25374475? ago

The kid killed two people rioting. The first one wasn’t a real life or death threat. The second one and the dude with his arm shot up was a threat since a gun was involved but maybe wouldn’t have been had the first one not been shot in the head.

Get your head out of your ass - he wasn’t a kid being shipped off to fight axis military forces. He is a kid who went with a group attempting to play deputy sheriff.

That’s not to say the kid should have the book thrown at him in court however, but he should be facing some punishment cuz shooting a guy in the head cuz he throw a bag with some soup cans at you is not innocent or right. Set the precedent to be that way and then you give the other side the right to do the same (I know hurrdurr ‘“let me try to fight us” but regardless of if we’d outgun them it’s asking for unnecessary losses)

25374735? ago

The dead pedo kept chasing him.

We have no footage of it but it was reported that he kept chasing Kyle after throwing "something" and when he got close made a grab of something.

But what is undeniable was that HE KEPT CHASING HIM.

Was the teen supposed to kneel and wait from the mob to "maybe" almost get murdered like Adam Haner?

25375850? ago

If the kid were totally innocent and was chased into a corner by this lunatic I’d feel differently.

But that’s the Overarching issue here you are choosing to ignore isn’t it? That this wasn’t entirely innocent. That kid went there knowing full well he would be viewed as an agitator if not actually becoming one - that doesn’t give him instant dispensation for anything he does. It isnt his job to be LEO, with the legal protection provided by it. He went there to play Wild West deputy when he wasn’t asked to and had no contractual or legal reason to be doing what he was doing on the property this took place did he? The first one is on him, and a headshot looks bad... especially since he displayed great control and discipline when he fell and took on three attackers (props for that it was beautiful). But the first one is on him. His mistake and poor judgement. He could’ve easily gotten away or to a point of defensible position and then yell “stop or I’ll shoot” at least gives some legitimacy to it if it went that way

If U fuck a girl raw dog and pull out and she gets pregnant do u get to Say “She cheating it ain’t my baby, I pulled out!” ?

That’s whAt you’re saying here.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes : for antifa that meant death, for the kid it means a few years in jail.. kid still wins ultimately so stfu already

25381627? ago

Not. The. Point.

He defended himself. He defended himself. He defended himself.

Three of them attacked him. He defended himself.

What you think he was thinking IS NOT A CRIME.

You judge the situation on behavior.

The behaviour of the mob.

The behaviour of Kyle.

Not before. Not before. During when they attacked him.

There is NO otherway way of seeing it.

What you want to say is go to the rioting and don't be armed, right?

25370959? ago

Time to find these mods and remove them.


25367795? ago

These mods are dick asses.

25367510? ago

that's kind of worrisome that there is as shit turd involved here that would even stickie such a thing...

25367322? ago

QRV mods openly sided with Antifa. They are most likely jews and QRV is compromised. They will never have any peace at Voat ever again.

25369755? ago

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25367139? ago

The term "Judaeo Christian" is not even 100 years old. It was literally created as propaganda.

25367217? ago

Yep, even if jews have taken over, why is it even judeo first not the other way around?

It was founded by Christians so it should be Christian Judeo nation!

25370429? ago

It's based on the Jew god, that's why it's Judeo - Christian.

25367376? ago

It's a bit more complicated since the first people to come were Jews after the Spanish inquisition. All the Jews were expelled and came here. They owned all the slave ships too.

25366244? ago


25367603? ago

After what he did out there no one is gonna fuck with him.

25368041? ago


25368678? ago

You must be low iq nigger

25366078? ago

That thread is sticky because, for some reason, it has NEGATIVE 208 votes.

25368272? ago

It's almost like the anons on QRV don't side with antifa/BLM like the mods to, and that's why people are downvoating that garbage

25366008? ago

Yeah, but this kid was just playing soldier and got two people killed. He’ll likely (rightfully) beat the murder charge, but I still think he’s an idiot. The question is, who the fuck have him the gun? He was a minor, and couldn’t have bought it himself. Seems like they bear much of the responsibility here

25370370? ago

was just playing soldier

Have you ever played suicide? You should give it a try.

25367596? ago

Plays a damn good game, time for the other 10,000 of us to act.

25367348? ago

oy vey you goys should let jewish pedo terrorists kill you

25366141? ago

You said he was playing soldier. Listen to what Kyle himself said he was doing there last night. No one gives a fuck about what you think but they sure do care what Kyle thinks!

https:// streamable.com/0u1bcp

25366079? ago

nobody was "playing soldier" upset kike

25366161? ago

Why do you think all Jews are bad? There are good Jews and bad jews, why is this hard to understand?

25367363? ago

every last jew is a foreign enemy combatant. It is clear now. We have mounds of evidence for the coming expulsion trials.

25367471? ago

Oh you’re trolling. Ok carry on.

25368283? ago

Your proving him right with every post kike

25371371? ago

How? By laughing at him and his calls for violence against fellow Americans?

Ok, non kike.....

25366006? ago

For sure. He had better control than the cops that shot buddy for grabbing his knife.