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25356047? ago

"then shooting rioters"

OP deliberately omits the rioters attacking the gunman unprovoked. OP wants to manipulate and deceive you the reader. When did voat let CNN moderate the board?

25356617? ago

I'm on your side on this, but don't think the term "unprovoked" is the best choice. The rioters/looters were in the act of destroying property and this kid and his fellow property-defenders were there to dissuade that action. Is that provocation? I don't think it matters in the case of self-defense. The very fact that they threatened him with bodily harm justifies him defending himself.

25357864? ago

The left is ALL OVER this case because of this. If they can lock this kid up for life, they know its goning to stop dead the "annoying" factor that good-citizens are leveraging open-carry laws to stop criminal terrorists from burning buildings and terrorizing communities. Which in turn is killing their plans to act as voter intimidation.

Expect to the see the High level organized left and their media gestapo to go after this kid with all their heavy artillery.

25370496? ago