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Ashra ago

I'm SO happy to see this. I work at a liquor store and had a college student buy Rittenhouse whiskey last week. I made mention that it reminded me of Kyle from Kenosha and the dude said "what a Nazi!" I said "...I watched a lot of videos, it really seemed like self defense." The kid just said 'that's crazy' and left. Saw the kid again today and he seemed a lot more talkative rather than closed off (like last time). I do wonder if he actually did his own research after we talked and realized there was more to the story than what he saw on MSM. I'm sure there is a lot of mental gymnastics and difficulties with these kids trying to reconcile truth with what all their peers/teachers are telling them. I hope I reached him a bit, and I will continue to drop red, black, and white pills to all those that come to my work :)

kidcip16 ago

The kikes went into overtime trying to censor the footage of Kyle. I know normies on Faceberg who initially believed the MSM narrative. I sent them the raw footage of what happened - the ones who actually watched it changed their mind and it woke them up that the MSM lies. Faceberg and others ramped up the censorship after that though to limit exposure to the raw footage. Kyle is a great red pill. Even redpilled some of the fags here on QRV when the jew QRV mods went crazy trying to attack Kyle (they still have a fucking sticky saying to be a good goy and not defend yourself against protestors). Remember that QRV was officially sanctioned by Q. Q did massive damage to the truth seeker movement.

Ashra ago

Yes, when people see the real, unedited footage, it is clear that Kyle was protecting himself. I had no idea there was a sticky to not protect yourselves against "peaceful protesters"- that's fucking bullshit. I still don't know what else to think because there have been Qdrops that have made me happy and there have been some that very much disappoint, but to be honest I do not follow enough to be invested. God Bless and keep being awesome <3

NoTrueScotsman ago

I think he's referring to this post which quotes Trump saying not to go out and confront them, but to defend yourself and your neighborhood if necessary.

My take on Q is that Q is probably an op from Trump's team, but they admitted right off that bat that they would include disinfo to throw off enemies following for intel, so I pay casual attention to it and assume any timelines people extrapolate for anything are wrong.