25446129? ago

Hi , atheist anon here : ABORTION IS MURDER ... its settled once and for all woooooooo !!!!! fact check

25445889? ago

New drops! Q outing Pedos

25444367? ago

We have in coming. Update Q drops OP.

25443604? ago

Q is lighting the internet up; the internet is fighting back.. FIRES in many holes. GAME ON BOTH PARTIES are being NAMED by NAMES
BIGLY day in progress... ENJOY THE SHOW

25442007? ago

shaveitoff in shame

25439631? ago

Just like the deep state erases ms13 hitmen, the snowboard assassin is a liability, he will be asked by some friendlies to go for a "ride"

25438533? ago

COMM from source https://qmap.pub/read/85


25436039? ago

Your brain is fracking mr. Biden, as is this stunt candidacy, every move is more repulsive than the last. Green deal sounds like you fracked that up now

25435902? ago

How did Trump organize dozens of Biden antifa groups into conducting riots in dem controled cities, and dnc connected prosecutors in those states to refuse prosecutions to mobsters to sabotage his own campaign?

25435502? ago

Luciferians have a 180° belief system, we are witnessing in real time in every public domain they control, KEYBOARD PATRIOT WARRIORS in control

25435238? ago


25433948? ago

Bob you had no idea Andy went off like a loon, save yourself and the republic , come clean keep the pension

25431573? ago

Obama loyal journalists will ignore the "Bombshell" enemies list compiled of journalists they were spying on, THEY WERE IN ON IT, PAID PROPAGANDISTS ON ALL MAJOR NEWS NETWORKS.. ps. now you know why you hated the ambassador at the Ukrainian hoax hearing, another criminal cover op

25420874? ago

Breaking news : besides the celebrity that died of cancer there was a cop and a cop supporter that were executed, the deep state network news missed those 2

25420824? ago

Red natural leather shoe pedo warlocks said to be nervous

25415324? ago

FACT CHECK FALSE; The California assembly is not organizing a Charlie Manson parade for Harris

25414503? ago

there's people referring to him as Grady now, kek

25408960? ago

Ryan to vbang : where are you pol please

25407774? ago

We talked about this over in v/Niggers today. Good discussion!

25405737? ago

almost all of the journalists passing the treason papers around are fucked right good. tweeting out of it wont do much

25404673? ago

Oregon trail Oregon trial

25407760? ago

You died of dysentery.

25401151? ago

Jake Tapper is almost telegraphing that he may have a "crimes report" or 2 filed against him. I guess you can't be sure until your fbi visit.

25389712? ago

without [f] botfly host / it's over

25388597? ago

Germany houses the antifa control center, directed by obama, with some Ukraine taint on it. Fed's know the whole chain, gulp

25386874? ago

Lol no wonder the NBA imploded, they're asking Obama for advice , that dumb fuck could get the whole league shuttered forever

25382863? ago

they open some kind of shitposter valve to keep it honest every now and then, the host knows who they are, that will prove to be funny in the end. famous ones no doubt too

25379615? ago

I want to thank the mods for having the cooler heads and removing that divisive post. You can see how the shills flooded in and jumped into the chasm. Whether that was by design to judge reaction times or done in an effort to affect their algorithm...we can beat them without the division, even if feigned for purpose. o7

25376618? ago

This is about the children of God versus the children of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but the synagogue of Satan. According to Jesus, all who believe on him are the children of Israel, who have been grafted in by the spirit of adoption, by which we cry 'Abba, father'. The satanic kikes who claim to be Jews are nothing but an old-world mafia grown rich through plunder and murder. The last thing they are is children of Israel. That's jusy another ruse of the devil to graft holiness upon the unholy. Beauty upon the ugly. God's covenant upon the lawless, feckless, and immoral.

25372385? ago

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others will never stop till every standing Walmart becomes an Amazon fulfillment center...just sayin

25372125? ago

Oh nooooooo, shit the pants Twitter is pulling out the hatch act on the RNC . They got us now

25371359? ago

Where is frazzledjack ?

25371061? ago

Dear Walmart: start a search engine

25370243? ago

RIPTWITTER ....choked to death on its own diarrhea

25367630? ago

A Salute To The President Of The United States.


God Bless Donald John Trump.

Love V.

25366872? ago

Heres an interesting thing to discuss. The Q mods have stickied a post basically confessing to be kike glowniggers with their faggotry.

25365867? ago

God, will not save America from Liberal/socialist/communism. Voting Americans will.

25365603? ago

Too new to have my own post - anyone else notice there is no more gold trim on the flags? This a sign that America has been freed from the corporation?

25383492? ago

I noticed the same thing. I also noticed that at the dems convention their flags had gold trim. No , I didn't watch it all. after 5 mins I had to turn it off. just wanted to see if it was as bad as advertised.. yup. it was.

25358411? ago

The bush exoskeleton has reanimated itself stumping for biden... that doesn't seem normal. aint dat right dimm

25354673? ago

Rudy says " the storm is upon us" is that enough proof ? or still flat earth ?

25352783? ago

aUgUsT iS tRaDiTiOnAlLy KnOwN aS a HoT MoNtH

25352003? ago

A Salute To The President Of The United States


25351693? ago

I see qmap and qposts.omline are down. Are we entering the storm officially or were the sites just getting hit by too many users?

25351468? ago

Q — please help Australia and New Zealand. People are not going to wake up on their own. Respectfully, you say 4-6% but numbers on the ground are 40-60%.

25350750? ago

In case qmap is still down....

An alternative: https://qposts.online/

25351729? ago

I just checked this website. It is down as well.

25351749? ago


25350507? ago

Arrests or GTFO!

Nothing else matters.

25350424? ago

Vote for Trump for boom boom boom boom boom red october elections are safe Hillary arrested watch face reflection geriatric grim reaper D20 hot August placeholder boom boom boom boom boom

25348335? ago

Yeah, yeah, God will save us all. Right after everything burns down. Maybe he has a construction company or something.

25347762? ago


25349234? ago


25349305? ago

That’s funny

25346573? ago


25370275? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129103) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25350979? ago

Honestly, what am I supposed to do with this information? Yes it's a commie infiltration to take down the US and all institutions that promote family and unity. This is old news. I'm starting to think Q is just a pacification movement to get Trump reelected.

25362897? ago

I suggest everyone make a list of commies in their immediate sphere of influence.

What to do with that list comes later.

25388884? ago

Lmfao. Fuckin incels. And they wonder why no woman wants their dick anywhere near them lol. Enjoy masturbating to your Jew porn faggot.

25358693? ago

"Trust the plan" as I lose my f-ing business and lively hood because Q/Trump/Whoever couldn't see or standup to this ridiculous virus bs? I'm still voting for Trump, but damn if he didn't really screw the pooch on this. Either he screwed it up by not seeing their plan and let them control the narrative and the shutdown, or he is complicit in that plan (I don't think so, but no evidence to the contrary yet.) Why the F did he EVER give a platform to Fauci? You mean to tell me Trump/Q/Military Intelligence didn't know every GD thing that Fauci was involved in, and who owned him? And knowing that they give him the damned platform to shut down our country and destroy people like us? I say B-effin-S.

25381115? ago

Web of Slime warned everyone about the scam and how to make money on the stock market when it happened. Funny Q had no idea. OANN had no idea. Zerohedge had no idea. The dude who has been around longer than Q and makes more correct and realistic predictions and tells people to act, not to trust any plan.

25351714? ago

Even without Q Trump deserves re-election in his own right.

25352077? ago


25344949? ago

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check for a new Q post. I'm disappointed when they are repeats. I was hoping for something along the lines of: We have the election secured, and the deepstate's attempt to cheat will not work.

25344814? ago

so they pulled the pin in the party hog and went full blown satano homage world convention ? who is their figure head right now? still old renegade

25345027? ago

Yeap still Bobama. See what WarNurse is getting flak for? There's a reason.

25344460? ago

it's time for us to organize and fight back. we need to implement an updated bill of rights. impose term limits. come up with a new system or replace ppl in the current one. we are millions. they are hundreds. what tf is everyone waiting for?

25344929? ago


25344264? ago

No prediction of Bannon's arrest

No prediction of the second wave of protests

Q is a fucking LARP.

25349351? ago

LARP is being too generous. I prefer FRAUD.

25351539? ago

And yet, HERE YOU ARE...

25362381? ago

Aww! Triggered?

25344180? ago

Q, who has the we have everything just in case ?

25342951? ago

Recall they REMOVED the US flag from at least one of the debate stage.

25342675? ago

When the fuck is Q going to step up?

25343768? ago

Q is fake, foo. DUH

You’re a little slow on the uptake, huh?

25343738? ago


25342545? ago

A change is gonna come.

25342544? ago




25350576? ago

Uh oh.... I feel a patriotic circle jerk coming on.

25342518? ago


The “Conservative” party won’t take Canada back from the globalists. They invited them in!

25348534? ago

Yep, known for a long time.

25349293? ago

No more fake conservatives!

25344710? ago

The new Conservative leader is cabal through and through. I can tell jist by looking at him.

25345886? ago

The "news" is trying to trick us by feigning indignation, but I can tell their hearts aren't in it. They hope we vote CPC instead of PPC or independent.

25342163? ago

WI resident here.

Living under constant threat from riots and “protestors”

Order is being lost daily and I have a friend from the National guard now hospitalized.

How much longer for this plan to save us?

Q, I’ve followed from the beginning, but since then our country and devolved and only continues to get worse.

I’m not going to give a fuck about the plan when these riots kill me and my family.

We need resolution now, enough optics, it’s time for justice.....

25402758? ago

If the truth gets out people would riot.. oh wait.

25376830? ago

The real “root”, model and Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.

25367985? ago

Grow some balls and prepare for a fight.

25366070? ago

now hospitalized.

did he sprain his pussy?

25350560? ago

I predicted a while ago that civil war will essentially have to happen in order to justify arresting Obama and Clinton. If not when they did arrest them civil war was going to happen absolutely. Now however, it's undeniable what they've caused and America will celebrate the arrest of the traitors that tried to violently overthrow our country

25350543? ago

Arrests or GTFO

Nothing else matters.

25348313? ago

Q, I'm willing to be saved while most of the asswipes around are still sleeping. So please ramp up the motherfucking "plan", or turn it over to actual military fucks who are cleared hot.

25349392? ago

LOL Have you ever watched grass grow?

25347728? ago

You have been told to prepare...

25344851? ago

WI resident here.

Sorry to hear Patriot that you live in a Democratic Party controlled state. By:

• Democrat Governor Tony Evers (D)

• Democrat Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes (D)



Your Vote Matters


25365284? ago

And those peaceful dindus lived in that state, right? Gee almost like crossing a state border to engage in insurrection is a FEDERAL jurisdiction. OH I forgot all of Wisconsin is Democrat and not just Madison. Fuck off.

25345342? ago

Good response, thank you

25343748? ago

Your solution is you take care of your own first. That involves taking on some level of personal responsibility. Arm yourself. Don’t sit around waiting for someone else to come over and protect your ass.

25344672? ago

Thats a great idea, defend yourself then get locked up by the cowards in LE, leaving you family to fend for themselves.

25344307? ago

If I take care of my own, I’ll be locked up and society will cheer it on. The media and DS are still in control and that’s why truth is not being reported.

25350564? ago

Arrest CNN.

25346827? ago

Your argument suggests a binary choice.

I disagree. It is entirely possible to protect your family and property and also avoid being locked up. I managed to pull off that exact feat every day this week, and I live in a deep blue area and never bend the knee. I'm pretty sure I'll pull it off every day next week too.

25344548? ago

so be a pussy

25344685? ago

Just like you, cuz I’d you weren’t one and stood up to TPTB you would be on the news and dead.

25342567? ago

The idea that normies will wake up is sadly false.

Q, just drop the hammer!

25344950? ago

A lot of people also just lie to themselves. "No that can't be true. I believe (person) is better than that!"

Only way those people wake up is if they drop the hammer. So fucking do it already.

25352072? ago

People have died waiting for "the plan".

25345871? ago

So fucking do it already

Agreed, what the fuck is the delay.

25342268? ago

Also from WI here, enh it ain't as bad as the media hypes it up to be

25344693? ago

Well I dont know about that. If you burn, loot and kill in the name of the great nigger in the sky, you will face no repercussions. But if you dare defend yourself or your property the pigs will make an example out of you.

25342113? ago

We need to hold D party leaders accountable for the violence in their shit hole cities.

25350592? ago

Not "we", the fucking POTUS. He's the Commander in Chief.

Drop the hammer already.

25351528? ago

"We the People, in order to form a more perfect Union..." Remember that? We do have some say in all this. We've been pushing the AZ Gov and he finally is opening up more of the State. (Under threat of recall and lawsuits, I might add... WE the People pushed...)

25342085? ago

Seems the Dims and their lapdogs Antifa and BLM are promising us blood in the streets. I'm just waiting for Patriots to show up en masse and make that blood the rioters' blood.

25344780? ago

Seems the Dims and their lapdogs Antifa and BLM are promising us blood in the streets. I'm just waiting for Patriots to show up en masse and make that blood the rioters' blood.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? Related sticky discussion about ignoring calls for violence at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Your Vote Matters


25344953? ago

I'm NOT promoting it, I'm predicting it. The left won't stop until they are STOPPED. You figure out what that means for America.

25344742? ago

You better be prepared to defend yourself against the cop then too because the only people they seem to arrest are people defending themselves.

25345001? ago

Not where I live...Southern red state. It's really hard to get a conviction on someone defending his home or his loved ones here. So Law Enforcement rarely tries unless it's a clear case where the shooter started it.

25358757? ago

I'm down deep in a southern red state too, but don't hold your breath. 250 New yorkers A DAY moving to our southern red states. We'll be purple at best very soon, and then it's over.

25342514? ago

Lapdogs, all of you! None may challenge the Brotherhood!

25342881? ago

You must not have gotten the memo. "Brotherhood" is considered misogynist. We now call ourselves the "Sibling-hood".

25342431? ago

Time for the MSM to declare Q a white supremacist terrorist conspiracy group. They can’t give an examples but trust them Antifa/BLM are just innocent black fentanyl laced trans school girls.

25352108? ago

They've already done that.

25342937? ago

Antifa doesn't exist. Just ask Nadler.

Also, BLM is just an organic upwelling of multi-cultural expression that calls for the eradication of all systems of racism and other (imagined) forms of oppression.

And Q IS racist. Q is a letter in the alphabet. White people invented the alphabet (even though we didn't) and writing is another form of oppression.

Why must I continue to correct you people?

25349408? ago


25344543? ago

racist against evil bloodlines; not, skin color

25349338? ago

And! And! And! Against niggers too, for the problem with niggers is not their skin color, it’s their inherent behavior.

25345022? ago

Yes, but that would make my sarcastic post have too much accuracy and the humor would be lost.

25341727? ago

August is HOT.

So far it seems very very cool, Q.

And, oh, by the way, I'm not enjoying the show.

Not by a fucking long shot.

25350641? ago

Sick of this show

25350611? ago

I finished my popcorn years ago.

Worst movie ever.

25344985? ago

Well there's a a storm coming. Hurricane Laura. Sadly don't think it has any relevance but I'm open to surprises...

25343646? ago

Nothing big is happening before election. Stop your bitching.

25350623? ago


No Arrests = No Vote

Arrests or GTFO.

25344715? ago

nothing big is happening, period.

25350635? ago


25343063? ago

If you ignore all the explosion and fire, then yes, cool. What else do you ignore from the Q drop? If you ignore the whole Q movement, then it doesn't exist and child trafficking does not exist.

Based on your logic, all you have to do is PROMISE you will donate all your income tax if Trump is re-elected. Donate at Obama's income tax rate. If you won't promise, then you are a hypocrite. QAnon knows what's coming and since you are very CONFIDENT with yourself, you should have no problem.

25349301? ago

Well, the fraudulations spewed by Q are designed to attract those with the greatest levels of imbecilicism. That, foo, is a scientific fact. 🧐

25342128? ago

"very very cool"?? The dems are setting fires

25341852? ago

The only thing I ever cared about was seeing Kevin Clinesmith disbarred. It is my deepest fear that somehow, he'll keep his law license. Nothing else matters. We must be saved from KC.

25342384? ago

Lol okay

25342229? ago

Yes because KC is the deep state!! Once he's disbarred it'll all be over! Promises made promises kept!

25342833? ago

I've certainly been sleeping better knowing that he'll be off the streets some day......at least for a few weeks.

25344575? ago

Your gal HRC would have taken out KC? LOL!

25345056? ago

That's a brilliant idea. She's still on the loose.

Let's start an online rumor that KC is giving up the goods on the entire Cabal. HRC will have him in cement shoes before bedtime. And I'll sleep like a baby, knowing we are finally safe from Clinesmithian plots for at least another generation.

25341698? ago

Oh no, they reverted the pledge back to his it was prior to 1954! THE HORROR!!

25341621? ago


25342441? ago


25342950? ago


25341586? ago

The fight between good and evil has ramped up. I am so grateful to have found Q, this site, thedonald.win and gab. It keeps my hope alive that we really are seeing the good guys save our country.

25379424? ago


25396387? ago


25397015? ago

nigger lover

25379252? ago

Wait till you lean about distributed immutable ledgers.

25368102? ago

Sooo glad you are here Fren.

25352054? ago

Save our country? Save the children. Our country being saved is a bonus. I hope God comes and splits the Earth in half.

25350515? ago

It's called apophenia.

25367870? ago


More like Autistic "Rain Man Style" HECTIC insights, utilizing the new Hyper Language (Comms. 2.0): >

Anons can you say Synesthesia?


Welcome to Autism Powered Weaponized 5D Chess Faggot. <


25349529? ago


on tonight's RNC (3rd night) about 2.5hrs into it, right before the bit about the star spangled banner, they show the view of Ft McHenry and there is a Q --- a fucking Q --- mown into the grass... its about 5'oclock on your screen when you watch the video!!!

shout out to J~Money aka the Glitz for finding this!!

sorry to jump in but i dont have the points to post links/images

25367820? ago

Fucking Loves It. <


25351567? ago

Can you be more specific with a timestamp on a specific broadcast?

25351793? ago


From Cspans Stream for day three on YouTube

25349174? ago

Q is one fake fukker, foo. So drop Q and join reality.

25368124? ago


25344692? ago

For those not familiar with Gab, find https://gab.com

Example of a profile page on Gab at https://gab.com/QAnonNotables

25349180? ago

GAB censors big time.

25348733? ago

Just checked out your profile example and here is what I found there:

NEW: The Trump campaign has removed Mary Ann Mendoza from tonight's speaking lineup after she retweeted a thread this morning regarding The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


25346218? ago

Gab is jew controlled and you cannot question kikes there. This poster is trying to lead you to a controlled gatekeeper zone

25349189? ago

Gab is jew controlled

Source? Without source this allegation has little or no value.

25349473? ago

Fuck off kike

25349638? ago

Lol so no

25348831? ago

See my post 25348733. Two posts behind yours.

25345097? ago


Look it up

25343814? ago

It’s past the time that we put an end to this Q business once and for all. We’re tired of the fakery.🙄

25342356? ago

DNC logo has one pentagram, but RNC logo has five, who's the evil one??

25367962? ago

You are a Gas Lighting, Dog Faced Pony Soldier AND Faggot. <

Now Fuck off Noddy.

25343508? ago

Shills can't even count these days..

25343725? ago

Q showed us the DNConvention logo, so I referred to the RNConvention logo. You're not very smart :)

25343690? ago

Don’t say “shill.” You sound like an idiot.

25343125? ago

I believe the Q drops have made it clear that both "sides" are corrupt

25343707? ago

Droppings. Q droppings.

25361336? ago

No, Qs legit, its just not usable, and youll look like a redflaggable if you bring it up to ppl, and they just respond with the pics of trump and epstein together

25342371? ago

Your mom

25343666? ago

Don’t talk that way about my bitch.

25342339? ago

Keep smoking that hopium, it'll just make your fall to reality all that much more entertaining.

25367919? ago

You sound like a Faggot.

And that's PRETTY rich coming from me... <


25341570? ago

Mornin Q

Hitting some real rapids now

25349200? ago

FuQ and that little boy of yours.

25342075? ago


25342413? ago

Sooooon (tm)

25341552? ago

Q is just a Republican simp confirmed.

25342448? ago

I laughed good when last week someone was like Q isn’t republican!! Total PsyOp!

25342254? ago

Lol at all the people arguing that he was bipartisan like last week