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25358108? ago

I might admire the Kenosha Kid's heart and desire to be a good citizen. But he was wrong a couple ways in all that.

He is a kid, 17 isn't even legally old enough to buy that rifle. He intentionally took it next door looking for trouble, alone and sure enough found trouble. He planned to and then did interpose himself into a riot with the intention of being a policing agent.

His actions are not defending anything, he deployed to another State to do what he did. If any of us must act to defend ourselves we will and should, sure. But he didn't act in defense he went looking for trouble.

If I turn a corner and BLM terrorists are rioting and terrorizing I'll do what I must, so should we all. That is defending yourself. What he did is not that.

If we are going to go hunt them down we need to form up and do it with proper delineation and as an instrument Society is wielding, even if it is not official government agencies, even if it is simply a community authorizing use of force. Our governments are broken and corrupt, they might not be able to function and so we might need to act outside of their agency, yes. But we cannot condone kids taking illegal rifles off into war zones, that isn't us defending Society that is chaos.

Our governments are broken, yes, that is why we all expect POTUS to use the insurrection act and deploy Troops in certain areas. Until then defend your communities, absolutely, defend your Family and Home and neighbors, yeah. But do not go hunting alone, if we must disband government and form our own police then so be it, but we can not ignore Law and then claim to be Lawful Patriots. We can not embrace chaos and claim to represent Order. If we are going to invoke the People then that's one thing, we can have a couple terrible days of hunting and then maybe the survivors will reform. I doubt it but they might...

But we cannot pretend the kid was acting properly, he went looking for trouble.

25391618? ago

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25383721? ago

You're a faggot.

25376931? ago

You know he went looking for trouble because you spoke to him and he told you? Go back to reddit you moron.

25377050? ago

His actions prove he did so idiot, you don't have to take my word for it you COULD just as easily think for yourself.

Oh, wait, my bad, NPC not gonna huh. Go back to humping your boyfriend's leg bitch.

25377091? ago

First guy went for his gun twice. He’s dead now and rightly so. Second guy hit him in the head with a skateboard. He’s dead now and rightly so. Third guy pulled a gun on him and should be dead now too, just like you. Go kill yourself you stupid, stupid motherfucker. I really hope you aren’t breeding.

25377233? ago

Raise your sights, you're not even trying to think.

Read what I posted, you don't understand it at all.

DAMN at the reddit-level shiite running loose these days.

The Kenosha Kid fucked up when he planned to go out violating curfew in a neighboring State, borrowing a rifle he was too young to legally possess and then to insinuate himself into terrorists who were rioting in the streets. THAT is fucking intent doofus. His INTENT was to run around illegally with a rifle until he found trouble, his own actions do prove it.

Yeah Imma the stupid one but you cannot fucking read, or think, or represent as an adult Human being.

Sheesh what a maroonie! You wish me dead? Yeah, you are indistinguishable from the BLM terrorists ainchu boi.

25379049? ago

Nice try schmuck. You're conflating the aggressor as being equally as guilty as the defender... Nobody believes (((your lies)))

25377377? ago

So cleaning graffiti and providing aid to those in need while carrying a weapon for self defense is inserting himself into a bad situation? You’re right. But you call it stupid where the rest of us call it brave. Cops are under instructions from leftist governors and mayors to let this shit happen, so it’s up to the rest of us to defend ourselves. People like you will lay down and let your cities burn because you don’t want to get involved or break the law, while the aggressors have no qualms about doing both. Your cowardice is on full display here. And again, unless you talked to him you have no idea what his intent was. You’re assuming and drawing conclusions about something you know nothing about. It’s possible Kyle went there with the best of intentions, to help keep Kenosha safe, but you claim to know otherwise, which is wrong any way you look at it. You’re dangerous to yourself and your community. Please don’t ever run for office or have children. And for the record, I apologize for saying you should be dead. It’s just frustrating to see people cuck so hard.

25373579? ago

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25373132? ago

Die in nigger hell

25376998? ago

I may well die in your momma's lap, yeah sure.

That doesn't change the fact the Kenosha kid violated curfew, went across State lines as a minor child and then took possession of a rifle alleged by his lawyer to have been given him by a friend. Then he mixed with terrorists rioting until he had to defend himself. Bad decisions all the way around there, despite the fact he culled a pedo and another criminal from the gene pool, plus maiming the dude who was trying to murder him.

The dude who was trying to murder the Kid and got his arm shot seems similar to you, wishing death on people for no reason other than Evil lurks in there somewhere.

Oh and fuk you racist NAZI bitch.

25379373? ago

Niggers aren't people. Check Linnaeus.

25378954? ago

Your trigger word shaming and threats don't work on us. The end is near

25390232? ago

When you're a nazi everyone is a Jew huh.

Fugue you fella or fellette.

25390611? ago

Just kikes behaving likes kikes, that's all ;) see you soon

25363521? ago

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25363403? ago

But guuuuuuuuuys!

Be a good little goy and don't stand up for your country.

Blind yourselves from the fact that communist judges and politicians ACTIVELY IGNORE LAWS.

Blind yourselves from the fact that communist activists who have been rolled out into the streets BREAK LAWS AND AREN'T PUNISHED.

It doesn't matter what law they make, and how badly it conflicts with the inalienable rights provided to you by God as outlined in the constitution, you need to adhere to these laws that the liberal activist kalergi commie politicians and judges make for you so you can continue to be a subservient citizen.

Do not question.

You are free.

Do not act.

You are free.

Do not do anything.

Someone else will save our country.

Just let it burn a little more.

Just let more POZ'd judges and politicians snake their way into the system by rigging elections and tampering with votes - we gotta take the high road here!

Take the high road to your genocide goy!

25371204? ago

Based sarcasm.

25359752? ago

I agree Kyle should not have gone out of state to the site of an active riot zone. That was a bad choice for his own safety, like it would be a bad choice to go to an active shooter zone, active volcano zone, active flash flood zone, active hurricane. All these "active" sites if in USA usually warn people and keep them out of the area. In Kenosha, there was no effort re 'keeping the public out'. The fiction that it was a 'peaceful protest' was pushed despite buildings being set fire in the background of MSM broadcast news. The governor should have closed the area, cleared it out, called for help immediately, call a curfew and let police clear it out. Those local government leaders should not follow the democrat pattern of seeing how much destruction rioters could inflict.

Once there in the active riot zone, does not mean rioters have a right to attack Kyle to take his life or attack any other person there.

25377007? ago

Out of state for him was 15 miles. That his territory, his home. Y’all act like he traveled from Minneapolis or something. He lives in Antioch, not Chicago, not Peoria, not freakin Twin Cities.... Antioch. Look it up.

Also, by your logic because someplace is dangerous that means we should just stay away and let the criminals run the place? Are you female? Cos that would explain a lot.

25378532? ago

Repeat: "Once there in the active riot zone, does not mean rioters have a right to attack Kyle to take his life or attack any other person there."

I put the responsibility on the government to shut down the riot and keep people out of there, not on Kyle. Kyle went into a risky area, but doesn't mean others can attack him

25359679? ago

The means to organize is getting somewhat complicated when social media allows anarchist, marxist, communist groups to communicate but shuts down patriotic 'militia' groups. Doing it locally, organically, is probably the only way, but if you ask the wrong neighbor to join, you get turned in by the 'Karen Brigade'.

25359591? ago

He had weapons thrown at him while being chased down by a reportedly armed assailant, was then surrounded by at least 5 "mobsters", was repeatedly charged by violent psychopaths, one of which grabbed for his gun. and ONLY fired upon them when they were feet (inches?) from him and he had no other choice. Whether he went looking for trouble, if his neighbors were home, at the least, citizens have the right to protect their innocents from imminent harm.

25379070? ago

It's not like BLM and ANTIFA go out looking for any trouble... hand rubbing intensifies

25359041? ago

That kind of thinking is what got us into this fucking mess in the first place.

25377019? ago

No shit. The cuckery here is off the chats.

25358791? ago

If you get word of a credible threat that an armed mob is coming to burn down your neighbors house, beat and murder any resistance, the second amendment provides for local militias for just such circumstances. The trouble came to his community.

The mob was the aggressor. The militia showed restraint. Only to stop deadly violence in process was lethal force used in response - clearly self-defense.

You are limiting your argument to the ‘Castle’ doctrine and ignoring the right to a ‘well regulated militia’ (not anarchists) aspect of 2A. Kyle is clearly trained in use of a firearm and not a Lone Ranger.

As for his age, our Revolution and Civil War Armies allowed volunteers age 16; a bulk of soldiers were 17-18.

25358460? ago

antifa faggots are looking for trouble too. and they found it. and they'll find more

25358633? ago

Don't know about the klantifas but the BLM terrorists sure are looking for trouble, and they will find it, yeah.

Same as the Kenosha Kid found it.

25358449? ago

legally old enough

2nd amendment doesn't have an age limit, only a citizenship limit.

interposing riot

Defending people and property from rioters.

trouble seeker


25358594? ago

You're speshul ainchu fella or fellette.

25359174? ago

lol, how many shekels got deposited into your EBT account for that comment?

25358124? ago

you're full of shit

25358379? ago

Why thank you ma'am, what a well deployed thot you had there.

25359152? ago

Your entire synopsis is based on made up conjecture. What is he supposed to do? Humor your absolute lies?