25359695? ago

My favorite part was the Anitfa/BLM anarchists who've been rioting to defund/abolish the police immediately scream to "call the police!" LOL!

25354457? ago

25357227? ago


25347139? ago

Nasty wound. Maybe he will get flesh eating bacteria (MRSA) while in the hospital!

25339401? ago

Well that's gonna leave a mark.

25347775? ago

25344334? ago

Forever he will tell the story and someone will say... WTF? are you retarded? Why did you try and shoot a guy on the ground that is being attacked AND has a rifle?

25339355? ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

25338758? ago

Excellent educational moment!

25338411? ago

He’s lucky it was the arm....MEDIC!! Hahahahaha soyboys.

25338096? ago

at least he had that would spray in his backpack.

25349359? ago

Fucking Qtard, I didn't say the money was fake, I said the guy is skimming off the top, and probably skimming off the bottom, too, because what kind of dirty cunt starts a fundraiser for someone in trouble and keeps 20% for themselves?

You're an open book written for very slow children.

25337817? ago

Not warring his mask correctly at riot, police notified charges expected. Karen musta shot him.

25337665? ago

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25337452? ago

hwhahahaha he is also a filthy kike. 100% piece of shit ashkenazi

25337235? ago

It's not a gun it's a nintendo switch bro

25337389? ago

Naw, its skittles and an ice tea bro. He wuza gudboi!!!

25337026? ago


I think I see three stopped by rifle fire, plus a fourth who minutes before he got in a head shot while being surrounded and bricke.

Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48

BULLET HEAD SHOT!! Video showing BEFORE AND AFTER head shot of Antifa , Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central Time

Antifa dying thug first recently threw large bricks at armed guard Patriot White!


a third angle of first scene : showing ARMED antifa mob surrounding white rifleman on all sides :



THREE MORE SOY BOYS SHOT by the same rifle!!!:


arm vaporized:

arm vaporized aftermath vid:


arm vaporized guy SHOWN WITH HIS LOADED ANTIFA gun supplied by George Soros!:


brain mulched:

Antifa thug daring Patriots to shoot :


Antifa head-shot-boy blood seen on his BACK :


Antifa head-shot-boy being loaded into car for hospital :


Oldest video before the shootings : Antifa ENRAGED at armed White Patriots with rifles :


Older video before the shootings : Antifa ignoring pleas of armed White Patriots with rifles :


Older video before the shootings : BLM /Antifa throwing rocks at armed white homeowners with laser sighted rifles!:


Play by play of the three soy boys shot : https://files.catbox.moe/f554lc.mp4 :

A guy in white pants tries to kick the shooter in the face, but he has to abort because the shooter shot right where he would have been had he followed through. Someone comes in from the left side of the frame with a skateboard and is about to hit him with the skateboard when he is shot in mid-swing and his swing falters and he takes a few steps and falls face down, possibly intant fatality. Someone in shorts is charging in from the right when he sees the shooter has a bead on him and he puts up his hands. Then he sees that the shooter is working the bolt, possibly to eject a bad cartridge, and begins to dive at the shooter, who recovers and shoots the attacker, apparently in the face. The guy in shorts runs off back the way he came, yelling "Medic!" Then after that it's hard to tell who is shooting, but there is definitely some sort of crossfire. At the end you see a cop in a firing stance moving towards where the shooting occurred

25338417? ago

Thanks for the links.

This one said it all.


Clearly the shooter was running from a mob and shot the closest guy chasing him. Looks like he could get cleared if they consider it self defense, although I'm not sure a DA would agree.

25338297? ago

YOU are the news.

God bless (and protect) you.

25337696? ago

Love how those faggots want to call the police after one of their comrades gets whats coming to him.

25339844? ago

Police should respond by coming to put the rabid dogs down. Every one of them is an accomplice in attempted murder: lay down or gunned down.

25337617? ago

Holy shit - what an amazing compilation of visual evidence. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all this and even providing captions describing the contents of each link. AMAZING post!

25337470? ago

Killer post. Im so happy that ehse fucking communists got waxed. Seriously havent felt this much energy since trump's election.

25338445? ago

Ya and this kind of talk will only be negative idiot. FYI the majority of of do not advocate violence, we just rabid idiots on both sides.

25339036? ago

Yeah, when confronted with sociopaths bringing the fight to your neighborhood, lay down like a bitch. That's always worked out in the past.

25340073? ago

Defend my house yes...not running out looking for violence.. its ok, idiots like you can run out to idiots like them and end each other prob solved.

25340934? ago

They were defending their neighborhood jackass! Not "running out looking for violence". Guess you'll just let 'em burn your fucking neighborhood to the ground, huh? Your neighbors know you feel this way?

25337825? ago

Jesus would be proud

25375601? ago

You mean Proud Boy?

25340472? ago

Wow, found a person who thinks he can speak for Jesus.

25339118? ago

Don't know how Jesus would view it, but pretty sure Allah loves this kind of shit. Not to mention the socialists.

25339280? ago

Let me help you understand how Jesus would view it.

Jesus: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

Im so happy that ehse fucking communists got waxed

25340956? ago

Yeah and look what happened to HIM. You fucking idiot.

25341555? ago

So you would rather not follow Jesus's example?

25342798? ago

No. I would not.

25337001? ago

A guy wearing a paramedic hat carrying a gun.

25345052? ago

To be fair all the people I know carry if their department lets them.

25342137? ago

what are the odds ? ? https://files.catbox.moe/5sivtr.png

25371131? ago

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25342948? ago

kek, and the PNG's resolution is 1444 x 1444, nice digits :)

25336682? ago


25336550? ago

Why would he get so close to a guy with a AR or shotgun?

If a bad guy, why not shoot from a distance?

Unless it is a good guy trying to disarm the biz owner?

25337012? ago

That wound was from a shotgun. The best weapon for close range defense.

25339644? ago

That was either .556 or .223 because he was clearly shot with an AR rifle. I, too was surprised at how large the wound was.

25337780? ago


You can see the bullet in his arm it seems.

25342910? ago


I saw the bullet last night. Now it just looks like a flap of skin.

They're watching us talk, of course. Didn't think they'd be so blatant about the corrections. I didn't take a screenshot of it last night so don't have the bullet image, but I KNOW I SAW IT.

Thank you for confirming this.

25339840? ago

You can certainly see everything else in his arm.

25336564? ago

Watch the video this guy was pursuing him not deescalating the situation by any means. We will have more video over the next 24-72 hours as people update socials.

25338881? ago

The guy defending himself knew his rifle because when he was on the ground and had difficulty he recovered. It’s just this kind of situation where you suddenly find yourself in close quarters battle that you need a backup sidearm.

25340995? ago

Guy ain't no combat virgin. Think about that.

25343654? ago

Thought the same thing, and the police didn’t arrest him when they arrived and didn’t see him as a threat. It was all very interesting

25343765? ago


25336655? ago

if you want us to watch the video then save us some time by posting the link to it. people are lazy

25337774? ago

There’s a bunch of video evidence here. Are you so lazy you can’t scroll up?

25338817? ago

There wasn't at the time i posted that.

You're welcome ^^

25336547? ago

Install Karma.. 2 a Bitch..

25342185? ago

bad idea to call the medic? https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3992956

25336325? ago

Would the hand be able to grip with chunk of your arm missing?

25338424? ago

He was shot directly in bicep and the bullet likely exited out of the the triceps. (The front and back upper arm muscles that lift and move the lower arm.)

The Flexor and Extensor muscles of the forearm function similar to the Biceps and triceps, but for the hand and wrist. Since these muscles end at the elbow, an injury to the upper arm above the elbow wouldn't effect their use too much. So his hand and wrist will be just fine. His upper arm on the other hand? Yeah... about that.

The entrance wound looks to be a direct hit to upper potion of the bicep's lower tendon. (and who knows what the triceps look like.) Because our tendons are what connects muscle meets the actual bone. Injuries of that degree to a large muscle would heal up leaving really only a bit of soreness and stiffness from time to time. Damage to a tendon, however? That is going to impact control and range of motion of the muscle it belongs to. Because our tendons are what connects the actual muscle to the bone.

Long story short: If he played any sports, he's in for some bad news.

25339166? ago

I doubt he'll even be able to spank the monkey in the future, and that's probably his only go-to. Play stupid games. . . . .

25342976? ago

I'm sure he is a skilled ambidextrous monkey-spanker.

25337522? ago

evidently not, that faggot kike was holding and and screaming like a fucking pussy, Too bad he didnt die

25337178? ago

Tis but a flesh wound.

25337766? ago

Man, your arm is off!

25336365? ago

Good Question, ask again in the morning.

25336303? ago

What is the back story here?

25336555? ago

Vandal gets insta karamed.

25336354? ago

Video clips below tell the story.

Guy falls and three meatballs attack. #1 Black does running kick, #2 with skateboard strikes drops SK and get shot and falls.

Dimwit #3 pauses then makes a stupid mistake to attack, get shot in the elbow.

Q is who shot the kid in head?

25336391? ago

Head shot was the guy that originally threatened him and got shot later when he attacked the guy.. When he escaped that they chased him. that's when he tripped after they took the med bag and hit him with something. The guy that got shot in the arm was the fake paramedic, he had a Glock and was going to shoot him. It cost him his best friend. Righty

25342779? ago

Was anybody here, actually there? Or are we all just analyzing video?

Serious question, not mocking. Those on Twitter are mocking my questions though, which says something about having something to hide. It's not proof that there's something to hide; but it aligns with it.

God bless.

25345175? ago

just looking at video.

25339475? ago

Assholes aren’t even honorable in battle, using the medic role as cover.

25339189? ago

No more Spanky for him!

25345227? ago

Now it's a new friend.

25336349? ago

Patriots guarding businesses, eventualy get attacked. bullets fly in self defense "based on video evidence so far" they attack the guy with a rifle, goes badly. he escapes to be attacked again, goes badly. saves dudes life he shot in between attacks. surrenders to police, they ignore him and tell him to get back, cops go to wounded. Teams of motorcycles were going around setting fires. I hope this helps. I'm tired. This was just Kenosha.

25340698? ago

Teams of motorcycles were going around setting fires

That's new, isn't it?

25345215? ago

First I have heard of it. It was on the radio traffic.

25336265? ago

You know what you call a guy in a gunfight that gets shot in the ARM?


25342777? ago

...or Lefty

25347911? ago

Cap'n NeverFappen

25336277? ago

Can't call him that for long, he was going to shoot that guy for defending himself. Oh and his arm is fucked.

25336288? ago

will completely admit not knowing the backstory, just woke up

25336468? ago

The backstory is very clear random people show up to Neighborhood to cause trouble get shot cry about it it's simple

25336529? ago

Thats a good story. I am glad to learn it was the homeowners who fired on the invaders and not the other way around. That's not a placement of blame. I believe they should be shot, they are harassing people in their homes. I'm from Texas, that is supposed to get you shot.

25337535? ago

Maybe the homeowners should now sue him for treaspass and infliction of emotional distress.

25336313? ago

I'm almost out of steam but it's a shit show.

25342667? ago

Is it even real? He's not bleeding AT ALL in the video. Does a tourniquet stop 100% of blood flow?


Aren't you supposed to dress it first?

Encourage the casualty to sit or lie down in the most appropriate position for the location of the wound and the amount of blood lost. If they are feeling dizzy and showing early signs of shock, raise their legs.

Examine the wound (as quickly as possible) to assess:

The type and extent of bleeding.

The source of the bleeding.

Whether there are any foreign objects embedded in the wound – if so, do not remove them as they will be stemming bleeding, but apply direct pressure either side of the object.

Apply direct pressure to try and control bleeding. If you control the bleeding with this direct pressure, keep holding for 10 minutes as it takes this long for clots to form.

Once you control bleeding, dress the wound – if the wound bleeds through the first dressing, apply another on top. If the wound bleeds through the second dressing you should consider alternative options to stop the bleeding.

I've got people screaming and calling me names on Twitter for asking questions like this.

25345204? ago

Cut the blood flow Now or they die. Clean it up later if they don't bleed out.

25350542? ago

Yes, exactly. Pressure on the wound with a cloth first (his shirt or someone else's should have been used). Direct pressure first.

Then, the tourniquet. There's not much evidence that direct pressure was applied -- there's no cloth covering the wound, for instance.

And he's just demonstrating his arm with the other hand. Rather than applying pressure.

A tourniquet doesn't cut 100% of blood flow, does it? Also his hand was gripping the gun with half his upper arm blown off. And that goat's head bandana. Shut it down; we know! :)