25427600? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4001876/25426690

25404103? ago

Hiram Abif is burning in hell.

25411795? ago

watch out for corrupt judges https://voat.co/v/QRV/3954477/24993703

25404073? ago

More Satan worship the higher they go!

It's a totally pagan system even at the lower ranks. No true Christian would even accept their doctrines or go along with their rituals, despite all the claims of it being merely a community do-gooder operation at the public lower levels. Even a staunchly moral atheist would balk and leave after seeing the nonsense and creepiness that comes with advancement.

If you know a low level freemason, watch their eyes. Demonic giveaways in their eyes. You can literally see the darkness. That's what comes of rejecting the truth and standing WITH the darkness for long enough.

25770050? ago

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25406486? ago

You are spot on. Most Christians don't know their bibles so they are easy pray for Satan. So many red flags should be going off in a Christians head the moment they are invited to a mason meeting.

25402417? ago

Mystery Babylon by Bill Cooper devles into this.

25411799? ago

Who runs what on the pyramid scheme https://voat.co/v/QRV/3999398/25403992

25401083? ago

They certainly are not Christians.

25400794? ago

Q says this is Biblical.

were the Freemasons in the Bible?

Did the Freemasons kill Jesus?

25403403? ago

Watch the video and find out.

25404920? ago

sorry, I don't have 1.5 hours for a (((discovery channel))) video.

maybe you could just answer the question?

25401782? ago

“Only jesus and the jews are in this movie because Q said ‘this is biblical’ you guys!”

Fuckin lazy shit.

25400763? ago

They do, many don't know who they actually serve cause your not let in on that knowledge until you get higher on the totem pole but they do. My husband was a mason till they wanted to make him 3rd degree and they wanted him to do some shit he refused to do and he got out. He was also at one point a rosicrucian and he spent a whole lot of time in their libraries which is how he found out they serve satan and he got out of that - this was after the mason crap.

25403420? ago

Rosicrucians worship satan as well. Of course they Lucifer but it's all the same, light side or dark side.

25401820? ago

Rosicrucianism is crypto lucifer worship disguised as explicit christianity.

25401910? ago

No, they don't identify as Christian at all, but they don't deny the religion either. They are more gnosticism as their most valued attribute is to be at a higher level of knowledge than all others. From my understanding of it anyway, thats how he explained it to me. A large part of his life was in rosicrucianism and he went into things like astro-projection and what not. A lot of learning, gaining knowledge etc, especially stuff from old times.

Edited: But yes, they are satan worshipers (quietly) one would not know this unless they delve into their books.

25401997? ago

To an outsider, they could easily present as christian. Even much of their writings are apparently Christian. It’s camoflage :)

But yes, scratch the surface and it’s all reincarnation and other middle eastern mysticism including devil worship.

25411776? ago

25413942? ago

But our resident freemason says he knows a freemason who is a great guy.

25400689? ago

If they were as powerful as they say, why don't they stop pedos? Because they ARE the pedos, the light they seek is Lucifer. Wake up.

25400543? ago

What the fuck are you talking about Free Masons for? This is bullshit meant to make our cause against Jews look ridiculous. Stupid conspiracy theory bullshit.

You know what, I'm sorry. Please tell me more about how extraterrestrial lizard people are conspiring with Free Masons to ruin our nation.

25403467? ago

Watch the video.

25403466? ago

Take a look at some of the chapters in this book, and you will realize the (((problem))) of Freemasonry:

Freemasonry and Judaism: Secret Powers Behind Revolution


25401830? ago

You seem emotional. Do you travel, brother? From east to west?

25402390? ago

What are you even on about? You're making a mockery of our opposition to the Jews, globalism, and their nigger bioweapons by buying into the delusional mysticism shit.

25403262? ago

You’re making us look like a bunch of retarded nazi wind up soldiers, mechanically bound to chase (((their))) golem, the talmudic jews.

It’s bigger than the jews.

25400785? ago


these shills are obviously trying to deflect from the real (((issue))).

25400670? ago

Many masons are getting arrested now for trafficking, murder and pedophile crimes.

25400658? ago

Freemasons just have organizations everywhere. The grand Lodge is just Jewish. They just take a brotherly oath that encourages them to let each other skirt the law. They just help each other it isn't nepotism. Kys mason

25400990? ago

I'm not a Mason, you tard. I just know that every scumbag in media and politics is very blatantly Jewish. I see nothing about Masons so I couldn't care less about them. How about we deal with that issue once we've managed to do at least a single thing about the more obvious one?

25402636? ago

Masons are the dogs of the jews. They are the whites that act on behalf of the jews.

25401837? ago

Q 1630-1633

25400535? ago

They worship Jah-Bul-On, Bul is short for Baal, I don't know what the other two demons are.

25400712? ago

Yahweh, Baal, and Osiris I think

25400517? ago

ThanQ, just wached some of it and realised why yesterday the People in Berline chanted a lot:

"We are the Souvereign", at 34:22 clearly visible, 33 degree = "sovereign grand inspector general"

Is Merkel part of (((their))) masonic cabal?

Can't immagine her to be 33 degree, lacks completely the intelligence needed!

(((they))) are DOOMED - FBI Vault released "protocols of the elders of zion"


25400887? ago

baahaaa haaa... That was just great! The FBI twatts the protocols and everyone screams its fake its fake! All one has to do is READ IT and go hmmm... hmmm... ALL that shit in this is happening or has already happened! Maybe that means its REAL! People are so stupid.

25402205? ago

For us Anons is a good thing it was officially released by the FBI, BOOM!

The normien can read the history book in 10 to 20 years!


25402152? ago

sure moshu, your (((masters))) are DOOMED, so are (((you)))



25400355? ago

You know I know a couple of guys that are Freemasons. They had older family that got them into the Masons.

These guys are as Christian as they come in fact a lot more so than I am.

Every time I see the stuff about Free Masons my experience with Masons says this is the fucking jew trying to project their evil onto someone else, which is exactly what the jew has done repeatedly down through all recorded history.

25403508? ago

Watch the video to understand. Most Freemasons don't know about the Freemasons if they are lower rung people. When you understand how it works it will wake you up to a lot of other organizations that use the same compartmentalization strategy.

25401673? ago

There is always this one faggot who’s like “well I know a mason and he’s nice as can be so they all are.”

Defective thinking like that goes on plebbit. Decalcify your pineal gland and stop eating paint chips before you post here.

If you want to learn about the masons, read. There’s a chapter specifically on them, but you’ll want to read the whole thing for context. Masons are one of the illuminati cults, the symbolism and initiation is a dead giveaway. Their rites are crypto lucifer worship that arose in a time in England when you could be tortured to death for holding the wrong beliefs. Their goal for us is communism under a united religion and government with a dynastic leader (a circumstance which, to them, would be like having eaten the apple but remained in the garden of eden).

You remind me of those retarded hormone-driven creatures who go to Shanghai and see hot girls and the semblance of a normal society and declare on that basis that China is our friend. You fell for the propaganda. Now dig deeper. Masons are, without exception, evil or ignorant.

25404219? ago

There is always a bunch of fucking jews trying sell you some scapegoat for their fuckery. Kind of like all the Nazi bad shit, Holohoax bad shit, and jew the victim shit. Keep on sucking it up. I don't give a fuck. I don't intend to buy in, because ever since I woke up twenty years so so back under every fucking rock I turn over I find a fucking KIKE not a Mason.

25405105? ago

Are you retarded? Read what Hitler had to say on masons. Good grief, you’re the worst nazi yet!

25405138? ago

You are a good little jew. To bad Hitler missed your parents.

25401559? ago

Your friends are on the lower tiers on freemasonry then.

Freemasonry is crypto lucifer worship. Nothing about masonry is Christian, but they accept nominal Christians and others into their ranks. Advancement from that point is based on the higher degrees, who promote those showing promise.

Another group you’ll want to read up on are rosicrucians. These are also crypto luciferians, but their worship is literally disguised as Christian worship. They learned that trick from the Ismailis, who are NOT Muslim, during the Crusades.

25401494? ago

The lower level masons are oblivious to the higher ups. It's very possible to be a Christian, or any other religion for that matter, but they will never become a 33 degree mason. It's highly doubtful they will ever even make into the twenties.

I seen an interview with a young lady who's father and grandfather are 32 degree masons who claim that they don't know what a 33 mason does. It's that secret. Nobody climbs the ladder unless they sell their soul to satan.

25403278? ago

‘The Killing of the King’ is a Masonic ritual, dating back to the murder of Hiram Abiff in King Solomon’s Temple in Masonic legend. Since then, the forces of darkness in all their various guises have used similar ritualised murders to dispose of their enemies, all down the ages. The assassination of JFK was one such episode.

“Masonry does not believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination it went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act of theirs correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of the King.”

James Shelby Downard

‘The Killing of the King’ – An Ancient Masonic Ritual http://falsificationofhistory.co.uk/geopolitics/the-killing-of-the-king-an-ancient-masonic-ritual/

25401563? ago

If only the 33 degree Masons are the Satan worshipping evil ones, and the rest of the group doesn't know what is going on that still re-enforces my opinion that the jews are purposely pointing the finger at someone else as a scapegoat for their evil deeds.

One level of the pyramid doesn't exert that much power over the whole thing when the lower ranks when the lower ranks are Christian. I still believe this shit is jew misdirection and misinformation, and in my long life no experience has shown otherwise. In fact until I got into this shill riddled forum, I had never heard or seen these accusations against the Masons. The most I would have said of them is they are a secretive group, and the ones I know are far to muh 'chosen' minded to suit me. They are the old generation indoctrinated by mom that the jews are God's chosen people just like I was before I threw that indoctrination out the window and woke up to the jew.

25401462? ago

You can be whatever you want as a freemason, theyre still just the goyim division of the Jews

25400798? ago

I see a lot of them with their secret clique, lower level ones are not allowed to be patriots for instance, once when I greeted one with "Hi patriot, what's up!" for the third time, he replied "let's meet outside in a dark street". Must add it's west-germany here, the people are indoctrinated to an unspeakable level :-(

Some of them use pervert language and gestures between each other, they stopped though when I told them "enough with this perversions of yours!"

It's funny how much more visible their network gets when one learnes about this stuff!

25401573? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall. They can’t even help themselves, they have to feel superior and have a hidden inside joke. They cannot help but signal their existence and luciferianism to one another.

25400685? ago

Correct, they are intentionally mislead to believe modern Freemasonry is compatible with Christianity. They are being fooled

25400387? ago

That is my experience exactly. The masons I know don't even use profanity.

25400553? ago

There are a lot of masons who are good souls who do good works, they are mostly on the lower orders. But as for the ones at the top of the tree...

25400578? ago

So you know about the top but they don't.... OK.

25401594? ago

And you do?

What reading have you done on freemasonry? Who runs the organization? Do they take a blood oath of contumacy to this anonymous leadership? Is that wise?

25401752? ago

I'm not the one claiming to know. You are. Despite the fact that I know several who are good people and love the organization. Somehow you know and they don't, despite attending all the meetings in various orgs for decades.

25401890? ago

Who runs it?

25400693? ago


25400659? ago

Yup its been exposed, pedophile judges, murder, rapists and human traffickers. Ask the guys on the pizzagate forum of voat, Buffalo News broke a story about Masonic Shriners and Freemason Jesters, one story involving New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills, Erie County, NY Deputy Michael Lesinski, Lockport, NY Police Captain John Trowbridge and New York State Law Clerk Michael Stebick participating in a human trafficking operation, disgusting Lucifierian Satanic Pedophile shit. a human trafficking task force learned that Buffalo members took prostitutes—some of them illegal aliens — to Jesters weekend gatherings, known as “books.” The FBI's human trafficking sting caught two other Jesters besides Judge Tills. They are former police captain John Trowbridge and former prosecutor for the Erie County district attorney's office, former New York State Supreme Court law clerk and former Impresario of the Jesters Buffalo.

25400789? ago

Comey is a jester BTW. He is evil.

25400512? ago

A front for some, polite and smiles like Prince Andrew but Satanic shit underneath. Some say starting around 900 AD knowing Europe, Khazarian and Jihadi islamist and Babylon history. Mohammed was a war mongering pedophile that prayed to an islamic Moongod, this Moongod had connections to Iran, Egypt and India, the pedophile terrorist prophet Mohammed was unable to read or write, he needed others to write his texts, has been taught by catholic scholars and helped writing the Quran. In more recent times - There was a Plane Crash - link via pilot to St JUDES Childrens Research Hospital - The former Orlando leader of the Bahia Shrine in Central Florida was found guilty of one count of distributing child pornography under a plea agreement. https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2019/10/18/bahia-shrine-s-ex-leader-found-guilty-in-child-porn-case The Shriners are Gnostics? Sufism was the Eastern parent of Freemasonry according to Sir Richard Burton biography. St. Louis has their very own Masonic branch called the Moolah Shriners. Their original temple, the Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine (3821 Lindell Blvd, built in 1912), is just a block away from two other large and impressive masonic temples built NEXT DOOR to one another, the Scottish Rite Cathedral (3633 Lindell Blvd, 1924) and the New Masonic Temple (3681 Lindell Blvd, 1926)--all three of which are in smack dab in the middle of the SLU's campus. now why would a "Catholic" (Jesuit) University allow 3 Masonic temples to be built on its campus? ARE SHRINERS HELPING CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS TO ACCESS DRUGGED CHILDREN? The founder of St. Jude was actor Danny Thomas--a Shriner: http://www.araratshrine.com/history/famous/dannythomas/ Smith’s husband has between $250,000 and $500,0000 invested in Abbott, which marketed OxyContin until 2002. The painkiller has been blamed for escalating the addiction crisis that has left more than 340,000 Americans dead since 2000. But Archie Smith only acquired the stock last year, well after Abbott Labs quit marketing OxyContin and had divested it’s involvement with the painkiller Vicodin in 2013. He received the stock when Abbott took over Minnesota-based St. Jude Medical Center last year, which he had initially invested in, Smith’s campaign said. ...what do Shriners pray to? Those brother party clubs in College, the girls rituals at University, get more attention on SOCIETIES....what are clubs like 'Skull and Bones'...why do they use the same babylon rituals? Some say they are BEHIND IT ALL

25400765? ago

intersting post,

and you mean (((they))) are behind it all?

25400303? ago

What do you think Lucifer means to them?

25400409? ago

Some werido masons seem to link Satanism Luciferian Babylon star crap as some kind of fallen angel, they mixed up a bunch of other stupidity and crap history from pedo cults in Egypt, India, Greece and Babylon. There is a Phosphorus morning star, Venus also said to be a 'star' not a planet, some faggot name from Greek times is also used Heosphorus, meaning "Dawn-Bringer". Some like the kike Albert Pike 33° would pray to Sirius the dog star, at one time they tried to use the dog star to track the movement of the Nile in Ancient Egypt the symbol of star Sirius glitters in some mason lodges and some weirdos pray to it. It should be noted that today scienists have a much better understanding of stars and planets and galaxies today than people hundreds of years ago did. Not all Masons are criminal weirdos but many perverted Mason weirdos have also been arrested in recent times do very strange stuff.

25400465? ago

I think you're overcomplicating things.

Think gnosticsm.

They think the world was made imperfect by an imperfect being and through their organization and math and science that they bring down through their intellect they will correct the imperfections of the world an transcend mortality. Think rough ashlar. The Lodge of Perfection. They think they are gods. They don't sit around and "worship Lucifer" like Christians worship God.

25402650? ago

They always claim to travel east however, seeking the light of lucifer. What a messed up crock of shit these people are involved in.

25411781? ago

25400589? ago

Jesus said we are Gods.

25400847? ago

If you think you are a god then go create a universe, heal a sick person, and walk on water.

25400813? ago

gods - little g. difference. He wasn't saying we are Gods as in the God who created all things. Look at it in context also.

John 10:34-38 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

Speaking about another scripture in the OT

Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

25400315? ago

Watch the video. This guy put a lot of time in researching all this. Everyone wants things handed to them.

25400563? ago

What is his name so i can search for him?

25400211? ago

Some say freemasons are simply clown parasites and will network with weirdos, blackmail people and latch and such onto any other religion or cult that may gain them their own corrupt power, they say freemason started as an idea an old boys club, but like all nasty clubs the Communist club, the Roman Catholic criminal club the Freemason club also became wicked and corrupted. They say some of the rituals link to Jewish mystics, the moslems of Arabia and an old Mystery religion from Babylon brought to Europe when Knights Templar were stuck behind enemy lines and helped by an old cult from arabia, Masonry was brought to Europe then out lawed by French. They fled to Scotland and sooner or later Masonic clubs would arrive in the New Americas. Would the founding fathers be shamed, would founding fathers some of which were Mason connected roll in their graves if they seen all the weird witchcraft and blackmail rituals and twisted pagan gods connetced to Masonry today? Some published their rituals, pray to fakeass gods like Baal & Nimrod? Jabulon, the demiurge and Satanic Luciferians https://www.octoldit.info/the-god-of-freemasonry-exposed , https://www.christianforums.com/threads/is-freemasonry-compatible-with-christianity.1182348/page-7 , http://www.evilyoshida.com/thread-1856.html , https://humansarefree.com/2018/02/exposing-the-god-of-freemasonry.html , https://gnosticwarrior.com/yaldabaoth.html , https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica2/sociopol_masonsknightstemplar23.htm , https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/masonicdiscussionatthelodgeroom/jahbulon-the-masonic-god-t959.html , https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/02/10/god-freemasonry-exposed/ , http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread162317/pg1 , https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/02/the-god-of-freemasonry-exposed/ , http://www.thefleece.org/archive/fleece/jahbulon.html

25401858? ago

It looks like nonsense but this post is as info-dense as a Q post.

If you truly want to learn about freemasonry, dig the above, anons.

Don’t forget this essential reading too: https://archive.org/download/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/mystery_babylon_transcribed.pdf

25414182? ago

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25400018? ago

Freemasonry is jewish owned and controlled through and through ao ofcourse they worship satan.

25403103? ago

“Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

"The above is an exact quote by Harold Wallace Rosenthal, the top Administrative Assistant to Senator Jacob Javits from New York. Mr. Rosenthal had stated publicly that Jews will completely dominate the entire world and that now they control every facet of political life in the United States of America and all forms of communication media."

The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview By Charles A. Weisman, The Jews Hidden Tyranny Plans (Please Share)


25403200? ago

Good form, Teddy. Good form.

25400141? ago

Watch the video and discover who really runs what. This guy has done more research than anyone and all his references are posted.

25411791? ago

Some are psycho and crazy? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3954488/24993627

25400185? ago

Its the jews. Learn history and read your bible. Get off youtube dummy.

25400302? ago

Your arrogance is revealing.

25400400? ago

Gas yourself kike

25403525? ago

That's just nasty satan.

25400282? ago

What is the 'Grotto', Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm seems very Iranian islamic others might seem Sunni islamic, you have weirdo lesbian homosexuality links in the female Rainbow Girls and it links to college sisterhoods, linked to Egypt the so called mystic old boys club the Rose Cross, also in Europe Swedish Rite and what are Shriner Masons? and also under ground orders in India, Pakistan, the Philippines that pray to a Baphomet. Saying 'Jews' might overlook the weird atheist and luciferian satanism links, it might be an over simplification, there are Job's Daughters who hunt for Young ladies from 10 yrs and A.J.E.F., Asociacion de Jovenes Esperanza who pray to a Q serpent in Mexico city? There is also the Organization of Triangles that also look for kids and pray to that Pyramid with a Burning Eye like something out of Lord of the Rings.

25400910? ago

Queen of england is also a jew LOL

25400134? ago

Many different sects of Masonry, its like there a many different political sects of commies, or many different terrorist groups from islam, there are also many different masons, the Shriners for example do old islamist rituals and pray to a Moongod named Al-Lah. Others in royal sects of masonry pray to a three headed tentacle lovecraftish creature called jahbaalon, the 'Eastern-Star' is one of the female masonic branches and they pray to a pentagram. the Shriners and 'Jesters' have been arrested doing weird criminal pedo shit.

25401767? ago

They learned the crypto lucifer worship from the Ismailis, who are similar to the rosicrucians in that they exoterically practice islam but esoterically worship satan.

25400417? ago

No they don't. They pray only to almighty God. One God.

25409074? ago

Driving around far from my home, I saw a sign with a Masonic logo and a pentagram with something written in each part of the pentagram. Arcana lodge this way it said. I’ve also seen some pretty other crazy cult shit/ mason lodges signs. Sometimes you have to use binoculars to see the engraving In stones around the tops of old lodges.

Weird shit yo.

25400597? ago

They pray to Mahomet, https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko the English Masonic house went to war with the Dutch mnasonic house, killed their own White Europe cousins and brothers in the Second Boer war and put Whites into concentration camps ...One heathen sect fighting another...Mason symbolism at the Ceremony?? When these cousins, aunties and uncles fight ... thousands sometimes millions go die for them? rumors Killer Clown mass murdering serial killer John Wayne Gacy was part of the Loyal Order of Moose and found in his wallet 'order of moose' card. One old club in Egypt connects to the death of Bobby Kennedy? The guy, he was stabbed in jail recently. Many massive temples as big as basball and football stadiums, underground entertainment and tunnels, this is in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. It was built in 1907 but after the 911 attacks they started to lose money? https://www.bitchute.com/video/MQTnS3EDnG0D

25400115? ago

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25399824? ago

https://invidious.tube/0Q18iSz6mus :

Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See | Hidden Agendas - YouTube

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