What about a childhood friend who owns a business in a state nearby?

Why shouldn't we desire to live in a country were people not only protect their own stuff, but each others?

25442532? ago

Because if we go fight them on the streets, we’ll win and antifa will position BIPOC wheelchair cripples right in the action, they’ll get inevitably hurt, and the news will show pictures of how white the alleged attacker is and how far right his views are, and show pictures of the BIPOC wheelchair person trying to take a shit with xir injuries, and the tide of public opinion in this country of retards will turn against us.

Q is walking us along the only narrow winding path to victory. Deviate from the path and we’ll get the civil war we want... so will Russia and China and Mexico. It’d be a dogpile and we’d all lose.

No one is saying that isn’t the society we want to live in. We’re saying for now, while we’re at war, follow your orders. Keep your flashlight off and stay right on the path. We’re not meant to fight here.

25560645? ago

Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

25561944? ago


25468364? ago

Well said. Our time will come.

25470527? ago


To the whining faggots, be glad you’re in America. Some of us are weathering this from Canada or worse.

25472617? ago

It's no accident I live where I live. Very conservative area, a lot of like minded people. I wish those of you in some of these cities the best. I don't know what you're still doing there but I can say the relocation is worth it!

25443405? ago

so will Russia and China and Mexico.

"Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu.

How do you know china and Russia won't prefer us to be soy-boys who turn their own children transgender and let foreigners take over their country without putting up a fight? Wouldn't that be, according to Sun Tzu, supreme excellence?

and the tide of public opinion in this country of retards will turn against us.

Islam made multiple terror attacks in western society. Charlie Hebdo, killing cartoonists over a carricature. Isis. The burning of Cathedrals. 9/11. And not a terror attack yet deserves to be mentioned among this vile: rotherham. The rape of young british children.

Islam is absolutely associated with violence and terror. Everyone knows that. Everyone has seen the pictures in the media.

Yet they are treated well in our society. People are afraid of offending moslems. They welcome them into our countries. Women vote in favor of migration despite. A major political party in the US panders to them.

Perhaps, despite half-heartily condemning it, people respect violence. Everything points to this being true: might makes right. Perhaps we should look at violent groups and ask ourselves if we'd like to be treated similar.

25486625? ago

Almonds activated...

25448316? ago

So, what happened to all the monthly attacks upon the US by the Religion of Peace? Seems they were getting worse and worse. Haven't heard from them lately, wonder why. Could it be because of DJT? Maybe we should let him handle this also without jogging his elbow.

25506811? ago

All C_A false flags

25453129? ago

The travel ban probably helped. Despite anti-trumpers crying about mistreatment of muslims.

Trump is also a leader who portrays strength instead of appeasement.

But you are skillfully missing the point. The point is not to worry about islamic violence, but that despite being associated with violence, Islam is still the fastest growing religion and many americans and europeans are afraid of offending it.

Violence works in their favor. Even the threat of violence is sufficient to make people comply or prevent them from crossing you. The state works by this principle. Whoever told us that violence doesn't work, was lying.

25445767? ago

Your post falsely assumes that following Q’s plan is to surrender to all the above. It isn’t.

25506827? ago

Even your reading the Q posts changes the reality algorithm.

25445909? ago

Have you intentionally avoided the argument that violent groups (and those who are unashamedly racist and sexist), are treated by the mainstream in a more desirable manner?

25446324? ago

So? A race war won’t change that. Following the plan will.

25506844? ago

It depends who wins the race war. As seen with WWII, it is not always clear who wins in the long run.

25507215? ago

WWII was a race war against whites. As was WW1, the Napoleonic wars, and many others.

25446363? ago

You don't know that.

But thanks for acknowledging that violence leads to more desirable treatment by the mainstream.

25471073? ago

It also wakes more people up to the hypocrisy

25432701? ago

Did they look for confrontation in 1776?

25442567? ago

This isn’t 1776, it’s 2019. We’re not crossing the delaware on Christmas, we’re handing President Trump a supermajority plus control of the supreme court on Nov 4.

You want to fight the last war, but that’s also what (((they))) want us to do. I’d rather win again, even if it means a different strategy.

25446074? ago

Trump won in 2016.

Do you feel like we're winning?

25446310? ago

Yes. Do you not?

25446560? ago

Nope. Trump nullified. Zero arrests. A plandemic. Locked down. My access to oxygen restricted. Whites executed in the streets every day. I could go on and on and on and on.

Why do you think we're winning? First term down. Not even close to success. If Trump loses its all over, if he wins well be strung along for another 4 years.

25486662? ago

GTFO with your concern trolling, shilly. I have never witnessed so much good happen in a single presidential term, even with the entire global deep state working overtime to prevent their evil from being undone.

And you, you scumbag little bitch, you carry water for that evil. Better figure that out before you end up against the wall or the rope...

25486933? ago

Or so much bad. Listen to yourself. Hyperventilating. You don't sound like a person who's winning. You sounds like you're trying to convinced yourself.
You didn't even give me an example of this "so much good" you're talking about.

I am more restricted assad put down by the deep state today than 4 years ago. I can't leave my fucking house you fucking simpleton.

I can't leave my house but I have a retard on three internet telling me that this is winning.

You're a non thinking NPC.

No good to anyone. A kike puppet. Carry on.

25954452? ago

It is regrettable that you are being unduly inconvenienced. What did you expect?

I expected thermonuclear devastation shortly after Hillary’s installation, so to me being alive to witness/support the awakening is Quite exciting.

25955444? ago

The Steinglight Plan.

Are you aware of it. Because that's what you are celebrating like a well trained Goyim

25958191? ago

Nice get. I do have low expectations for anything emanating from D.C.

Name calling aside, what did you expect?

25958531? ago

I got exactly what I expected. The Steinlight Plan.

I knew about it I suspected Trump was the lynchpin and it's looking more and more likely.

It's still better than the alternative and buys us time to keep waking up our fellow Goyim brothers and sisters. Hopefully after Trump we can get a real right wing guy. Or at least conservative.

I still like Trump I just acknowledge him as nearly a step in the right-ish direction.

Name calling? What nsmes did I call you? Goyim? If so don't blame me guy, that's their name for you.

25447842? ago

Kek. Imagine being such a hysterical faggot that you actually think the 2020 election could go against trump.

25452674? ago

Imagine being so retarded you draw a conclusion miles off anything I said.

Tell me oh wise one, what difference does it make?

4 more years of pretending.

25457601? ago

It's a marathon, not a sprint. How you could expect victory over night when the enemy is so deeply entrenched and the entire country is so deeply asleep is beyond me.

If you want comfort, consider that if any of us told you four years ago that 30% of republicans would think Q is real and that it actually IS being discussed on all platforms (Q768), you'd probably call me a jewboi or some other inane thing. Thanks to those of us who ignored or enjoyed all this shill abuse, who weathered on through all the years, the fake faggot fucking news has finally reared all its heads on us. And we're fucking ready to take them on, even with one hand tied behind our backs (all the platforms are tilted against us). No question, we're the superior force.

Imagine me saying that four years ago.

Settle your tits. Spread the word. Or enjoy the show. Or keep shillin', nothing can stop what is coming. BUCKLE UP!!

25460548? ago

You are an NPC dude.

You're like a little brainwashed robot on repeat.

How is our battle with Facebook, Google, Twitter etc going?

You're living in la la land wishing and hoping and lying to yourself.

Unwilling to face reality...

Trust the plan..

When is the last time Q said trust the plan?

The plan ran it's course.

When is the last time he said 'elections are safe?

Calling people shills because they are critical thinkers just makes you look like a non thinking fan boy.

Sad really

25954374? ago

either way, we lose

what difference does it make?

the plan ran its course

I know you are frustrated, but damn. You do not sound like a critical thinker during a world war. You sound like a demoralization agent. Pull yourself together.

25506924? ago

Last time elections were safe, Pelosi took the house.

25468383? ago

The thing is, we're still here and bigger than ever. WWG1WGA

25452865? ago

“We didn’t instantly win therefore Trump is one of them”

What lazy, feeble thoughts.

25453887? ago

That's not what I'm saying at all you stupid NPC faggot.

What happens if the plan fails. If the plan begins to fail will you know?

If the plan begins to fail is there a point where you will defend you town and you neighbours and more importantly your family?

Are you too stupid to even think through worst case sceanario? Or are you just worshipping the plan with no thought to what if it doesn't work?

25457550? ago

They're already in checkmate, the plan can't fail. This is just a movie or, from the deep state's perspective, a "game" (as in, want to play one?). Little do the deep state know, the ending of the movie has already been shot and edited in, or the game is unwinnable (hence the reference on Q's part). Basically, Q team won while the deep state didn't even know it was on. Probably (((they))) were busy congratulating themselves on having been born just in time to see the culmination of their ancestors' best laid plans to the point that (((they))) didn't notice or care that those plans had ganged aglee.

If you think back on it, Donald Trump speaking to these issues back in 2012, on twitter, right after declining to run on the basis that the time wasn't right yet, is pretty chilling. I mean, it's not like the cabal can say they weren't warned! Isn't that important to them?

Ha ha ha! Come on man, can you not see the degree of control POTUS and Q have? The fact that we didn't win instantly doesn't mean we won't win. And if we don't, it means one of Q's explicitly named red lines has been crossed, in which case it's martial law and cleanup with prejudice and potential civil war, which we'd win. What other outcome am I missing? How do you possibly imagine us losing at this point?

25507029? ago

The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men

Gang aft agley,



25507152? ago

You found it through my unintentionally mangled misquote. Bravo.

25460473? ago


25460490? ago

Come on man.

You're even using Joe Biden catch phrases.

25435184? ago

And you are going to replace our system of government with what exactly?

25507068? ago

A Trump Imperium - the thousand year Reich that was supposed to happen last time someone had a plan.

25435299? ago

Me no, they are. The Bolsheviks are. And they are willing to kill me and you and our kids to get it. What are you willing to do to prevent them using violence to take down our system of government?

Trust the plan. Let them kill us. We have to let them kill us so they can finally see how evil they are. If they execute enough of us maybe the media will finally report the truth.

So explain to us all why Trump doesn't want us confronting (defending ourselves against) paid antifa Thugs?

  1. Trump can't confront them.
  2. The deep state controlled Governors and Mayors won't confront them.

So who's left to confront them???

17 year olds who are putting out fires and offering care to the enemy at the same time. The type of people you mods seems to have a problem with.

When Trump was asked specifically about Kyle, Trump defended Kyle's actions did he not?

25432575? ago

I think I see a lot of things happening. Maybe it's my imagination or maybe not. Can you give us some confirmation that boots are on the ground?

25434065? ago

Listen to what the democrats and their thugs are complaining about. They themselves are saying their people are getting picked up and never seen again. What bill did they produce in congress last week? They are trying to condem Qanon.

Example: "Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., and Rep. RINO Denver Riggelman, R-Va., said their bill would make it clear the debunked conspiracy theory had no place in the American political mainstream. "

Why would anyone care about a conspiracy theory that does no harm and not condemn ANTIFA and BLM that are out rioting and burning down cities?

Q said 80% would not be made public. If it were public then that would give the demoncrats more fodder for their riots.

Learn to read what's not being said. It's not easy I know.

25435501? ago

I see the reports of the thugs being plucked off the streets. I think there's even more people being disappeared than the msm is reporting, at least reporting openly. If I'm right about what I'm seeing one news agency is reporting the deaths of their comrades covertly in small headlines called Fast Facts. I read an article from some area in Colorado that said they can't account for the number of dead people by corona numbers alone and they were going to investigate why so many people died. Is this the harvest?

25435551? ago

What's the harvest?

25435892? ago


The 'how' will be hard to understand for most.

Focus on the 'why'.

The 'when' is now.


Biblical Times.

25430543? ago


The fact that he has allowed it to go on for 3 months is ridiculous.

The LA Riots lasted what? A week? Bill Clinton shut that shit down quick.


25432251? ago


25431655? ago

Unhinged reaction atypical of a trolling liberal hack

Peek a boo bitch

25431018? ago

youre an idiot... these 3 months have HELPED trump. I am taking no position on the zion or non zion don. But now that trump is a politician, I do expect trump to have every politician's number one priority in mind. That is getting elected.

It helps trump when the average american sees these riots go unprovoked. Further the fact that the dem leaders are not calling for the national guard helps trump more.. because it will escalate enough to the point that they will ask (or if they dont trump will swoop in before election time regardless of the ask, stop the violence, and win... this would be illegeal as OP clearly understands, but you just cant grasp)

To summarize ill put it in the words of Q, as you are on a Q-tard subverse.... “Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”

Fucking retard... bless you patriot but Jesus Christ you are slow

25438168? ago

Yes and no. Lots of people are chalking this (riots, deaths) up to him. Can’t change those minds. They’re hard liners.

25432273? ago

So the dead people are collateral to you ??That's acceptable to you??

25431183? ago

We still haven't seen any high-level arrests for Pizzagate crimes.

When will they locate Seth Rich's murderer?

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

25430884? ago

I really don’t give a fuck what happens. I’m in my safe neighborhood in a red state.

Let the liberals and niggers kill each other. If you’re not armed to protect yourself and are around them, then you’re a dumbass.

Some people want to watch some areas burn, and I’m one of them. Let the voters realize how bad they fucked up. This isn’t my cause.

25432726? ago

The people having their lives burned to the ground, and having their children bashed, murdered or brainwashed, aren't you're cause?

Then America isn't your CAUSE.

25432966? ago

I care about my family, loved ones, and me.

If they’re not in that group, I won’t be doing anything dumb to get thrown in jail.

However, if you come to my town, I will be right there with the rest to make sure niggers don’t go starting shit.

25433076? ago

What if your town is kept for last?

25438156? ago


25438945? ago

Good one

25446627? ago

You glowin hard.

25446734? ago

Oh ffs grow up

25450867? ago

Anyone pushing for violence is outed, asshole. Your comments across this thread are noted.

25453878? ago

Fuck you. Show me where i pushed for violence you moron. We're allowed contemplate what happens if the plan fails you stupid cuck

25467228? ago


25431027? ago

I'm safe too. I just feel bad for Conservatives who live there. It's not their fault. The whole system is fucked and needs one big giant enema.

I remember Trump saying something about "draining the swamp"? Now would be a great time to start.

25433081? ago

Good people in those areas need to put in the work to clean up their community and organize to vote out this scum. Or move.

25430688? ago


Kicking your dad in the dick for raising a twat of a kid.

25431072? ago

Meanwhile.... niggers continue to burn down cities.

Thanks Q! Thanks Trump!

At what point do you wake up and stop waiting for some non-existent plan?

25433122? ago

Not my city. Calm down there Mongo.

25431463? ago

I've never waited one second for some existent or non-existent plan.

It's amazing how much people want Trump to have dictatorial powers. He doesn't. And guess what if he did? The next Hussein Soetoro would also have dictatorial powers.

25430675? ago


Caressing your mommy's melons.

25431083? ago

Another non-answer from a Qtard.

It's what you'd expect.

25431533? ago

Your mommy needs to spit the seeds out when she's done caressing my plum.

25430967? ago

"ARRESTS OR GTFO" fags have become "UPRISING OR GTFO" fags

25430668? ago


Caressing Melania's melons.

25431090? ago

Probably. He sure as hell isn't doing anything to fix the country and get rid of the Democrats.

25430660? ago


Pissing in your Wheaties.

25431100? ago

Heerrrrrrrrr derrrrrrrrr good one Jim Bob!

25431476? ago


25430653? ago


Teabagging your mommy.

25431109? ago

your mommy = America

He sure isn't helping.

25431494? ago

He sure isn't helping.

Gotcha, I guess I'll go vote for Biden now!

25430285? ago


Seriously is he siding with the goblins?

25457821? ago

All 10 of his grand kids are goblins, think of it for a sec

25447356? ago

Your niggers are only burning down their own shitty cities. Eventually they won't have anything left to destroy, and if you send them into patriot towns or suburbs they will get ass fucked royally by gun toting Billy Bob. So you see shills, the game is up with your rioting pets.

25442627? ago

The shills REALLY want their race war

25458105? ago

shoot big noses not blacks, keep it on for a month then world peace achieved

25458874? ago

Yeah that’ll stop the masons, scientologists, ismailis, tantric buddhists, mormons, luciferians, etc.

Instead of going after their golems, Q is going for the capstone.

25459289? ago

masons = scientologists= ismailis = tantric buddhists = mormons = luciferians = jews

25430492? ago

Exactly. Trump pushing the Jew plan: "do nothing". Relax, Goy, the water is fine........ here's a new Q drop!

25430924? ago

Exactly. Trump pushing the Jew plan: "do nothing"

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25433449? ago

The bad kind of autism.

25432302? ago

Acts 7 Jews worship Satan . Love a kike love the devil.

25431004? ago

^^^ The Capslock Kike everyone! Give him a big round of applause!

25429957? ago

Then you better have dhs grab that blm murderer

25472573? ago

Is that the guy who was shot dead yesterday?

25472674? ago

Yes thank God Trump listens to reason and logic

25477099? ago

We’re doing a couple proudboy beat ins this weekend in Portland. Excited to welcome some new brothers to PB!

25809237? ago

Awesome, just swipe right on any patriotic flag you see on Grindr or Scruff.

25477193? ago

I would join or start a chapter in FL

25477214? ago

To join you need to fight Antifa on video. Get a couple guys and do your beat in early. It’s easy to wait on the edge of a protest then ambush a couple stragglers. Good luck Patriot!

25486589? ago

We can see you glowing from orbit, faggot. Your pathetic attempt at stirring division is way too obvious, fool.

25486630? ago

Bye Antifa Transfag!

25438712? ago

DHS = Department of House Slaves

25775115? ago

Department of Homo Sexuals!

25431098? ago

Are you telling potus what to do?

25441566? ago

Lol wut! You tryna suk his dik or sumthin! Lololol

25433152? ago

See how your comment is the problem. Politicians and government employees work for you.

25433851? ago

GEOTUS knows what to do at all times

25441709? ago

Dude bro, there is no such person as geotus. A potus yes, and most probably a jootus/jewtus or even a jQQtus, but not a geotus. He's even admitted to it in one of his rallies last year.

25442466? ago

Whoops, you were right til this post. Now you’re retarded.

25432823? ago

The point is if he can't, we will

25431821? ago

Well, he does work for us, so...

25429951? ago

Let the protestors eat themselves.

25433318? ago

There's innocent people getting hurt you stupid fuck

25457186? ago

That’s not very nice.

25430391? ago

They're eating everyone else.

25429801? ago

Common sense. True.

25429735? ago

It was a great interview.

I wonder why Hidin Biden never takes any questions?

25507874? ago

link svp

25430646? ago

Like when he repeated that two month old facebook rumour that Laura did her best to steer him away from lol

25429797? ago

Love that name! Hiden Biden.

He doesn't take unrehearsed questions because the people that write his answers need time to get the response on the teleprompter.

25430254? ago

Gas the kikes faggot

25431682? ago

Gas the faggots kike

25429769? ago

Because he is not ready for anything except "The Home"