25376064? ago

The "imagine" phrasing is a hallmark of leftest propaganda as well.

25376060? ago

Now can we ban @ClickClick he's a Jew too.

25374363? ago

What I want to know is where are the other mods? And why aren’t they taking this cunt down?

25374349? ago

Like JFK said infiltration instead of invasion

25374288? ago

Fuck this Reddit-tier drama. Mod was wrong and complainers won't let up on it. Too many of you act like Q is your special little club. Q has become your personality and it's pathetic. God forbid someone got curious today, set out for information, and stumbled upon this R/awww bullshit. Trolls and shills aside, if you're hung up on this shit, you're garbage.

25373457? ago

No mod. No mod at all.

25373298? ago

The Tiny Hat kind.

25372540? ago

it's the jews. like rats, they nose their way into every aspect of your life.

25372116? ago

It outted the mods. At least there's that. The entirety of voat now knows.

25371911? ago

Jewish leftists who hate you

25371840? ago

Kike bitches be scared.

25371742? ago

A lot of these mods are 'digital soldiers' that have national security experience or anything related (LE) that push pacifism to the point where they sound out of touch with what is actually required to defend a nation. I am shocked to see that they are this naive. Obviously they have never read the Red Badge of Courage, and other amazing stories in early American Literature that speak to the resolve of America citizens rising up to push tyranny off their land.

25371797? ago

LEO calling ppl retard? I don't see that tbh

25371725? ago

A mod from Reddit.

25371571? ago

This is an entirely different situation.

Patriots are currently in control of the Federal Government. The Federal Government is strong and supported by the people. The rioters are not equivalent in any way to the British Crown.

The reason for the riots is to lure you into street fights, because Soros and his ilk can get a political advantage out it.

If you win the street fight and kill a bunch of commies, you will have made the leaders very very happy. If you lose the fight, they will be somewhat happy. Either way, the riots continue, just elsewhere, and violence increases.

25377065? ago

Different anon here. I kind of agree; although I don't fault Kyle. It seemed his heart was in the right place. He was a product of his circumstances and defended himself valiantly.

The people behind Antifa/BLM want confrontation. They want division. They want to turn this into a Civil War. Some dumb asses here are hoping for the same. Anyone engaging in this behavior is just a pawn. The DS doesn't care who dies or who is harmed. They relish in bloody conflict and strife. They want total anarchy and chaos. Victimhood.

Some here seem to have allowed themselves to be manipulated into thinking that civil war would solve the problems we are facing now. It will not. Those who fall for the obvious are just playing right into the hands of those who want to control them.

Use your head. Prepare yourself for when the fight comes to you. Don't go looking for the fight. Win people's hearts and minds over to good and what is just. We ARE winning!

25377145? ago

I think we totally agree, fren.


25371548? ago


25370935? ago

The power bottom type.

25370879? ago

Mod, more like MOSSAD

25370798? ago

A kike

25370700? ago

"All assets deployed" ... get over it and start QRV2.

25370475? ago

What kind? A kike.

He has no people. Kikes don't care about other kikes.

25370423? ago

We aren't (((their))) people, dude.

25370309? ago

What kind of mod talks like this to his own people?

Jews. The jew is not talking to "his own people" here.

25370239? ago

I don't know why they threaten us with seeing what we do online when they allowed foreign intelligence to blackmail our politicians and control our media, and set in motion a neobolshevik revolution that left unstopped, will kill millions.

Are you bad or compromised?

25370078? ago

This mod is a familiar commenter who attempts to troll along the same lines every time with no success..

25370058? ago

This place also is not anonymous. When I questioned something once I was told my username and threatened.

25376520? ago

Was this yesterday? Because I did that because you wrote in the exact same style with two very similar posts.

25378594? ago

No was a while back.

25371506? ago


Oh no a VOAT mod knows my username.

Hey FBI, CIA, NSA, CSIS, MI6, et al who know a fuck ton more about me than my username.

FYI my username is Canbritanon.

Mods are faggots.

25370432? ago

There is never anonymity on the internet.

Consider yourself not naive anymore

25370131? ago

Modern NSA tech owns everyone at the hardware level. There is no real privacy, only the illusion of privacy. I'm sure lots of people have received spooky threats after posting good info here. Who cares? We're all in the database already.

25371795? ago

Lol ive had my identity stolen, 15 or so of my older online accounts at various websites hacked, false reports filed about me to FBI causing me to temporarily be denied a firearm purchase, gangstalked in real life in endless ways.

Welcome to thunderdome. I chose to be a baker who calls out jews with no reserve. No one said it would be easy.


I wave my dick at all of you

25374865? ago

Lol ive had my identity stolen, 15 or so of my older online accounts at various websites hacked, false reports filed about me to FBI causing me to temporarily be denied a firearm purchase, gangstalked in real life in endless ways.

Can you share your story? Some of us may already be going through something similar but may be unable to fully define what is happening.

25374904? ago

It is done in a manner that is by definition hard to define. To do so publicly may make you seem crazy.

Over time you learn to spot it. I am sorry but this is all I can say

25374164? ago

oh looks it's Sean Sweat everyone.

25370233? ago

Yep, we are almost at The FINALE.

Hope dies last!

God wins.

25370117? ago

yep. Certain commenters are targeted from thread to thread by an angry emotional fairy on this sub. I have noticed it for at least the last 6 months. You can only be targeted if they can see your IP, and that would be a mod.

25371616? ago

Proof that Mods can see ip addresses? I don't think they can in an anonymous sub.

There is a lot of conjecture happening in this thread. We should all verify facts before engaging in a game of chinese whispers.

Remember Q endorsed only this sub after the reddit ban, and Q was the one that says it should be anonymous.

I made the OP to point out the fact that a Mod should never talk like that (like a child) to their own users. ESPECIALLY when he is lecturing us on how to conduct ourselves.

The whole tone of that sticky is ridiculous.

25371971? ago

The whole tone of that sticky is ridiculous.

Muh tone police.

25370054? ago

Jacob De Rothschildmolester sounds like a primary suspect based on the short fuse reaction.

25369938? ago

Call me names all you want.

I want to win the war.

Winning street fights is pointless and does not help win the war.

25371324? ago

Call me names all you want.

Ok, fucknuts, go blow a goat.

25369615? ago

Antifa sleeper

25369566? ago

And why are we stuck at only "12 users here now?"

Something is broken? Or are we being "shadow banned" by Voat?

25386199? ago

I've had that [12] for two months or more - just one day, it showed a different number. So something went wrong or it was deliberately changed. There were never more than 350 users here now before it went on the blink - maybe 500 once or twice.

25372549? ago

We aren't being shadow banned. I know because I post links to Wins of the Day on Twitter and Parler and have lots of followers and retweets and comments from those followers. That is proof that outsiders can click on those links and read them.

25371433? ago

I got a head count.

There's you, me, the rabbi, the twins and 7 dwarfs. That's all 12 of us.

25370407? ago

Many argue it's part of the anonymity of the board. When it happened the shills went crazy.

25370216? ago

That's actually good, letting the enemy think we are few...


25370069? ago

Its always been like this. Its because QRV is programmed such that not even the mods can actually see who is posting.

25386256? ago

No. It has only been like this for two months or so. @badg0y1m [O]

@FastJack [O]

@msdia80_dll [M]

Good call on the sticky. Eventually.

25376094? ago

One day you will no longer be a number, your name will attach to all your "anonymous" posts. The great awakening.

25385163? ago

I will be known for being American Patriot who is outraged over the Liberal insanity.

25371576? ago

The majority of times I post, my user name appears above the post instead of the anon#, until the page is refreshed.

25374142? ago

that's local cache

25377172? ago

Why then does it only happen sporadically and not every post?

25377226? ago

could be all sorts of things, a timeout on an identifier, your connection being slow, the site being slow, cpu being under heavy load, you could be getting hacked, who knows man.

25371814? ago


25370083? ago

I'm not so sure about that.

25369701? ago

The cache is broken and the admin is awol. We're supposed to consider ourselves lucky that any of it ever works.

25369720? ago

Who was Voat sold to? And where did 8bit skip town to?

25376065? ago

Peter Thiel, possibly.

25369507? ago

I don't agree with the mod calling us retards, but he/she isn't wrong.

Kyle was great for helping wash graffiti off the building. Not so great to be running around at night with his AK. I'm not sorry the Antifa guys are dead, I don't think the overall situation has improved. Making Kyle a hero will just lure more young patriots into doing shit that will fuck up their lives. What Kyle did was exactly what Antifa/BLM wants. Their whole purpose in their riots is to get deplorables to come fight them and bring their AKs. Do you think that Antifa/BLM gets some kind of benefit from burning businesses down? No. They are doing it to lure us to the fight. Do you think the Police in these blue zones are ordered to do nothing because the politicians want businesses burned down and looted? No. They are being so ordered in order to lure deplorables into the fight.

25369502? ago

Yeah, he should've called anyone who disagrees a paid shill instead.

25369662? ago

He is the paid shill.

25369457? ago



25369421? ago

who the fuck let them be a mod....lmao. jew infiltration is real.

25386672? ago

The QRV Mods are PATRIOTS. There are sleeper-shill posters now active on QRV to attack QRV as the Deep State panics.

25388482? ago

apparently some of the mods are sleeper cells then

25371739? ago

Everyone please remember that the mods of QRV are the Mods of Qresearch on 8kun. Torch was passed to them by 8bit. When 8bit was in control they were just BVs (board volunteers) and could be seen harassing anons in META and defending israel. Only difference was 8bit kept them in check and they couldnt fuck with the bakers.

Once 8bit left and moved one of them to BO, our notables got deleted initially (Revolt happened, Q responded with a drop asking them to be put back) and they then switched to CONTROLLING the notables by having the same bakers camp out all day and hold the slot/harass any non controlled baker with full support from Mods who let them gatekeep with no intervention.

It seems to be the same handful of guys with many sock accounts or personas. Typically very glowing, repetitive typing styles. Just dumb jews with mod support basically. I used to go into META and cockslap them- made their narrative really stand out undeniably. Arguing with a jew in front of others is often the easiest way to expose them. Remember: jew is a nigger with slightly higher IQ but many of the same tendencies.

If you doubt Q because of some gatekeeper tel aviv mods, remember: Q dropped us off on three of the most anti-septic, free speech boards on the internet, knowing full well that thousands of new eyes would see the truth about the JQ over time.

We can take QRV and Qresearch back if we organize. Just like we forced the pathetic fucks to put our notables back.

Regardless, be grateful for what Q has caused and look around you. THE GOYIM KNOW


Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making “anti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25374595? ago

Excellent post ^^^

25371411? ago

Jewel Jew Jewbenstein.

25369677? ago

v/GreatAwakening mods were made the mods of v/QRV.

25370348? ago

Qrv was made because they couldn't be trusted.

25371968? ago

One of the mods of /r/greatawakening now owns greatawakening.win and is the dictator mod over there.

He's not living in America either. These foreign infiltrators are everywhere and they want to control everything we see, hear, and type.

25369934? ago

they were? when did that happen?

is this something you know for fact or guessing?

25369845? ago

ah the "it's not the jews" people....still...i mean. even this makes no sense...from them.

25369879? ago

Sure it does. v/GreatAwakening mods are using the sticky to usher v/QRV users to v/GreakAwakening. v/GreatAwakening want more control of Voat's users and content.They hate v/QRV because they can't control it.

25370390? ago

This is correct. Qrv was created because they wanted to limit, control, censor, and promote their own people (example, neon revolt shill ) and brandings. They were originally reddit mods.

That said, who cares about a stickied post? As long as they are not curating content (except obvious trash), it doesn't matter.

It does, however, confirm why /v/GreatAwakening can't be trusted.

25370811? ago

ummm. No. It confirms QRV cant be trusted. Your conclusion is supposition. We dont even know what kike mod stickied the post in QRV.

25369378? ago

And if Mods here feel the need to meddle, than FIX THE BROKEN PAGE 2 ISSUE which has been broken forever.

You need an Admin for that, not a mod. Mods can't fix technical issues with the website, they only censor posts and comments.

25371698? ago

Do other subs all have this issue? Or just this one

25378162? ago

I don't care

25369328? ago

When you Q queers got here all the goats told you to 1- dont be anonymous and 2- dont turn your mods into gods.

Now you've been infiltrated and your sub is fucked.

You didn't listen.

25376236? ago

Ya, it's a free speech platform - you have to be willing to take what comes with that, but that works both ways.

25370459? ago

We've never cared about mods and anonymity is fine. Q went to /pol/ first: without the usernames, you fine tune your bullshit-detector.

Mods all over the internet are kikes, only a few idiots are surprised

25370114? ago

^ imagine being this bad at your job.

Unreal that someone pays these people...

25370298? ago

Hurr durr the only person who would disagree with me must be getting paid

25370260? ago

If you weren't anon you would have publically visible mod logs. Bring anon makes the mods untouchable.

25371747? ago

Q recommended it be anonymous. To stop millions of egos getting in the way of truth.

I still agree it's the best way. Puttitout should incorporate user IDs like 8kun so we can filter ppl... but that is another topic

Anon is fine. This coward Mod isn't

25371905? ago

People are too fragile for the truth. Do you think the first person to ask the Q was well received? It was likely met with "you can't just spin this bullshit story to justify your extreme views" and "my fee fees are hurt so I don't want to look at what you are talking about" etc etc etc.

25370288? ago

^ he's right you know

25369245? ago

The question is how do we get them OUT. - It's either start NEW page with NEW mods. Or continue to exist here with these kike faggots?

25369335? ago

Oh my, you said kike faggots ... quick jump ship and start a goat Q board.

25369125? ago

A mod who has to be removed.




25370364? ago

which one? @puttitout are you still real? can you do anything?

We need another move like this : https://voat.co/v/whatever/1106192/5505730

25371834? ago

Yeah what happened to Put?

25370513? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129108) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25369106? ago

a reddit tranny faggot

25369093? ago

Jew mods dont exist in QRV, GA, A, et al.

Prove me wrong.

25369109? ago

no one was talking about jews, until you brought them up.

25369016? ago

You shills are way more obvious than you think.

Here, I'll even write your response to this. Save you a bit of time. "Nigger, pussy, faggot. We should all go out and shoot a nigger today. Arrests or GTFO. Boomer faggot."

That about right schlomo? Or is that you, Sum Ting Wong?

25369550? ago

You shills

Kill yourself

25369342? ago

Not even close.

25369115? ago

Take your meds, jew schizo.

25369157? ago


25369242? ago

How are the suicidal thoughts? Isn't it time to create some peace in your mind? You know you want to. Open the window and jump. It will be over in a few seconds.

25369462? ago

what's this? parasite activation technique? we see you

25369491? ago

This is a white guy knowing that all jews are paranoid and want to kill themselves. You just need a little push. I am here for you. I will push as much as it takes for you to take the final plunge. :D

25377376? ago

You know not who you are speaking to!

25377434? ago

Some inbred jew faggot.

25384560? ago

Are you; are you.

25384677? ago

Faggots repeat themselves. Gas yourself, inbred jew pedo.