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25337329? ago

Last I saw reported, 2 are dead and 1 wounded, so either the person shot in the chest or the one who shot in the arm has died. The question I'm wondering is whether these people who got shot were the rioters/looters who were being shot by armed people trying to protect their property or themselves (or both).

Saw a rumor circulating by an untrustworthy source (Daily Beast) that these people were shot by a "vigilante group" or something. I'd like to know if the cork has finally popped off the bottle and patriot vigilantes are taking to the streets to take out these anarchists since the mayors and governors are forcing police to stand down in these Dem-run hellholes.

25337388? ago

It doesn't matter. If you are out with the rioters in the street and are killed nothing else matters. The media tries to lay blame on anything but themselves. In reality the media are to blame for inciting riots.

25337659? ago

There's an awesome post on here with boat loads of videos of all the activity from this scene. The shooter was under vicious physical attack by Antifa and already on the ground before he started shooting at his attackers. Here's where all the videos are posted:

25339900? ago