25371254? ago

@crensch is a shit mod aswell the bastard banned me from GA over an argument in a different sub, so as long as GA has that fag as a mod I'll pass.

25370547? ago

I was thrown off of there for merely disagreeing with a Q post as were all on just one thread. I counted 7. No cursing or trolling - Over-the-top mods. I won't give those ultra-orthodox Q-tards clicks.

I said that they were emptying the place out with out of control censorship and I was right, traffic was way over there last time I looked.

25370479? ago

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

25369808? ago

See you there, patriot!

25369768? ago

This is a divison op and we see through it. The divison fags are like 12 year olds. Thinking we are gonna fall for that immature garbage.

And stop picking your nose then eatting cheetos. Your nose is orange. 😄

25369735? ago

You’re a faggot, and from what I have seen on here Crensch is too; and he’s alleged to be a CP poster. The other guy doesn’t actually seem to do much Q research or digging, he just says shit about jews which I like but it useless. He also calls for violence. You’re all probably jew faggots salivating at your current opportunity.

25369481? ago

i thought both boards agreed to operate alongside. why do you seek further division?

25369792? ago

Divison op. Most of the comments are sock pupoets.

25369896? ago

one group attacked our board, the other takes in q followers, how convenient.

25379714? ago

It wasnt great awakening. SBBH comes to mind.

25369545? ago

look at the upvote to downvoat ratio on the QRV sticky

my post is an absolutely milquetoast criticism compared to that

25369438? ago

Be careful who you follow.

25369749? ago

join v/greatawakening if that's what you want. i trust and prefer qrv

25369337? ago

The QRV sticky is something you'd expect of v/GreatAwakening mods. Their ego has always come before the Q movenment. They destroyed QRV, their own subverse and Voat. The QAnon movement's home is Twitter. Voat couldn't be less significant to the QAnon movement.

25369555? ago

lol twitter

the platform that banned 60 000 Qanon accounts in one day. Thats the 'home' of Q ?

try again

25369268? ago

GreatAwakening is controlled opposition SBBH bullshit.

25376613? ago

For anyone wondering about the connections to the area including Racine (the city immediately north of Kenosha), this was posted on Reddit -

these are from Voat: - "Racine is the most targeted, threatened, censored and banned of all topics regarding Pizzagate. Donald Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine with Paul Ryan and families of Luciferian pedophiles directly connected with the real definition and hub of Pizzagate, NXIVM, Knights of Pythias and Malta, the Sphinx Head Society, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, Council of 13, Jesters, Shriners, Odd Fellows, Elk, Moose, Dutch Brotherhood, Sons of Norway, Freemasons, SOBIB, Black Nobility, Pilgrims Society, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, CATO Institute, Center for American Progress, Bilderberg, Illuminati, Unitarianism, Scientology, OTO, FLDS, Majestic 12, I-94 Project and the numerous other layers involved. Racine means Root and is the model for Agenda 21 and 2030."

  • "The recent Wisconsin election was rigged to pass a billion dollar referendum connected with community healthcare. Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer, both which play an important role in the foundation of the community. The Bauer family has ties to Weinstein, Emanuels, Podestas, Clintons, Scientology, the DNC and vampires."

  • "* The Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons. They have unlimited resources and will stop at nothing to eliminate any opposition. They and the other most powerful families in America and around the world meet at Wingspread. The Clintons, Bushes, Podestas, Emanuels, and even Trump all work for the same Masters with wealth beyond what you can imagine. Warren Buffett, Epstein, Branson, Ron Burkle, Guy Oseary, Peter Thiel and many others manage various investments in the chain. Through their networks, they control every industry, and infiltrate every community to know every angle imaginable. The Hotel and Technology industries in particular are targeted to ensure full surveillance and control across every community. Education and labor reform are keys to their global programs, as they monitor every aspect of life possible. Everything is compartmentalized, however some people find out too much. There was a long series that targeted @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and led to many death threats that were ultimately acted upon in real life. Jenny Moore was also targeted, threatened and killed after finding The Truth in Racine."

  • "A man named Jeff Neubauer, the brother of Kristin Bauer van Straten, is supposedly the one who is going to be in control of this 1 billion dollars. They are a branch of the Rothschild family. They are grooming a young Russian adoptee to be the mayor for 2030. This mans name is Trevor Jung. The real Agenda is Eternal Enslavement with the most prominent scientists and institutions involved. This is a key element to Epstein’s blackmail operations."

  • "SenateAnon was the Anon before Q began and one of the last things they said was "keep digging into Racine"

  • Art in Embassies did begin with companies out of Racine, Wisconsin.

  • Jenny Moore did make her last post about Racine, Wisconsin and was killed - @Jem777

  • @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt was targeted with a long series full of lies and was threatened

  • George Webb Sweigert did go to Racine and claimed to have met Jesus Christ, and got into a fight with Jenny before she died.

  • The moderators did slander Jenny after she died, and banned others who questioned them and knew Jenny personally.

  • Water is one of the most important resources and closely connected to Racine and the past mayors who resigned amid allegations of extreme corruption.

  • Sustainability is the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.

  • Sustainable Racine was a model used for the UN Agenda and connected to the Earth Summit.

  • The World Core Curriculum was established at a meeting in Racine, Wisconsin.

  • Racine is a main avenue for trafficking and one of the model Sanctuary cities.

  • The Clintons model for Community Policing is Racine, Wisconsin.

  • The Knights of Pythias are closely connected to Racine and the Boy Scouts.

  • The Rockefellers do own the patent to the Zika virus, and the Johnsons did benefit from the outbreak.

  • The Johnsons are closely connected to Brazil and other areas of the outbreak, exploitation and

  • The Rothschilds are close business partners and connected to Racine and Wisconsin.

  • The NXIVM doctor also practiced close to Racine in addition to New York.

  • There is a young Russian adoptee being groomed as the next mayor.

  • Paul Ryan was alleged to be involved in the Tarmac meeting by the pilot who was allegedly murdered.

  • The Podestas did admit to getting a big break into art and politics in Racine, Wisconsin.

  • Robert Byrd was a member of KKK and a close mentor to Hillary Clinton.

  • The Clintons did appoint Johnson to the President's Council on Sustainable Development.

  • Warren Buffett does control all of the newspapers in the area.

  • The founder of Rotary is from Racine, Wisconsin.

  • Seth Rich did go to camp in Wisconsin and worked with the Emanuels.

  • Trump did make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine, Wisconsin.

  • Paul Ryan did suddenly resign and the last mayors and other officials also resigned, including one arrested for child sex crimes.

  • The Deal was signed at SC Johnson - who admitted to raping and abusing his own daughter?

  • Many other executives at Cargill, DuPont and other partners were involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse.

  • Mitt Romney did partner with Paul Ryan to run for President and was named after the quarterback of Racine's NFL team.

  • Jared Kushner did correct Kanye West about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World.

  • There are incredible ancient discoveries unique to Wisconsin. Racine has extremely close connections to the United Nations. There is so much more None of You Know. Here are more from @TrustTheTruth Racine is America's Bellwether - the key predictor for the nation, where the most powerful Boy Scout in Congress reigned.

  • Paul Ryan is part of a cycle of abuse and global criminal coverups linked through the political and economic engine of America and The World. Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, and the pilot was also murdered. I-94 is a major trafficking route, and Racine exposes the real agenda and true definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

  • Racine, Wisconsin is the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within the elite clubs and societies that have an Agenda for Eugenics and Eternal Enslavement."

  • "Some of the earliest deaths were in Racine journaltimes.com/news/local/mother-anguished-after-teenage-son-s-vaping-death/article_c8ee16ec-9dfb-5e38-8def-4ae2225e450a.html"

  • "The "8th Wonder of the World" is at the Foxconn plant currently being built in Racine, Wisconsin. They are building a quantum "water computer" in secret at this plant, using 7 million gallons of water per day from the Great Lakes. news.stanford.edu/2015/06/08/computer-water-drops-060815/ Integrating a quantum computer with long-existing tech, such as this, which allows a computer to read thoughts by analyzing brain waves, www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/US_Patented_Mind_Control/US6587729.pdf would allow for a complete mind control grid that could read and analyze the thoughts of millions of people simultaneously in real time. Basically, the movie Minority Report becomes reality."

  • "Mayer Amschel Rothschilds real name was Bauer. A branch of the Bauer line, the Neubauers, play an extremely influential role in Racine, Wisconsin. They control the education system and the Judiciary in Racine, and conveniently own trucking companies that supply "janitorial supplies". The Racine-born actress Kristin Bauer van Straten who starred in True Blood is the most famous member of this family. She almost exclusively plays vampire and witch-type roles.


Relationships: Jill Neubauer — Sister

Abri van Straten — Husband

Ralph Neubauer — Father

Sara Neubauer — Mother

Jeff Neubauer — Brother


Jeff Neubauer also served as Bill Clinton's campaign manager for Wisconsin in both 1992 and 1996."

from 4chan: imgur.com/a/5hZmBPn

from Reddit: old.reddit.com/r/PedoGate/comments/g4znus/i_was_reading_about_racine_wisconsin_corruption/

A looot more info here: searchvoat.co/?st=comments&t=racine+wisconsin&p=3

25382372? ago

^^^^^^ SHILL

The mod logs don't show anything of value is being censored.

I'm sorry you are a retarded Jew cock sucker.

Go back to GreatAwakening.

25369287? ago


we have banned everyone who contributes at SBBH, and their endless sock puppets, from GreatAwakening (for which we get called control freaks and censorious)

there's no way to win against kafkatraps

25369296? ago

SBBH even designed you CSS, you filthy kike.

25369103? ago

Are you jews like the qrv fag mods obviously are?

25369107? ago

as i said in the post. Look though our comment and submission history and you can judge for yourself

25369079? ago

controll freaks in the board.

25369100? ago

yep. A position we were forced into by pedojew niggerfaggots

25369121? ago

If I can hate jews and say niggerfaggot on your board I'm in. I find Q interesting but the Qtards here are insufferable.

25369252? ago

well we dont ban people for using those terms in and of themselves. Use them meself occasionally

but if you consistently conduct yourself in a way that makes me think youre trying to scare civnats away from the Q movement, you might experience some repercussions

25369054? ago

Skeptical goats allowed or will we get that "omg you must be a jew for not buying in 100%" bullshit?

25376767? ago

He is taking about Srayzie and Shizy who were openly blackmailing, doxxing, attacking, gangstalking and threatening users. They also used alts while banning and accusing others of using alts. Crensch also made death threats against users. Some of the users who were threatened ended up dead. Racine is the most censored and banned topic of all on Pizzagate and GreatAwakening for a reason.

The Truth has been shared about Racine since The Beginning. What is happening now in Kenosha and Racine? Why is the entire election “all riding on Wisconsin” (Nancy Pelosi) where Racine is the bellwether?

Racine is the real “root” and model for the agenda of Eternal Enslavement and the Mark of hte Beast.

25369092? ago

depends on your level of skepticism

if you're there, skeptical but in good faith, no problem

if you're anti-Q, anti Trump and are just there to fuck everyone else's shit up, we reserve the right to ban

which is how we've had to run it since the original owner was doxxed with pedo death threats upon her children

25369052? ago

What a cluster fuck that is. Just had a 10 minute chuckle over the comments.
