25345525? ago

And doncha love how the video footage the MSM is blasting all over TV edited OUT the several Antifa guys pounding on the guy who was on ground in the street PRIOR to him opening fire on his attackers. I was shaking with rage at how the TV news stations are shaping this story by starting the video at the time of when the VICTIM starts shooting his attackers in self-defense!

25348853? ago

I am sure millions of people are thinking like you. Imagine the conversations and the people leaving the democrat / MSM plantation. Sometimes you have to show people evil.

25349258? ago

True. However, none of the normies or TDS-inflicted are seeing/hearing about ANY of it because THEIR (fake) "news" sources are not saying a peep about it. So they're not being "shown" jack shit.

25349307? ago

Agreed, but, I bet a lot are sharing websites and videos from the citizen journalists. The word is definitely getting out. The media is also blatantly lying about these riots. People have to be having cognitive dissonance watching and listening to them.

25350995? ago

Yeah, the images and videos are seemingly being shared, however, anytime I send blatant documentation video/legal doc "evidence" to libby loons, they refuse to even watch or read it. "You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink" - as they say. :-(

25353304? ago

Well, feel free to call them ignorant. No one likes being called ignorant.

25359542? ago

I've called these TDS loons "willfully ignorant" and have spent immeasurable hours compiling irrefutable red pill info on a wide variety of topics for them, but it's always ignored. I even told my own relative who has INCREDIBLY strong opinions about topics he knows zippo about (because he only gets his news from lefty outlets and has never researched anything beyond checking SNOPES as "the authority" - LOL) that he's the "least informed voter that I even know" - he loves to quote Trump's comment about liking "low information voters." That, of course, sent him into orbit.

25359608? ago

Your relative sounds like my relative. Quotes snopes as well. What do dumb people and dead people have in common? They both don't know their state but everyone around them does.

25359777? ago

Oh what a great line! Sorry you've got a relative like this too. Unfortunately, this is my ONLY relative in my whole family left. So my choices are trying to have a relationship with a TDS family member or no family at all. He's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond hope. I'd equate him to that unforgettable video of that person (man or woman??) who's on their knees in the knit cap who was 'screaming at the sky' after the 2016 election. :-(

25359819? ago

You poor soul. My relative is the same way. Confidently going in the wrong direction. Reminds me of that movie Planes, Trains and automobiles when John Candy and Steve Martin are driving the wrong way on the highway. People are yelling at them "you're going the wrong way!" They shrug their shoulders and say "how do they know where we are going?". Priceless.

25360004? ago

Oh my gosh - you are an encyclopedia of 'great lines'! I sure hope you have OTHER family members who aren't libby loon Commies so you can have some sense of "family" elsewhere. What I find so bizarre is I deliberately don't bring up any politically-charged topics when I talk to my relative. I know we'll never agree on the tiniest little thing, so I avoid it altogether. It's HE who can't contain his TDS-on-steroids infliction and he's simply unable to stop himself from throwing out false accusations about POTUS in my face at every opportunity, putting me in the position of defending POTUS. I could easily win EVERY argument and disprove EVERY bullshit accusation, but he won't consider any of the evidence or documentation. Every single time. Pathetic. "Willfully ignorant" is an under-statement.

25360120? ago

Sounds like he is miserable by rejecting truth and facts. He has made comrades with the same people in the Democratic Party. If you really want to drive him nuts remove his TV. He won't know what to think.

25368825? ago

Haha - good idea. Except he's got NPR on constantly. Some people have their phones attached to their ears/hands, but he's got NPR attached to his skull. And RELENTLESSLY defends NPR as being "straight, neutral journalism" - just as he swears that MSNBC's MadCow is. Comical if it weren't so sad.

It's insane that we came out of the same womb and grew up together in the same house. While I was in DC attending Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Ball in Jan. 1984 and serving as the editor of the Young Republicans newsletter in college, he stayed at home playing Dungeons & Dragons with his atheist "in-cel" buddies. LOL!

25368874? ago

Love that Reagan / Dungeon and Dragons reference! Speaks volumes. So he shut off his brain from critical thinking and never restarted it.

25368960? ago

What's more comical is that it's a TRUE story! LOL! To this day (in his mid-50s) he still hangs out with his Dungeons & Dragons friends from high school. I kid you not! Except they've migrated from D&D to video games. So he went from being a "role player" to an NPC (non-player character) in adulthood. LMAO! And he's also an atheist - after graduating from a Christian elementary+junior high+high school too. THIS is what the TDS libs are about, folks! And this mother fucker always cancels out MY vote - and all his libby loon fellow "college professor" indoctrinating-our-youth buddies of his cancel out my vote 20 times over too. =-O

25369166? ago

Too funny. You are thinking wrong. He's not cancelling your vote YOU are canceling his! Thus, you are a Patriot!

25369262? ago

Glass half full - I like that point of view. The problem is my one vote doesn't cancel out his PLUS all his lib psycho TDS-afflicted 'comrades.' :-( But I've never missed a chance to at least cancel out HIS vote though. :-D

25339037? ago

the use of force is justified, also, to protect ones property

25338029? ago

Yeaaaaa about time

25337588? ago

Good. Stupid games and all that.

25337523? ago

Good that's what happens when you are being an idiot doing those things.

25337457? ago

Nice, street justice and vigilantism. It's coming. People are fed up with this shit.

25337329? ago

Last I saw reported, 2 are dead and 1 wounded, so either the person shot in the chest or the one who shot in the arm has died. The question I'm wondering is whether these people who got shot were the rioters/looters who were being shot by armed people trying to protect their property or themselves (or both).

Saw a rumor circulating by an untrustworthy source (Daily Beast) that these people were shot by a "vigilante group" or something. I'd like to know if the cork has finally popped off the bottle and patriot vigilantes are taking to the streets to take out these anarchists since the mayors and governors are forcing police to stand down in these Dem-run hellholes.

25337388? ago

It doesn't matter. If you are out with the rioters in the street and are killed nothing else matters. The media tries to lay blame on anything but themselves. In reality the media are to blame for inciting riots.

25337659? ago

There's an awesome post on here with boat loads of videos of all the activity from this scene. The shooter was under vicious physical attack by Antifa and already on the ground before he started shooting at his attackers. Here's where all the videos are posted:

25339900? ago


25337230? ago


25337093? ago

Fly with the crows....get shot with the crows.