Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See | Hidden Agendas (
submitted 4.5 years ago by 3999026?
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25400211? 4.5 years ago
Some say freemasons are simply clown parasites and will network with weirdos, blackmail people and latch and such onto any other religion or cult that may gain them their own corrupt power, they say freemason started as an idea an old boys club, but like all nasty clubs the Communist club, the Roman Catholic criminal club the Freemason club also became wicked and corrupted. They say some of the rituals link to Jewish mystics, the moslems of Arabia and an old Mystery religion from Babylon brought to Europe when Knights Templar were stuck behind enemy lines and helped by an old cult from arabia, Masonry was brought to Europe then out lawed by French. They fled to Scotland and sooner or later Masonic clubs would arrive in the New Americas. Would the founding fathers be shamed, would founding fathers some of which were Mason connected roll in their graves if they seen all the weird witchcraft and blackmail rituals and twisted pagan gods connetced to Masonry today? Some published their rituals, pray to fakeass gods like Baal & Nimrod? Jabulon, the demiurge and Satanic Luciferians , , , , , , , , , ,
25401858? 4.5 years ago
It looks like nonsense but this post is as info-dense as a Q post.
If you truly want to learn about freemasonry, dig the above, anons.
Don’t forget this essential reading too:
25414182? 4.5 years ago
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25400211? ago
Some say freemasons are simply clown parasites and will network with weirdos, blackmail people and latch and such onto any other religion or cult that may gain them their own corrupt power, they say freemason started as an idea an old boys club, but like all nasty clubs the Communist club, the Roman Catholic criminal club the Freemason club also became wicked and corrupted. They say some of the rituals link to Jewish mystics, the moslems of Arabia and an old Mystery religion from Babylon brought to Europe when Knights Templar were stuck behind enemy lines and helped by an old cult from arabia, Masonry was brought to Europe then out lawed by French. They fled to Scotland and sooner or later Masonic clubs would arrive in the New Americas. Would the founding fathers be shamed, would founding fathers some of which were Mason connected roll in their graves if they seen all the weird witchcraft and blackmail rituals and twisted pagan gods connetced to Masonry today? Some published their rituals, pray to fakeass gods like Baal & Nimrod? Jabulon, the demiurge and Satanic Luciferians , , , , , , , , , ,
25401858? ago
It looks like nonsense but this post is as info-dense as a Q post.
If you truly want to learn about freemasonry, dig the above, anons.
Don’t forget this essential reading too:
25414182? ago
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