25393061? ago

QRV was always compromised.

Lurk more, noob.

25392809? ago

OP is most likely the DEEP STATE Antifa mod who posted the "fuck you" thread yesterday siding with terrorists while slandering Kyle Rittenhouse.

Orginal thread here and as you can see it sucked the biggest downvote dick in Voats history. The Q community and others united against Antifa/BLM QRV mod and his mentally ill degenerate thinking.

Once they removed THIS STICKY it was a signal of distress that QRV has been compromised in a big way. Then they panicked and re-stickied the thread and unstickied their "fuck Q community and Antifa/BLM terrorists are great" thread.

This is the most troubling, jewish infiltration I have seen at Voat since Great Awakenings inception by Srayzie & Crensch,

At this point it may be in Q's interest to allow the QRV sub to become a system sub and ban all of the QRV mods. We have to unite against the deep state. WWG1WGA! KYLE IS A HERO

25392550? ago

Hi Putt!

I didn't start it!

25392503? ago

So you are saying the sticky was modified and the mod didn't say fuck you people? Or add an IQ paragraph? I don't get it. It sounds like you are talking about a complaint that was made instead of the post.

25392615? ago

Let this jew trip himself up more. He is most likely the mod

25392674? ago

That's what I figured too.

25392691? ago

It's all been logged with his IP address. I'm sure Kyle's lawyers will want a word with him for his slander.

25393092? ago

Are Kyle and Jack the same person?

25393107? ago

All of that information will be coming in a future update thread.

25391737? ago

So how did they sticky it then...

25392597? ago

oy vey goyim stop asking questions!

25391704? ago

Remove all mods and make v/QRV a system sub.

25392604? ago

That is what we should all request. OP is the jew mod who stickied it.

25393428? ago

Yes Putt, do it, make yourself liable for your monkeys actions.

25393648? ago

If kevdude were ever to become Voat's admin, Voat would be made into a communist country like china.

25393794? ago

This place is already a Communist Nazi shithole. Oh oops, we're not supposed to know there's Communist Nazi's.

25393436? ago

You are weak antifa/blm scum. Bow at my boot. I just want to know how long ago you were registered as a jewish sex offender?

25393440? ago

Yes Putt, do it, make yourself liable for your monkeys actions.

25393534? ago

You are already liable for the slander against Kyle Rittenhouse. His lawyers read your upload.

25393690? ago

Make it a system sub bitch.

25391574? ago

Wait till you realize nobody gives a fuck about QRV or it's drama.