25414043? ago

Is that that faggoty fag from Toronto, The Weekend?

25413996? ago

I am afraid you still are looking at this topic from a low level point of view.

25413940? ago

Yeah well, China now rules California.

25414062? ago

What would happen in Asia, hard labor and castration? Muh-Dick Afro Nigger Rapist Got his Penis Chopped Off By a Chinese Mob? foreign blacks, rape Chinese female students, the angry crowd, brandished a knife and cut off a person's penis https://monsieurcomment.blogspot.com/2016/02/chine-un-africain-viole-une-etudiante.html

25413900? ago

What if national socialists were allowed to take over? Brown shirt nazis would terrorize you instead of brown shits

25413988? ago

I like how the Japanese have a good prison system, it seems their jails are tough, they beat you, put you in a straight jacket, force all these tasks ... seems like the re-offending rate is near zero....but USA? https://voat.co/v/news/4000433/25413463

25413881? ago

Ever read "The Man in The High Castle"?

25414178? ago

Masons were the start of the madness, some sects of Masonry opened the door to allow other nasty groups into the USA. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3999026/25401858

25413719? ago

Except that how bad things are today are the result of Project Paperclip and its crypto-sympathizers.

25413575? ago

Japs owning CA would be better than Chinks like now.

25413564? ago

Obviously it would be awesome for many (obvious) reasons:

-Nigs and jews would be kept in check

-With two of the most community-oriented and technologically innovative cultures on the planet running things, we would have been living like the Jetsons by now.

25413563? ago

Why do Americans still worship shithop, dindoo rioters, rap, and the culture of hoodrat niggers? https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1568352578468.webm

25414061? ago

We don't. (((Media))) does and they do not speak for us.

25414001? ago

US prison system is a money making scam for corrupt guys who build those jails

25414388? ago

The prison system should be completely owned and operated by the state. Should NOT be a profit based business.

25413556? ago

Wakanda Nigger Wanted by NYPD https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1598881250160s.jpg

25414159? ago

Not wanted. Apprehended and released already.

25413539? ago

Another Dindoo

25413552? ago

Why do Negroids like this have this Rapey, Violent strong 'Muh Dik' impulse, do they even think?

25413582? ago

niggers are incapable of thinking