25354662? ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/3993605 Dont forget, they were sex offender pedos

25354554? ago

"First they ignore you,

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you,

then you win”

25355048? ago

A few years ago, the Democrat National Convention seriously considered removing God from their platform. The leaders wouldn’t let it happen because they knew it would be the death of the party. But most of the delegates wanted it. Abortion is their line in the sand. You cannot run for office as a D unless you agree to support abortion (they will not support you). That puts religious people in a bind, so they may “personally” disagree with it, but they will support abortion as an elected official. Now replace “abortion” with slavery and you have the Democrat party from the 1800’s. They have always been pawns of Satan, whether they know it or not.

25354244? ago

Democrat logo has a Pentagram

so if you rotate the logo, it will become the satanic pentagram? Why don't you do that with the American flag? And have you seen the republican logo?

Damn, you people are stupid.

25353825? ago

they are screwed and are pulling out all stops to increase chaos. circling the drain....

25353353? ago

Drop #4627 is huge. Confirmation that these are actually Satanic creatures. Saving Isreal for last

25352882? ago

felt like that Q drop was just verifying what we already knew for normies and new people.

25352548? ago

satanic pedo jews are scared.

25352406? ago

Amal.pub was taken down today? I’ve been working all day but it’s up and showing a new post.

Are there other posts besides #4627 ?

25352358? ago

Sherlock Holmes is the conspiracy theorist manifest. It's okay to be white.

25352289? ago

Commenting to play this out as devil's advocate.

I can't bring myself to do that.

The timeline of the title made me want to say oh but wait a minute that's not the order let these events you're stating happened dot-dot-dot

I think we're all at the point where we don't care what order of events we awaken to or realize.

There've been Nation shaping events happening for 19 years and some of us have Stockholm syndrome while others of us have driven our families and friends mad trying to understand what the truth told actually means and yet others have survived on the blue pill for the past two decades or more.

We aren't in the club.

You have to understand that's a good thing.

We have to bury these degenerate motherfukers once and for all.

25352110? ago

I don’t believe the Q stuff because I’m pretty certain nobody is coming to save this country unless we the people Fight for it, plus I know evil subverted public servants are riddled throughout our government regardless of Their preferred political affiliations. with that said, we are all on the same side, and as far as Knowing politicians are subverted evil scumbags, most of them are and we all know it.....and an influential portion of them are for real molach demon worshipping cunts, so it’s of paramount importance that we recognize we are all on the same team, draw lines in the sand and stand out ground together against these “new normal“ world order changes as they take hold, Q believer or not....much love.

25352062? ago


25352031? ago


25352025? ago

Mocking Q supporters for thinking democrats are satanists

Puts satanic pentagram into the DNC logo with baphomet hands

That's doublethink niggers

They want you cognitively dissonant to enhance the power of the megaritual

25351583? ago

And let us not forget the Rinos that are denouncing. Some of the terminology they're using is full on retarded. Ari Fleischer who isn't in this article used the word, 'wackadoodles.' Golly, gee, gosh.


25351429? ago

You seen the republican logo?

25363181? ago

Yeah, new, realistic looking elephant with the stars right side up instead of the Bush era cartoon elephant with satanic upside down stars.

25364072? ago

Oh yeah, that's better. The crown gives me pause, but...

25351377? ago


I know!!

These SICK people think they can still hide in plain sight.

Game over.

God wins.

25351259? ago

I'd rather be a conspiracy theorist than a pedophile.

25352669? ago

Pedophiles put their own pleasure over anything else. Conspiracy theorists put truth over anything else.

We are in a war of ideology.

Seek truth, even in the face of an Armageddon. Your conscience will thank you.

25351171? ago

Not only that, but r/politics literally had an AMA yesterday with a Satanist promoting abortions who posted “Hail Satan”. These people are no longer hiding it.

25363218? ago

Kelly Rippa’s husband announced on live tv that he drinks the blood of 14 year olds to stay young.

25351383? ago

It's all right in front of us.

25350899? ago

Mock me all day. They’re pedophiles.

25350671? ago

https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=GNI553Np__k :

‘They Like Me Very Much’: Trump Discusses The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Movement | NBC News NOW - YouTube

https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Su32jm_Z8Yo :

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic Convention Meetings Omit, 'Under God' from Pledge of Allegiance - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

25350590? ago

Satanist = Jew

25352313? ago

Accurate points.

25351120? ago

Change the word Satan or devil for the word Jew in the Bible and it all makes sense when Jesus was took to the top of the highest mountain and the devil said I will give you all the cities if you Bow Down and Worship me change the word devil to the Jew and you have what we have today

25352682? ago

And today we can replace Socislist, Communist, Marxist and Post Modernist with jews. They are all just clever disguises.

25351517? ago

so..... the eleven apostles? (Judas cancelled). John the Baptist's followers, prepared to receive the Deliverer? guess all these guys were gentiles?

25352341? ago

Maybe so. Have some earth turning proof they were not? Got a problem with gentiles, eh? How's that gentile technology you're typing on?

25352466? ago

Jesus denounced those who were loyal to Lucifer and rejected Him and His saving gospel. these were mostly the leader class - Sadducees and Pharisees. Many of the Jewish people followed Him and remained faithful after Jesus' death. Why do you believe you can rewrite Jesus' words?

25352928? ago

Jesus was a jew.

25363153? ago

Till the Jews killed him.

25356292? ago

By your reasoning:
if Satanist=Jew, and Jew=Jesus, then Jesus=Satanist

So Jesus denounced Himself? I did not take Common Core Math so I don’t understand.

25359281? ago

By my reasoning you are a retard.

25359639? ago

By your reasoning I take that as a compliment.

25351137? ago


Once your eyes are opened to the jew the world as we know it makes finally makes sense.

25351166? ago

Amen God bless you and yours in the war to come

25350522? ago

They cannot help themselves can they?

25352096? ago



25352107? ago

They are starting to really suck at it though, their veil is slipping away. More and more people are calling them in their BS.

25350517? ago


Voat needs to stop censoring